Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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Definitely a bootleg, i use to own the thin pack version, but i have the art box of it now, and there were most assuredly more than 2 disks. There were only 2 releases of the show. so either they are selling part of it (and ppl don't know bc of the way the arcs are set up) or its a fake.
I'm thinking that "bootleg" doesn't mean what he thinks it means. :D

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Finally got my Eden of the East in. No signs of smoke. Few dents and scuffs on outer box nothing too major. Discs are all not scratched and everything is intact.

Hooray was able to get a copy of Naruto Box Set 3 for 20 bucks shipped on eBay after much discussion with the seller who wanted nothing under 40 lol. 

Finally got my Eden of the East in. No signs of smoke. Few dents and scuffs on outer box nothing too major. Discs are all not scratched and everything is intact.

Glad you were able to find one.

Hooray was able to get a copy of Naruto Box Set 3 for 20 bucks shipped on eBay after much discussion with the seller who wanted nothing under 40 lol.
Ugh, don't remind me. I'm still waiting for them to send me my Psych complete series; one of those cheap plastic stacking trays, surrounded by thin cardboard, encased in a plastic box.

They're going to end up shipping me a dozen of them before I get one that isn't cracked.
I realize that no one really cares, and that it has nothing to do with anime, but I feel like I owe this post to Amazon. My Psych pineapple came in today and it was immaculate. It was kept in a box slightly larger than it, and was completely surrounded by foam. That box was then put into a larger box for shipping and was surrounded by air pillows. :D
In preparing for Rightstuf's holiday sales,I've trying to watch my purchases from the last sale. One of those is Irresponsible Captain Tylor. Everything about the show just screams the 90's(this one has aged pretty well)! It was a ton of fun. It had some issues like the few action scenes they had were pretty boring,and some of the characters could've been developed more. Wasn't a big fan of the last few episodes either(cute ending though). Definitely worth buying when they eventually have it during the sale.

Hopefully my Naruto sets 1 and 2 come tomorrow. It's delivery confirmation which means I have to be at home all day sadly. Post office is closed on Saturday at least the one near me so if I miss out then I have to wait till Monday. 

Hopefully my Naruto sets 1 and 2 come tomorrow. It's delivery confirmation which means I have to be at home all day sadly. Post office is closed on Saturday at least the one near me so if I miss out then I have to wait till Monday.
A got fairly lucky when I bought and and got the whole set for 120 w. A few of the vols unopened.
A got fairly lucky when I bought and and got the whole set for 120 w. A few of the vols unopened.
16 bucks for 1 and 2. 20 for 3. After that it'll be around 8 bucks per set all the way up to 10 where the series drops and Shippuden starts somewhere later. ALthough I may attribute 3 costing so much and the seller not budging because it is the special edition with the headband. I cannot confirm this just yet. He did say everything is included and listed it as SE. Therefore it is only reasonable to assume that

16 bucks for 1 and 2. 20 for 3. After that it'll be around 8 bucks per set all the way up to 10 where the series drops and Shippuden starts somewhere later. ALthough I may attribute 3 costing so much and the seller not budging because it is the special edition with the headband. I cannot confirm this just yet. He did say everything is included and listed it as SE. Therefore it is only reasonable to assume that
nice, i'm waiting to find the shippuden sets cheap enough to buy em.

In other awesome news i found a copy of Evangellion 2.22 orange slip and all for 13.49 w. shipping, can't wait for that.

Unboxing of Sailor Moon Set 1. Also confirms the group shot cover art shown on RightStuf is indeed Set 2's coverart.
Unboxing of Sailor Moon Set 1. Also confirms the group shot cover art shown on RightStuf is indeed Set 2's coverart.
i hate how freely they use the term "limited edition". i mean part 2 fits in the part 1 box, Funimations use of part 1 LE then part 2 standard is a lot clearer since Le usually implies that its gonna be in its own box. I guess adding a blu-ray translates to Le status. SIGH rant over lol .

