Battlefield 3- Premium announced; 4 new expansions

[quote name='Trakan']EA/DICE really gave up on that whole "competing directly with COD" thing, eh?

COD gets more aggressive by offering 1-2 maps per month for hardcore players and BF3 gets the first real set of new maps like 8 months after release? Doesn't make sense to me.[/QUOTE]

Except most COD map packs suck ass. So does it matter how many they release? While it annoys me to no end, Dice actually takes their time creating their maps. They can't just throw assets together and call it a map like COD does. They have to worry about destruction in BF and they always add weapons or vehicles to their expansions. Also Call of Duty released their first two maps in late January and only to Elite members. BF 3 already had Back to Karkand out by then.
[quote name='slickkill77']Except most COD map packs suck ass. So does it matter how many they release? While it annoys me to no end, Dice actually takes their time creating their maps. They can't just throw assets together and call it a map like COD does. They have to worry about destruction in BF and they always add weapons or vehicles to their expansions. Also Call of Duty released their first two maps in late January and only to Elite members. BF 3 already had Back to Karkand out by then.[/QUOTE]

A fair point. I'm just going off what they said they wanted to do, which was take away from COD's market. They're not doing a very good job. Even if it did take them a little longer, it shouldn't be 8 months longer. This upcoming expansion is all infantry based as well. No vehicles to add.

They have to keep the attention of the people playing the game. I thought the Vietnam expansion was better than BC2 itself, but they released it so late that most of the games I played were like 9v9 or 10v10.
Look at that, something gets announced for BF3 and COD gets immediately brought up without even the slightest hint that anyone wanted to talk about it. Pfft, I wonder what ass thought it would be cool to shoehorn it into yet another topic. Oh wait. :roll:

Jesus Christ dude we fucking get it already.

Anyway, finally they get around to launching more DLC which is cool with me. More BF the better. I am actually extremely excited for close quarters, I love the vehicles and big maps but it hasnt really worked on the consoles in my opinion. There is such a low percentage of games on the bigger maps that are entertaining because of the low player count. It seems like it takes too much coordination from randoms to make it competitive. You either get your face kicked in or kick in the other teams face.

Plus, the pack after that seems to add more wide open maps and vehicles so if that is what you want it seems like you just have to wait a little longer.

I see in the comment section that people are complaining about the length of time between packs, I guess I would have to say you can not have it both ways. If they came out any quicker you would think it was a cash grab. Plus they have us back to karkand for free. What else do you want?

Cant come out soon enough.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Just found out today that the left stick will make the AA gun move fast as all hell, while I've been using the right stick since I got the damn game and always got pissed off at how slow it was. Can't believe it took that long.

Threw you a friend request yesterday, Soodmeg, got shut down hard. Sent a few of you other fellas one as well, we should get a squad goin sometime.[/QUOTE]

You sent me a friend request? Dude I am sorry I didnt know...I usually decline all request unless the name looks similar. I will send you one when I get back later today.
I play TDM most of the time so the closed quarters DLC makes me happy. Common sense tells me this is the 1st DLC because it takes less time to build smaller maps than your full blown maps. Just a thought.
So since it was,already brought up... I do have to agree with Trak (amazing I know). For all the shit EA's top guys talked about crumbling the power house that COD is they really have failed.

As someone who likes both games it sucks to see them take this long. I do agree that the COD maps haven't been as good a past DLC releases, but the third map was much better.

I also have to question the business aspect of the time to release this. Especially since the last DLC release might more than likely be releasing around the same time as Medal of Honor: Warfighter and possibly the next COD.

I still think the beta hurt this game so much. I know a lot of the people that I play with were completely turned off due to the beta's many bugs. That is coming from people who are actually big game followers and actually knew that it was an old/rough build. So I have to imagine that it hurt sales due to how many people weren't as educated about that fact.
Insanely excited for the DLC. Bummed it's such a long wait but hey, quality takes time.

Had one of the best games in the attack helicopter though a few days ago. It was on Gulf of Oman and I swear, between me and my gunner we had over 60 kills. My roomate and I have been changing it up with ECM Jammer for the pilot and flares for the gunner. Works pretty flawlessly.

