Anime & Manga Thread Vol. 2: Za Warudo!!!

Was at the World Premiere of Welcome to the Ballroom. Gotta say, it was amazing and I'm excited to see more of it. It is already my top contender for Summer Anime 2017
Watched first episode and seems like it's worth some more of my time. I am learning our tastes in anime are very different tho lol.

Is that more episodes than what Netflix has put out? Would imagine not
Not whats on just these three volumes - but that has nothing to do with Netflix and their streaming schedule. These are just your typical Japanese singles, with 3 episodes on each disc. There's 9 Volumes total for the entire series, one volume releasing in Japan each month from April through December. Volume 4 with Episodes 10-12 comes out on July 19, but I'm ordering that one together with another JP title which releases at the end of the month, so I won't get it right away - I like to group multiple titles into each order so they'll get packed inside a box for safer shipping. Volume 5 releases August 9th, Volume 6 on September 13, and so on....

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What's wrong with his neck
So it seems that's the "artistic style" they are going for. Giraffe necks. It's really disgusting and takes away from the show. There are also some other disproportionalities that bleed through during the dancing. Not going to stop me from watching but I wish they had really thought that idea through.

So We're a few weeks into this season and I was able to watch a lot of shows the past 2 weeks. Here's my quick take:

Elegant Yokai Apartment Life - It's a lighter version of Natsume Yujin Cho. Not bad

Knights & Magic - Bland name for a show. Traped in another world with fantasy mechs. eh, I'll watch a few more

Clean Freak! Aoyama Kun - This show kinda annoyed me. Don't care much for the MC

A Centaur's Life - Cute SoL with monsters. I liked it.

Restaurant to Another World - Maybe my favorite of the season so far. I'm a sucker for food themed anime.

My First Girlfriend is a Gal - Garbage, dropped after ep 1.

In Another World w/ my Smartphone - Another stuck in a fantasy world, but this time the MC has a smartphone. I'll watch it but I'm geting kinda tired of these.

AHO-GIRL - Hot Garbage. Who watches this crap?

Classroom of the Elite - This one's okay. More high school drama mind games

Fastest Finger First - Again an anime makes an entire show about a sub-culture I didn't even know existed. Not bad

Convenience Store Boyfriends - Maybe my second favorite of the season. I need my anime romance every season.

So We're a few weeks into this season and I was able to watch a lot of shows the past 2 weeks. Here's my quick take:

Elegant Yokai Apartment Life - It's a lighter version of Natsume Yujin Cho. Not bad

Knights & Magic - Bland name for a show. Traped in another world with fantasy mechs. eh, I'll watch a few more

Clean Freak! Aoyama Kun - This show kinda annoyed me. Don't care much for the MC

A Centaur's Life - Cute SoL with monsters. I liked it.

Restaurant to Another World - Maybe my favorite of the season so far. I'm a sucker for food themed anime.

My First Girlfriend is a Gal - Garbage, dropped after ep 1.

In Another World w/ my Smartphone - Another stuck in a fantasy world, but this time the MC has a smartphone. I'll watch it but I'm geting kinda tired of these.

AHO-GIRL - Hot Garbage. Who watches this crap?

Classroom of the Elite - This one's okay. More high school drama mind games

Fastest Finger First - Again an anime makes an entire show about a sub-culture I didn't even know existed. Not bad

Convenience Store Boyfriends - Maybe my second favorite of the season. I need my anime romance every season.
Lol, my opinion is pretty similar. Knights & Magic is nothing special, but is entertaining. While I enjoy watching Restaurant to Another World, it's really not that special. When you look at the other garbage we have this season though, it does stand out for being unique if nothing else. Fastest Finger First (Triple F?! :p) despite the disturbing name is interesting. Not great, but interesting. The main female leads voice grates on me. Not saying it has to be a cutesy anime voice, but holy shit she sounds like a man. I mean, maybe I didn't hear enough girls speak when I was in Japan for a month, but I don't ever recall hearing a voice like that.