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Was just about to post this! Insane deal, pre-ordered among a few others. Damn it's a good time to buy.
You seem really excited about DD haha. ;):)

In all honestly they aren't really that good. This sale is alright but most of the stuff is only a few bucks cheaper then say RS.
Plus you have to wait forever and some of us get taxed. And their poly bags are wonderful...for damaging product.

You seem really excited about DD haha. ;) :)

In all honestly they aren't really that good. This sale is alright but most of the stuff is only a few bucks cheaper then say RS.
Plus you have to wait forever and some of us get taxed. And their poly bags are wonderful...for damaging product.
To be fair though, your point about the pricing isn't as valid in regards to A-Channel, since it's like 2-3 times it costs on DD right now. XD

Poly mailers are a drag, but I've been getting the cardboard wrap fairly often now from them, which I guess is at the very least a little better than just a plastic baggy, but not really by that much.

I don't love DD, but I also wouldn't say they're the worst place to buy anime from.

That goes to RAC, hands down.

nice, i'm waiting to find the shippuden sets cheap enough to buy em.

In other awesome news i found a copy of Evangellion 2.22 orange slip and all for 13.49 w. shipping, can't wait for that.
Whoa congrats on eva 2.22. The orange slip was the only way to go for me.

In reagards to shippuden. The first few sets are dirt cheap but the latter sets are more expensive for only a few episodes. With the anime ending within the next year I do see a complete shippuden set but at the same time I don't solely because of how much more money they can make charging 20-30 for 17 episodes or less.

I've still got a ways to go with the original so I'm good

You seem really excited about DD haha. ;) :)

In all honestly they aren't really that good. This sale is alright but most of the stuff is only a few bucks cheaper then say RS.
Plus you have to wait forever and some of us get taxed. And their poly bags are wonderful...for damaging product.
Really? $32 for most blu ray sentai releases (no tax for me) and free shipping is bad? Please enlighten me, I'm a noob.

Got my set 1 and 2. Didn't know that there was two releases for each set. One came with a storyboard booklet for a certain episode and the other came with just the digipack inside. Set 1 had the storyboard while 2 did not. Not a big deal but it just means that one box will be undeniably larger than the other. I believe my set 3 does come with the booklet. Ah well. Doesn't matter

Really? $32 for most blu ray sentai releases (no tax for me) and free shipping is bad? Please enlighten me, I'm a noob.
DD is infamously known for having bad support and is also known for packaging products in cheap packaging which often results in broken or damaged DVDs/Blus (usually the cases). I've ordered from them off and on along with their sister site, DVD Planet, and it always seems like it's hit or miss.

Any time you buy used its hit or miss. I guess the best course of action is to always use a coupon so that at the very least you didn't pay full price and saved a few bones. That's just the cag in me speaking. Though if you do find something and think that a coupon will not surface by all means go ahead and pick it up. Just a heads up though these sites do not adjusted pricing if a coupon surfaces. 

Got my set 1 and 2. Didn't know that there was two releases for each set. One came with a storyboard booklet for a certain episode and the other came with just the digipack inside. Set 1 had the storyboard while 2 did not. Not a big deal but it just means that one box will be undeniably larger than the other. I believe my set 3 does come with the booklet. Ah well. Doesn't matter
Unless there were reprints I was not aware of, all the OG Naruto non-season set releases should have a storyboard booklet. There was also an LE version of each set that came with something extra (headbands and charm bracelets for Sets 1-4, summoning figures for 5-10, chibi character figures for Sets 11-16) in the set.
Got my set 1 and 2. Didn't know that there was two releases for each set. One came with a storyboard booklet for a certain episode and the other came with just the digipack inside. Set 1 had the storyboard while 2
did not. Not a big deal but it just means that one box will be undeniably larger than the other. I believe my set 3 does come with the booklet. Ah well. Doesn't matter
Vol. 1-10 did the story boards then they stopped.
That's odd that CR licensed Free for a video release yet I believe that they have never done one before. Guess they had plans to do one and it obviously never happened.

