CAG Fighter Fighting Game Matchmaking - SSFIV AE Games with Gold in June, Skullgirls Encore (free update) Out Now!

I knew something was weird when I saw he had 20 wins/0 losses, but only a 6 game win streak. Sure enough, Dante Level 3 to close it out...

*Connection to other player lost*

[quote name='GuardianE']I knew something was weird when I saw he had 20 wins/0 losses, but only a 6 game win streak. Sure enough, Dante Level 3 to close it out...

*Connection to other player lost*


Ah, the wonderful world of playing strangers on Live. That was most of my experience in Vanilla, unfortunately. I don't understand it; dashboarding on every loss seems like such a tedious process. Especially if you lose as often as a lot of those chumps do.

In other news, I got enough of shit going with Rocket Raccoon last night to cause my buddies to pull out their big guns. Still won a few with him after that!

Friend of mine who mained Cap in Vanilla is now running Cap, Hawkeye, Hulk. It's a pretty bad ass team. Cap's new stuff works super well.
[quote name='GuardianE']I knew something was weird when I saw he had 20 wins/0 losses, but only a 6 game win streak. Sure enough, Dante Level 3 to close it out...

*Connection to other player lost*

Well that sucks :cry:.

For those of you that have a Brady Guide on order with Amazon, mine shipped today & I should have it tomorrow! I ordered it at like the beginning of Nov.

I need to start playing more real-world matches & come out of the lab to get a better idea of what's working & what's not working. I think right now the problem with my Frank West is getting in. Once I've got him at Lvl2 or higher I can start up with roll shenanigans, which definitely helps a lot.

I've also modified my level up combo to incorporate 3 camera shots AND a hyper. At about Lvl3 or better, he has some really good options for solo combos - especially in the corner. Also, unless you're going for a DHC or XF combo I think Tools of Survival is the hyper of choice over Blue Light Special. At the higher levels it does more damage & leaves you closer to the opponent.

I'm also working on a secondary team as well (Guardian please don't hate me!) of Nemesis/Wesker/Doom. What I'm really liking about this team is the versatility of playstyles - it can hit really hard but you can also play keepaway. The synergy between the characters is really good and everyone backs eachother up. It feels a little more cohesive than my Frank West team at the moment, but that certainly doesn't mean I'll be abandoning that team.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Ah, the wonderful world of playing strangers on Live. That was most of my experience in Vanilla, unfortunately. I don't understand it; dashboarding on every loss seems like such a tedious process. Especially if you lose as often as a lot of those chumps do.

In other news, I got enough of shit going with Rocket Raccoon last night to cause my buddies to pull out their big guns. Still won a few with him after that!

Friend of mine who mained Cap in Vanilla is now running Cap, Hawkeye, Hulk. It's a pretty bad ass team. Cap's new stuff works super well.[/QUOTE]

I've been playing Ranked and getting furious, but I'll never ragequit. I really don't get the guy with the 20/0 win/loss ratio. What's the point? Is he trying to speed his way to 6th Lord or something for the achievement? I don't get it.

I look forward to seeing how Rocket Raccoon plays. No offense, but I imagine he's super obnoxious. :p

With the way damage scaling works in this game, Cap is a bruiser. Hard hitting attacks with low number combos yields more damage.
[quote name='GuardianE']I've been playing Ranked and getting furious, but I'll never ragequit. I really don't get the guy with the 20/0 win/loss ratio. What's the point? Is he trying to speed his way to 6th Lord or something for the achievement? I don't get it.

I look forward to seeing how Rocket Raccoon plays. No offense, but I imagine he's super obnoxious. :p

With the way damage scaling works in this game, Cap is a bruiser. Hard hitting attacks with low number combos yields more damage.[/QUOTE]

Oh, none taken. I have lapses where I think I can rush in for normal combos as Rocket and I get blown to pieces. It's all about trap mix-ups and rocket skates. He's super obnoxious, but it's a really different play style for me. I even have fun when I get murdered. His net-trap is sick and can lead to some pretty intense combos (intense for Rocket, anyway.) His teleport is also STUPID fast. I've actually bailed out of a few hyper combos with it.
I started playing a Cap team the other day against Joe and was really liking it. Crazy how much of a difference one extra move can make to a character. I still need to work some more with the new characters. I'll be on tonight if someone wants to do some new character matches.
Things I learned today.

Frank West

  • cr.L doesn't hit low, has terrible range, and I am constantly getting whiff punished for it. Use M and cr.M instead. Level 1 is plunger and has great range
  • All his normals chain together for longer combos and more xp. (L, cr.L, M, cr.M, H, cr.H, S)
  • Shopping cart assist is teh best cause it's multiple hits and keeps them grounded for full combos and left/right mixups. No invincibility but the cart itself isn't hittable.
  • Anti-air hyper isn't available until level 3. I didn't know this before and I was trying to do it at level 1 or 2 and raging cause shopping cart would come out.
  • qcf.H ground bounces higher with each level. Even in level 1 you can j.LMH, j.hammer, cr.LMHS
  • qcb.L zombie can make block strings safe and has fast recovery which can bait your opponent into trying to punish
  • If you're rolling with Frank as assist/anchor, you can still get to lv 4 in one combo if you xfactor, knee drop, into another picture
  • cr.LMHS, j.MMH, j.hammer, cr.LMHS, j.LLMMHS, snapshot, shopping cart, xfactor, sj.knee drop, snapshot, shopping cart

  • Your first 2 characters are batteries
  • When Strider comes in, activate oroboros and xfactor. Mash. You win.
Anyone have KOFXIII? I want to do a review but I'd like to get some online matches in and earlier this afternoon I couldn't find any games. Would like to plan a session for maybe an hour or two either tomorrow or Sunday. Message me here or on Xbox Live.

