Army of Two - Gen. Discussion & Info - Veterans Pack Co-Op Campaign DLC Free - Up Now


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ARMY OF TWO™ takes the buddy system to the next level. You are a soldier in a two-man squad, and all gameplay centers around two-man missions, two-man strategies, and the fact that two heads are sometimes better than one. Your two-man outfit is composed of ex-Army Rangers now working for a Private Military Corporation (PMC). And your task is to work hand in hand with your partner to form the deadliest Army of Two on the planet. Your teammate may be A.I., or transfer online and play live with a friend. When one man is not enough, it's going to take an Army of Two to save us.
  • Two-man gameplay: Co-op isn't just a mode, it's the whole game. Work with your teammate to develop two-man strategies, and use that advantage to eliminate enemies.
  • Intelligent partner A.I.: Partner A.I. (PAI) has been developed to work with the way the gamer actually plays the game, taking the lead when it needs to do so, or dropping back in support at other times.
  • Customization: Weapons are upgradeable and customizable, and of course, can be shared with your partner.
  • Online play: Move seamlessly between play with computer partner A.I. to a real life partner. Don't think alone, think like you're in an Army of Two!

Reviews (credit to creeeaature and deadite76 for posting them)

[quote name='creeeaature']Xplay - 4/5 - 8.7/10[/quote]

[quote name='creeeaature']\ - 8.7 [/quote]

[quote name='deadite76']IGN says 7.9:[/quote]



[quote name='']

There are 37 achievements worth 1000 points
Single Player Achievements: 25
Multiplayer Achievements: 6
Secret Achievements: 6

