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[quote name='LinkinPrime']Does this have split-screen local co-op?[/quote]

Of course! Cripes, that was a silly question.
[quote name='Scorch']Of course! Cripes, that was a silly question.[/quote]

Well...I also haven't really read much on this game so I didn't know...I thought it was like Crackdown with Co-Op over LAN or XBL only. Thanks for quickly answering though.
[quote name='anomynous']I don't get it, Scorch says its awesome, but Ive also heard its trash. I'll wait for more impressions[/quote]

Yea. I want a demo, but I honestly don't think I could justify this purchase with buying Brawl and GTA 4 in such a short time period, and the fact that the MP on this just looks tacked on.
Seems like mixed reviews on this one, alot of people love it, and alot of people hate it or don't like it that much.. which is why I stay away from reviews now, except for G.I.'s, which are usually pretty good / accurate, I've also noticed GameTrailers reviews are also usually well-rounded as-well, but most reviews just suck now-a-days.

I learned that with the whole Kane & Lynch fiasco, amazing game, that got crapped on - same with Jericho, which got HORRIBLE reviews, but it's actually a great game.. but no one will give it a chance, because everyone listens to reviews instead of actually trying things themselves.

As for Ao2, I've had it in my GameFly Q for the past 6 months or more (whenever they added it), and deleted everything else from my Q to make sure I get a copy, and if it's any good, then it'll be an instant-buy for me, if not, then it'll be a long rental.
One of the mods at Team Xbox, who has played and completed the game, said the game is under 5 hours long........
[quote name='FreakMan09']hey can u check if the codes are different? or can one code be used more than once?[/QUOTE]
Mine are different, but you never know if they can be used more than once. I already sent out one to the first person to PM me, but I'll try to see if there are any extras when I go to work tomorrow.
Well yes, I'm sure you can beat it in 5 or 6 hours. I don't understand why some people pay $60 for a game and tear through it. It makes no sense to me. I'm going to replay it over and over, earning money to get weapons or add-ons for the weapons.

But as I've said, I like it. I like it more than I liked Gears. It feels a lot like Gears (and a lot like Mercenaries, what with the objectives, buying weapons, etc), minus Marcus's chunky ass in a huge metal suit. But then again, I'm biased to third person shooters. There's not enough of 'em out there. I doubt I'll be playing it much tonight (I really want to start on Bully), but I'm home all day Thursday.. so if you guys wanna have a go, send me a FR and let's kick some ass.

//FWIW, I liked Kane and Lynch a lot as well, I think it would've been a great game had it had online co-op. If you play co-op, it's fun as hell (minus the fucking vertical co-op screen). Not so much single player.
[quote name='Scorch']//FWIW, I liked Kane and Lynch a lot as well, I think it would've been a great game had it had online co-op. If you play co-op, it's fun as hell (minus the fucking vertical co-op screen). Not so much single player.[/QUOTE]

Uh oh, I played the demo of K&L and thought it was horrible.

I guess this game will be very hit or miss.
From the videos it looks pretty hard to aim. The guy playing it had bullets trailing the enemy and not hitting the him at all.

I agree with OGHowie, I didn't like the K&L demo that much, mainly because of the aiming. From the looks of it, Army of Two doesn't look that different. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Scorch I have it coming via Gamefly. I sent you a FR so if you wanna give it a go this weekend (hopefully but prolly not since GF sucks at shipping) or maybe early next week. We'll see.
Hm, solid 7-8s with the reviews so this game is a definite maybe for me. Co-op play sounds awesome and I loves me some co-op play. Still, I think I have to wait for a price drop or sale or something before I dive in.
Yeah the Co-op aspect is what grabs my attention I'll probably rent it with my friend this weekend run through it.
[quote name='Scorch']//FWIW, I liked Kane and Lynch a lot as well, I think it would've been a great game had it had online co-op. If you play co-op, it's fun as hell (minus the fucking vertical co-op screen). Not so much single player.[/quote]

Yeahhhh...K&L was horrible. I was really looking forward to it, but it was crap. Can't really take your "love" of Army of 2 seriously...You seem easily impressed.
Hey look, there's a shiny thing.
To be fair the reviews out so far have been very positive. Nothing like Kane and Lynch reviews. So it might be a fun game.

