BioShock for PS3: PS3 Exclusive DLC Relased $9.99

was anyone else under the impression that the challenge rooms were included on the disc? I'm pretty mad that we'll most likely have to pay for something that they hyped up as what makes this version "different"
[quote name='bornrunnin31']was anyone else under the impression that the challenge rooms were included on the disc? I'm pretty mad that we'll most likely have to pay for something that they hyped up as what makes this version "different"[/quote]
I thought the same.

[quote name='mykevermin']$60 for a $30 game better mean that DLC is free.[/quote]
TMK posted a link (that's in the OP) about the suspected improvements to the PS3 version... One of them was that all future DLC would be free. Time will tell though.
[quote name='mykevermin']$60 for a $30 game better mean that DLC is free.[/quote]

LOL...I do hate when they bring old games to a new console and expect people to pay full price. This really should be a little cheaper.
I really think they are hurting sales but making this game full price. If you have to pay for the DLC that would suck. I hope it's free.
I'm getting close to finishing this game and give it a solid recommendation, although I'm probably not in the 'this game is amazing' camp and as such no DLC for me.
Im kind of interested in it after pleying the demo but with shooters usually the games over pretty fast and theres not much in the way of replayability in it. im a fan of the halflife series so does this game stand up next to it? i know theres reviews for it but i tend to like to know the opinions of gamers. basically the pros and cons.
[quote name='lokizz']Im kind of interested in it after pleying the demo but with shooters usually the games over pretty fast and theres not much in the way of replayability in it. im a fan of the halflife series so does this game stand up next to it? i know theres reviews for it but i tend to like to know the opinions of gamers. basically the pros and cons.[/QUOTE]

I'm playing through it for a second time, and it feels much longer than I recall. I'd guess ballpark 10-15 hours? But I'm really not sure.
If you care about trophies you can probably get 2 to 3 playthroughs out of it. There are three different endings, though I don't think any of them are spectacular.
There aren't any bonuses or anything for replaying, so replayability is low...but the game is so well done it really is worth playing at least twice. And the new Survivor difficulty is absolutely fantastic.
[quote name='mykevermin']So, the DLC is $10.

This can kiss my ass, like the $60 pricetag.[/quote]

Straight up. The game should have come out at the most $40, and the DLC should be free. It doesn't add another chapter to the story or anything like that. What a ripoff.
Well, I could deal with $5-10 DLC if the game came out at $40. Probably still wouldn't drop $10 on it, but I'd be more forgiving. At $60, though, the DLC should be a freebie.

As it stands, I may GF this for the trophies and buy it in a year or two at $20.
damn haven't played this in awhile, had to download a long ass update to play. I'm guessing it was the trophy patch but I swear I already had that.
Picked up the game for $20 with the $10 2K coupon from BB.

I'm playing the game on medium to get all the collection/completion trophies.

If I run the game through Survivor and don't use a vita-chamber, do I automatically get the gold trophy for beating the game on Hard with no vita-chamber?
[quote name='mykevermin']Yes.[/QUOTE]

Sweet hawtness. Platinum #3 here I come!

I've officially become a trophy collecting enthusiast.
the game is awesome. im kinda worried since i heard mixed reviews on the ending but man this game is so damn amazing. i dig how much stuff there is to find and depending on how you tweak your character you can get alot of out the overall experience. but i dont get the big deal about the big brothers. im playing on hard mode and theyre easy as hell to beat & good for money too.
As myke so gingerly puts it, it was insulting to release this at $60 so I'm sure the DLC draw has been disappointing. (Hell, it was a $5 steam download not that long ago). I absolutely LOVED this game when I bought it at PC release but sold it immediately and traded for the PS3 version to have to play again in the future. My only turn off about the game is respawning enemies because it completely took away from exploring for me. The levels are damn beautiful too.
And I have to ssay i love the game but some of you were dead on about how easy the end boss was. I mean i guess you could say the game was so tough that to make it that far you have to be pretty good so of course the boss wouldnt be too hard but with all the stuff you buy/collect/earn he was so easy i didnt die during the fight. i died more trying to kill big daddies. still its a great game though. this is one of those games where its more about the ride to the destination and not so much the destination.
This should probably be rolled up under the larger Bioshock thread to reduce clutter.

