Ace Combat 5 only $4.99 at SEARS! Major YMMV

I'm going to make one check of the website tomorrow and see what comes up for Ace Combat 4 & 5. If it's just for AC4, then I can pick it up on the website and swap back the copy I had bought at TRU on B2G1 and pick up something else. If it's both AC4 & 5, then I'm buying both.

I'm making the same check with one of the stores in-town and if they have AC4 or AC5 or both, then I'm picking them up. I'm not going to drive to the store unless they have it.
[quote name='Staind204']In my local ad it only showed DVDs in that section, no games![/quote]

Same for me.. I am pissed. I want this ad so bad too.
Well suffice to say I got the ad, WITH the game in it and all, however can anyone else who grabbed it tell me how their PM ing went today? thanks.
[quote name='bil4l']Well suffice to say I got the ad, WITH the game in it and all, however can anyone else who grabbed it tell me how their PM ing went today? thanks.[/quote]

Don't know if it's been mentioned already in the thread, but the ad is for a door-buster sale starting tomorrow morning. That was the first thing that every person I talked to about a price match noticed. Some said they may be able to PM tomorrow, while others could clearly tell it was a misprint and basically told me they couldn't no matter what. I'm gonna try the few places that said there is a chance tomorrow morning and I'll post with my results.
(spoken like a baptist preacher) YEYES!
I'm off to see the wizzard, the wonderful wizzard of CIRCUIT CITY and try to PM and get the extra 10% !
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='bil4l']Well suffice to say I got the ad, WITH the game in it and all, however can anyone else who grabbed it tell me how their PM ing went today? thanks.[/quote]

Don't know if it's been mentioned already in the thread, but the ad is for a door-buster sale starting tomorrow morning. That was the first thing that every person I talked to about a price match noticed. Some said they may be able to PM tomorrow, while others could clearly tell it was a misprint and basically told me they couldn't no matter what. I'm gonna try the few places that said there is a chance tomorrow morning and I'll post with my results.[/quote]

Good luck with it, Ledhed. I think that if anyone pulls it off today, it's only due to a sales person at another store who didn't look at the ad and see it's for tomorrow only.
We got one copy today at TRU they didnt even check for a date on the Ad....... I will proballly do this tomorrow.... im getting up at 5am So i can go to stores and get PM before they can all sears to see if its a misprint or not.... No really im getting up that early to get to meijers to get the Gameboy SP + 2 free games + case for 78 bucks ... plan for tomorrow

up 5am, 6 Meijers (to get GBA and maybe the Dvd players for 49 each) 6 30 walmart to pm flyer 7am Sears to see all the games they have for 5 bucks each. 8am back home pick up sister run her to work. 10am go to work 2 home and go to bed :) if this happens i will be up 42 hours in a rowpm
Does anyone have this ad online? Sorry, but I don't want to delve through this thread to find it if it has already been posted...
[quote name='Rig']Does anyone have this ad online? Sorry, but I don't want to delve through this thread to find it if it has already been posted...[/quote]

are any of those gamecube games good. I was able to get NCAA fortball 2005 for 10 yesterday so i now have no plans on getting another xbox so that takes the xbox games out of the picture. UNLESS i should buy them and Trade them off here
[quote name='Ledhed']Just brought in the Dallas Morning News with ad intact.[/quote]

I bought a copy too, but man, I guess they didn't send the ad up here to Wichita Falls. There wasn't a Sears ad at all.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction'][quote name='Ledhed']Just brought in the Dallas Morning News with ad intact.[/quote]

I bought a copy too, but man, I guess they didn't send the ad up here to Wichita Falls. There wasn't a Sears ad at all.[/quote]

Are you sure? It's an actual seperate ad, not something printed on the newspaper itself. I found it amidst several other seperate ads.
Guys, is there any way we can get someone to scan the entire page?

I'm thinking that if we can get the whole page that shows it's from Sears and everything that we may be able to print it out and try to use it that way.

