Battlefield 3- Premium announced; 4 new expansions

Is it me only or is TDM becoming a snipefest? I swear one team had 5 or 6 snipers and all they were doing in some maps was staying together and snipe over and over from the same spot. As soon as you took cover from their sniping, they would shot rockets that would destroy the walls and kill you. Throughout other games, it was the same story with sniping + rockets combo.

I am getting tired of the game and may move on to other series... I play for hours on the weekend, and yet I am only level 27. I feel like I am never going to get to a decent level...
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[quote name='oasisboy']Is it me only or is TDM becoming a snipefest? I swear one team had 5 or 6 snipers and all they were doing in some maps was staying together and snipe over and over from the same spot. As soon as you took cover from their sniping, they would shot rockets that would destroy the walls and kill you. Throughout other games, it was the same story with sniping + rockets combo.

I am getting tired of the game and may move on to other series... I play for hours on the weekend, and yet I am only level 27. I feel like I am never going to get to a decent level...[/QUOTE]

If you want to level up you have to play other game modes: conquest, rush, and squad rush. Remember, you get points for spotting, dropping ammo, dropping health packs, reviving squad mates, etc. It's crazy how fast i've leveled up in BF3 compared to BC2; imo, it took way longer to get to level 40 in BC2 than in BF3.

But if all you like is deathmatch type of modes, well you know where to go.
[quote name='oasisboy']Is it me only or is TDM becoming a snipefest? I swear one team had 5 or 6 snipers and all they were doing in some maps was staying together and snipe over and over from the same spot. As soon as you took cover from their sniping, they would shot rockets that would destroy the walls and kill you. Throughout other games, it was the same story with sniping + rockets combo.

I am getting tired of the game and may move on to other series... I play for hours on the weekend, and yet I am only level 27. I feel like I am never going to get to a decent level...[/QUOTE]

Like other people have said, TDM is definitely the least effective way to level as opposed to Conquest, for example, where neutralizing and capping a flag nets you 450. The best way to level is through ribbons and medals and most them aren't really obtainable in TDM.
[quote name='slickkill77']People play deathmatch on here? What's the point? Conquest is the best mode there is hands down.[/QUOTE]

I won't deny the appeal of conquest nor its high points per round count, but I still have more fun when I squad up with friends and play Rush
If you're going to play Team Deathmatch, you might as well just stick with Call Of Duty. Rush and Conquest are where BF3 shines and it's just really how this game's meant to be played.
[quote name='htown01']If you want to level up you have to play other game modes: conquest, rush, and squad rush. Remember, you get points for spotting, dropping ammo, dropping health packs, reviving squad mates, etc. It's crazy how fast i've leveled up in BF3 compared to BC2; imo, it took way longer to get to level 40 in BC2 than in BF3.

But if all you like is deathmatch type of modes, well you know where to go.[/QUOTE]

I drop health packs and revive people all the time. I do play conquest and rush sometimes but it seems people don't play "team" very often. Maybe I had bad luck but more often than not, I find myself on my own trying to collect flags or make progress, which ends up being boring.
It really depends on the map. On maps like Caspian Border and Operation Firestorm, people get serious tunnel vision about aircraft and you end up riding solo towards flags sometimes (lawd knows it happens to me a lot). More often than not, though, people work as a team and it's wonderful when it happens. You just don't get that kind of enjoyment in BF3 by playing Team Deathmatch, the maps are so small and it's just a shot-in-the-back campfest. Squad up with some CAGs and it should be a good time.
[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']Incoming nerf for the USAS with frag rounds. Posted on the battlefield twitter account.[/QUOTE]

Yea this was announced a while ago. Too bad there's no news regarding potentially changing the fact that you can ride MAVs. So sick of snipers (on my team) making smores up on that bridge on Tehran. Talk about useless.

Also if anyone wants an extra squadmate with a mic my gt is the same as my CAG name
There are more prevalent things to fix than what their focusing on right now! It's driving me nuts that a patch hasn't been released for 1. spawning on different teams when you enter the game with a party and 2. your douche bag teammates running you over with a jeep at vehicle spawns.
If they're not working on those at the moment, it'll take forever for them to get fixed. Isn't there a huge process in getting patches put through for Xbox? USAS-12 frags are obnoxious and I'm glad they're getting fixed (although honestly the entire game just seems to have turned into shotgun city, it's all I see anymore), there are bigger things at hand here to work on. I wish they could just put little patches through all the time instead of having to put big patches through months apart that still don't fix big problems.