But I agree -- Ryan was easier than I expected and seemed rather anti-climactic as a battle. Course, the game was on easy and I'm curious how things will turn out as I finish Survivor.
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[quote name='mykevermin']What difficulty?[/quote]

hard difficulty. could probably go back and do it on survivor since i want to do another run and this time leave the little sisters be. but even on hard it was pretty easy. not sure if its really worth it to get all the trophies or not . sucks though because i missed a gun upgrade somewhere so before i do all that ill probably go to an old save and backtrack.
I'm playing through for the first time myself (Survivor, Vita Chambers off) and I'd have to agree; the difficulty dropped off substantially once I got out of Neptune's Bounty (Research Camera, ftw). Went from several guaranteed deaths every few rooms to breezing through everything up to Olympus Heights where I am now. I can't speak as to the endgame, though, obviously.
This reminds me I still have to finish this game on PC. Ugh, so much in my backlog, so little time. This should get moved up a bit in the backlog queue though, because although I've managed to mostly avoid the story spoilers thus far, I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out.
[quote name='Ecofreak']This should probably be rolled up under the larger Bioshock thread to reduce clutter.

But I agree -- Ryan was easier than I expected and seemed rather anti-climactic as a battle. Course, the game was on easy and I'm curious how things will turn out as I finish Survivor.[/quote]
Killing Ryan was done very well. The fight with Fontaine, or Atlas, was the anti-climactic one. All he ever did for me was run back and forth. It was so easy and I was so powerful by the end that I killed him using only the wrench.
[quote name='Predator21281']Ryan?
Killing Ryan was done very well. The fight with Fontaine, or Atlas, was the anti-climactic one. All he ever did for me was run back and forth. It was so easy and I was so powerful by the end that I killed him using only the wrench.

he did the same for me to. very dissappointing but like i said the rest of the game up to that point was a challenge thats why i hope you get more of challenge from it by playing on survivor and
letting the litle sisters live.
[quote name='lokizz']he did the same for me to. very dissappointing but like i said the rest of the game up to that point was a challenge thats why i hope you get more of challenge from it by playing on survivor and
letting the litle sisters live.

You'll be stronger in the long run if you rescue them all given the bonuses; the minor increase in ADAM from harvesting (40 more for every 3) doesn't make up for the loss since there ends up being nothing to spend it on.
I just finished this game last night too. Normal difficulty though so I'll probably do hard or survivor, not sure.

Does the research you do on one difficulty carry over to a new game on another difficulty? Or do we start from scratch?
[quote name='disillusion386']I just finished this game last night too. Normal difficulty though so I'll probably do hard or survivor, not sure.

Does the research you do on one difficulty carry over to a new game on another difficulty? Or do we start from scratch?[/QUOTE]

Everything starts from scratch. The game's difficulty does start to ramp down as you have so many more tools as the adventure progresses.

The first part of the game when I only had a pistol and wrench were definitely a lot more tense than now when I carry around a grenade launcher.
For those looking for this on the cheap, check your local Wal-Mart as mine had a few copies of the CE for $40, which isn't a bad price considering they had Gun Valkyrie for the original Xbox for $30. :lol:
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']For those looking for this on the cheap, check your local Wal-Mart as mine had a few copies of the CE for $40, which isn't a bad price considering they had Gun Valkyrie for the original Xbox for $30. :lol:[/quote]

CE? There was no CE for ps3.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Really? Does the normal version have a metal case or was I seeing things?[/quote]

Normal version has a slipcover that is shiny. Never heard anything about a metal case.
man for some reason i cant beat the 2nd and 3rd big daddies in hard mode without dying! and i really dont want to die to get that stupid trophy! lol

oh btw is the DLC any good?! still 10 bucks?!
Just beat the game on Survivor and unlocked the Platinum, so that's 3 Platinums in less than 1 month (Uncharted, Burnout, and Bioshock). w00t!

Don't think the DLC is worth the $10, though -- and the lack of substantial trophy booty doesn't help the sway me either. ;)
[quote name='Ecofreak']Just beat the game on Survivor and unlocked the Platinum, so that's 3 Platinums in less than 1 month (Uncharted, Burnout, and Bioshock). w00t!

Don't think the DLC is worth the $10, though -- and the lack of substantial trophy booty doesn't help the sway me either. ;)[/quote]

was the dlc any fun ? ive been on the fence about if its worth getting or not. i dont care much about the trophies and such but if its fun and challenging itd be cool to play.
[quote name='lokizz']was the dlc any fun ? ive been on the fence about if its worth getting or not. i dont care much about the trophies and such but if its fun and challenging itd be cool to play.[/QUOTE]

I haven't purchased the DLC myself and I'm not sure I know too many people who picked it up.
[quote name='mykevermin']It's *alright*. I enjoyed it, but I don't feel like it was a $10 value. Easily $5. Not so much $10.[/quote]

that seems to be the way with dlc. i havent heard of any yet that was worth the original price to anyone.
Oh great. Some moron stuck this post in this topic. Now i'll have to wait about 30x longer than I would have if they had just kept the topic where it was, and deleted it after I got an answer.
[quote name='Jack-Hunter']Oh great. Some moron stuck this post in this topic. Now i'll have to wait about 30x longer than I would have if they had just kept the topic where it was, and deleted it after I got an answer.[/quote]

bread's done