BioShock for PS3: PS3 Exclusive DLC Relased $9.99

This will be the second time I buy this game.This game and Mass Effect was the only reason I bought a 360.I beat the game and let my buddy borrow it and it got stolen from his house.I think its gonna look great on the ps3.It would be nice if they tweaked the ending a little.
Here are rumors of additions:
Today we bring you exclusive inside info on Bioshock, one of the most anticipated PS3 games of 2008 and due to be released at the end of the year. As always with all our inside info, we remind you it’s still a rumor until its official. So without further or do, here are the the exclusive details we have for you…

* New opening video around 6 minutes long on how life was like before Rapture went bad. Original video starts after this one ends.
* Trophies of course will be in the game
* Exclusive new level, with 2 new enemies, thought to be the ‘zoo’ level that was excluded from the original 360 edition due to running out of time
* Some levels may have been tweaked from the 360 version
* All downloadable content after the release will be free
* The game will take advantage of the SIXAXIS motion sensing technology
* Slightly better Graphics, less pop-up and loading times decreased thanks to hard drive install
This port better run like butter or I will be royally pissed. Even though I already have it on 360, I will buy it on PS3 if it turns out nice and polished.
Im going to have to agree with the whole lack of replayability. I mean, the game was fantastic the first time through, and I am sure PS3 gamers can now be able to enjoy it as well, but many people played it through many times through, while towards the end of my stay at Rapture, I gre sick of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is amazing at first, and I am still in awe at teh level of detail, but after a while it all jsut gets a little annoying.

I didn't bother playing a second time through to get another ending, instead I just watched the alternate ending on youtube.
I'll be picking this up even though I played it and beat it the week it came out last year on PC and sold it immediately. The game was just damn cool and the *only* complaint I had was the respawning enemies (my pet peeve in all games).
I have an xbox 360 , and am glad bioshock is going to the ps3, now how about m$ throw in gears of war, and halo 3, in return for metal gear solid, and drake's fortun.
that would be nice and all, but halo and gears are published by msft. I know halo ip is owned by msft...who owns gears ip is up for debate. Metal Gear has no ties to sony, so it can chose to do whatever it wants...drakes is published by sony, but I don't know who owns the ip.
In my opinion you should take out today's date in the thread title. And then add in the release date. It's a little misleading/confusing.
[quote name='Sarrasis']In my opinion you should take out today's date in the thread title. And then add in the release date. It's a little misleading/confusing.[/quote]

That date is to show when the last update was. To make it easy for people to look at the thread title and say "Ohh... I saw that update already."

Anyone else confused?
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Why would it be $40??[/quote]

Didn't the Lost Planet port come out at $40? Anyway, this game is a year old. I think it would have been nice for it to come out at 40 bucks.
are we getting the LE one or just the reg one because i want big Daddy for PS3
[quote name='mykevermin']$60? Bah.[/QUOTE]

Just you wait, the MSRP on this is going to drop like a brick. I'm guessing $20-30 within a month. At that point I might just bite on it.

A look at the new Survivor mode.
Immediately accessible from the main menu without having to be unlocked, Survivor mode is the fourth difficulty mode that is exclusive to the PS3 version of the game. Whereas the other difficulty modes have somewhat basic explanations, such as "newcomer " or "experienced with shooters," Survivor has a simple three word description: "Every bullet counts." That isn't because the designers threw in more splicers that you're going to have to fight or increased the Big Daddies or Little Sisters that you're facing -- instead, the designers cranked down the number of resources that will be available to you. We spoke to JP Lebreton, a level designer for the game, and he mentioned that Survivor mode is designed to be much more of a sink or swim experience for players that want to be challenged. For example, in previous difficulty levels, you could pick up a pistol and you received a large number of rounds. In Survivor mode, you'll find the fewest rounds possible. This means you'll frequently only receive one bullet in a gun you scavenge from one fallen splicer, which forces you to conserve your ammunition.
I don't know if I would spend 15 on this. Sounds cool, but i looked at a bunch of videos and thought it looked kind of gay. I don't like the whole fire and lightning out of the hand thing at all. Big daddys and little sisters looked stupid.
[quote name='Mr. 420']I don't know if I would spend 15 on this. Sounds cool, but i looked at a bunch of videos and thought it looked kind of gay. I don't like the whole fire and lightning out of the hand thing at all. Big daddys and little sisters looked stupid.[/QUOTE]
Dude. It was only one of the best reviewed games on the 360 last year. It's a good game. It's not something I'm going to spend $60 on because I played it on the 360 but it's definitely a purchase.