A few shows you should take a look at:

Fate Apocrypha - First non-Fate-Stay Night show we've gotten I believe. So far it's kept my interest, these shows usually turn out pretty well.

Made in Abyss - So far a light show with some potentially dark undertones that'll get discovered later. I think you'd like it Rodimus.

New Game - It's back for season 2!

Gamers! - This show is pretty entertaining so far with just 1 episode under it's belt.

DB Super - I'm pretty stoked we're in the tournament arc now....some great little battles happening so far. It can only get better with a certain super villain being there (along with some awesome callbacks to old super villains).

Also...I've been re-watching Food Wars from the beginning to get ready for season 3 in fall. Show is so damn good...between the hilarious parts and the drama it's such a great watch. I hope they keep going like this until the manga ends.

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Made in Abyss flew by my radar. It sounds interesting. I'll definitely check it out.

I'm going to wait for New Game to finish then binge it. It's how I watched season1 so I'm keeping with tradition.

Super has been really fun the last few episodes. Can't believe we're already 100 episodes in.

As for the new shows, this season is definitely lacking a star. Everything is just okay. Not a lot of bad shows, just nothing amazing.

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And today's episode of the Restaurant from Another World convinced me this show is utter garbage and should be dropped. It felt like a shitty national geographic special mixed in with a really shitty Food Network show. Utter fail.

And today's episode of the Restaurant from Another World convinced me this show is utter garbage and should be dropped. It felt like a shitty national geographic special mixed in with a really shitty Food Network show. Utter fail.
Wow, really? I haven't seen today's episode but I've really been enjoying it so far. Maybe one of my favorites this season.

 All these new series on Toonami I'm being exposed to just don't do anything for me: Attack on Titan, Tokyo Ghoul, Sword Art Online, Jojo, One Punch Man. Even One Piece and HunterxHunter (probably the best two of the shows I listed) aren't keeping my interest.

Thank goodness for Case Closed, Dragonball, and Lupin still being around. But it would be nice to see a new series that gets me excited for anime again. I think the last ones for me to do that were Space Dandy and Parasyte.

All these new series on Toonami I'm being exposed to just don't do anything for me: Attack on Titan, Tokyo Ghoul, Sword Art Online, Jojo, One Punch Man. Even One Piece and HunterxHunter (probably the best two of the shows I listed) aren't keeping my interest.

Thank goodness for Case Closed, Dragonball, and Lupin still being around. But it would be nice to see a new series that gets me excited for anime again. I think the last ones for me to do that were Space Dandy and Parasyte.
Well...honestly most of those aren't that great. While I loved SAO and One Punch Man, they are all flawed in their own way. The only thing I ever watched that was close to DBZ in terms of getting me going was Bleach. You have to cut out the filler garbage though or you'll drown in mediocrity. Naruto is similar where the filler destroys the anime. Have you watched Code Geass?

I caught up with a few shows.

Gamers! - This was a fun show. I like all the video game talk and references. Not sure I get the MC. He acts cool sometimes, and is an utter dipshit other times.

Knight's & Magic - Still a dumb name, but the show is entertaining. The MC does a good job of making everyone like him.

Sakura Quest - This one manages to stay in my que. It gets rather boring at times, but there's a lot of charm in the show so I guess that keeps me coming back.

Tsuredure Children - Pretty simple strait forward rom/com. Shame it's only 12 minutes long. I think I may wait for this to finish then binge it.

Clean Freak Aoyama kun - I dropped this one. Just annoying characters and the MC's shtick got old fast.

Elegant Yokai Apartment Life - I like this one. Bunch of interesting and endearing characters.

I caught up with a few shows.

Gamers! - This was a fun show. I like all the video game talk and references. Not sure I get the MC. He acts cool sometimes, and is an utter dipshit other times.

Knight's & Magic - Still a dumb name, but the show is entertaining. The MC does a good job of making everyone like him.

Sakura Quest - This one manages to stay in my que. It gets rather boring at times, but there's a lot of charm in the show so I guess that keeps me coming back.

Tsuredure Children - Pretty simple strait forward rom/com. Shame it's only 12 minutes long. I think I may wait for this to finish then binge it.