Anyone ever use the TV missle for the helicopter? I need some suggestions, I'm fucking awful with it.
It's not you, it's just hard as shit to control. The very first time I ever used the TV missile I hit a moving helicopter, which made me feel badass as shit and wanting to continue using it. Haven't hit a damn thing since. I guess the best tip would to just be to try to use em when a chopper/other vehicle is stationary and lead the shot a bit if they're moving.
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[quote name='AlphaPanda']It's not you, it's just hard as shit to control. The very first time I ever used the TV missile I hit a moving helicopter, which made me feel badass as shit and wanting to continue using it. Haven't hit a damn thing since. I guess the best tip would to just be to try to use em when a chopper/other vehicle is stationary and lead the shot a bit if they're moving.[/QUOTE]

It's shit like this that kinda makes me upset there isn't a "theater" mode. I really don't wanna buy one of those recording devices but so much badass stuff happens during my average session!
Just like that YouTube video that ended up getting really popular, a couple days ago I was on Damavand Peak Rush and was making my way towards the helipad to cliff-jump to the points when a sniper took out the enemy heli pilot. I jumped off, dove for a little bit, parachuted and got in the heli in was awesome. They planned to put BattleRecorder in the game so we could replay matches but they never did, which is very disappointing. Would have loved to have uploaded that.

I thought about buying a Hauppauge HD-PVR for recording, but throwing down 200 bucks for something I'm not sure I'd use all that often doesn't really seem worth it.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Just like that YouTube video that ended up getting really popular, a couple days ago I was on Damavand Peak Rush and was making my way towards the helipad to cliff-jump to the points when a sniper took out the enemy heli pilot. I jumped off, dove for a little bit, parachuted and got in the heli in was awesome. They planned to put BattleRecorder in the game so we could replay matches but they never did, which is very disappointing. Would have loved to have uploaded that.

I thought about buying a Hauppauge HD-PVR for recording, but throwing down 200 bucks for something I'm not sure I'd use all that often doesn't really seem worth it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah we sell that one at my work and with my discount it'd be like $120. I'm always super tempted but I don't really know what I'd do with it after BF3.
Battlefield 3 just came out, Tiki, let em run through this for a bit before they start getting on Bad Company 3. BF3 has a LOT of potential for DLC. I'm a bit disappointed that the first true DLC will be close-quarters, since that's not really what BF3 is all about, but at least there's more DLC based on vehicles.
Yesterday I killed 4 guys with one grenade in Seine Crossing in TDM. There were all waiting in one spot shooting at my team. I sneaked from behind without being noticed, threw the grenade and all they all got it. Wish I had this on video.

Something that nobody has mentioned is that perhaps the reason DLC is so slow to hit may be due to DICE working on Medal of Honor. I am sure EA has its top talent at DICE working on Medal of Honor since their last game was a massive flop. If I was a gambler in Vegas, I would bet my money that EA is calling the shots on DICE to forget BF3 for now and instead work on MOH to make it the blockbuster it was supposed to be last time around.

Medal of Honor > BF3 DLC content. New games sales bring more $$$ than DLC = FACT
[quote name='slickkill77']No one wants BC again.[/QUOTE]

I don't really get where the hate comes from for the Bad Companies, I liked them.
[quote name='Nealocus123']Here's another pretty awesome BF3 montage for those that like watching this shit...[/QUOTE]

Man, I read the PC graphics were better, but BF3 looked incredible on one of those player's rigs. :drool:
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[quote name='MrPiggles']I don't really get where the hate comes from for the Bad Companies, I liked them.[/QUOTE]

It was a fun series but it severely neutered the Battlefield series. The normal battlefield games were much better than the bad company spin offs. No one asked for a single player in battlefield because it has always been about the multiplayer. We don't want resources being wasted on a so so single player when they could have been used for multiplayer. Then there were other things such as trying to remove conquest from Bad Company 1 :wall:
[quote name='slickkill77']No one wants BC again.[/QUOTE]

Please, this installment of BF is shit compared to BC. I speak of multiplayer. BF3 is just medal of honor rehash. I only play it cause noone plays BC anymore, and I hate CoD. Half the Maps on BF3 are fucken horrible.
[quote name='TiKi2']Please, this installment of BF is shit compared to BC. I speak of multiplayer. BF3 is just medal of honor rehash. I only play it cause noone plays BC anymore, and I hate CoD. Half the Maps on BF3 are fucken horrible.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='MrPiggles']I don't really get where the hate comes from for the Bad Companies, I liked them.[/QUOTE]