In related news, I fucking hate Tehran Highway. I groan whenever it comes up as the next map. It's just...shit.
They do for the most part; a lot of tweaks are done server side (weapon damage for example has been tweaked several times already).
I wish they would had playlist or something. Its not that I dislike some of the maps but a lot of them are far to big for the amount of players.

Fixing shotguns is a must and the only thing I would say about snipers is the fact that they should add re-scopping if they are hit, suppression should be more prevalent when shooting at them. Sigh...I just really hate the sniper class...its like a point and click adventure with no drawback with them.
What? The snipers were nerfed hardcore from BC2 and even the beta. They're not one shot to the chest anymore. The recon class is easily the worst in the game, especially after all the mobile spawn nerfs as well.
[quote name='Trakan']What? The snipers were nerfed hardcore from BC2 and even the beta. They're not one shot to the chest anymore. The recon class is easily the worst in the game, especially after all the mobile spawn nerfs as well.[/QUOTE]

Gotta agree there. I wasn't that good of a sniper in first place (in any game, really), but the changes made from the last game until now make it so I pretty much never go near the class.
And yet... there are still people MAV riding and sitting on top of sky scrapers scratching their balls instead of playing the fucking objective.
Then you guys must not be good at sniping then, hell I am not even that good because I have always hated that class but I still do well with it. Its extremely easy to crush as a combat sniper (as in not sleeping in the back of map) I can easily run around and golden gun everyone around me with quick sniping.

It only takes 2 shots to kill anyone from anywhere even with a semi auto sniper rifle on top of that being shot at has no effect on your aiming. I love this game but this is BY FAR one of the easiest sniping I have seen in any game. Now you can say that its improved from BC2 but that doesnt mean crap. A cookie is better than nothing if you are starving but its still not a meal. BC2 sniping was crap but this is still crap.

Dont know what to tell you, its a very very easy class to play as because as I said before...point and click. Too bad I rarely feel like trolling the game so I never play as it outside of unlocking junk. (by the way....the Soflam seems to be the most underused insanely effective gadget in the game)

That being said I still think this is the best MP war game in last couple of years and most of my real problems are due to how the game is played. The fact that I seem to always only be the one rezzing people/giving out ammo/ taking out tanks and aircraft. Etc.
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There is a patch being released for the PS3 tomorrow so hopefully we get that soon as well. Main fixes are the UAV Elevator glitch, USAS nerf, and the mortar can no longer be deployed in your spawn
[quote name='oasisboy']I drop health packs and revive people all the time. I do play conquest and rush sometimes but it seems people don't play "team" very often. Maybe I had bad luck but more often than not, I find myself on my own trying to collect flags or make progress, which ends up being boring.[/QUOTE]

Interesting. The first couple of weeks of release, I was having a hard time playing with people who contributed to the squad; it's rare now. But every once in a while I do get an idiot in the squad who chooses Support class and decides to ignore my "I need ammo" calls. I stand in front of them, shoot them in the face, and they run the other way.

Honestly, I have gone solo several times and I have never found it boring. To each his own.

Have you tried playing with the M1-Abrams, and LAV? I've netted a lot of points in those vehicles.

Regarding sniping:
Imo, it's very hard to snipe someone from far away. I enjoyed playing Recon in BC2; you could tell where the bullet was dropping. In BF3, you can't really tell where the bullet drops and it takes me forever to drop someone from far away. Which is why I usually choose sub-machine guns when playing Recon in BF3. I guess I suck.

Regarding USAS-12:
I'm glad they are nerfing that dang weapon; it is a headache in Operation Metro, especially when you are trying to take B.
[quote name='Nealocus123']There are more prevalent things to fix than what their focusing on right now! It's driving me nuts that a patch hasn't been released for 1. spawning on different teams when you enter the game with a party and 2. your douche bag teammates running you over with a jeep at vehicle spawns.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to add jets tipping choppers over without immediately blowing themselves up. Pissed chopper pilot right here.
[quote name='htown01']Interesting. The first couple of weeks of release, I was having a hard time playing with people who contributed to the squad; it's rare now. But every once in a while I do get an idiot in the squad who chooses Support class and decides to ignore my "I need ammo" calls. I stand in front of them, shoot them in the face, and they run the other way.