Clean Freak Aoyama kun - I dropped this one. Just annoying characters and the MC's shtick got old fast.

Elegant Yokai Apartment Life - I like this one. Bunch of interesting and endearing characters.
I'll have to check out the Yokai Apartment thing. The title is so stupid it kept me away. You try Made in Abyss yet or see the most recent Restaurant to Another World?

Have you watched Code Geass?
Yes, and I didn't care for it (C.C. was the only character I liked) .

I was also not a fan of another popular anime called Black Lagoon. I think I would have liked it if the show was from the prospective of the characters whom the Lagoon crew faced - especially Roberta.

I actually liked Bleach when it had "filler" because it focused on the living world. The Soul Society arcs bored me; I liked Bleach more when it was trying to be the next Yu Yu Hakusho. I also recall enjoying the first Bleach movie.

I was also not a fan of another popular anime called Black Lagoon. I think I would have liked it if the show was from the prospective of the characters whom the Lagoon crew faced - especially Roberta.
Funny you say that. There's an OVA that focuses on Roberta.

Gamers! - This was a fun show. I like all the video game talk and references. Not sure I get the MC. He acts cool sometimes, and is an utter dipshit other times.
I just caught up with the latest episode for this one, it's pretty entertaining. Definitely fits the rom-com bucket it seems like. I totally agree with Chiaki's stance on games though! haha Think it's true across genres in JP vs North American styles.

I'll have to check out the Yokai Apartment thing. The title is so stupid it kept me away. You try Made in Abyss yet or see the most recent Restaurant to Another World?
Waiting till Monday to watch 2 episodes of Restaurant. I always like to wait an extra week for some shows.

I saw the first episode of Made in Abyss. It was good. I just haven't gotten around for another episode yet. Maybe tonight.

Yokai Apartment is fun. Give it at least 2 episodes to see if you like it.

Dragonball Super has been excellent so far. Can't wait until Frieza pulls off something cynical :twoguns:
im guessing you didn't watch the last two dragon ball movies then :p

also if you think super has been good so far then you are in for a treat with the rest of what has released outside of a few episodes here and there.

DB Super was great as usual. Also, the Ballroom show with giraffe necks is pretty solid. Enjoying that one quite a bit.

What am I missing? Frieza wasn't even in BotG. And Resurrection was just Frieza being himself
the first 26 episodes of super are pretty disappointing if you already watched the movies.

especially the first 13 as the frieza super arc at least adds a little bit of extra stuff on interest.

battle of the gods is just drug out with nothing worth note added.

@starkillr - The last two episodes of Restaurant were pretty weak. The lizardmen part was boring and went crazy over a fucking omelet rice dish. I don't care for the exposition. Let the characters tell the story not a narrator. But I'm not giving up because do love it when they actually talk about the food. Plus the animation took a nose dive in the fight scene with the lion guy. It looked horrid.

I did watch 2 episodes of Made in the Abyss. Pretty darn good and I love the music. I like how it's a show about kids that looks like it's for kids but has some dark stuff going on. I'm expecting Madoka Magica levels right now.

@starkillr - The last two episodes of Restaurant were pretty weak. The lizardmen part was boring and went crazy over a fucking omelet rice dish. I don't care for the exposition. Let the characters tell the story not a narrator. But I'm not giving up because do love it when they actually talk about the food. Plus the animation took a nose dive in the fight scene with the lion guy. It looked horrid.

I did watch 2 episodes of Made in the Abyss. Pretty darn good and I love the music. I like how it's a show about kids that looks like it's for kids but has some dark stuff going on. I'm expecting Madoka Magica levels right now.
Ok, let me know if Restaurant gets any better. For now it's been banished to the poop bin.

I also watched the Yokai apartment show. Not bad! I like it. It partially makes me wonder if there isn't some exposition being made of current japanese youth culture or if it's just a foil used in the plot to make him move back.

I'm slowly going through the anime I want to watch this season. I'm only for sure watching one of them.

