Army of Two - Gen. Discussion & Info - Veterans Pack Co-Op Campaign DLC Free - Up Now

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Does anyone knew yet if kills carry over? Like if I get 249 kills with an SMG in my first playthrough and I get one more kill with it at the start of the next playthrough..will it give me the achievement?[/quote]

Yes sir. They carry over.
The codes are indeed unique.

The first 9 people to PM me get a code to unlock a BST-V1 submachine gun.


I'm glad a lot of other people seem to be enjoying it as well.
[quote name='Scorch']7 left.[/QUOTE]


Anyone mess around with the SAL-86 long-range sniper grenade rifle from the GS pre-order?
So this game is good then? I'm trying to decide between this and Vegas 2 for this month (looking for a co-op game) and the gameplay videos looked nice. Plus I'm sorta biased towards this because its a 3rd person shooter :p
[quote name='Scorch']3 left[/QUOTE]
I'm about to get on in like 5 mins...someone wanna co-op with me? Starting with the beginning of course :)
[quote name='Scorch']codes are gone. Dunno if i'll get more in. Enjoy![/QUOTE]

Damm you Scorch...DAMM YOU!! Haha the minute I PM you the minute you tell me they're gone :cry:
[quote name='RiCeBo1']Damm you Scorch...DAMM YOU!! Haha the minute I PM you the minute you tell me they're gone :cry:[/QUOTE]

Hell, I think he's a classy guy, but I may be biased.

Thanks again Scorch!
[quote name='Scorch']I've got a few Lost Odyssey extra bonus stages/weapons/whatever they gave away for preorders if it's any comfort.[/QUOTE]

Haha thanks but no thanks. Are the ones you had the same codes as Gamestop's? Cuz I had a couple that I grabbed from work, but they're all gone already.
Alright, here's my review as promised (prepare for a wall of text!):

The enemy AI is very well done. Enemies will only run out of cover if they know they are being flanked or are otherwise in danger of dying (this is on contract aka normal mode). They even wait until you reload or get distracted to pop out and fire, otherwise they pretty much just blindfire. If it is obvious that you are in a tight spot, they will rush you. I doubt I'll play this on single player anytime in the near future so I can't comment on the partner AI (reports seem mixed).
Weapon customization is freakin' sweet. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal, but I find myself getting a bit giddy when I know blowing up a chopper might net me that little extra boost in moolah to put a freaking shotgun frontmount on my sub machinegun. Yes, you read that right...A shotgun undersling for an SMG...Awesome.
Co-op moves are great and not forced like I expected. You don't have to co-op snipe if you don't want to and back-to-back moves are nicely sprinkled throughout the missions without being repetitive.
Story is alright I suppose. It is a little weird seeing 9-11 in a video game or a suicide bomber yelling out "long live Saddam". Maybe a bit too soon? I don't know. I'm on the second to last mission but if I'm right the plot twist can be seen from a mile away. No one cares though since you most definitely did not buy this game for the story. Let's be honest here.
Most importantly, level design is top notch. The forth level was freakin' brilliant. I think any action gamer will appreciate how it ends. There might not be a lot of levels but so far they have been very varied and open. Think of it kind of like Halo or Gears. Sure it is linear, but you have options on how to tackle each battle with cover strewn about and flanking moves available here and there.
The cover and Aggro system also work exceptionally well. I hope all games use this cover system because it is so effortless and intuitive (no button input necessary). Aggro works like it should and overkill modes are freaking fun.
Can't comment on replayability yet, but it looks to be decent.

The game suffered from a bit of lag during my first session with occasional hiccups and freeze frames. When the game starts to chug, the fun gets zapped out real fast. Hopefully this won't be common. Fortunately, the lag seemed to even out and fade as we went along. Still, it was highly annoying when it happened.
Also beware this game drops f-bombs like no other. It probably puts Butcher's Bay and Gears to shame with the language. I don't mind it per se but it does seem rather superfluous.
I found ammo pick-ups to be somewhat of a problem as well. I was super pumped when I brought in my RPG for the first time, but after one shot I NEVER found another round all mission. WTF? Same goes with the sniper rifle. These weapons are the most fun, so why can't you use them more? It seems that you can only find ammo for your primary and secondary weapon (sidearm). You also cannot pick up enemy weapons which is kind of lame.

