Anime & Manga Thread Vol. 2: Za Warudo!!!

That last episode of AoT was mindblowing. This is getting interesting.
I was bored and decided to check out Kobayashi's Maid since I remember you mentioning it wasn't bad. It's pretty damn entertaining. For such a stupidly named show, it's worth a watch if you're bored and have nothing else to do. Better than Chain Chronicles which I forced myself to watch. Horrible show, the writing and plot were a complete cliche and non-sensical.

I was bored and decided to check out Kobayashi's Maid since I remember you mentioning it wasn't bad. It's pretty damn entertaining. For such a stupidly named show, it's worth a watch if you're bored and have nothing else to do. Better than Chain Chronicles which I forced myself to watch. Horrible show, the writing and plot were a complete cliche and non-sensical.
Glad you liked it. It's a funny and enjoyable show. And without spoiling anything it's not bad ending either.

Kobayashi's Dragon Maid was a great show imo. 


Anyone else excited for Code Geass S3? I hope it comes out this year. The Trailer is actually around 2 - 3 minutes.

Ohgi is still a traitor.
I just don't like Ohgi. He honestly fked everything up without even thinking about it. Hell, he probably was the last one to realize the Zero Requiem

I don't really understand this trailer frankly. You see Cornelia and Suzaku wearing Britannia clothing, which makes no sense. I'm worried this takes place in some time period prior to the end of the show, which would be a complete waste of time. Kind of like that Akito OVA spin off garbage. I guess we'll see, but I'm happy to consider this non-canon if it sucks :D

I understand the bit about Suzuka but Cornelia? I was under the impression she would return to Britannia to support Nunnally, especially after realizing/learning the Zero Reqiuem
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I understand the bit about Suzuka but Cornelia? I was under the impression she would return to Britannia to support Nunnally, especially after realizing/learning the Zero Reqiuem
Is there still a Britannia? I guess I figured it would all become one world federation and there wouldn't really be a Britannia after that.

The Empire still exists and she is the 100th Empress. Britannia is part of the Federation since the entire world is united and stuff
Wha? How do you know this lol
Near the end of Episode 25.

Since the Britannian Empire is an Absolute Monarchy, they follow the Line of Succession. After Lelouch's death, Nunnally would succeed him as the new Ruler. Schneizel no longer has claim to the throne due to being Geassed and Cornelia presumably abdicating her line to the throne after going dark. The other heirs are unknown to due to the destruction of Pendragon and their defeat during the Knights of the Round Rebellion.

Why would Nunnally be meeting up with a delegation of what seems at the airport otherwise? She is still a World Leader. If Britannia would dissolve, there would be too much of a power vacuum, with all the subservient states vying for power and such. That can't really happen when the entire world is united and trying to stop world hunger and poverty at the moment. With Zero, a major political figure, by her side, Nunnally has major sway with the public. She's not Viceroy anymore. lol

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Near the end of Episode 25.

Since the Britannian Empire is an Absolute Monarchy, they follow the Line of Succession. After Lelouch's death, Nunnally would succeed him as the new Ruler. Schneizel no longer has claim to the throne due to being Geassed and Cornelia presumably abdicating her line to the throne after going dark. The other heirs are unknown to due to the destruction of Pendragon and their defeat during the Knights of the Round Rebellion.

Why would Nunnally be meeting up with a delegation of what seems at the airport otherwise? She is still a World Leader. If Britannia would dissolve, there would be too much of a power vacuum, with all the subservient states vying for power and such. That can't really happen when the entire world is united and trying to stop world hunger and poverty at the moment. With Zero, a major political figure, by her side, Nunnally has major sway with the public. She's not Viceroy anymore. lol
Ok, so all speculation, but not unreasonable. I guess we will see what's up when the 3rd season shows up eventually.