Hajimete no Gal - Watched 4 episodes and I like it enough. It's kind of weird and over the top and honestly the manga is 100% better. Still OK and the anime is really going through the manga story at a fast pace. I hope this ends nicely and I'm sure it will. Current rating 7/10 and watching.

Youkai Apartment - A bit boring for my tastes. I watched 2 episodes and dropped. Eccentric characters got to me a bit and eventually just wasn't interested anymore. Current Rating 6/10 and dropped.

Gamers! - Honestly I dislike this one. It seems to be the darling anime for the season and supposedly hilarious. It's super over the top and honestly I dislike the characters. The MC is a self deprecating Otaku and it feels super typical. I feel I've seen this plot similarly in Oreimo (though the brother wasn't an Otaku) and some other one where the main girl was an Otaku but didn't want to reveal it. I think i'm just over the ultra eccentric idiotic characters like the MC and octopus head (don't remember her name) arguing and not seeing eye to eye about moe in games.  I honestly groaned so much and when one of the characters changed exactly for another I honestly said this isn't for me and dropped it on the spot. I also strongly disliked the sub characters GF with pink hair. Annoying voice and just annoying overall. Watched up to episode 4 and this anime is not for me. Great animation, but a terrible story line and it wasn't funny to me at all. 6/10 and dropped.

Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita - Garbage over the top almost hentai anime. Short episodes and I'm actually disturbed by the content. She said no man. 1/10 and dropped.

Nanu Maru San Batsu - Saw 3 episodes and while it was entertaining enough, it was also kind of boring. It doesn't help that the main girl actress sounds kind of inexperienced. Mainly dropped for time purposes, as it feels like the anime wont get any better. 6/10 and dropped.

Kakegurui - Saw 4 episodes and the animation was excellent. Story was OK and even caused me to catch up on the manga. The story is kind of over the top and a bit lame to me honestly so I ended up dropping the anime and just reading as manga chapters come out. This one is a lot of people's favorite, but was kind of middling to me. I do like that the stuff in this anime is not quite like others I've watched. I consider it getting me to follow the manga a win though. 7/10 and dropped.

I have read the Koi no Uso manga, In Another World With My Smartphone LN (kind of boring honestly though will check out anime), and Centaur's Life manga. Those will be my next 3 to check out likely.

I drop a lot of anime each season. I've been watching anime since the 90s, so I'm a bit more strict on my anime watching. Sometimes I wonder because I've seen a lot that I just fail to get impressed often anymore. I'll give more impressions as I skirt through them.

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I'm slowly going through the anime I want to watch this season. I'm only for sure watching one of them.

Gamers! - Honestly I dislike this one. It seems to be the darling anime for the season and supposedly hilarious. It's super over the top and honestly I dislike the characters. The MC is a self deprecating Otaku and it feels super typical. I feel I've seen this plot similarly in Oreimo (though the brother wasn't an Otaku) and some other one where the main girl was an Otaku but didn't want to reveal it. I think i'm just over the ultra eccentric idiotic characters like the MC and octopus head (don't remember her name) arguing and not seeing eye to eye about moe in games. I honestly groaned so much and when one of the characters changed exactly for another I honestly said this isn't for me and dropped it on the spot. I also strongly disliked the sub characters GF with pink hair. Annoying voice and just annoying overall. Watched up to episode 4 and this anime is not for me. Great animation, but a terrible story line and it wasn't funny to me at all. 6/10 and dropped.

I drop a lot of anime each season. I've been watching anime since the 90s, so I'm a bit more strict on my anime watching. Sometimes I wonder because I've seen a lot that I just fail to get impressed often anymore. I'll give more impressions as I skirt through them.
I'm actually surprised you'd give it a 6/10 based on your commentary. Sounds like something in the 4/10 or lower category. I'd peg most of the anime I've been watching this season squarely around a 5/10. Chronos Ruler, 18if, FFF, Gamers!, Knight & Magic, and the latest Symphogear season are all 5/10 to me. Entertaining to watch, but I'd never buy them. Fate/Apocrypha, Ballroom, Made in Abyss, and New Game! are all 6/10 for now. Continuing shows like Bahamut, My Hero Academia and Re-Creators are around 7/10. Bahamut is more like a 6.5. Re-Creators can go higher, depending on how they move the plot along. Has some great combat, but also some really slow exposition that can get a bit tedious. MHA can also go higher. DB Super is DB, so it's in it's own little world of special for me.

