Android Deals Thread V2


25 (100%)
The old thread hadn't been updated in quite some time, so I decided to make a new one. If you happen to see a sale not listed in the OP, go ahead and post it and I will be sure it's added. The same goes for anything listed that has expired as most sales have no set time frame, let me know and I will remove expired sales. Thanks!
Google Play
Ongoing Android Game Sales & Specials
King's League: Odyssey - $2.99 $0.99
Waking Mars - $2.99 $1.99
Worms 3 - $4.99 $0.99
Worms 2: Armageddon - $4.99 $0.99 
Infinite Universe - $5.99 $0.99
Alien Breed - $4.99 $0.99

Miscellaneous Android App Sales & Specials
Nothing of note right now...
Amazon Android Appstore
Free-App-Of-The-Day: 10/9
Alphabet Aquarium Vol 1 - Normal price: $1.99
Sales and Specials
Nothing right now...
Other Sales and Promotions
Nothing right now...

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Don't know if anyone else is messing around with the Remix OS for PCs but it's a fairly nice piece of software. This is what I had expected a chromebook would be like. Too bad you have to do a workaround to get the play store right now and it doesn't appear amazon recognizes it to let me install my apps.

Running it on an old centrino netbook and it's mostly doing fine with a few quirks here and there which are to be expected with a copy that they make you click a box saying you understand this isn't final code and acknowledge is for development purposes.

It claims you need a 3.0 flash drive, which I am using, but I only have 2.0 ports on the machine so take that for what it's worth. Others have reported success with a 2.0 drive as well.

I really want a 32 bit version so I can put it on my ancient netbook running xp.
In the app, on the promotion card, the reward for 10 taps is just another song. No Chromecast. I'm assuming if you're eligible for the Chromecast, it would show up there. I'm still going to go for it just in case.
Don't know if anyone else is messing around with the Remix OS for PCs but it's a fairly nice piece of software. This is what I had expected a chromebook would be like. Too bad you have to do a workaround to get the play store right now and it doesn't appear amazon recognizes it to let me install my apps.

Running it on an old centrino netbook and it's mostly doing fine with a few quirks here and there which are to be expected with a copy that they make you click a box saying you understand this isn't final code and acknowledge is for development purposes.

It claims you need a 3.0 flash drive, which I am using, but I only have 2.0 ports on the machine so take that for what it's worth. Others have reported success with a 2.0 drive as well.

I really want a 32 bit version so I can put it on my ancient netbook running xp.
ah cool I wanted to play around with it but the computer I wanted to play around on doesn't have 3.0 ports.

on the flip side I don't think I have a free 8gb flash drive right now, just a 4 so... that might not work either. I'm mostly curious how some idle games will work on it, but I can wait a bit more until they get it further along.

ah cool I wanted to play around with it but the computer I wanted to play around on doesn't have 3.0 ports.
on the flip side I don't think I have a free 8gb flash drive right now, just a 4 so... that might not work either. I'm mostly curious how some idle games will work on it, but I can wait a bit more until they get it further along.
Right now I can't get any games or videos to work. Looking on the groups, it seems to be an opengl issue and I don't know how long/if that will take to get resolved. I still can web browse, run some other apps. I still need to try pdfs and perfect viewer along with a word processor. I was planning on using the office suite from my amazon apps but that's out for now.
Given the reviews, I don't even know if spending $0.10 is worth it. Has anyone played it, and if so what device(s) are you using?

Of course it's worth 10 cents - it's a NFS game on your mobile device. Good God someone should slap you. I play it with the gyroscope controls and it's just great. This is one of the games that consoles look worringly at mobile gaming since you're getting a console experience for literally pennies.
First off, it's seems to be $0.99, and second, it's a big game and if it doesn't run well it wouldn't be worth the space.

Edit: also, I have the, I'm guessing, superior Vita already.
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First off, it's seems to be $0.99, and second, it's a big game and if it doesn't run well it wouldn't be worth the space.

Edit: also, I have the, I'm guessing, superior Vita already.
First off, no it is 10 cents. Also, you have a version that cost more then 10 cents and you need to carry a dedicated gaming device around to play. Oh also, not everyone is you and this thread isn't made for games and apps only you would want.

NFS: MW is decent but it REALLY depends on your device. It runs like crap (at least it did like a year ago) on a Shield Tablet so it isn't just power. It's poorly optimized on many devices.

But for $.10, it's worth trying.
When I clicked the link it was $0.99.

And given I have a shield tablet, I'd rather not deal with a game that runs poorly no matter if it's free, $0.10, or otherwise. That's why I asked.
It runs fine on my very old Acer tablet. The game size is pretty big at 2GB, and I wouldn't be surprised if the people having issues ran out of space after installing it. Apps have all sorts of issues once your device hits 500MB or less.

Edit: I skimmed all the negative reviews and the overwhelming majority of them indeed complained about not having enough space. I didn't see anyone complain about game performance.
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Edit: I skimmed all the negative reviews and the overwhelming majority of them indeed complained about not having enough space. I didn't see anyone complain about game performance.
Not having enough space, really? They left negative reviews for that? Damn, what happened to people? When did the world get so "stupid" & "lazy"?

Not having enough space, really? They left negative reviews for that? Damn, what happened to people? When did the world get so "stupid" & "lazy"?

