Army of Two - Gen. Discussion & Info - Veterans Pack Co-Op Campaign DLC Free - Up Now

[quote name='Littlefields']I respect GT's reviews a lot. Their reviews generally help me decide weather or not to buy a game. The video made me second-think about buying it. I'm going to hopefully find this used or trade for it. :cry:[/quote]
Yeah, I respect GT and usually like their take too. This is probably only the second review I've ever totally disagreed with from them (the other being Burnout Paradise which they obviously didn't really play all that much of). I guess even the best of them can throw a few lazy pitches...
I picked up a Target clearance game yesterday and told the guy I needed to get into the 360 case. He said, "Army of Two?" and I said no but we chatted about the game a bit and he said it's been flying off the shelf.

He also said he doesn't want to be working the day R6Vegas2 comes out. Just a small anecdote on Army of Two selling well at least one place.
[quote name='whoknows']I'm going to guess this is a no, but can two people play online from one console?[/quote]

Yes, just like in gears and halo.
Played a few hours last night (single player, "Recruit" difficulty), and I'm liking this game.

Surprisingly, controlling your teammate with the d-pad has been pretty intuitive:
- left: re-group
- up: advance
- right: hold position
one click puts him in a "passive" version of the order, while two clicks have them do an "aggressive" version of the order. I've been using the orders to have us leapfrop from cover to cover, or have my teammate go all aggro on the enemy while I flank (or I go all aggo and have my teammate advance up under cover for the kill).
When I get incapacitated, I haven't had any weird hiccups with him coming over to help - only time was when we were getting overrun by the enemy on a rooftop while he was dragging me and it resulted in our deaths (he was getting shot repeated and was kinda flipping between dragging and shooting back).
Not sure if it will be the harder levels that will tax and AI, but I'm looking to seeing how it turns out.
Plus, the teammate AI has been doing it's part in the battle, and the kill count hasn't been too lopsided.

The only odd thing I've seen is when you enter "Overkill" mode - my AI partner rushes ahead quickly and somehow manages to kill everyone ahead of me before I get there :) . However, being too lazy to read the instructions so far, perhaps Overkill works like that?

Otherwise, haven't used the dual sniper mode too much, and the back to back is almost like a mini-game on how many enemies you can kill before getting kicked back into realtime. I've enjoyed being the shield bearer.

Overall, you can kinda say that AoT comes off as a less polished Gears of War, but the modern setting plus the customizable weapons (plus the concentration of mechanics on you and one teammate) has made it feel - to me - more fun to play. I generally play single player games, and I was hesitent this game would just be me babysitting the AI, but it does kinda feel like you're fighting in a team. Looking forward to playing it co-op.

Current load-out preference:
Primary: heavily modded HK 36 with shield (no undercarraige weapons to maintain accuracy)
Secondary: plain P90
Special: tried the RPG, but will go back to a plain M14 sniper rifle

Saving up for a SAW to go nuts with aggro ;)
[quote name='greydt']The only odd thing I've seen is when you enter "Overkill" mode - my AI partner rushes ahead quickly and somehow manages to kill everyone ahead of me before I get there :) . However, being too lazy to read the instructions so far, perhaps Overkill works like that?[/quote]

I believe Overkill works when one person gets a full aggro meter and then it will allow you to activate it. Once activated the guy with the most aggro seems to be forced to stand and everything is in slow motion and he's moving at a slow pace with the slow motion (I assume this is an attempt to make it look like he's the main target for enemies). This gives the other, now "invisible" player, time to go and kill everyone that is in the vacinity until the time is up on Overkill.
[quote name='Draekon']I believe Overkill works when one person gets a full aggro meter and then it will allow you to activate it. Once activated the guy with the most aggro seems to be forced to stand and everything is in slow motion and he's moving at a slow pace with the slow motion (I assume this is an attempt to make it look like he's the main target for enemies). This gives the other, now "invisible" player, time to go and kill everyone that is in the vacinity until the time is up on Overkill.[/QUOTE]

Ah, thanks for the clarification! I kept thinking that I was suppose to personally "Overkill" things. At least this will now keep me from running out from cover during Overkill thinking I was doing some kind of matrix move :)
Yeah, you could beat it easily in 5/6 hours. There's some nice replayability there if you want to keep at it longer though.
Just doesnt strike me like it has the long term legs. I definitely want to check it out though. This seems much better for the 360 (online) since I'm more likely to get a partner with a headset.
[quote name='tiredfornow']The fuck are you talking about?