IGN Gave it a 7.9 which is pretty good IMO
[quote name='joshnorm']To be fair the reviews out so far have been very positive. Nothing like Kane and Lynch reviews. So it might be a fun game.

IGN Gave it a 7.9 which is pretty good IMO[/quote]

But it's an IGN review....
Recently they gave Turning Point a 5. The game deserves a 2.
[quote name='nickmad']Yeahhhh...K&L was horrible. I was really looking forward to it, but it was crap. Can't really take your "love" of Army of 2 seriously...You seem easily impressed.
Hey look, there's a shiny thing.[/QUOTE]

On you tradelist updated as of 1/30/08:

360 Games
-Kane and Lynch

I'd love another co-op game to play but with R6V:2 coming out soon I think maybe I'll get that for the online co-op and wait for a price drop on this one.
I've noticed a lot of the reviews are deducting points because of the crappy single player mode which I guess, maybe, is fair. Meanwhile, the co-op mode is pretty much universally being applauded (duh, that's the point of the game!). Makes me wonder if EA should have just gone co-op ONLY. I bet the scores would've been much higher. Of course we all know that would never have happened...

I can't wait to pick this up today and get in a few levels tonight. I'm still very optomistic...
[quote name='insertcleverthing']I've noticed a lot of the reviews are deducting points because of the crappy single player mode which I guess, maybe, is fair. Meanwhile, the co-op mode is pretty much universally being applauded (duh, that's the point of the game!). Makes me wonder if EA should have just gone co-op ONLY. I bet the scores would've been much higher. Of course we all know that would never have happened...

I can't wait to pick this up today and get in a few levels tonight. I'm still very optomistic...[/quote]

Sounds like
Are single-player and co-op exactly the same? Like single-player contains you + an AI while in co-op someone just replaces the AI? Or are there seperate missions for each?
[quote name='SoulReaver']Like single-player contains you + an AI while in co-op someone just replaces the AI?[/quote]
Yes, that.

I just got it. I'll post my thoughts tonight after I get a couple levels in.
Im getting this on friday to go through with a mate. I like what ive seen apart from review scores.... I will be playing this on a new 360 when i get it from the repair centre wooo
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Does this have split-screen local co-op?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Scorch']Of course! Cripes, that was a silly question.[/QUOTE]

According to Tycho from Penny Arcade:
[quote name='Tycho']...the game has no local play option. No local play option. Even on the same Goddamned LAN, both accounts need to be Gold Tier Live accounts. You seriously have got to be fucking kidding me.[/QUOTE]

Any interest I may have had is now at zero.
There is split-screen co-op. I'm not entirely sure what Tycho is refering to in that little rant but it seems like it wasn't directed at split-screen co-op since he bought two copies of the game.

You can play with a friend side by side on the same xbox ala splitscreen. You can also play online via Live. You CANNOT however play system link between two xboxs on a LAN unless you are connected to Live... Everyone got it now?

How many people play that way though? I haven't played a system link game since Bushido Blade 2 on the PS1. I guess Lost Planet included it. Can't think of any "next gen" games I own that offer it at the moment. Halo3 and COD4 I would hope.
[quote name='insertcleverthing']*sigh*

You can play with a friend side by side on the same xbox ala splitscreen. You can also play online via Live. You CANNOT however play system link between two xboxs on a LAN unless you are connected to Live... Everyone got it now?

How many people play that way though? I haven't played a system link game since Bushido Blade 2 on the PS1. I guess Lost Planet included it. Can't think of any "next gen" games I own that offer it at the moment. Halo3 and COD4 I would hope.[/QUOTE]

It does, however, seem really stupid not to allow it.

Does anyone knew yet if kills carry over? Like if I get 249 kills with an SMG in my first playthrough and I get one more kill with it at the start of the next playthrough..will it give me the achievement?
bread's done