1. Elite PMC - 50pts
Complete all missions as a Professional.

2. My Virtual Friend - 35pts
Complete all missions with the Partner AI.

3. Say Hello to my Little Friends - 45pts
Purchase the MP7, M134, DAO-X Protecta, MGL MK-X, and the M107 Light Fifty.

4. Man of Many Masks - 50pts
Purchase every mask variant.

5. If I Were a Rich Man - 40pts
Earn one million dollars in total over the course of campaign mode.

6. Fear is The Mind Killer - 45pts
Spend 1 minute straight at full Aggro.

7. Starting a Riot - 30pts
Kill 50 enemies total in Co-op Riot Shield.

8. Two Eyes are Better Than One - 35pts
Kill 5 enemies total using Co-op Snipe.

9. Seven-six-two Millimeter - 20pts
Kill 250 enemies total using Assault Rifles.

10. This is my Boom Stick! - 20pts
Kill 250 enemies total using Shotguns.

11. Spray and Pray - 20pts
Kill 250 enemies total using Machine Guns.

12. Dead Man's Hand - 20pts
Kill 150 enemies total using Handguns.

13. Alright, Who Wants Some? - 20pts
Kill 250 enemies total using SMGs.

14. One Shot. One Kill. - 20pts
Kill 100 enemies total using Sniper Rifles.

15. Big Boom! Big Bada Boom! - 20pts
Kill 25 enemies total using RPGs.

16. Flip You. Flip You For Real - 20pts
Kill 50 enemies total using the Melee Attack.

17. Fission Mailed - 20pts
Kill 25 Martyrs by shooting the Bomb Packs on their chests.

18. If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It - 30pts
Kill 25 Heavy Armor enemies.

19. Field Medic - 30pts
Drag and heal your partner 25 times.

20. Boots on the Ground - 10pts
Finish playing a versus ranked match.

21. The Devil's in the Details - 20pts
Complete 20 minor objectives in a ranked match.

22. Surviving The Game - 25pts
Complete a ranked match without ever needing to be revived.

23. Retirement Savings Plan - 40pts
Earn one billion dollars in total in ranked matches.

24. Out of Debt - 15pts
Heal your partner for the first time. Training does not count.

25. One Gun is Enough - 35pts
Win a ranked match without purchasing any additional weapons.

26. Beast with Two Fronts - 20pts
Kill 50 enemies total in Back-to-Back.

27. Running Man - 30pts
Kill 75 enemies while in the stealth mode of Overkill.

28. L'Abattoir - 30pts
Kill 100 enemies while in the power mode of Overkill.

29. Weapon Specialist - 15pts
Purchase 3 weapons.

30. Stonewall - 30pts
Kill 30 enemies using the Riot Shield melee attack

31. My Kind of Case! - 40pts
Collect all of the information cases in the entire game.

32. Secret Achievement - 30pts
Secret achievement.

33. Secret Achievement - 30pts
Secret achievement.

34. Secret Achievement - 15pts
Secret achievement.

35. Secret Achievement - 15pts
Secret achievement.

36. Secret Achievement - 15pts
Secret achievement.

37. Secret Achievement - 15pts
Secret achievement.

This game looks less appealing after seeing some videos, and the achievements seem to be the same as any other shooting game.
From what I have heard, this game is not living up to the hype at all. From what I have seen, I think that is a safe bet that it will be average.
Yea, it is hard to say, but I think it will be worth a good $40 or so. The only problem is that it will take awhile to get there being an EA game that isn't sports (i.e. The Godfather). The co-op will be a good selling point for many though.
Will probably rent this when it comes out later this week and beat it with a friend on co-op. I love playing through story modes on co-op. Hopefully this one is better then the last one we beat...Kane and Lynch.
[quote name='sasukekun']I hope this game doesnt flop. I've really been looking forward to it.[/quote]

I concur. I'm hoping for reviews at least in the low 80's. First review is promising.

Some damn nice-looking screenies over at Gamespot, ya'll.
I just watched gametrailers preview and looks awesome. Complete 180 from what I'd expect. One question, Is there online-coop for the campaign? If there isn't than this is a complete pass.

Norwegian game- magazine called Gamereactor. Anyways, it scored a 8/10. Got lots of good comments including good graphics and sound, and fairly innovative gameplay. And apparently it kicked ass when playing with a friend.

Now, my biggest gripe with the game, is that they claimed the game was next to useless when playing alone in singleplayer. Now that doesn't sound good to me. I mean, online is cool, but I often like to just kick back and play alone. They didn't say if you were able to use all the different abilities when playing alone, but they pretty much said the game fell flat on its stomach in singleplayer without explaining why. Pires81 (gs forums)
This is an ideal candidate for Gamefly. Short Game with little to no replay value for Multiplayer. I'm sure the Co-Op will be amazing. But overall it will be just average. Gamefly it. Go create an account just for this. It's like $10 or something.
[quote name='Scorch']what the hell? is it out?

EB's site shows shipping now, people on GameFAQs already have it. WTF[/quote]

TeamXbox shows release date of 3/4.
I preordered this game for my brother who lives out of state as a Christmas present. I really hope it does indeed come out tomorrow so we can start popping some heads after I get off work. As far as being an EA shooter - yeah, I have my doubts. Still, a Gears clone with interesting suppression/stealth mechanics and its entire design focused around cooperative gameplay is practically a godsend (especially since we can play over Live). I will throw money at this concept in any iteration for the rest of eternity. Please make more online co-op games!
[quote name='insertcleverthing']I preordered this game for my brother who lives out of state as a Christmas present. I really hope it does indeed come out tomorrow so we can start popping some heads after I get off work. As far as being an EA shooter - yeah, I have my doubts. Still, a Gears clone with interesting suppression/stealth mechanics and its entire design focused around cooperative gameplay is practically a godsend (especially since we can play over Live). I will throw money at this concept in any iteration for the rest of eternity. Please make more online co-op games![/quote]

Don't hold your breath too much. The commercials say 3/6, but that might just be a precaution.
the commercial looks good...made me switch this from a rent to a buy....1ups garnett talked about this game around gdc. He claimed that the delay from the fall untill now made it go from a ho hum avg experiance to a triple a release.
[quote name='help1']Don't hold your breath too much. The commercials say 3/6, but that might just be a precaution.[/quote]

EA has to be the only company that has Thursday as their release date on Commercials, it will def be on shelves Tues........they do it as a percaution
[quote name='glockant']i played this over the weekend.

imo, pretty much the same as Gears of War. i liked it.[/QUOTE]

Anyone else?

I'm wondering how this game is too... bittorent/modders to the rescue....
[quote name='mvp828']Also don't forget, CC has the in-store guarantee of 2PM release day or $20 GC.[/QUOTE]

Wow I didn't know that. Is this in writing somewhere I can reference it or is it a nationwide CC store policy?
[quote name='mvp828']Also don't forget, CC has the in-store guarantee of 2PM release day or $20 GC.[/quote]
They stopped doing that after they lost a ton of money from running that promo...and its not mentioned on this weeks ad either. Just says instore by Wed @ 2pm.
[quote name='lordopus99']The face that neither IGN or Gamespot has reviews yet two days before release could be a bad sign.[/quote]

Eh, for all we know EA put a restriction on the reviews release from those two.
X-Play actually did mention some multiplayer but I guess it was vague. They showed some 2 against 2 type matches which they said used the games 2 player mechanics very well.
I have an extra preorder code if anybody wants it. First person to PM me gets it. Remember, it's 360 only.
[quote name='RiCeBo1']I have an extra preorder code if anybody wants it. First person to PM me gets it. Remember, it's 360 only.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='LinkinPrime']They stopped doing that after they lost a ton of money from running that promo...and its not mentioned on this weeks ad either. Just says instore by Wed @ 2pm.[/quote]