I think i gave it slightly higher marks mainly cause the animation was good. I just didn't like the content, but yeah sounds more like a 5ish/10. I could watch it honestly, but it just kept making me slap my head and say this is really not for me.

After a long time, Outlaw Star is returning to Toonami on August 19th. It will be replacing GitS: SAC


More impressions of anime as I got through them:

Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun - This one was alright. Decent animation and OK characters. Main character is quirky but a few others are as well. Saw one and a half episodes. It's nothing bad but it really doesn't impress much either. Plus I really don't like Sports anime that much. 6.5/10 and dropped.

Aho Girl - Stupid slapstick comedy with pretty funny characters and excellent animation. I wish the episodes were longer as I find myself laughing a lot watching this. It's so stupid overall, but it's funny and with about 3-4 stories an episode, it has a lot of variety. Some might not like the violence, but it's just super over the top and as one person puts it in the show, weirdos attract weirdos. 8/10 and watching.

Tenshi no 3P! - Kind of a weird one about a shut-in type high school guy that likes to put together songs and some young girls that liked his music and want him to produce a performance for them. I'm really not into music anime or lolis in general, but this one seems OK at least. It gets a littler weird with the relationships and actually doesn't glorify being a shut-in (too many anime do.......not glorious at all). Pretty good animation and OK music. 7/10 and watching though may drop if story doesn't excite me.

Netsuzou TRap - Easily one of the worst anime I've seen this season. Terrible story with a supposed good relationship for one girl and a bad one for another and how the girls interact with each other. It disgusts me honestly and I don't see either of the male/female relationships working out. Bad storytelling and a bad taste in my mouth from the interactions of all characters involved. Watched 4 episodes. Garbage. 2/10 and dropped.

Tsurezure Children - Another one that people seem to like this season but I generally am meh about it. It's generally an anthology series relating a few high school characters and their interactions dealing with love. It's not terrible by any means, and has OK animation. It just seems....well boring. I watched 2 full episodes and sped through the other 3 I had. I wasn't intrigued at all and was generally bored. I love romance in anime, but these ones seemed more like quantity over quality. 6/10 and dropped.

Clione no Akari - A tough anime to talk about honestly as the subject of bullying is shown right there with kids who are like middle school age or younger. The animation is generally OK for the most part. I really connected with another story about bullying (A Silent Voice) and after 3 episodes I was honestly enjoying it enough as it's an interesting look of kids having to deal with that in their classrooms and how they interact with the bullied outside of the classroom. Very unpopular anime it seems. It's a tough subject matter to look at, but i'll stick through it. This anime deserved longer episodes though. 7/10 and watching.

I have about 6/7 more anime to go through and hopefully these impressions are helping someone. Anyway i'm entertained enough just making them.

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Aho Girl - Stupid slapstick comedy with pretty funny characters and excellent animation. I wish the episodes were longer as I find myself laughing a lot watching this. It's so stupid overall, but it's funny and with about 3-4 stories an episode, it has a lot of variety. Some might not like the violence, but it's just super over the top and as one person puts it in the show, weirdos attract weirdos. 8/10 and watching.
I got about halfway through episode 1 and couldn't stand it. Did I drop it too soon or if I didn't like it at that point then don't bother?

Surprised you didn't enjoy Tsurezure Children. I think it's a fun show sorta speeds along the relationship process. You don't get a deep insight to each character, but it's a different change of pace instead of slogging along with your typical romance. I wish each episode was longer.

Does anyone remember if AS used the old Toonami edited version of Outlaw Star when they showed it before? I'd actually like to get a recording of that version, as I've had the dvds for awhile.
I got about halfway through episode 1 and couldn't stand it. Did I drop it too soon or if I didn't like it at that point then don't bother?

