Battlefield 3- Premium announced; 4 new expansions

[quote name='KaneRobot']Nope. In fact I'll take a BFBC3 over another standard BF release any day. I've found the BFBC2 multiplayer was much more enjoyable from a console perspective. If we're playing on a PC then yeah, the standard titles are preferable.

I like the look of the CQ pack but at that price, forget it. I guess I'm not with the times or whatever but I won't pay 15 bucks for 4 maps. If that's what the market has dictated as "fair," then I am gladly not part of the market.[/QUOTE]

You act like we always pay full price for our points around here ;)

Here's to hoping the last DLC will be a big one, like vietnam was
[quote name='KaneRobot']Nope. In fact I'll take a BFBC3 over another standard BF release any day. I've found the BFBC2 multiplayer was much more enjoyable from a console perspective. If we're playing on a PC then yeah, the standard titles are preferable.

I like the look of the CQ pack but at that price, forget it. I guess I'm not with the times or whatever but I won't pay 15 bucks for 4 maps. If that's what the market has dictated as "fair," then I am gladly not part of the market.[/QUOTE]

I'm just curious, what would you want to pay? What used to be fair in the market?

I don't even know if I'll buy any of these map packs, but $15 for what is offered sounds about what DLC has always gone for. With games like Halo 3 and COD4, 3 maps were like 10 bucks. With MW2, it was 5 maps for $15. 4 maps and 10 guns/vehicles seems about the same.
$10 is my ideal price. I cannot stomach paying more than this for ANY DLC. I am addicted to BF3 so I will have no choice but to pay $15. :cry:
[quote name='Trakan']I'm just curious, what would you want to pay? What used to be fair in the market?[/QUOTE]

Don't forget, this is CAG, some find $15 for a full retail game a hard pill to swallow. The average buy price here is probably lower than the average gaming consumer.

Console DLC is a relatively new beast, and $15 for this sort of DLC is probably the going rate. If you've spent any time on PCs, community produced mods, maps, weapons, and so on, were free. I assume this is still the case, but it was certainly true circa 2000 when I was big into Half Life mods. For someone like me, I cannot adjust from free maps and other forms of DLC, to having to pay ~$4 per map. I don't begrudge those that do spend the money but I can't make it past my mental barriers.
[quote name='oasisboy']$10 is my ideal price. I cannot stomach paying more than this for ANY DLC. I am addicted to BF3 so I will have no choice but to pay $15. :cry:[/QUOTE]

do you use bing rewards? you can pretty much get enough msp for a map pack every 3 months
Looking to play BF3 on Xbox 360 with one or more mature CAGs that use headsets and communicate as they play on a squad together - or co-op. I've been to server after server the last few nights and can't find anyone with a headset - not even a 10 year old spouting racist nonsense (which was everywhere back when I played Rising Sun on PS2 - never thought I'd miss that). Not sure why I bought a headset. Please help.

If there's a meeting place for this already, sorry - please point me there. Thanks. I see this but it looks so broad that it wouldn't be too efficient to find people for BF3:
[quote name='gantt']Looking to play BF3 on Xbox 360 with one or more mature CAGs that use headsets and communicate as they play on a squad together - or co-op. I've been to server after server the last few nights and can't find anyone with a headset - not even a 10 year old spouting racist nonsense[/QUOTE]

Feel free to friend me as well. You'll hear me say "shit" more often than I say useful things but sorry, no racist or homophobic remarks from me. I'd be up for the co-op missions as well, I've only done 1 or 2, and those unlocks look mighty tempting.

Mr. Panda, I see you on from time to time, but usually on Karkland maps. I'm too sheepish to request you to join a different map, strikes me as rude. Also, with an infant in bed, I never know how much game time I've got.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']I seem to be the only one that really enjoyed Bad Company 2 and BF3 as well. I think both are great games, personally.[/QUOTE]

I've been playing battlefield online since modern combat on the original xbox. I think bad company was a step foward in the series, while bf3 is just the same shit with different maps/guns/graphics. I speak of gameplay of course.
[quote name='htown01']I enjoyed the BC games, campaign and online multiplayer. But I don't understand how TiKi2 can say BC multiplayer is better than BC2.


Where did I say bc multiplayer was better bc2?? I meant BC series vs BF series of games not bc 1 vs 2
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']Worst comment of 2012 on CAG? I say so. I loved BC a lot, loved the SP and MP, but BF 3 is the most realistic shooter out there, hands down. It's not meant to be funny, only serious. MOH in my opinon was a great game and can only improve with MOH 2, but BF3 is no MOH rehash at all. Just like COD has MW and crap ops, EA has MOH 2, BC3 and BF4. That is how it will be every year from now on. Alternating of course.

Think next time before you make a statement like that again.[/QUOTE]

You mad bro? Poor baby. Would you like me to hold your hand?

Checked your stats and see that you pretty much suck. my dirk41
[quote name='TiKi2']You mad bro? Poor baby. Would you like me to hold your hand?

Checked your stats and see that you pretty much suck.[/QUOTE]

Took you long enough troll. How do I suck? I don't really play anymore, waiting for the new content and I wanted to play other games. So if rank is factor of me sucking, your just pathetic. Whatever dude, my stats are fine by me and i dont need some little punk telling me, "oh i play longer than you so I am better than you."

Have you ever heard of one post? Dumbass.

If you want to play BC go ahead, great game 2 years ago. You can play by yourself on the empty servers.
I put my name in that website and I was surprised by my stats. I dont ever try to be good or try to have a big score or the most kills, in fact I usually wind up very mediocre as the 1 guy who is trying to play the game right.