Honestly, I have gone solo several times and I have never found it boring. To each his own.

Have you tried playing with the M1-Abrams, and LAV? I've netted a lot of points in those vehicles.

Regarding sniping:
Imo, it's very hard to snipe someone from far away. I enjoyed playing Recon in BC2; you could tell where the bullet was dropping. In BF3, you can't really tell where the bullet drops and it takes me forever to drop someone from far away. Which is why I usually choose sub-machine guns when playing Recon in BF3. I guess I suck.

Regarding USAS-12:
I'm glad they are nerfing that dang weapon; it is a headache in Operation Metro, especially when you are trying to take B.[/QUOTE]

I dont consider myself good at sniping but even extremely long distance are not hard. I think my furthest is 231m but I can regular head long distance with ease.

My rule of thumb for long shots is to always aim 30 pixels above their head and fire. Hell even the bolt action guns (with long pull?? Cant remember the name of the attachment) you get about 6 shots before anyone knows they are being shot at to adjust. Just fire away until whatever on the screen is dead, no need to be the sniper from Saving Private Ryan.

I dont know, maybe my time with America's Army which is by far the hardest sniping game every created as put some bias in me. I inherently HATE snipers in any game because it seems like the kiddy class. Sniper have done more to ruin a game than any other aspect of I always vote to make it as hard as possible so only skillful people play as it.

I would rather have a 100 useless medics than even 10 useless snipers.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Then you guys must not be good at sniping then, hell I am not even that good because I have always hated that class but I still do well with it. Its extremely easy to crush as a combat sniper (as in not sleeping in the back of map) I can easily run around and golden gun everyone around me with quick sniping.

It only takes 2 shots to kill anyone from anywhere even with a semi auto sniper rifle on top of that being shot at has no effect on your aiming. I love this game but this is BY FAR one of the easiest sniping I have seen in any game. Now you can say that its improved from BC2 but that doesnt mean crap. A cookie is better than nothing if you are starving but its still not a meal. BC2 sniping was crap but this is still crap.

Dont know what to tell you, its a very very easy class to play as because as I said before...point and click. Too bad I rarely feel like trolling the game so I never play as it outside of unlocking junk. (by the way....the Soflam seems to be the most underused insanely effective gadget in the game)

That being said I still think this is the best MP war game in last couple of years and most of my real problems are due to how the game is played. The fact that I seem to always only be the one rezzing people/giving out ammo/ taking out tanks and aircraft. Etc.[/QUOTE]

The snipers are by far the worst weapons in the game. You will lose every close combat situation to any competent player with any other gun. Sniping is easier in both COD and Halo, so I don't get what you're saying there. It's not a hard class to play, but you'll easily outscore it with any other class.

The soflam is terrible. It has extremely limited range and someone else on your team has to be using one specific launcher (which IMO is inferior) to make any use of it.

People not playing the game the way they should is the reason why every game sucks. Why do you think I hate COD? People tube, hide prone with stealth perks, etc.
Why would you be using a sniper in close combat? What the shit are you talking about Trak? They do come with a very easy to use pistol that I have got a ton of kills with. That also has nothing to do with the ease of shooting the sniper rifle.

Sniping is not easier in COD, the levels are like 10 ft COD game has levels that even support that much sniping without cheating and quick scoping...halo is pretty easy also but it doesnt have bullet drop of any kind. But its why I said its ONE OF THE EASIEST GAMES TO SNIPE IN so feel free to add a couple more games in that bin.

Also, no one talked about out scoring was the ease of use of the sniper rifle itself. Jesus I love you bro but you fly so far out of left field sometimes its almost unbearable to even have you in a conversation about any FPS game. I welcome your insight but god damn man...calm down once and a while. Every time you talk its always, "I have studied the programming and no IT IS the greatest weapon of any game." As I said buddy, I love ya but I dread seeing you in any FPS thread because you somehow take the fun away from discussing it.

I also disagree about the soflam....I would chalk it up to no one using the thing right. Having a soflam out gives you the option of just choosing one weapon instead of waiting to die to cycle through the rockets based on situation. There has been tons of times in which I spawned with the anti air rocket...took out the jet and then a tank rolled up and destroy our entire based before I died.