It probably won't work, but it's worth a try I guess.
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='Grave_Addiction'][quote name='Ledhed']Just brought in the Dallas Morning News with ad intact.[/quote]

I bought a copy too, but man, I guess they didn't send the ad up here to Wichita Falls. There wasn't a Sears ad at all.[/quote]

Are you sure? It's an actual seperate ad, not something printed on the newspaper itself. I found it amidst several other seperate ads.[/quote]

Yeah man, I almost think it might be a regional thing. In our local paper, the ad had no games in it at all, so I was hoping the DMN paper had the ad in it. But to no avail.
I had the ad in my paper today. I most likely will not even try to get this game PMed since there are probably a ton of people from here that live near me who will have already tried every store in the area before I even roll out of bed.
Well I got the ad today and I decided to go try and do some Price Matching. I went to 4 stores: Circuit City, Target, Best Buy, Comp USA.

Circuit City-They wouldn't PM because they said the serial numbers for theh games weren't included in the ad.

Target-thought mine would pm but it doesn't

Best Buy- there excuse was just gay. They literally said they couldn't price match because they said the price differential was too big.

Comp USA- took it to customer service, they said yes, and I walked out with AC5 for $5.
[quote name='tcwong']No ad inside the austin statement, save 50 cents there in Austin[/quote]

There was in my paper, I don't know why you didn't get one.
[quote name='Whambamm']Well I got the ad today and I decided to go try and do some Price Matching. I went to 4 stores: Circuit City, Target, Best Buy, Comp USA.

Circuit City-They wouldn't PM because they said the serial numbers for theh games weren't included in the ad.

Target-thought mine would pm but it doesn't

Best Buy- there excuse was just gay. They literally said they couldn't price match because they said the price differential was too big.

Comp USA- took it to customer service, they said yes, and I walked out with AC5 for $5.[/quote]

WOW..I didn't think anyone would be able to pricematch today. I went to Walmart and they said they can't price match till tomorrow when the AD Is in effect.

What I might do is buy 6 copies of the game and return them all tomorrow for a price match this way I am guaranteed to get the game and several extra copies.

I live in Texas and I got the AD in todays paper.
[quote name='buster90'][quote name='Whambamm']Well I got the ad today and I decided to go try and do some Price Matching. I went to 4 stores: Circuit City, Target, Best Buy, Comp USA.

Circuit City-They wouldn't PM because they said the serial numbers for theh games weren't included in the ad.

Target-thought mine would pm but it doesn't

Best Buy- there excuse was just gay. They literally said they couldn't price match because they said the price differential was too big.

Comp USA- took it to customer service, they said yes, and I walked out with AC5 for $5.[/quote]

WOW..I didn't think anyone would be able to pricematch today. I went to Walmart and they said they can't price match till tomorrow when the AD Is in effect.

What I might do is buy 6 copies of the game and return them all tomorrow for a price match this way I am guaranteed to get the game and several extra copies.

I live in Texas and I got the AD in todays paper.[/quote]

And the other CAGs in Texas start cursing your name.
[quote name='Darkflight']LA Times Home delivery had it in their paper. Certain SoCal neighborhoods had the Sears ad 'dropped' on their doorstep (So I have 2 copies of the ad). :p[/quote]

I get the LA Times Home Delivery as well, but no ad (I get the "Valley Edition").. So :( for me... Still looking for a copy of it though.
[quote name='Whambamm']Well I got the ad today and I decided to go try and do some Price Matching. I went to 4 stores: Circuit City, Target, Best Buy, Comp USA.

Circuit City-They wouldn't PM because they said the serial numbers for theh games weren't included in the ad.

Target-thought mine would pm but it doesn't

Best Buy- there excuse was just gay. They literally said they couldn't price match because they said the price differential was too big.

Comp USA- took it to customer service, they said yes, and I walked out with AC5 for $5.[/quote]

WalMart gave me the same excuse you had from BestBuy when I tried to do a PM from the CC $5 sale. Whether it's gay or not is your interpretation.
I went to one place today.... Walmart.

they gave me the "price difference is too great" speech. I expected that as they have told me that before. I probably won't shop at Walmart much anymore as they don't hold to their "lowest price guarentee policy". I even reminded her of it. But alas it was a misprint so I went home. It was worth a shot.
[quote name='lordopus99']I went to one place today.... Walmart.

they gave me the "price difference is too great" speech. I expected that as they have told me that before. I probably won't shop at Walmart much anymore as they don't hold to their "lowest price guarentee policy". I even reminded her of it. But alas it was a misprint so I went home. It was worth a shot.[/quote]

That's the right mentality. I thought I would give Walmart, Kmart, and Compusa a shot. If I don't get the PM then it doesn't really bother me, at least I know that I tried.
[quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='Whambamm']Well I got the ad today and I decided to go try and do some Price Matching. I went to 4 stores: Circuit City, Target, Best Buy, Comp USA.