I am happy to know that I am top 1 percent in revives and top 2 in resupplies top 8 in heals, top 5 in score per min, top 14 percent in kill/death. Booya! If I was a dick and only cared about winning and having the highest score all the time I could probably get top 5 in everything.
I was surprised to see I was in the top 13% for revives per assault minute, 11% for objective per minute, and top 20% for Usas and top 15% for the KH2002. Awesome site.
[quote name='Dr.Zoidberg']Ok, how are his stats so bad? Like a 2.0 k/d ratio and best kill streak of 30. If you think his stats suck, MINE really[/QUOTE]

Haha..same here. And I thought me and my bud were good! Sheesh.
I can only wish I was as "terrible" as the FatMan. My K/D is 0.73...

My finished game percentage is top 2%. Clearly, I'm too dumb to quit when I'm obviously out-gunned / skilled / leveled / everythinged. Then again, if I did quit every time in those circumstance, I'd never get to play!
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Turns out the heli pilot and the jeep driver are buddies on Battlelog, so it's most likely set-up, but very cool-looking nonetheless.[/QUOTE]

Yea that one def. looked planned. The one where he parachutes was pretty cool though.
I haven't played in about two weeks, but I jumped on today for a few hours and most of the time the games were ~8 v 8 or 9 v 8. I had very few games that were full or just about full. Is this the norm now or was I just having bad luck? Or is it because of the damn COD map release w/e crap was today?
[quote name='slickkill77']I jumped on today for a few hours and most of the time the games were ~8 v 8 or 9 v 8. I had very few games that were full or just about full.[/QUOTE]

The servers were a bit sparse tonight for some reason, this has not been the norm for the past week. The match loading screen was different too, so maybe DICE is monkeying around with the servers?
Good thing there are 3 other classes.

Loving the new rotations with Classic Only and all that, getting a mix of the modes is a lot more enjoyable.
Two minor complaints about the recent server changes. As mentioned, games rarely go 12v12 now. I assume it's some load balancing act but I like 12v12 damnit! Also, Rush maps end after one round, instead of swapping defenders and attackers for a second round.
Depends on the server you join, if there's only 2 slots left or whatnot it splits you guys up. It's a known and very irritating problem that's apparently getting addressed in the upcoming patch.
[quote name='not2worried']Why does the game put my buddy on the other team. 80% of the time. Anyone one else have this?[/QUOTE]

Seems like it happens to me 90% of the time... I've even had it put me and my buddy on separate teams when it would have been mor fair to put us together.
[quote name='Tronny']I like the idea of having a server rotating gametypes, but let me pick that particular server. If I pick conquest or rush from the quick match screen it's for that reason, I want to play conquest or rush quickly...shouldn't be that hard to figure out.[/QUOTE]

Exactly! It happens every single time and it sucks having to wait since you can't back out after a game.
[quote name='gotdott']Update is going to allow us to back out between rounds, yesss[/QUOTE]

It's amazing that wasn't in there in the first place.

Anyone looking for a squad mate, add me! Game is so much better with squad/teammates that communicate, like fellow CAG gantt.
[quote name='ArmyOfFun']It's amazing that wasn't in there in the first place.

Anyone looking for a squad mate, add me! Game is so much better with squad/teammates that communicate, like fellow CAG gantt.[/QUOTE]

Aww, thanks!

Really enjoying playing with you and AlphaPanda, and looking forward to catching Tronny online and meeting more.

I wish I could create a private game or that games could be allowed to proceed with fewer people, so I could get to know the maps more peacefully and learn to fly better without killing my teammates (tonight, my transport crashed killing all four aboard - phew, I wasn't the pilot). Miss the training from BF1943.
[quote name='gantt']Aww, thanks!

Really enjoying playing with you and AlphaPanda, and looking forward to catching Tronny online and meeting more.

I wish I could create a private game or that games could be allowed to proceed with fewer people, so I could get to know the maps more peacefully and learn to fly better without killing my teammates (tonight, my transport crashed killing all four aboard - phew, I wasn't the pilot). Miss the training from BF1943.[/QUOTE]

I'm in the middle of preliminary exams so I'm going to be low-key online for at least two more weeks, but I'm going in to withdrawal, I need a good game. Completely agree with training/private round, I am completely awful at flying anything.
Looks like EA and DICE are pulling the same shenanigans from Bad Company 2 again. On the PC, and no doubt coming to consoles soon, you can now buy class shortcut packs. I feel like the only reason they made unlocking things so slow in BF3 was to make people buy their shortcut packs.
Unlocks come pretty quick in BF3 though. Its not like you have to spend hours and hours before something unlocks.
[quote name='MrPiggles']Looks like EA and DICE are pulling the same shenanigans from Bad Company 2 again. On the PC, and no doubt coming to consoles soon, you can now buy class shortcut packs. I feel like the only reason they made unlocking things so slow in BF3 was to make people buy their shortcut packs.[/QUOTE]

It takes like 2-3 weeks to hit colonel playing at 3 hours a day so I wouldn't really call it slow..

Anyway this made me lol
[quote name='gotdott']It takes like 2-3 weeks to hit colonel playing at 3 hours a day so I wouldn't really call it slow..

Anyway this made me lol

Battlefield Friends - USAS-12 + Frags

:lol: "Don't fucking look at it! Don't fucking look at it!" :lol:
[quote name='gotdott']It takes like 2-3 weeks to hit colonel playing at 3 hours a day so I wouldn't really call it slow..

Anyway this made me lol

Dude, this was funny as hell. I swear someone with the USAS-12 killed me last week in Operation Metro. I was on the 3rd floor of a building in a corner and some fuck just killed from the ground (inside a bus) with 2 shots. fucking ridiculous. Come on, fix this shit on the 360!!!
bread's done