And "looked kind of gay"? What the hell does that even mean?
[quote name='Mr. 420']I don't know if I would spend 15 on this. Sounds cool, but i looked at a bunch of videos and thought it looked kind of gay. I don't like the whole fire and lightning out of the hand thing at all. Big daddys and little sisters looked stupid.[/quote]
[quote name='Halo05']You're crazy if you don't at least rent this game.[/QUOTE]

Yup. I played through the 360 version twice.
[quote name='hone'] I was a little disappointed with the graphics.[/quote]I agree. There's something weird about the graphics that I can't quite describe. It still looks good, but I was hoping for an improvement over the 360 graphics. I may pick up the PS3 version someday when it's like $20 or less.
[quote name='Pootie Thang']This game actually runs in 1080p without doing anything special in the home menu/dashboard[/quote]

it looks like it just upscales the game to 1080p. the menu looks like it's running in 720p
WTF? No vibrate? Or is there a setting I'm missing?

edit: ok, I'm just impatient. There is vibrate. :) Still I'm not sure if it's worth $60. It'll be a used purchase for me, for sure.
[quote name='Mr. 420']I don't know if I would spend 15 on this. Sounds cool, but i looked at a bunch of videos and thought it looked kind of gay. I don't like the whole fire and lightning out of the hand thing at all. Big daddys and little sisters looked stupid.[/quote]

Dumb question: How do I play the demo in Hard or Survivor difficulty? The only reason I downloaded it was to try Survivor (I beat it on a friend's 360 last year). I know on the 360 demo you changed the difficulty on the dashboard, but the PS3 doesn't have this option.
If I feel like I can rise to the challenge of Survivor, I'll buy this game for sure.
[quote name='SDC']Dumb question: How do I play the demo in Hard or Survivor difficulty? The only reason I downloaded it was to try Survivor (I beat it on a friend's 360 last year). I know on the 360 demo you changed the difficulty on the dashboard, but the PS3 doesn't have this option.
If I feel like I can rise to the challenge of Survivor, I'll buy this game for sure.[/quote]
It was right at the beginning - it was the fourth option, labeled "every bullet counts." I picked "this is my first shooter," because, well, this is my first shooter. :roll: (Okay, I played about a half hour of Battlefield Bad Company, but that hardly counts.) I think there was also an Options choice under the pause menu (Start button), but I'm not sure about that.
the demo was great. Not sure if I'll pick it up at $60 (that holds true for pretty much any game) but I'll get it at some point for sure.
[quote name='pob14']It was right at the beginning - it was the fourth option, labeled "every bullet counts." I picked "this is my first shooter," because, well, this is my first shooter. :roll: (Okay, I played about a half hour of Battlefield Bad Company, but that hardly counts.) I think there was also an Options choice under the pause menu (Start button), but I'm not sure about that.[/QUOTE]

Hard and Survivor difficulties are on the menu, but they aren't actually selectable.
Has anyone else downloaded the whole demo but not been able to install it? I have a 20 gb PS3 if that matters. I'm redownloading it now but I really don't see what the problem could be. I've downloaded and played 1 gb and up demos before.
[quote name='SDC']Hard and Survivor difficulties are on the menu, but they aren't actually selectable.[/quote]
Yep, just double-checked and saw that. So no, you can't play the demo on Survivor.
bread's done