Circuit City-They wouldn't PM because they said the serial numbers for theh games weren't included in the ad.

Target-thought mine would pm but it doesn't

Best Buy- there excuse was just gay. They literally said they couldn't price match because they said the price differential was too big.

Comp USA- took it to customer service, they said yes, and I walked out with AC5 for $5.[/quote]
WalMart gave me the same excuse you had from BestBuy when I tried to do a PM from the CC $5 sale. Whether it's gay or not is your interpretation.

Gay probably wasn't the best choice of words, but I just found it funny that if a place is supposed to price match if someone can find a better deal on it, that they won't do it because you found too good of a deal that's all.
[quote name='buster90'][quote name='Whambamm']Well I got the ad today and I decided to go try and do some Price Matching. I went to 4 stores: Circuit City, Target, Best Buy, Comp USA.

Circuit City-They wouldn't PM because they said the serial numbers for theh games weren't included in the ad.

Target-thought mine would pm but it doesn't

Best Buy- there excuse was just gay. They literally said they couldn't price match because they said the price differential was too big.

Comp USA- took it to customer service, they said yes, and I walked out with AC5 for $5.[/quote]

WOW..I didn't think anyone would be able to pricematch today. I went to Walmart and they said they can't price match till tomorrow when the AD Is in effect.

What I might do is buy 6 copies of the game and return them all tomorrow for a price match this way I am guaranteed to get the game and several extra copies.

I live in Texas and I got the AD in todays paper.[/quote]

The funny thing is I tried to fold the ad so none of them would see that the sale doesn't start until tomorrow, but they all unfolded the ad and clearly saw that it doesn't start until tomorrow, and not a single one of them said a thing.
I'm going to try going to Sears, if I only walk out with Armed and Dangerous for $5, that's OK with me, if I get Ace Combat 5, I'll be overjoyed, but I'm not expecting it.
I'm not going to try a CC pricematch until tomorrow, and then only with Armed and Dangerous and DBZ GC. The last time I tried to pricematch the $20 GTA Double Pack at Circuit City, I had to raise hell to get them to do it. I promised I wouldn't set foot in a CC until they had another $5 sale or until hell froze over, but I guess I'll be going back.
Just got back from my Wal*Mart.It was a successful trip. I told the guy to take out 5 copies of Ace Combat 5. He handed them to the cashier. I gave her the ad, and her and another employee skeptically looked over the video game section. They had to call some lady in to override the price. They wouldn't let me have all 5 copies. She said it was too big of a price difference. I walked away with one copy. I'd say about now, they are calling Wal*Marts nation-wide and telling them to pull this game off the shelfs.
[quote name='rabbitt']Just got back from my Wal*Mart.It was a successful trip. I told the guy to take out 5 copies of Ace Combat 5. He handed them to the cashier. I gave her the ad, and her and another employee skeptically looked over the video game section. They had to call some lady in to override the price. They wouldn't let me have all 5 copies. She said it was too big of a price difference. I walked away with one copy. I'd say about now, they are calling Wal*Marts nation-wide and telling them to pull this game off the shelfs.[/quote]

nation wide? :lol:
[quote name='rabbitt']Just got back from my Wal*Mart.It was a successful trip. I told the guy to take out 5 copies of Ace Combat 5. He handed them to the cashier. I gave her the ad, and her and another employee skeptically looked over the video game section. They had to call some lady in to override the price. They wouldn't let me have all 5 copies. She said it was too big of a price difference. I walked away with one copy. I'd say about now, they are calling Wal*Marts nation-wide and telling them to pull this game off the shelfs.[/quote]

I highly doubt that, do you realize how many Walmarts there are nation wide?
Just got back from Walmart, Toys-R-Us, and Circuit City, no luck. WM's managers claimed it was a different game cause of the "RP" in the picture, TRU said they couldn't do it because it was a misprint, and CC actually called the Sears in that area and got confirmation of a misprint.