I'm pretty sure they were leaving negative reviews because they HAD enough space and the game was telling them they didn't. I've had this happen with games before, updates to already installed apps even, when I've had gigs of free space.
That shouldn't happen unless an install will leave you with less than 500MB. You also temporarily need more space to perform an update - if you have 1GB free and your update is 500MB, it won't install. Finally, most apps cannot be installed to an SD card. A few of the reviews were like "I have a 16GB SD card and it says not enough space."
Dang...booted up the amazon app today and noticed my 1200 coins are gone, must have expired.
I think this was part of Amazon's plan with Underground...make everything "free" such that you don't really have anything to spend coins forget, they expire....then in 6 mos or so, Amazon can tank Underground as a failed experiment and go back to charging for everything....

Dang...booted up the amazon app today and noticed my 1200 coins are gone, must have expired.
That sucks. You can check to see if they expired.

2.5 Expiration Dates; Application of Coins. Purchased Coins do not expire. Promotional Coins expire one year after the later of the date we give them to you or the date you last purchased or redeemed Coins. When you make a purchase with Coins, any Promotional Coins you have will be applied first, followed by your Purchased Coins.

I think you need to make sure you buy something each year. I typically use mine for Zen Pinball tables (in-app purchases) since those are not likely to be free.

Worth a shot to contact Amazon's support to see if they can credit you back for the expired credit as a one time courtesy.

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That shouldn't happen unless an install will leave you with less than 500MB. You also temporarily need more space to perform an update - if you have 1GB free and your update is 500MB, it won't install. Finally, most apps cannot be installed to an SD card. A few of the reviews were like "I have a 16GB SD card and it says not enough space."
I've run into apps before, though (Like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic on Amazon), where the app downloads its files after installation and gives you a "not enough space on the SD card error"...but it turns out that, in reality, the app will only install to internal memory.

This week's Android game sales. Many of these are playable on the Shield family of products. Credit goes to Android Police.

Bombing Bastards - $2.99
Chainsaw Warrior - 99 cents
Chainsaw Warrior LotN - 99 cents
Doom & Destiny - 99 cents
European War 3 - $1.28
Ghosts of Memories - 99 cents
Hotline Miami - $4.99
Hotline Miami 2 - $7.49
iSaltwater Fishing - 99 cents
Luftrausers - $4.99
Need for Speed Most Wanted - 99 cents
Olli Olli - $6.49
QbQbQb - $1.50
Star Chindy - $2.31
The Secret of Grisly Manor - 99 cents
Talisman - $1.18
Titan Souls - $7.49
This week's Android game sales. Many of these are playable on the Shield family of products. Credit goes to Android Police.

Bombing Bastards - $2.99
Chainsaw Warrior - 99 cents
Chainsaw Warrior LotN - 99 cents
Doom & Destiny - 99 cents
European War 3 - $1.28
Ghosts of Memories - 99 cents
Hotline Miami - $4.99
Hotline Miami 2 - $7.49
iSaltwater Fishing - 99 cents
Luftrausers - $4.99
Need for Speed Most Wanted - 99 cents
Olli Olli - $6.49
QbQbQb - $1.50
Star Chindy - $2.31
The Secret of Grisly Manor - 99 cents
Talisman - $1.18
Titan Souls - $7.49
Doom & Destiny is a terrific old school style RPG with quirky humor. I highly recommend it to anyone that likes the classic turn-based RPGs.

Doom & Destiny is a terrific old school style RPG with quirky humor. I highly recommend it to anyone that likes the classic turn-based RPGs.
Doom & Destiny is also $0.99 on Amazon in case you have some Amazon Coins to burn.

Also Doom & Destiny Advanced is also $0.99. I think that is a sale price. According to it is.

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hey guys,
can i use amazon coins to pay for stream subs? [hulu, spotify, ect]

and i have a bunch of coins expiring in two days, should i waste them all or does it reset once i buy anything?
hey guys,
can i use amazon coins to pay for stream subs? [hulu, spotify, ect]

and i have a bunch of coins expiring in two days, should i waste them all or does it reset once i buy anything?
Nope. They can only be used for apps and games in the Amazon App Store.

And, they will be gone in two days so might as well use them all.
I highly recommend the game The Silent Age. The first episode is always free. It's a time travel sort of game. Really fun. The second episode can be obtained via in-app purchase using your Amazon Coins.

You can also get some Telltale games episodes. Those are not likely to be free.

And of course there's the Pinball tables. :)

Pinball Arcade

Zen Pinball

I don't think I've ever seen Minecraft offered for free. That's another good one to use your Amazon Coins on.

Oh yeah...I almost forgot. All of the Kingdom Rush games are awesome!!! I think some of the Amazon versions might only be Kindle Fire compatible though.

Those are definitely worth getting.

The first game is always free.

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hey guys,
can i use amazon coins to pay for stream subs? [hulu, spotify, ect]

and i have a bunch of coins expiring in two days, should i waste them all or does it reset once i buy anything?
As long as you spend some of them the rest should be good for another year. That's what the Amazon page says at least. Not sure if anyone has confirmed.

How do you know when Amazon coins expire?
i got an email directly from amazon alerting me that xxxxx # of coins were going to expire jan 30th, that # being all my coins.

So im confused if by buying one thing if my coins expire rate resets or not.

Thanks codetrader for the suggestions
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i got an email directly from amazon alerting me that xxxxx # of coins were going to expire jan 30th, that # being all my coins.

So im confused if by buying one thing if my coins expire rate resets or not.

Thanks codetrader for the suggestions
According to Amazon, "Promotional Coins expire one year after the later of the date we give them to you or the date you last purchased or redeemed Coins." You should be fine as long as you spend some of them, or purchase more I guess.

bread's done