Meh, I like it....but I assume you already had your team of researchers look into it though so I coincide that it must suck.
I took combat sniper to mean closer quarters, and having an actual gunfight as opposed to sniping someone without them being able to shoot you back. Sniping is way easier in COD, you can shoot from the torso up, there's no bullet drop, and you can quick scope. I know you said "one of the easiest games to snipe in," that's why I mentioned the two other big ones. I'm not sure what other games you could be referring to.

You can't really talk about the ease of use with weapons unless you're drawing comparisons. The sniper is easy to use compared to what? Every other weapon in the game is easier to use. That's all I was saying.

I'm not sure what you're saying with the soflam. It requires two people coordinating to use efficiently. If you have a guy dedicated to putting the soflam out and one guy who runs the Javelin all the time then the soflam can be good. It's just that it never happens and it's too much to ask for to give up the 9 RPGs you could be getting.

I also dread seeing any post from you. Mostly because you generally have no idea what you're talking about.
[quote name='Trakan']The snipers are by far the worst weapons in the game. You will lose every close combat situation to any competent player with any other gun. Sniping is easier in both COD and Halo, so I don't get what you're saying there. It's not a hard class to play, but you'll easily outscore it with any other class.

The soflam is terrible. It has extremely limited range and someone else on your team has to be using one specific launcher (which IMO is inferior) to make any use of it.

People not playing the game the way they should is the reason why every game sucks. Why do you think I hate COD? People tube, hide prone with stealth perks, etc.[/QUOTE]

What's your reasoning for this? Just wondering because I always run Javelin (unless it's a small map i.e. Davamand CQ) and I feel it is borderline OP since angling it the right way pretty much guarantees a disable unless they have reactive armor.
[quote name='gotdott']What's your reasoning for this? Just wondering because I always run Javelin (unless it's a small map i.e. Davamand CQ) and I feel it is borderline OP since angling it the right way pretty much guarantees a disable unless they have reactive armor.[/QUOTE]

The Javelin takes too long to lock on and can lose its lock by walking in front of something or the enemy vehicle driving behind cover. I can lead an RPG when that happens. I also prefer the sheer number of them you get, not to mention the fact that you can use them on infantry if necessary.
[quote name='gotdott']What's your reasoning for this? Just wondering because I always run Javelin (unless it's a small map i.e. Davamand CQ) and I feel it is borderline OP since angling it the right way pretty much guarantees a disable unless they have reactive armor.[/QUOTE]

As you can see above, he doesnt really have a reason other than, "I prefer something else..."

[quote name='Soodmeg']As you can see above, he doesnt really have a reason other than, "I prefer something else..."


You're an idiot.

Not only did he quote me saying "in my opinion," but I also listed three different reasons why in the following post.
Oh so we are playing the opinion card now? You just basically told me my opinion was wrong, because of course when someone else says anything about a game its a matter of being right and wrong but when you do it its just giving an opinion.

Other people have called you out on this before but just because you are good at FPS doesnt make your opinion law. You are trying to argue that Javs are the worst thing ever because you can shoot RPG faster. Whether they are over powered or not is a different debate but that not what you are trying to are trying simply to tell him that he is wrong and you are right.

You are such a typical FPS guy (not to be confused with atypical). "OMG GUYS CALL OF DUTY IS THE GREATEST GAME OF ALL no nothing better than call of duty...its great. Did you see the reviews huh? So if you dont like it your wrong...its great."

And then if you go into the COD thread all you do is fucking bitch about it.

"OMG did you see that guy using ghost pro? Thats such bullshit....the netcode is stupid in this game its just broken...Last stand is bullshit...noob tubes are bullshit..Juggs is bullshit...shotguns bullshit....WAAA did just get shot in the back? The spawns in this game are crap..I lost? Its because all my teammates are stupid thats why I dont play with randoms..I need my win percentage to be 90% at all times or I am not going to play. No the FAMAS is the greatest gun if you are not getting a 3 to 1 KD with it you are play wrong."

Every time you talk you do with this position of, "My team of researchers and I have gone over the data and have concluded that what I am saying is gospel."