Expect some texture pop and lazy modeling (mostly on background objects and environments). The character models are very detailed however, so it is somewhat of a trade-off I suppose.
Loading times are downright cruel. Expect 20-30 seconds of waiting when going to buy weapons, loading up a level, or just about anything else.

I guess in conclusion it's about right for the scores it has been getting and an acceptable replacement of/compliment to Gears of War co-op. It is definitely a solid title with some great mechanics. A little more polish would have been nice but I would say it is already above average as is. Again, I must stress that this game can only be fully enjoyed with a friend! Any other way and you are just doing yourself a disservice.

It's as good as I thought it would be and the perfect game for my brother and I. I'm glad I bought it. Can't wait to finish it tomorrow and get working on buying that minicannon and grenade launcher!
[quote name='valor19']I sent you a PM. Should be getting the game tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

Sweet Valor. Everyone make sure to check his LIVE account to see him playing it tomorrow. Scortch you should add Valor to play some Co-Op tomorrow. Yep...
ok odd..

I can't voice chat or play with a friend in this game. It just won't happen. But we can send messages to each other via XBox Live and it's fine. What the hell!?

//edit: he switched to his other 360 and it worked. WTF? That doesn't make sense. I also fiddled around with some settings on my router.. who knows what the problem was
Ok, after beating the game twice in one sitting (both on Recruit), I can officially say that this is my new favorite Co-Op game on the Xbox 360. The weapon customization is above and beyond all the things I already saw and heard about it. The cover system is a tiny bit different from most games, so it takes about one level to really get the hang of it. However, the tactics it takes to even beat levels on the easiest difficulty are what make the game for me. The whole Aggro system works quite well, especially when you have someone who knows what they are doing. So, overall:

Aggro system of fighting
Weapon customization
Enemy AI
Co-Op Snipe/Shield
Good amount of replayability
Nice assortment of achievements - 1000/1000 isn't out of the question.

Could be longer - not a major make/break point though (I'm sure on harder difficulties it will take longer than 5 hours)
It came out two weeks before Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
Hmm, I've really wanted this game. But I heard it was crap so I took it off my radar. I'm glad to see positive things about it. It's now on my buy list when I get money.
Weapon Customizations
Level Designs
Enemies can be tough
Environmental objectives

- Checkpoints aren't always at the right place - I got to a boss and died, then the checkpoint started me off at the battle beforehand
- Environments aren't destructible
- Sometimes you get stuck in the healing animation

Funny as hell:
- When you get shot in the back of your head and die dragging your teammate you fall on him like you are 69'ing him.
I personally love this game. But of course I keep trying to tell this guy on my Car forums that it is a good game. He believes all the gun sounds are the same. But he is also playing on a PS3. So i don't know. I love the game personally, but I think people are trying to put this game next to COD4.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Nice assortment of achievements - 1000/1000 isn't out of the question.[/QUOTE]From what I've read, to get the billionaire multiplayer achievement you would have to play with something like 90% efficiency and it would still take as much time as going Prestige 4 or 5 in CoD(150-200 hours). The rest look like cake though.

Gameplay is sick. Only thing that's throwing me off is that you don't really latch/hook onto cover like in GoW/Vegas so you can't really peek around corners and stuff. I can't imagine how playing it on Hard is gonna be, but I guess it won't be so tough once we unlock the better weapons after the 1st playthrough.
Tycho had an interesting post on Penny-Arcade:

Just got back from the store with two copies of Army of Two, my mind already blossoming with mercenary exploits, when it suddely became clear that the game has no local play option. No local play option. Even on the same Goddamned LAN, both accounts need to be Gold Tier Live accounts. You seriously have got to be fucking kidding me.

Not the worst thing in the world but boarder line retarded to have a co-op game that NEEDS Live. I don't get it. It's not like EA is getting a % or something from M$ for having Gold Account needed. You would have thought with their 4 month delay they could have seen that coming. Lazy programming lives at EA once again!!
For those who have played the majority of the game: is it worth the $60 price tag? I'm seriously considering picking this up.
[quote name='Ma12kez']For those who have played the majority of the game: is it worth the $60 price tag? I'm seriously considering picking this up.[/QUOTE]

