BioShock for PS3: PS3 Exclusive DLC Relased $9.99

[quote name='Jack-Hunter']Oh great. Some moron stuck this post in this topic. Now i'll have to wait about 30x longer than I would have if they had just kept the topic where it was, and deleted it after I got an answer.[/quote]

What's the big deal with having a question being put into a thread about the game? That's why we have specific dedicated threads - so there aren't 50 different ones with "ZOMG how duz I beat za BIG DADDIEZ!?!?

Anyway, I believe that all of the normal and +2 abilities DO stack.
[quote name='bornrunnin31']What's the big deal with having a question being put into a thread about the game? That's why we have specific dedicated threads - so there aren't 50 different ones with "ZOMG how duz I beat za BIG DADDIEZ!?!?

Anyway, I believe that all of the normal and +2 abilities DO stack.[/quote]
I agree, questions about games should be put into the main thread, however, I don't see the harm in letting single topics stay out of the main thread for a few days, especially on older games that don't get a lot of discussion anyways. It seems to happen that way unless LP is mulling around.:lol:
In answer to the question, yes, Static Discharge does stack with the original.
In fact, all tonics that have upgraded versions stack with each other. That's why they are independent tonics, as opposed to the higher-level plasmids that just replace each other.
I press start and i see the little sister icons. All appear to be saved, except two of the icons are normal color..and one is "negative" (like a webcam setting where the colors become opposites.)

What does that mean?
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I would guess that means you harvested her. I never harvested any when I played on 360 so I couldn't tell you exactly, but that would be my guess
I would think so too but I'm in the same boat as the above poster...never harvested one so can't give you a positive answer. check out a FAQ at or check the boards or answer pages on there.....sure you'll find your answer pretty quick.
Man... I picked this up a while ago and just got to it. It is one of the prettiest games I have ever played. The design is out of this world. Going through on Normal to get the majority of the trophies this go round and to just take it easy and enjoy the scenery (seriously, I stop and look out windows all the time). Will go through on super hard with the no vitachamber after this.

I would say I am about halfway through and am already anticpating Bioshock 2 (hope it is good). If anyone has yet to play it, GRAB it. I know... I am way late.... game is 2 years old at this point. But for 19 bucks, hard to beat.
[quote name='Saint Noir']Man... I picked this up a while ago and just got to it. It is one of the prettiest games I have ever played. The design is out of this world. Going through on Normal to get the majority of the trophies this go round and to just take it easy and enjoy the scenery (seriously, I stop and look out windows all the time). Will go through on super hard with the no vitachamber after this.

I would say I am about halfway through and am already anticpating Bioshock 2 (hope it is good). If anyone has yet to play it, GRAB it. I know... I am way late.... game is 2 years old at this point. But for 19 bucks, hard to beat.[/QUOTE]

This was one of the first games I got for my PS3 Slim. Haven't played it yet but I'm looking forward to it :) Game looks AMAZING, seriously, they need to make a movie. Honestly though, I would love a 'tour' mode, just want around, no Big Daddy's, nothing, perhaps some regular folk just hanging out. Explore Rapture in all it's glory and yeah...awesome.
[quote name='SynGamer']This was one of the first games I got for my PS3 Slim. Haven't played it yet but I'm looking forward to it :) Game looks AMAZING, seriously, they need to make a movie. Honestly though, I would love a 'tour' mode, just want around, no Big Daddy's, nothing, perhaps some regular folk just hanging out. Explore Rapture in all it's glory and yeah...awesome.[/QUOTE]

that would be cool to tool around rapture during its heyday and see what it was like.
[quote name='lokizz']that would be cool to tool around rapture during its heyday and see what it was like.[/QUOTE]

Think of Fallout 3; you start say...JUT after shit has started to go bad. You come across small holdings/bands of people (normal, non-splicers) and your decisions and actions affect both the story (to a certain extent) and (more importantly) the world around you. Perhaps traveling between two areas the the way is clear/very few enemies. If there were one setting that could use a slight MMO/RPG treatment like Fallout 3 received, Bioshock is it.
[quote name='Saint Noir']Man... I picked this up a while ago and just got to it. It is one of the prettiest games I have ever played. The design is out of this world. Going through on Normal to get the majority of the trophies this go round and to just take it easy and enjoy the scenery (seriously, I stop and look out windows all the time). Will go through on super hard with the no vitachamber after this.

I would say I am about halfway through and am already anticpating Bioshock 2 (hope it is good). If anyone has yet to play it, GRAB it. I know... I am way late.... game is 2 years old at this point. But for 19 bucks, hard to beat.[/QUOTE]

I still have to do the no Vita Chambers/ Survivor I am hoping it isn't too hard.
[quote name='bjstucker']I still have to do the no Vita Chambers/ Survivor I am hoping it isn't too hard.[/QUOTE]

Probably harder in the beginning (having no weapons). I hear you can turn vitachambers off in the options and just have to save/load a lot... because you will die... a lot.
[quote name='bjstucker']I still have to do the no Vita Chambers/ Survivor I am hoping it isn't too hard.[/QUOTE]

Don't worry, it isn't that bad. I played through on Normal on the 360, and jumped right into Survivor when I got it for PS3. 2K kept hyping the mode as "every bullet counts" so like an idiot I conserved ammo HEAVILY and used the wrench a whole lot. By the endgame I felt dumb, as I pretty much always had full ammo.
Just be sure to save before you start any fight you are really afraid of, because with Vita chambers off you'll get knocked back to your last save. The only really hard part are the first few Big Daddys, which some people even skip and come back for after they get the chemical thrower/trap bolts/prxomitiy mines etc.
[quote name='Saint Noir']Probably harder in the beginning (having no weapons). I hear you can turn vitachambers off in the options and just have to save/load a lot... because you will die... a lot.[/QUOTE]

yep i was doing that run until that one ps3 update caused games to run slow (bioshock being one of them) and you have to save alot to avoid losing your progress. had to do the save the little sisters deal too. once ive leved up my uncharted 2 m character ill go back and finish. gotta play that dlc too.
Just got the platinum. Was a lot easier on survivor than I would have figured... at least after the first few levels. I mostly used a powered up wrench too. Fairly short game if you aren't exploring any.
Man. I just did the last DLC room in under 15 minutes for my last trophy in the game... tough stuff. Really hoping 2 delivers the goods.
I too am wondering about the dlc if it is worth buying. Anyone have a slot open for me? I'd buy something you would want in a trade for the gameshare. I beat it on the 360 and loved it and I got it for the ps3 and want to play the exclusive dlc now.
bread's done