My fault for I am an idiot and didn't read speedy's thread all the way through last week. I seen the "-2PM" after it and just took for granted that it was that deal. Didn't know they stopped that.
[quote name='mvp828']My fault for I am an idiot and didn't read speedy's thread all the way through last week. I seen the "-2PM" after it and just took for granted that it was that deal. Didn't know they stopped that.[/quote]

No harm no foul.
[quote name='RiCeBo1']I have an extra preorder code if anybody wants it. First person to PM me gets it. Remember, it's 360 only.[/quote]

hey can u check if the codes are different? or can one code be used more than once?
[quote name='D4rkewolfe']X-Play actually did mention some multiplayer but I guess it was vague. They showed some 2 against 2 type matches which they said used the games 2 player mechanics very well.[/QUOTE]

MP only consists of 2v2 matches. Three match types and four maps out of the box. More maps will be available as future DLC.
[quote name='deadite76']MP only consists of 2v2 matches. Three match types and four maps out of the box. More maps will be available as future DLC.[/quote]

Last I heard they were shooting for weekly new maps too. So that might push it over to buy for me
My GS didn't get it today they said it'll be in tomorrow. I just wanted to see the box I plan on just renting it so no big deal to me. I was there picking up my MLB The Show 08 so yea.....Still looking forward to this and hope it's good.
This game is fun as hell. I'm really, really shocked that it's this awesome. I avoided all coverage until now. I love the weapon customization.
[quote name='tiredfornow']Did GC get it today, Scorch?[/quote]

Yep, GameCrazy stores intercepted the shipment instead of going through FedEx. Isn't that ironic? Everyone says GC workers are the laziest of the bunch, yet we got it quicker than the big name guys. TIGER UPPERCUT!

There were so many people calling and saying how much Gamestop sucks and blah blah blah. It was funny. We only got about 40 in, 25 of which were preordered.. the extras sold through quick. I hadn't planned on buying it, but after I saw someone playing it in-store, I had to get it.
[quote name='Scorch']Yep, GameCrazy stores intercepted the shipment instead of going through FedEx. Isn't that ironic? Everyone says GC workers are the laziest of the bunch, yet we got it quicker than the big name guys. TIGER UPPERCUT!

There were so many people calling and saying how much Gamestop sucks and blah blah blah. It was funny. We only got about 40 in, 25 of which were preordered.. the extras sold through quick. I hadn't planned on buying it, but after I saw someone playing it in-store, I had to get it.[/QUOTE]

Damn! I meant to stop by GC on my way home but I completely forgot. It's good to hear that it turned out better than expected. Looking forward to hearing more impressions!!
[quote name='Scorch']This game is fun as hell. I'm really, really shocked that it's this awesome. I avoided all coverage until now. I love the weapon customization.[/QUOTE]

How is the partner AI and AI in general? The reviews I read said the Partner AI is kinda crappy, but it's a lot better if you are playing coop with another human player.
I guess I should post why I dig the game:

Weapon customization. Holy balls. Silencers, shields, you can even pimp it out (Golden Gun, anyone?)

Team celebration taunts. I think it's pretty cool, at least. Walk up to your teammate and hit A and they'll congratulate each other. Could be a handshake, could be a high five.. I've even seen them play air guitar. Hit the right trigger to abuse your teammate.

Co-op Snipe. Simple enough.. trigger the mode, you focus on one target, your teammate focuses on another.

Back-To-Back. The BTB mode is pretty badass. When you're surrounded, they go back to back and it turns into a slow motion shootout.

Aggro. Whoever has the biggest gun/is shooting more becomes the sole target of enemies, giving the other person a chance to sneak around and do whatever. Of course, if you cross in front of enemies, they'll shoot at you, but if you steer clear, you're fine.

Switching weapons with teammates, using car doors as shields.. it's a lot of fun. I can see myself playing this for a while co-op. I love the mercenaries type feel to it. It's cool how you can get paid (or not paid) to do certain things.. for example, blow up a helicopter, make $3500. If you don't, you lose the chance. You can also buy new armor and facemasks. I'm assuming there's an unlockable skull mask or something.

The partner AI isn't bad. He shoots who he needs to and heals you when he needs to.. except once, when I was down.. he tried to drag me to cover and got blindsided by a rocket. :dunce:
thanks for the mini review scorch...there is new best buy opening up a few towns over from me...they are giving $20 gift cards to the first 100 in line for a private reward zone member opening...between the $20 gift card I hope to snag, and the 20% off coupon they are giving out I think I will pick this up :)
bread's done