Ya, there are a lot of 10% off coupons flying around from GS/Bestbuy. So it's a little cheaper. But it has a lot of replay value.
Spend the $20 or so and get a Gamefly account. This screams perfect Gamefly game. Fun co-op but short with LITTLE replay value.
how many people acutally do local lan...I would imagine the amount of users that do that is less then 1% of all why the fuck would a developer spend any time writting code that no one is going to use
Sounds like a rental. Love playing local coop with a friend though. Given it's a five hour game, ideal to rent and play through in a night of drinking.
[quote name='ryanbph']how many people acutally do local lan...I would imagine the amount of users that do that is less then 1% of all why the fuck would a developer spend any time writting code that no one is going to use[/quote]

Agree, I never even considered it until this year when a friend of mine and I started a Student Organization at our college that meets a couple times a month and plays games.
How long will it take to get all weapon customization? How is the aiming, especially in comparison to Kane and Lynch (which I thought had craptacular aiming from the demo)?
I hope you guys are happy, I went out and bought the game. But it wasnt that bad, because I traded in Bioshock & The Darkness (which I got from the gamestop B1G1 deal) & got $50 for them

Haven't played it yet though
[quote name='SoulReaver']How long will it take to get all weapon customization? How is the aiming, especially in comparison to Kane and Lynch (which I thought had craptacular aiming from the demo)?[/QUOTE]

At least 7 or more play-thrus from what I've experienced.

Aiming isnt bad, it's similar to gears. You use left trigger to keep out (or precision aim) and right to blindfire (precison fire)
[quote name='Bigsauce']Tycho had an interesting post on Penny-Arcade:

Just got back from the store with two copies of Army of Two, my mind already blossoming with mercenary exploits, when it suddely became clear that the game has no local play option. No local play option. Even on the same Goddamned LAN, both accounts need to be Gold Tier Live accounts. You seriously have got to be fucking kidding me.

Not the worst thing in the world but boarder line retarded to have a co-op game that NEEDS Live. I don't get it. It's not like EA is getting a % or something from M$ for having Gold Account needed. You would have thought with their 4 month delay they could have seen that coming. Lazy programming lives at EA once again!![/quote]

The fuck are you talking about?

If you even read the thread before posting that bullshit, you'll see that someone else posted the same article and got shut down. The game has local co-op. :roll:
Wow.. I sent codes out to those that PM'ed me, and even one to Riceboi.. I got 10 more in today, i'm down to five, you know the drill..

Next 5 that PM asking get a code for a BST-V1 Submachine gun
[quote name='valor19']I believe there is a 2 v. 2.[/quote]
Is that considered Co-op? I'm talking about Solo or perhaps teams? I haven't heard anything like that before so it seems unlikely.
[quote name='Littlefields']Is that considered Co-op? I'm talking about Solo or perhaps teams? I haven't heard anything like that before so it seems unlikely.[/QUOTE]

Well, I guess it depends on what you mean by co-op. I consider co-op going as a pair through set levels or the single player campaign. You can join up with another a person and take on another team of 2. You can't however, go out and kill by yourself. The game emphasizes team-play and even in the multiplayer portion, you still have someone tagging along.

So, there is the single player campaign with an A.I. sidekick.
There is co-op with a real person taking over where the A.I. sidekick was.
Then there is online 2 v. 2 where you and a buddy battle against another team of 2.
Gametrailers review is up. Funny thing is having beaten the game twice now, I feel I have a pretty good handle on the design and quality of the game. That said, I pretty much disagreed with everything they said. The controls were never an issue for me and it appears the person playing in the review kinda sucks and deducts points here and there because of it.

They even say at one point that the game contains "your stereotypical quick time events". Ummm, where? I must have missed those...

Lots of reviewing oddities like that contained therein:
[quote name='insertcleverthing']Gametrailers review is up. Funny thing is having beaten the game twice now, I feel I have a pretty good handle on the design and quality of the game. That said, I pretty much disagreed with everything they said. The controls were never an issue for me and it appears the person playing in the review kinda sucks and deducts points here and there because of it.

They even say at one point that the game contains "your stereotypical quick time events". Ummm, where? I must have missed those...

Lots of reviewing oddities like that contained therein:[/quote]
I respect GT's reviews a lot. Their reviews generally help me decide weather or not to buy a game. The video made me second-think about buying it. I'm going to hopefully find this used or trade for it. :cry:
Hey just picked this up and played a little bit of it online. Seems like a decent game. I'd like to find someone to play through it with in the co-op mode. I'm around pretty much anytime so if anyone's interested send my a friend request. Gt=Frankysox
bread's done