If you even read the thread before posting that bullshit, you'll see that someone else posted the same article and got shut down. The game has local co-op. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, let me break it down badkid. If you read my post you would see it's from Tycho. I assume since yer some run of the mill forum troll you don't know much about anything. Tycho is from Penny Arcade. If he says there is no co-op, guess what? THERE IS NO SYSTEM LINK CO-OP. You might wanna bullshit around and pretend you work for EA or something and claim there is co-op.

How many people use system link? Unknown. But what we can speculate on it the amount of users who DON'T have XBOX Live Gold accounts. So there are 18 Million Units Sold Worldwide. And there are only 10 Million Gold Accounts. Throw in some still original XBOX owners and were looking at a pretty good size of people who DON'T have XBOX Live Gold. Maybe even half, most likely around 40%. So 40% of people can't play this game over system link. Hmmm...I would say good job on alienating 40% of yer audience EA.
[quote name='Bigsauce']Yeah, let me break it down badkid. If you read my post you would see it's from Tycho. I assume since yer some run of the mill forum troll you don't know much about anything. Tycho is from Penny Arcade. If he says there is no co-op, guess what? THERE IS NO SYSTEM LINK CO-OP. You might wanna bullshit around and pretend you work for EA or something and claim there is co-op.

How many people use system link? Unknown. But what we can speculate on it the amount of users who DON'T have XBOX Live Gold accounts. So there are 18 Million Units Sold Worldwide. And there are only 10 Million Gold Accounts. Throw in some still original XBOX owners and were looking at a pretty good size of people who DON'T have XBOX Live Gold. Maybe even half, most likely around 40%. So 40% of people can't play this game over system link. Hmmm...I would say good job on alienating 40% of yer audience EA.[/QUOTE]

It has splitscreen. Not alienating at all.
[quote name='HighlightShow']My favorite part about this game is the weapon customization.[/quote]

It is pretty nice since we don't see it in games, but it kindof feels like they really couldof did more. Such as making each individual piece raise and lower different stats of the weapons so you pick and choose a combination that would be more beneficial to you and your partner rather than purchasing upgrades on a single piece that continually up a single stat (Well outside of supressors which lower two stats). Then they wouldn't require you to buy the lower stuff on the list just to get to the higher stuff since it's virtually eliminated.

Also have more appearences than just 'Pimped' or even allowing us to change various appearences on each piece of the gun. On top of that I think it wouldof been nice if we were able to customize our armor a bit more. It's pretty much three sets that you automatically obtain. Or hell, making the armor look change based on the mask you're wearing would be pretty nice too.

It's a start though. Hopefully we'll see more games where you can customize weapons like this in the future, but with a little more depth.
I just rented this game today, and i have to say, it's fun! I'm playing the splitscreen co-op with my sister and enjoying it. The weapon customization is cool, but i wish the game had more weapons-the more the merrier. I think they are going to release weapon packs in the future for this game depending on how it sells.
[quote name='zewone']It has splitscreen. Not alienating at all.[/QUOTE]

And it might be for you. But I consider Split Screen something of a relic, a throwback to the days before the invention of the interwebs (thank you Al Gore). I even have a 122 inch projector that I play on and it's still not enough. If they wanted to deprive a game of something I would suggest it be Splitscreen. But truth be told, a developer should never hold back a feature from their community. Bungie refused to ship Halo3 without 4 man splitscreen. An option I could care less for, but maybe 1% of their population uses. But for that 1%, it's epic. And for me, it's being able to play System Link in any game that is also LIVE enabled.
I'm pretty sure much more than 1% of people use splitscreen....I mean, its great for parties. who wants to lug over a the console, the brick of a power supply, and the rest of the hookups?
[quote name='SoulReaver']I'm pretty sure much more than 1% of people use splitscreen....I mean, its great for parties. who wants to lug over a the console, the brick of a power supply, and the rest of the hookups?[/QUOTE]