I'm starting to notice that almost all the anime Sawano Hiroyuki has contributed music to have been great. They may have flaws here or there, but his music always resonates with me. I'm even starting to figure out when a song is his just by listening to it and then when the credits show up I'm like "I thought this sounded like his type of music" (Re-Creators OP). Speaking of which, Re-Creators has some great action sequences! Too bad some of the world/story building chatter can sometimes go on a bit too much. Pretty interested in where this show goes, one of my favorites this season if only because it explores a really fun concept for an anime to be built around. I've often thought to myself, "If this character from another anime showed up in this show, what would happen right about now? That would be really interesting to see".

How is everyone else enjoying this season?

How is everyone else enjoying this season?
AoT, DBZ Super, MHA, Berserk & Yowapeda are returning shows I'm enjoying very much. But for new shows:

Sakura Quest - Just watched this. It seems like a cozy SoL I can get into.

Bastard Instructor - This one started off really strong but the last 2 episodes had me a little bored.

Tsukigakirei - My favorite new show of the season. It's a simple rom/drama but it feels realistic which I like.

Eromanga Sensei - Only a few episodes in and I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. I just need to watch more.

KADO - Saw the first episode and it was a little boring. Not really my thing.

World End - Only 2 episodes in and I liked it. I think I'll watch more tonight.

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AoT, DBZ Super, MHA, Berserk & Yowapeda are returning shows I'm enjoying very much. But for new shows:

Sakura Quest - Just watched this. It seems like a cozy SoL I can get into.

Bastard Instructor - This one started off really strong but the last 2 episodes had me a little bored.

Tsukigakirei - My favorite new show of the season. It's a simple rom/drama but it feels realistic which I like.

Eromanga Sensei - Only a few episodes in and I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. I just need to watch more.

KADO - Saw the first episode and it was a little boring. Not really my thing.

World End - Only 2 episodes in and I liked it. I think I'll watch more tonight.
You may want to keep watching Alice & Zoroku. The latest episode was pretty heart-warming.

You may want to keep watching Alice & Zoroku. The latest episode was pretty heart-warming.
Really? I dropped it after episode 4, but because you recommended it I'll put it back on my list. The scene with Sana getting tortured was a bit much for me. Not sure when I'll get around to it. Just so much to watch.

But I'm liking this season a lot. I hear the last episode of AoT was amazing. But I'm keeping with my rule of 2 episodes at a time, so next week.

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Really? I dropped it after episode 4, but because you recommended it I'll put it back on my list. The scene with Sana getting tortured was a bit much for me. Not sure when I'll get around to it. Just so much to watch.

But I'm liking this season a lot. I hear the last episode of AoT was amazing. But I'm keeping with my rule of 2 episodes at a time, so next week.
Yeah, AoT was good. There's so much mystery still in the plot though. If they fail when explaining what the mystery is....boy this anime will get hated on hard.

Tokyo Ghoul RE Chapter 125


That is all

Can I just say that today's AoT episode was easily the worst episode ever? Hi, I have a chance to get information from these guys, I even say as much, but all I do is NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDD RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!!! Go Eren. Clearly the author wants to draw things out, but boy did he do it in the worst possible way. What a load of garbage. This would've been the perfect opportunity to in fact lay out more of the story, keep us interested, and draw us closer to the characters. This suggests the author himself has no clue what the answer is and is still figuring it out, which means we're in for a "Lost" type ending for this show. Pretty depressing.

While people knock Bleach a lot, that author did a great job of keeping the right mix of mystery and information. Always drawing you closer to the characters, fleshing them out, keeping it interesting. Maybe AoT anime is departing from the manga, I don't know, I don't read the manga because I'd like to see the plot revealed in the anime, but if the manga went like this...what a joke.

Edit: Then I get to see the latest episode of Re-Creators and get blown away. Really contrasts with AoT. MEH! I give you a giant -_- meh face AoT!

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Caught up with a bunch of shows the last few nights. Here's my rundown:

AoT - After a couple amazing episodes we get the Eren flashback where he can't win in a fight without Mikasa. It's like taking 2 steps back. We all know the dude sucks at fighting. Do we really need a whole episode this late in dedicated to it?