BTW: GameRush will be giving $10 credit for Spyro Enter the Dragonfly. $8 for a couple more titles.

Edit: The worst part was that at Walmart: All the freaken managers came out. the Dept Mgr, Asst Mgr, and Store Manager; went to 2 TRU's and got turned down, and at CC the freakin Big District Managers were there. Tomorrows another day and Im still picking up a whole bunch of Spyros!
[quote name='Trakan']I went to Sears today and got the ad in store. The ad is shaq-fuing huge, so it might be kind of hard to scan.[/quote]

Well, that makes me think it might be worth taking a trip to Sears this evening, since I think I'm going to right by there on my way to pick up a free turkey this evening.

At this point, I'll be happy for AC4 instead of AC5, since it means I can pick up another $19.99 or less TRU game, since I bought AC4 on the B2G1 sale.

If I get AC5, then all the better. And if someone else wants to bag me one without putting me over the barrel for picking up one, I'd greatly appreciate it.
[quote name='Mishimaryu'][quote name='rabbitt']Just got back from my Wal*Mart.It was a successful trip. I told the guy to take out 5 copies of Ace Combat 5. He handed them to the cashier. I gave her the ad, and her and another employee skeptically looked over the video game section. They had to call some lady in to override the price. They wouldn't let me have all 5 copies. She said it was too big of a price difference. I walked away with one copy. I'd say about now, they are calling Wal*Marts nation-wide and telling them to pull this game off the shelfs.[/quote]

nation wide? :lol:[/quote]

I meant that word would spread fast. Anyways, I printed out TRU's Price-match policy from their website and will be making a trip there, as well as Sears, on the way home from supper.
[quote name='Benaorn']Well, all they have to do is call Sear and turn you down easily.[/quote]

and that is why my friend you want to go before sears opens. We only got 1 copy today everyone else knew it was a saturday ad. Will find more out tomorrow .
[quote name='RedvsBlue'][quote name='rabbitt']Just got back from my Wal*Mart.It was a successful trip. I told the guy to take out 5 copies of Ace Combat 5. He handed them to the cashier. I gave her the ad, and her and another employee skeptically looked over the video game section. They had to call some lady in to override the price. They wouldn't let me have all 5 copies. She said it was too big of a price difference. I walked away with one copy. I'd say about now, they are calling Wal*Marts nation-wide and telling them to pull this game off the shelfs.[/quote]

I highly doubt that, do you realize how many Walmarts there are nation wide?[/quote]

It just takes a few clicks to send an email...
[quote name='buster90'][quote name='Whambamm']Well I got the ad today and I decided to go try and do some Price Matching. I went to 4 stores: Circuit City, Target, Best Buy, Comp USA.

Circuit City-They wouldn't PM because they said the serial numbers for theh games weren't included in the ad.

Target-thought mine would pm but it doesn't

Best Buy- there excuse was just gay. They literally said they couldn't price match because they said the price differential was too big.

Comp USA- took it to customer service, they said yes, and I walked out with AC5 for $5.[/quote]

WOW..I didn't think anyone would be able to pricematch today. I went to Walmart and they said they can't price match till tomorrow when the AD Is in effect.

What I might do is buy 6 copies of the game and return them all tomorrow for a price match this way I am guaranteed to get the game and several extra copies.

I live in Texas and I got the AD in todays paper.[/quote]

NOPE what you might have is STuck with 6 50 buck games. Everyplace i went to say you would not get a price adjustment since its a special buy 1 Day ad...
Got the ad today in the San Jose Mercury News. Hopefully, the Sears near my house has some copies, other wise I gotta stop by CC (in the same mall as Sears) and see if the will PM it. If I cant get AC5, hopefully I can get Pac-Man Fever.
[quote name='fragmanslayer']Didnt get the ad myself. Wondering if anyone can get me a copy for cost. Willing to throw in $2-3 for S&H. Thanks.[/quote]

Me too.. ugh no ad in Vegas. sniff sniff
Ya, the ad for Sears in Columbia, SC had dvds in place of the games. That kinda sucked, but I have to work anyway. Though the wife could have picked up some stuff for me. :p
bread's done