Agreed, it was a shot at the guy who said 1% of people use System Link. I would wager not to many people rock SplitScreen Halo 3 though. With it's install base being of 8 million + users I would wager maybe 10% use, being around 80,000 people maybe? Sounds high.
beat this yesterday with a friend using split screen, liked the campaign. Will probably beat it again on Professional using xbox live sometime, there are still some guns I want to buy.
[quote name='Bigsauce']I would wager not to many people rock SplitScreen Halo 3 though. With it's install base being of 8 million + users I would wager maybe 10% use, being around 80,000 people maybe? Sounds high.[/quote]You would lose a lot of money in that wager, then. Get on Xbox Live and you'd see about 25% of the games you play in will have at least one guest in them (non-ranked, of course).
I played the beginning and the first mission and so far I'm not liking it as much as I'd hoped. I'm thinking I need to play this game more to really get a good feel for it, but I'm so into Bully right now that I won't get to this until later......

One thing that gets me is that there's no way that any Ranger is a Private First Class (like they said one of them was in the beginning) because you are automatically promoted to Specialist once you graduate the school.....I know stupid little fact that nobody cares about.......but for some reason its real easy to catch the little stuff sometimes.

I like the fact that the game deals with real world of the few games at the moment that dares to jump into that area as far as gaming goes.
Finally got all the single player achievements (870 points so far), now I just need to take care of the 5 online-related ones.

Scratch that: just need the billion dollars, now :cool:
[quote name='Bigsauce']Agreed, it was a shot at the guy who said 1% of people use System Link. I would wager not to many people rock SplitScreen Halo 3 though. With it's install base being of 8 million + users I would wager maybe 10% use, being around 80,000 people maybe? Sounds high.[/quote]

10% of 8 million is 800,000. Just sayin.
[quote name='Bigsauce']And it might be for you. But I consider Split Screen something of a relic, a throwback to the days before the invention of the interwebs (thank you Al Gore). I even have a 122 inch projector that I play on and it's still not enough. If they wanted to deprive a game of something I would suggest it be Splitscreen. But truth be told, a developer should never hold back a feature from their community. Bungie refused to ship Halo3 without 4 man splitscreen. An option I could care less for, but maybe 1% of their population uses. But for that 1%, it's epic. And for me, it's being able to play System Link in any game that is also LIVE enabled.[/QUOTE]

I'm trying to understand this system link thing (personally never having used it) - so basically, it's 2+ people, each with a 360 console and TV , under the same roof using a LAN. The problem now is that one or more of those people do not have a Gold account, which means they can't play together.

So this affects:
- People who have multiple Xbox360 system set-ups in their home for them and their friends (or family) to play, but do not want to pay for additional Gold accounts
- People who lug their Xbox360 console to play at their friend's house, but does not have a Gold account

Is this the gist of the argument or am I missing anything?
[quote name='greydt']I'm trying to understand this system link thing (personally never having used it) - so basically, it's 2+ people, each with a 360 console and TV , under the same roof using a LAN. The problem now is that one or more of those people do not have a Gold account, which means they can't play together.

So this affects:
- People who have multiple Xbox360 system set-ups in their home for them and their friends (or family) to play, but do not want to pay for additional Gold accounts
- People who lug their Xbox360 console to play at their friend's house, but does not have a Gold account

Is this the gist of the argument or am I missing anything?[/QUOTE]

The main demographic that this effects is not the people who don't have Gold Accounts, it's the people that don't have Broadband at all. I live in a town that just got High Speed about 2 years ago. And all the neighboring towns still don't have access to it, much like a good percentage of in the US. And not just the people who don't have access to it, but just cannot afford it. Irregardless of how many people it affects or why, it shouldn't have been left out. Agreed?? I don't care if it affected 1 person who bought the game, it shouldn't have happened.

Think back before LIVE. The year is November 2001, Halo arrives. Yet it doesn't support System Link, the only option to play other than split screen. How would you have felt? I understand this game isn't Halo or even Gears, but to limit your audience in any sense is unjustifiable. And what if by some miracle MLG wanted to pick up this game? How would they go about that?