Speaking of CR, my app on PS3 seems to have a noticeable quality dip on the PS3 version while my PS4 version of it seems to stream higher quality video. I switched rooms recently so my consoles are on wireless (for now) but I guess I'll get out my ethernet cables again to see if that helps improve my video quality.

Unless there were reprints I was not aware of, all the OG Naruto non-season set releases should have a storyboard booklet. There was also an LE version of each set that came with something extra (headbands and charm bracelets for Sets 1-4, summoning figures for 5-10, chibi character figures for Sets 11-16) in the set.
As quoted by Froz 1-10 did do them but stopped. This is an obvious reprint. No biggie. Although I believe my 3 does come with the headband. Not sure I'll find out tomorrow and report back. The storyboard isn't anything amazing to be quite honest. Really small. Lots of japanese. Susceptible to tears and wear

To be fair though, your point about the pricing isn't as valid in regards to A-Channel, since it's like 2-3 times it costs on DD right now. XD

Poly mailers are a drag, but I've been getting the cardboard wrap fairly often now from them, which I guess is at the very least a little better than just a plastic baggy, but not really by that much.

I don't love DD, but I also wouldn't say they're the worst place to buy anime from.

That goes to RAC, hands down.
Amazon had A-Channel for like $19 so I went with them. If RS would have had it at that price would have gone with them but alas no.

And yes RAC is pretty umm not good. DD sucks, imo at least their sister site is better. I haven't had to many issues with DVD Planet and their CS was very helpful.

Really? $32 for most blu ray sentai releases (no tax for me) and free shipping is bad? Please enlighten me, I'm a noob.
That applies to you. Not all of us get free shipping and get it tax free. I've been dealing with them for a long time and they haven't improved since I've bought with them. I've waiting a month for a title to come in before. So yeah to me they suck. I would rather spend a few bucks more for better CS (RS, BB, Amazon) then have to deal with them.

The only thing that I've bought from DD, Tari Tari DVD Collection, was immediately returned because the cover art was heavily damaged in "shipment". It was shipped in a white mailer that was sealed around the DVD with some incredibly sticky adhesive. It was honestly the worst shipping method that I had ever seen.

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The only thing that I've bought from DD, Tari Tari DVD Collection, was immediately returned because the cover art was heavily damaged in "shipment". It was shipped in a plastic bag that was sealed around the DVD with some incredibly sticky adhesive. It was honestly the worst shipping method that I had ever seen.
I know what you're talking about. It's almost like a walmart bag wrapped with this super strong tape that is nearly impossible to pull off without using a utility knife. Then when you do that you have a strong chance of ripping off the cover. Some eBay dealers have used this before. Super annoying

Never bought from DD but with all these stories I'll just stick with Hastings. May change though. RACS is off the table at any cost
I've only had a few dealings with DD, my first one was amazing though, and I wish I had jumped on it right away instead of waiting a week to see if people had their ordered honored. Even waiting a week though I ended up getting a bunch of anime at cheap... it was back when they clearenced out ADV shows... speaking of which I had no clue Ghost Stories which I picked up from that sale is up to $90 (though a newer release by Eastern Star is only $35)


but yeah while I got some of it quickly, some took a bit, and some of it got cancelled (I never got Kiba or This ugly yet beautify world) and it took like 3 month for them to confirm they were cancelling them causing me to miss a different sale on Kiba that was shortly after this sale.

for the more to the point statement: I wouldn't use DD for a small deal, but they sometimes run really good deals, and despite their issues they have never stolen money from me, thus I am willing to use them for really good deals.

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I think the original Ghost Stories is so expensive because it was widely reported when Easter Star picked up the license that the gag dub would not be included. This is false, as the new release includes the gag dub.
I think the original Ghost Stories is so expensive because it was widely reported when Easter Star picked up the license that the gag dub would not be included. This is false, as the new release includes the gag dub.
Actually, the cost has been that high ever since six months after that sale a few years back, and it's been holding its value even after the Eastern Star pick up of the license, so these two things really shouldn't be related.