Eromanga Sensei - This Oremino all over again. I really hate the "forbidden love" angle but the show is funny so I'm sticking with it. Muramasa is best girl.

Sakura Quest - This is like Amagi Brilliant Park meets Shirobako. It's a cute little slice of life.

The Future Diary - Only 2 epsiodes in and I can tell this is going to be a mind fuck at some point. I need something serious amid all the slice of life and fantasy shows I'm watching.

World End / Akashic Record - I'm getting these two mixed up a lot. They're both so similar. Magical girls getting trained by an older unorthodox guy. They're both okay. Nothing great, but good enough not to drop.

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Caught up with a bunch of shows the last few nights. Here's my rundown:

AoT - After a couple amazing episodes we get the Eren flashback where he can't win in a fight without Mikasa. It's like taking 2 steps back. We all know the dude sucks at fighting. Do we really need a whole episode this late in dedicated to it?

Eromanga Sensei - This Oremino all over again. I really hate the "forbidden love" angle but the show is funny so I'm sticking with it. Muramasa is best girl.

Sakura Quest - This is like Amagi Brilliant Park meets Shirobako. It's a cute little slice of life.

The Future Diary - Only 2 epsiodes in and I can tell this is going to be a mind fuck at some point. I need something serious amid all the slice of life and fantasy shows I'm watching.

World End / Akashic Record - I'm getting these two mixed up a lot. They're both so similar. Magical girls getting trained by an older unorthodox guy. They're both okay. Nothing great, but good enough not to drop.
Should also check out Re-Creators if you want another more serious show. I think World End / Akashic Records tries to be serious, but doesn't quite work.

Should also check out Re-Creators if you want another more serious show. I think World End / Akashic Records tries to be serious, but doesn't quite work.
I saw the first episode and liked it. Just never got back to it. I do see some people complaining about it. has it been a solid series to this point?

I saw the first episode and liked it. Just never got back to it. I do see some people complaining about it. has it been a solid series to this point?
It's not perfect, but it's definitely a 7/10 up til now. There are a couple episodes where one character with a really dry voice talks WAY TOO MUCH, but the overall story is solid. It's 22 episodes so it's got some legs to it, it won't just chop the story off at an awkward part like a 13 episoder.

I just recently saw that Urasawa's "Pluto" is getting a Anime adaption and I'm ecstatic! It's being animated by MAPPA and is scheduled for a 2020 release. I'm a massive Urasawa fan and I plan on supporting the shit out of this.

I was just in my local comic book shop a week or two ago, saw that they had volume one of the Perfect Edition of Monster, and bought it on the spot. There's nothing better than supporting both a local shop and one of your favorite mangaka at the same time IMO.
Oh wow, I forgot about there being more episodes of Berserk. Looks like I've got a lot to catch up on. These multiple 90 second commercials on CR are killing me, though.
Benefit of being a paying subscriber I guess are no commercials. I have a Black Friday sub that's been renewing for a couple years now. Quite a steal :D

Anyone here have a sub to CR and Fun? The PS4 app for Funimation is garbage, IMO. But I prefer dubs over subs, so what can I do...
give VRV a try?

you can get both funi and CR through them for $10 a month.

though a few of the funi shows are missing such as one piece but I believe all of the simuldubs are on there.

Damn. That latest chapter of Tokyo Ghoul RE. Pretty hyped.

And then there is Touka. whoa

She's pregnant. 75% sure this ain't going to end well

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So Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism ended. More stuff happens in the manga, shame it isn't translated. Overall, it was alrite. The only character I liked was Amou and I guess Satori. Honestly, it needed more Amou
Ugh, just as HxH is coming back from a hiatus, Berserk is now taking a break. I've resigned myself to knowing neither will ever be finished, but I found the timing of the breaks this time to be laughably ironic.

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At least AoT ended with a nice plot hook. Season was a cluster. Also, Yowamushi Pedal has been getting a bit better lately. I feel like there are some cultural norms going on here that don't work for a US audience. If I was Onoda I would've pushed those people off their bikes to get them out of my way. That's a really douche move on their part.