Dave, I even double checked to make sure I got the zero's correct and I still failed. My bad.
[quote name='Bigsauce']The main demographic that this effects is not the people who don't have Gold Accounts, it's the people that don't have Broadband at all. I live in a town that just got High Speed about 2 years ago. And all the neighboring towns still don't have access to it, much like a good percentage of in the US. And not just the people who don't have access to it, but just cannot afford it. Irregardless of how many people it affects or why, it shouldn't have been left out. Agreed?? I don't care if it affected 1 person who bought the game, it shouldn't have happened.

Think back before LIVE. The year is November 2001, Halo arrives. Yet it doesn't support System Link, the only option to play other than split screen. How would you have felt? I understand this game isn't Halo or even Gears, but to limit your audience in any sense is unjustifiable. And what if by some miracle MLG wanted to pick up this game? How would they go about that? [/QUOTE]

Woah, calm down a little - I was just asking. I picked up an original Xbox the month before 360 came out, got my 360 around 1-1/2 years ago, and I just turned on my first annual gold account...last night. I was just curious about the background for this, and was trying to make sense of what the situation was.
Great game. Anyone who thinks the AI is terrible is completely mistaken. The AI Is actually pretty good. At the level where you were in the ship, I kept getting flanked by the AI. It absolutely sucked.
[quote name='Bigsauce'] Irregardless of how many people it affects or why, it shouldn't have been left out. Agreed?? [/quote]
"Irregardless" isn't a word. Just sayin'.
[quote name='insertcleverthing']"Irregardless" isn't a word. Just sayin'.[/QUOTE]

He also said "could care less" when the phrase is "couldn't care less."

I'm going to assume English isn't his first language.
I beat it once on Contractor. Now I am playing through on Recruit to get some quick money and complete some of the weapon achievements. I will play it on Professional once I feel that I have the guns ready for it.

I really am liking this game so far.
Must be selling pretty well. BB I was in today was totally out of 360 copies and onyl one copy left for PS3
Your partner AI is just so stupid... God does it piss me off. Sometimes, he does what you want him to very efficiently, but other times, he's just damn stupid.
FYI, I read about this sick cheese spot courtesy of X360A where you can get the assault rifle, pistol, SMG and sniper rifle chiefments.


Basically you just start up a new single player game on the easiest difficulty and do the training until the part where the game teaches you how to heal your teammate. At this point you tell your AI partner to advance but he'll stop short because there's a proximity mine on the wall. You throw a grenade as hit feet so that he's forced to move up and hit the bomb. His knockout will trigger 120 enemies who spawn in pairs to attack you across the fence. Now you just drag your partner beyond the wall so he can't get shot and he can't shoot them. Both of you have infinite ammo and health so you can just take them out one by one with any of those guns for the achievement. You only have an assault rifle, sniper rifle and pistol but you can swap your pistol with your teammate's SMG to get that achievement too. There are only ~120 enemies so you'll have to restart it a couple of times to snag all of them. You can press start and reset it at the last checkpoint once you've exhausted the enemies so you can start the training from the beginning and your kills will carry over.
[quote name='Mojimbo']FYI, I read about this sick cheese spot courtesy of X360A where you can get the assault rifle, pistol, SMG and sniper rifle chiefments.
Well, since we're posting mini-guides for the's the briefcase locations:

  1. Behind the first M-11 missile is a small uphill path, follow it all the way to the end.
  2. After encountering the 1st heavy armor guard in the mission (a cutscene plays showing him walking out of a door), kill him and all the guards and search the platform area. It's up past a short set of stairs at the back of the platform.
  3. In the area just outside of Brian Hick's cell, go all the way to the back to get this one.
  1. Right before ascending the ladder to take out Ali Youseff's Lieutenant's Helicopter, look around at the bottom of the ladder to find this.
  2. When you're asked to call in the air-strike on the bunker, run to the tent nearest to the huge wall dividing the area (there are some sentry towers near the wall), it's on the side of the tent facing the wall.
  3. In the final area of the mission before meeting Ali Youseff, there are some metal platforms with guard on it. Kill them all, climb up the small steps to the 2nd level of the platform, and then the ladder to the 3rd level to find this.
Aircraft Carrier
  1. On the main deck of the ship after you land, run towards behind control tower and then to the right to find this on a platform on the side of the ship.
  2. In one of the hangars, you have to operate one of the planes to blow through a door (a heavy armored guard appears once the door is blown). Search around the wall closest to the door. It's behind some missiles.
  3. In the final hangar, after activating the missiles to sink the ship, look around at the back right of the hangar to find a basketball court. It's behind the basketball hoop closest to the hangar wall.
  1. Once you arrive at the dam, head up the stairs towards the first control panel. Look across the dam to see a similiar structure directly opposite. The briefcase is there.
  2. Once you arrive at the village, co-op snipe the 2 guards and take the right path. At the first house you can enter on the path, head to the 2nd floor to get this.
  3. After the only Back-to-Back sequence in China, do not enter the factory. Search outside near the back outside the factory (it's behind a dump) to find this.
  1. After the gates to the luggage area are opened, you have to run to the 2nd floor to operate a control panel. There's an office right before the control panel, search around the back of the office to find this.
  2. On the 3rd floor of SSC tower where you have to jump onto the lift, ignore the lift and keep running forward to the back of the floor to find this. It's directly opposite and across the staircase that you came up on.
[quote name='Bigsauce'] still has it listed. Just because it's not commonly used doesn't make it less of a word. I think we're all in agreement.

And obviously I could care less about it as well.[/quote]

It's "could not care less." Saying "could care less" means you could, in fact, care less about the topic.

In any event, after reading a few reviews, it seems the general consensus is that the game is somewhat unfinished and lacks polish. Unless I can find it on the cheap, I'll pass until Army of Two 2.
[quote name='Bigsauce'] still has it listed. Just because it's not commonly used doesn't make it less of a word. I think we're all in agreement.

And obviously I could care less about it as well.[/quote] also says ain't is a word. What's your point? It 's not a word, but I suppose your reasoning skills are right up there with your grasp of math and english.

In other news, I finished up most of the achievements in campaign. I suppose it is time to move on to multiplayer. What do fellow CAGS think of it? Is the "one gun is enough" achievement out of reach or are there a lot of wussy teams out there? "Retirement plan" looks out of the question unless multi is really, really good...
[quote name='insertcleverthing']What do fellow CAGS think of it? Is the "one gun is enough" achievement out of reach or are there a lot of wussy teams out there? "Retirement plan" looks out of the question unless multi is really, really good...[/quote]
I've yet to buy a weapon on multiplayer and still win a majority of the time. Most people you will play against aren't the best tacticians out there (it's still a new game). I read that it will take at least ~166 hours of play online to get the Retirement Savings Plan achievement. Online is fun, but not 160+ hours of fun.
[quote name='insertcleverthing'] also says ain't is a word. What's your point? It 's not a word, but I suppose your reasoning skills are right up there with your grasp of math and english.

In other news, I finished up most of the achievements in campaign. I suppose it is time to move on to multiplayer. What do fellow CAGS think of it? Is the "one gun is enough" achievement out of reach or are there a lot of wussy teams out there? "Retirement plan" looks out of the question unless multi is really, really good...[/QUOTE]

Irregardless of what it says at some point in the article it also says it was a word and just isn't commonly used. I could care less what you think anyway.
Checked at 6-7 different Gamestop's in my area not a copy of this to be found on either the 360 or the PS3. I guess they under estimatated how popular the game was going to be and under ordered it.
[quote name='Bigsauce']Irregardless of what it says at some point in the article it also says it was a word and just isn't commonly used. I could care less what you think anyway.[/quote]
Do you comprehend what "nonstandard word" means? I'm guessing not.
[quote name='ajh2298']Checked at 6-7 different Gamestop's in my area not a copy of this to be found on either the 360 or the PS3. I guess they under estimatated how popular the game was going to be and under ordered it.[/quote]

When I went to pick it up, the GS was sold out. I checked BB, they had none in the rack. Luckily, the sales associate was able to find some in the back. Never hurts to ask!
bread's done