Surprised you didn't enjoy Tsurezure Children. I think it's a fun show sorta speeds along the relationship process. You don't get a deep insight to each character, but it's a different change of pace instead of slogging along with your typical romance. I wish each episode was longer.
I don't think you dropped Aho Girl prematurely. If you didn't like the stupidity of the comedy, then you won't like it for the rest of the show. I found some cheap laughs, but ultimately it didn't do anything for me. I've been re-watching My Teen Romantic Comedy Snafu on blu-ray and that show is awesome. Hilarious and has some serious relationship stuff going on. Wonder if we'll ever get more of it.

Honestly if you didn't like Aho Girl from the 1st episode, the rest are more of the same silly slapstick comedy. Also for Tsurezure Children I think it was cause of the high school setting and somewhat shallowness of everything that got to me. Also that one story about the astronomy club in episode 2 I think made me cringe so much. I sadly thought my favorite of all of them was the student council president taking charge I guess. It's watchable for sure, but I prefer something else in my romance anime.

I caught up also on Tenshi no 3P! I have to say that that one is better than I thought it would be. It has some cringy moments and all the grade schoolers, but honestly it's kind of like a slice of laugh and not bad overall. Nothing amazing but will watch it. 6.5/10 after 5 episodes.

Action Heroine Cheer Fruits - I honestly thought this one was so-so and kind of boring. The characters got on my last nerve for some reason. It really didn't feel like my type of show and honestly reminded me of that other show I saw of Locodol, which also kind of bored me. It's worth watching for some, but pass for me. 6/10 and dropped.

A Centaur's Life - Alright slice of life anime. I do like monster girl stuff a bunch so I'm biased. It felt pretty fun from what I saw and will likely be my top choice for slice of life this season. 7/10 and watching.

Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart - Horribly not funny short episode anime. I saw 2 episodes and gave up on it. Even with the short run time, I have better things to do with my time. 2/10 and dropped.

Musekinin Galaxy Tylor - Another horrible short form anime. Pretty much an insult to the Galaxy Tylor name. Very few redeeming qualities here. 3/10 and dropped after 2 episodes.

Next in my watch list is Koi no Uso, Vatican whatever (likely will drop this but giving it a chance), and Konbini Kareshi.

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A Centaur's Life has some charm, but gets slightly ecchi at times. The looking at each other's "down there" scene was a little odd. But It also deals in the very relevant topic of being tolerant and accepting towards others that are different from you. That's a good message and I like the minor focus on it.

Seems like every anime has it's ecchi moments. Those moments happen in Tenshi no 3P! as well, and it's pretty inappropriate there too. I'm pretty unphased by them now...hell I play eroge, but they seem to be in too many anime that don't really need them.

A Centaur's Life few ecchi moments do seem out of place. Sometimes it's trying to be a charming sweet SoL (like Flying Witch) and then they're talking about vaginas. 

I'm taking the safe road and avoiding just about all the anime you guys mentioned :D Has restaurant to another world gotten any better or still shitty national geographic style episodes?

Gamers! is pretty fun. Light and entertaining with some hilarious moments. It's not breaking any new ground, but it's great for a show that doesn't have a lot of heavy shit going on.

I'm taking the safe road and avoiding just about all the anime you guys mentioned :D Has restaurant to another world gotten any better or still shitty national geographic style episodes?
That might be a safe bet. But at least give Centaur 1 episode. I am enjoying it.

Haven't seen the latest episode of Restaurant but episodes 4 & 5 were very weak. I'm still watching it but I wouldn't bother picking it back up. I'll let you know if it gets better.

Does anyone remember if AS used the old Toonami edited version of Outlaw Star when they showed it before? I'd actually like to get a recording of that version, as I've had the dvds for awhile.
As far as I can remember, yes it was the same edit. I wouldn't expect them to re-air that old version though. It was edited pretty heavily and didn't even air the infamous "Hot Spring" episode. I'd expect this to be an airing of the recently HD version and not nearly as edited. It's even been mentioned that they might air said "Hot Spring" episode this time around, sans nudity of course.

bread's done