"Hey Roger, you said you wanted to see me?"

"Yeah, Berserk Episode 21.  We need to talk."
"No problem yo, what's up?"
*sigh* ... "Come on, man."


"I put myself on the line for you, Ep.  When everyone said that your seasons' animation was terrible, what did I always say?"
"... you said that once..."

"I SAID, that once you got used to it, it wasn't that bad."

"It still isn't, right?


"Right?  I mean what about the ones already on blu ray?  I can get cleaned up too, right?

*sigh* ... "Come on, man."

So latest Berserk manga chapter....I thought this story couldn't get any stranger/more hilarious, but the entire chapter, they are basically battling penis-monsters. No joke. Also, randomly, face huggers make an appearance. This author has fucking issues lol.

I'm super excited for this upcoming arc of DB Super. It's going to be absolutely ridiculous. They've never done anything like this before in the series. Almost always 1 vs 1 or multiple vs 1 type battles. Can't wait to see how the insanity pans out!

A new poster just released for the upcoming live-action version of Death Note being made by Netflix and it gives us a look at Ryuk:


I haven't been really interested in this personally, but I'll probably check it out when it releases. I didn't notice most of the names attached to the movie, but Willem Dafoe is voicing Ryuk.

The official trailer is now out too:

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Well, that season was kind of meh. Let me see if I can do top 3 and then top 3 biggest surprises/disappointments. I'll be making them mutually exclusive.

Top 3:

1) Tsukigakirei: Sweet, fun show. Won't spoil the ending.

2) My Hero Academia: Good action, good progression. What the follow on should be like (hi AoT)

3) Grimoire of Zero/Sword Oratoria: GoZ was a good show, very solid and enjoyable. Interesting and fun plot. Sword Oratoria is also very good, though it piggybacks on the original show quite a bit. It's hard for me to give either a solid edge over the other.

Top 3 Surprises:

1) Re: Creators: Had no idea what this was, totally love the concept, cringe when the exposition goes on too long, cheer when the fighting starts. Still on-going, but I'm really hopeful

2) Alice & Zoroku: I never expected this to be tied to Alice in Wonderland, but it was a fun show with really random dark aspects to it, which is strangely consistent with Alice in Wonderland

3) Kado: The Right Answer: This show surprised me. At first I thought it was kind of weird, but by the end it really picked up into something fascinating. Not sure I'd buy it, but was a brain twister. For such a stupid name, it didn't suck

Top 3 Disappointments:

1) Attack on Titan: Maybe this is how the manga went, but it really didn't have a consistent pacing to it or episodes that always made sense. Lots of plot holes that could have been skillfully weaved into the story to pull us in further were left as gaping, awkward holes. Guess we can see if it gets better next year? Hopefully? (AoT see My Hero Academia for how you do follow-ons well)

2) World End (3Q!): I thought this story would be better, but that shitty intro forewarned me it would end up being a disaster.

3) Granblue Fantasy: This show was going fine until the last 2 episodes, where it became a complete disaster. Random characters show up with uber abilities that were never introduced and suddenly the MC undergoes a sex change and we re-hash the entire series from her POV. WTF?! epic goddamn fail.

Rest of the shows were largely within my expectations given the generic themes/plot they followed and weren't noteworthy. That's not to say they weren't fun to watch, they just didn't blow my mind (in either a good or bad way).

Well, that season was kind of meh. Let me see if I can do top 3 and then top 3 biggest surprises/disappointments. I'll be making them mutually exclusive.

Top 3:

1) Tsukigakirei: Sweet, fun show. Won't spoil the ending.

2) My Hero Academia: Good action, good progression. What the follow on should be like (hi AoT)

3) Grimoire of Zero/Sword Oratoria: GoZ was a good show, very solid and enjoyable. Interesting and fun plot. Sword Oratoria is also very good, though it piggybacks on the original show quite a bit. It's hard for me to give either a solid edge over the other.