I've only had a few dealings with DD, my first one was amazing though, and I wish I had jumped on it right away instead of waiting a week to see if people had their ordered honored. Even waiting a week though I ended up getting a bunch of anime at cheap... it was back when they clearenced out ADV shows... speaking of which I had no clue Ghost Stories which I picked up from that sale is up to $90 (though a newer release by Eastern Star is only $35)

but yeah while I got some of it quickly, some took a bit, and some of it got cancelled (I never got Kiba or This ugly yet beautify world) and it took like 3 month for them to confirm they were cancelling them causing me to miss a different sale on Kiba that was shortly after this sale.

for the more to the point statement: I wouldn't use DD for a small deal, but they sometimes run really good deals, and despite their issues they have never stolen money from me, thus I am willing to use them for really good deals.
Way to be misleading by posting stuff from years ago. You giving people false hope on with those low low prices! ;D

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Well, the price skyrocketed mostly because it didn't have much of a run, since it was released shortly before ADV collapsed. Even before then, Volume 4 was just as ridiculous. I should know, when I tried collecting all the volumes early last year, finding Volume 4 for under $50 was hard. Managed to snap up a listing for $15, though it was disc-only and was packaged in a plastic shopping bag and a DVD case that couldn't hold DVDs.
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That's odd that CR licensed Free for a video release yet I believe that they have never done one before. Guess they had plans to do one and it obviously never happened.'s Answerman column actually talked about it in the newest article. Which the article basically said that whoever CR licensed it from wanted it in a "all in one" package deal. Meaning whoever licensed it got the streaming and home video rights. Since the license holder didn't want to deal with multiple companies over different rights.

Which is going to be weird for Funimation, as they would probably want streaming rights too(to put their dub up online). So unless they can give up on the streaming rights, they might be unable to get the home video rights from CR until the license expires.

I'm still a bit bummed that I missed out on the ultra-cheap Ghost Stories b/c they cancelled it from my order.

Though I'm sure I'm missing very little.
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Way to be misleading by posting stuff from years ago. You giving people false hope on with those low low prices! ;D
>.> I was just showing an example of why one might use DD even though they tend to suck in general.

though... it would have been fun if those were current prices to have you take a picture of your 30 orders of everything :p

That's not helping ;)
does this help


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I think the original Ghost Stories is so expensive because it was widely reported when Easter Star picked up the license that the gag dub would not be included. This is false, as the new release includes the gag dub.
This actually makes mee happy that I have the original, as I thought that the price would drop when the rereleas was out.
>.> I was just showing an example of why one might use DD even though they tend to suck in general.

though... it would have been fun if those were current prices to have you take a picture of your 30 orders of everything :p
That was a fun sale. I bought a ton of stuff, but somehow they totally screwed up my order, and when I asked them about it they had no idea where the package went, and the tracking wasn't even accurate. After a long battle with the CS, they finally had to create a new order and ship it over to me. Another week went by, and I got my big package after a long ordeal. Two weeks later, I mysteriously get another package from them, and I had no idea what it was since I didn't order anything else after that sale. I opened it up, and it was my original order, so I basically got duplicates of everything, and gave the majority of my doubles to a friend, but kept the extra Ghost Stories for myself obviously. ;D

That's not helping ;)
Pew pew!

Did that help? :3

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The best part of Ghost stories was how it was rated tv-pg for the first four volumes, because they bleeped everything F___, and S___, then at the end of volume four a use of fuck got through, and then after that they just stopped bleeping them, and changed it to tv-ma

Yeah, I had no idea it was even licensed. RS page says it's dubbed.

EDIT: Guessing the Blu was pushed back after the whole Persona 4 Animation thing went down with it being dub only and it causing a bit of a fuss.

Speaking of Devil Survivor 2, I never grabbed the game as I knew a 3DS upgrade was out in Japan. I wonder if we'll ever get that?
Ah, nice, I had incorrectly seen that it was sub only. I think I'll wait for a possible Blu release. Worst case scenario and there is no Blu release, then I just get the DVD later and likely cheaper lol.

bread's done