Not sure why. BC was good. It was fun to play it even though i was a horrible player. :|
I passed on BF3 since it lost for me some appeal especially with no commander anymore. Less co-op in it but on the other hand i read that the clans can get hooked up easier via the web now.
Still, i wasn't sold on it.
BC2 was my favorite game so far. Very fun to play. But i think i would play it now on the PS3. Just my choice.
[quote name='TiKi2']Please, this installment of BF is shit compared to BC. I speak of multiplayer. BF3 is just medal of honor rehash. I only play it cause noone plays BC anymore, and I hate CoD. Half the Maps on BF3 are fucken horrible.[/QUOTE]

Worst comment of 2012 on CAG? I say so. I loved BC a lot, loved the SP and MP, but BF 3 is the most realistic shooter out there, hands down. It's not meant to be funny, only serious. MOH in my opinon was a great game and can only improve with MOH 2, but BF3 is no MOH rehash at all. Just like COD has MW and crap ops, EA has MOH 2, BC3 and BF4. That is how it will be every year from now on. Alternating of course.

Think next time before you make a statement like that again.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']Worst comment of 2012 on CAG? I say so. I loved BC a lot, loved the SP and MP, but BF 3 is the most realistic shooter out there, hands down. It's not meant to be funny, only serious. MOH in my opinon was a great game and can only improve with MOH 2, but BF3 is no MOH rehash at all. Just like COD has MW and crap ops, EA has MOH 2, BC3 and BF4. That is how it will be every year from now on. Alternating of course.

Think next time before you make a statement like that again.[/QUOTE]

No! Battlefield 2143.
[quote name='oasisboy']Yesterday I killed 4 guys with one grenade in Seine Crossing in TDM. There were all waiting in one spot shooting at my team. I sneaked from behind without being noticed, threw the grenade and all they all got it. Wish I had this on video.

Something that nobody has mentioned is that perhaps the reason DLC is so slow to hit may be due to DICE working on Medal of Honor. I am sure EA has its top talent at DICE working on Medal of Honor since their last game was a massive flop. If I was a gambler in Vegas, I would bet my money that EA is calling the shots on DICE to forget BF3 for now and instead work on MOH to make it the blockbuster it was supposed to be last time around.

Medal of Honor > BF3 DLC content. New games sales bring more $$$ than DLC = FACT[/QUOTE]

DICE won't be working on Warfighter, this time both the SP and MP are being worked on by Danger Close
[quote name='gotdott']DICE won't be working on Warfighter, this time both the SP and MP are being worked on by Danger Close[/QUOTE]

If that is the case, then WTF has DICE been doing for the last 6 months? Medal of Honor was such a flop that EA's stock took a big hit.

If I were EA, I would get some of my best employees at DICE to provide consulting to Danger Close to make sure the game is a success. Just because Danger Close is leading the efforts, does not mean that DICE is not working with them.
As someone who primarily plays conquest, I feel like the console maps for BC2 are better than BF3. Both are good though, but I feel like they did a better job of taking the 24-player server size into consideration for BC2.

BF3 console maps are just way to big and spaced out for 32 players. PC on the other hand though, BF3 wins hands down.
[quote name='oasisboy']If that is the case, then WTF has DICE been doing for the last 6 months? Medal of Honor was such a flop that EA's stock took a big hit.[/QUOTE]

What are you talking about? Medal of Honor did fairly well, it sold 5 million copies in the first two months. The only reason the stock dipped was because initial reviews weren't too great, but not so great reviews doesn't mean it sells bad.

[quote name='moojuice']As someone who primarily plays conquest, I feel like the console maps for BC2 are better than BF3. Both are good though, but I feel like they did a better job of taking the 24-player server size into consideration for BC2.

BF3 console maps are just way to big and spaced out for 32 players. PC on the other hand though, BF3 wins hands down.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that was one of the reasons why I liked BC2 more than BF3. That and the UI and menus suck in BF3.
I think BF3 did well enough that they are going to leave BC in the past. I am one of the old school players who played BF2 on the pc many years ago and was happy to see them move from BC to the real BF game. BF3 isn't perfect but made great strides from BC2 (which I enjoyed but not as much as BF3).
[quote name='AlphaPanda']I seem to be the only one that really enjoyed Bad Company 2 and BF3 as well. I think both are great games, personally.[/QUOTE]

i liked them both also, but the campaign on bf3 is crap, as where i actually like bc2's campaign. obviously im not there for the campaign though :)
It seems like there are quite a few elements from BC2 that DICE really should have put in BF3 but for whatever reason they dropped the ball. One of the big ones being the fading revive icon above a dead player. I need a visual indicator to know how long I've got to revive you so I can judge whether it's worth to head into the shit to pick you up. I love being a medic, but running 30 feet to have you disappear RIGHT as I get to you is amazingly frustrating. If I remember correctly, didn't the flags not cover up your screen too much while you were capping them in BC2 as well?