Outside of a FPS thread your my boy blue but in here you are just a typical FPS douchebag caring and raging far to hard about shit no one really cares about.
So does anyone know what day EA will be having this press event to announce DLC? I googled it but the same information keeps coming up.
fucken egg I keep getting booted almost every single game now. Been happening for the last 2 days.

BTW snipping is for pussies.
I snipe better with an RPG
So any word on how/why/if there is a fix on the fact that most of the time you spawn backwards? I have noticed this a lot and I cant figure it out, it happens all the time with me. Although I never see anyone else bring it up so I think its only me.
[quote name='Soodmeg']So any word on how/why/if there is a fix on the fact that most of the time you spawn backwards? I have noticed this a lot and I cant figure it out, it happens all the time with me. Although I never see anyone else bring it up so I think its only me.[/QUOTE]

It might be, as I nor anyone I've played with have ran into this problem. This might sound dumb but by spawning backwards you mean your character is facing the opposite direction right? Or is it something actually game breaking?
Yay, as dumb as it sounds its super annoying and almost always results in me getting killed trying to figure what the hell is going on around me.

For example.

Team facing this direction : Soodmeg spawns looking this direction

Its not a HUGE deal but it sucks when your teammate is being fired upon and you spawn backwards looking at a brick wall or something and before you die before you turn around. This also happens on spawn beacons (no parachute maps)

EDIT: Wait a second there is at least one other guy in this thread that says he always faces backwards too. Hmmmp. Quick google search didnt bring up anything.
Anyone else having problems with their game freezing? Just had the game freeze for me right now on Gulf Of Oman, flying a jet towards an attack helicopter. Froze my whole console.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Anyone else having problems with their game freezing? Just had the game freeze for me right now on Gulf Of Oman, flying a jet towards an attack helicopter. Froze my whole console.[/QUOTE]

I had massive lag yesterday so I stopped playing. Maybe it was my internet...
[quote name='Soodmeg']Yay, as dumb as it sounds its super annoying and almost always results in me getting killed trying to figure what the hell is going on around me.

For example.

Team facing this direction : Soodmeg spawns looking this direction

Its not a HUGE deal but it sucks when your teammate is being fired upon and you spawn backwards looking at a brick wall or something and before you die before you turn around. This also happens on spawn beacons (no parachute maps)

EDIT: Wait a second there is at least one other guy in this thread that says he always faces backwards too. Hmmmp. Quick google search didnt bring up anything.[/QUOTE]

Ohh, I thought you meant when the game started. I was kinda like "why the fuck does it matter then..."

That makes more sense. I'll have to try be more aware when I spawn to see which direction I'm facing. Then again, I hardly ever spawn on teammates since I'm so good and I barely die.

Has this announcement been confirmed to be DLC?

I saw a couple of other things that it could potentially be. There's a BF3 iOS game coming out and teasers for MOH2 have been popping up.
[quote name='Trakan']Has this announcement been confirmed to be DLC?

I saw a couple of other things that it could potentially be. There's a BF3 iOS game coming out and teasers for MOH2 have been popping up.[/QUOTE]

No. I read on the BF3blog that "[t]his “announcement” is supposed to be the new DLC announcement for Battlefield 3 which is supposed to happen this week."
The statement was this "You’re going to hear some announcements from us on Battlefield actually as early as next week in an event we’ve got in New York."

Nowhere in that statement does it mention DLC. So sadly I think the IOS game was the "announcement" which is a bit of a bummer.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Anyone else having problems with their game freezing? Just had the game freeze for me right now on Gulf Of Oman, flying a jet towards an attack helicopter. Froze my whole console.[/QUOTE]

Yup, It happens from time to time and I have it installed and on a new slim.

As for the rpg/javelin debate, it depends on the location of where you are. My buddy runs soflam on a bigger map and we pretty much control the skies.
[quote name='htown01']No. I read on the BF3blog that "[t]his “announcement” is supposed to be the new DLC announcement for Battlefield 3 which is supposed to happen this week."[/QUOTE]
Don't take BF3blog so seriously. is an independent establishment and is not associated with EA and DICE.
[quote name='dotCody']Don't take BF3blog so seriously. is an independent establishment and is not associated with EA and DICE.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I know they are independent. I usually visit that site because the official Battlefield Blog is slow to mention these things.

Now really thinking about it, the official blog didn't mention anything about DLC or anything about the iOS version of the game.
bread's done