Top 3 Surprises:

1) Re: Creators: Had no idea what this was, totally love the concept, cringe when the exposition goes on too long, cheer when the fighting starts. Still on-going, but I'm really hopeful

2) Alice & Zoroku: I never expected this to be tied to Alice in Wonderland, but it was a fun show with really random dark aspects to it, which is strangely consistent with Alice in Wonderland

3) Kado: The Right Answer: This show surprised me. At first I thought it was kind of weird, but by the end it really picked up into something fascinating. Not sure I'd buy it, but was a brain twister. For such a stupid name, it didn't suck

Top 3 Disappointments:

1) Attack on Titan: Maybe this is how the manga went, but it really didn't have a consistent pacing to it or episodes that always made sense. Lots of plot holes that could have been skillfully weaved into the story to pull us in further were left as gaping, awkward holes. Guess we can see if it gets better next year? Hopefully? (AoT see My Hero Academia for how you do follow-ons well)

2) World End (3Q!): I thought this story would be better, but that shitty intro forewarned me it would end up being a disaster.

3) Granblue Fantasy: This show was going fine until the last 2 episodes, where it became a complete disaster. Random characters show up with uber abilities that were never introduced and suddenly the MC undergoes a sex change and we re-hash the entire series from her POV. WTF?! epic goddamn fail.

Rest of the shows were largely within my expectations given the generic themes/plot they followed and weren't noteworthy. That's not to say they weren't fun to watch, they just didn't blow my mind (in either a good or bad way).
Thanks for the season synopsis. It's been awhile since I posted in this thread. I really need to check out Grimoire of Zero. I totally forgot about that one. Thanks for bringing it up. I just may binge it tonight.

Tsukigakirei was also my favorite of what I saw this season. Again, I'm a sucker for these kinda shows.

I liked AOT but the season ended just as things get juicy. That's what peeved me the most.

Was at the World Premiere of Welcome to the Ballroom. Gotta say, it was amazing and I'm excited to see more of it. It is already my top contender for Summer Anime 2017

Was at the World Premiere of Welcome to the Ballroom. Gotta say, it was amazing and I'm excited to see more of it. It is already my top contender for Summer Anime 2017
What's it about? Also, I just finished watching Little Witch Academia on Netflix and really liked it. Feels like a kids show, but unlike some shows that are geared towards kids, this one is actually enjoyable to watch.

What's it about? Also, I just finished watching Little Witch Academia on Netflix and really liked it. Feels like a kids show, but unlike some shows that are geared towards kids, this one is actually enjoyable to watch.
Middle Schooler lost in life happens on a chance encounter and is introduced to the world of competitive dancing.

It's not dancing. It's a battlefield.


It's definitely a shounen. The OP is great btw

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Middle Schooler lost in life happens on a chance encounter and is introduced to the world of competitive dancing.

It's not dancing. It's a battlefield.


It's definitely a shounen. The OP is great btw
What's wrong with his neck

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What's it about? Also, I just finished watching Little Witch Academia on Netflix and really liked it. Feels like a kids show, but unlike some shows that are geared towards kids, this one is actually enjoyable to watch.
I was going to watch this with my daughter. But she's in the middle of watching Sailor Moon Crystal at the moment. She loves it, but I can't stand Usagi's voice.

I was going to watch this with my daughter. But she's in the middle of watching Sailor Moon Crystal at the moment. She loves it, but I can't stand Usagi's voice.
Yeah, you'll enjoy Little Witch Academia with her. It's solid. There are a few episodes where it didn't really advance the plot at all, but they are good filler episodes for kids.

Yeah, you'll enjoy Little Witch Academia with her. It's solid. There are a few episodes where it didn't really advance the plot at all, but they are good filler episodes for kids.
We liked the first two short films on Netflix. I'm sure we'll enjoy the TV series too. I heard it gets a little slow at times but it's better than watching half the crappy kiddy shows my daughter watches.

bread's done