Overall, I enjoy Battlefield 3 more than I enjoyed Bad Company 2, but I do miss certain elements. I also really wish that I could throw C4 out BC2-style in BF3 instead of just plopping it down and hoping for the best.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']It seems like there are quite a few elements from BC2 that DICE really should have put in BF3 but for whatever reason they dropped the ball. One of the big ones being the fading revive icon above a dead player. I need a visual indicator to know how long I've got to revive you so I can judge whether it's worth to head into the shit to pick you up. I love being a medic, but running 30 feet to have you disappear RIGHT as I get to you is amazingly frustrating. If I remember correctly, didn't the flags not cover up your screen too much while you were capping them in BC2 as well?

Overall, I enjoy Battlefield 3 more than I enjoyed Bad Company 2, but I do miss certain elements. I also really wish that I could throw C4 out BC2-style in BF3 instead of just plopping it down and hoping for the best.[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed the BC games, campaign and online multiplayer. But I don't understand how TiKi2 can say BC multiplayer is better than BC2.

What I highlighted above really pisses me off. The flags did NOT cover up the screen as much as BF3, I hope they really add it to the patch. The map where I use to fall victim of this huge vision interference was in Sein Crossing, going from Point B to Point D :hot:
[quote name='AlphaPanda']It seems like there are quite a few elements from BC2 that DICE really should have put in BF3 but for whatever reason they dropped the ball. One of the big ones being the fading revive icon above a dead player. I need a visual indicator to know how long I've got to revive you so I can judge whether it's worth to head into the shit to pick you up. I love being a medic, but running 30 feet to have you disappear RIGHT as I get to you is amazingly frustrating. If I remember correctly, didn't the flags not cover up your screen too much while you were capping them in BC2 as well?

Overall, I enjoy Battlefield 3 more than I enjoyed Bad Company 2, but I do miss certain elements. I also really wish that I could throw C4 out BC2-style in BF3 instead of just plopping it down and hoping for the best.[/QUOTE]

Never thought about that as I didn't play BC2! The fading icon would be brilliant. I wonder why they would skip on something that seems relatively easy to program in. Eh. Probably the same reason they can't program it so you and you're party don't spawn on opposite teams

[quote name='MrPiggles']What are you talking about? Medal of Honor did fairly well, it sold 5 million copies in the first two months. The only reason the stock dipped was because initial reviews weren't too great, but not so great reviews doesn't mean it sells bad.


I agree 5 million units is impressive but at the end of the day, the bottom line is the stock price. The wikipedia article you quote is a little vague since it seems the 5 million units is combined with Need for Speed.

February 2011 EA reported that the game has sold 5 million copies within the first 2 months of release along with the recent game
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit.
[quote name='oasisboy']I agree 5 million units is impressive but at the end of the day, the bottom line is the stock price. The wikipedia article you quote is a little vague since it seems the 5 million units is combined with Need for Speed.

February 2011 EA reported that the game has sold 5 million copies within the first 2 months of release along with the recent game
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and at the end, the stock rose back up. Stocks are heavily based on speculation, which took a dip because of bad reviews, but after the good sales starting coming up, they rise back up. But at the end though, the stock bounced back Why would they stop making Medal of Honor games if it netted them a profit? And stock prices don't really matter, its the profit that matters. And Medal of Honor shipped 5 million units itself. This Gamespot article words it better:
[quote name='Soodmeg']I dont know why anyone would think otherwise, yeah Dice takes a while but their stuff is quality.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, even though I know what DICE produces, I just needed to see their idea of close quarters; I am a very visual person.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']I seem to be the only one that really enjoyed Bad Company 2 and BF3 as well. I think both are great games, personally.[/QUOTE]

Nope. In fact I'll take a BFBC3 over another standard BF release any day. I've found the BFBC2 multiplayer was much more enjoyable from a console perspective. If we're playing on a PC then yeah, the standard titles are preferable.

I like the look of the CQ pack but at that price, forget it. I guess I'm not with the times or whatever but I won't pay 15 bucks for 4 maps. If that's what the market has dictated as "fair," then I am gladly not part of the market.
bread's done