Hey bs, I found that new midscreen loop with Doom I mentioned last night:

Clockwork does it a few times in the match at the 5:30 mark (it's not timestamping for some reason). From what it looks like it's a variant of his corner foot dive loop but you have to hit the air Ms pretty high. I don't know if its any easier than the df airdash loop from vanilla, I'll try to test it tonight.
Hey MtlTom - not sure if people still reference the CAG Fighter Directory, but it could use a couple new columns for SSFIV AE and UMvC3.
GGs last night to everyone. Xbox Live was completely borked so it was hard to stay in a party/lobby.

I saw a post last night from fatboyjam/Kracka McKraka I think asking about updating the directory for a few more current games. I went ahead and changed a few things.

- SSF4 Updated to AE. I did not remove anyone from this list since I figured most people are on AE anyways. If nothing else, anyone with AE can play regular SSF4 still.
- UMVC3 added, MVC3 moved. Obviously most people are on the new game so I put that closer to the front of the list & moved MVC3 to the back. I updated most everyone's info on this game if they have it but I may have missed a few people
- KOF XIII added. Didn't add anyone to this list, but I know there are people playing it.
- Pre-released game added in Green (Street Fighter x Tekken, BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend, Skullgirls, SoulCalibur V). People can start updating their info accordingly.

Also, I noticed there are a lot of people that are on the directory but don't post in here. Feel free to say hi, we don't bite. Also be sure to add CAG Fighter IV to your friends list.
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Weskers

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 — Results

1. PR Balrog (Spencer, Wolverine, Wekser)
2. LB|ChrisGNY (Hawkeye, Ryu, Wesker)
3. UVG|Noel Brown (Wolverine, Frank West, Wesker)
4. EG|Justin Wong (Storm, Wesker, Akuma)
5. DRS|OMG Itz Andre (Vergil, Magneto, Wesker)
5. FC|Jago (Wesker, Dante, Trish)
7. NYC FAB (Wesker, Taskmaster, Akuma)
7. DJ Huoshen (Felicia, Super-Skrull, Taskmaster)

Oh well, I don't care. He's really fun to play.

Guh, so much crying.

Oh well, I don't care. He's really fun to play.

He is, and he's way more beatable than most of the commenters on that article care to realize. I'm willing to bet not a single of them has ever bothered even trying to snap him in and going for the mix-up/kill. So many people I fight online just watch me save X-factor for my Wesker anchor and then yell over their mics when shit goes down. Solve your own problems, people! I've blown up Weskers and had my destroyed on countless occasions.

That said, I'd take a functional counter hyper over his sunglasses mechanic anyday. That shit's stupid.
As a Wesker player, I admit he's too good (most likely top 3). He got nothing but buffs. Health nerfing doesn't change the fact that the character still has tools to be great. I'm predicting a Wesker nerf similar to how Sentinel was nerfed, but something more than just health adjustment.

Wesker is easy to play. Teleports can be hard to read because there's no inbetween animation. Health is still relatively high. His hyper is definitely the best "power up" hyper. Base combos without hyper build very good meter (even after meter building nerf) and very good damage. He has high priority normals. He has a command grab. He has gunshot. Wesker has so many tools that prove to be effective time and time again when compared to the rest of the cast, it's expected people will complain.

Snapping in someone got nerfed because of the meter building nerf. And mixing up a person on the tag in got nerfed because of air x factor.

Overall, I dislike nerfs and would much rather have Capcom buff the rest of the cast. But given funding and time, it's not plausible.

Also, I wouldn't count online as the metagame. The majority of the players online are absolute garbage.
[quote name='IanKazimer']
He is, and he's way more beatable than most of the commenters on that article care to realize. I'm willing to bet not a single of them has ever bothered even trying to snap him in and going for the mix-up/kill. So many people I fight online just watch me save X-factor for my Wesker anchor and then yell over their mics when shit goes down. Solve your own problems, people! I've blown up Weskers and had my destroyed on countless occasions.

That said, I'd take a functional counter hyper over his sunglasses mechanic anyday. That shit's stupid.[/QUOTE]
Guardian & I were talking about this the other night & he'd be fine if the glasses buff was removed. If you look at most other characters in the game that have a "buff" hyper, it lasts for a limited amount of time. He gets the buff basically for doing a hyper for an unlimited amount of time (unless he gets snapped or tagged out). He'd still be incredibly strong without it & still have a lot of his tools.

Personally I think it's way too early to be patching the game. This example gets brought up all the time but Iceman was considered God tier in the early days of MVC2 - obviously that didn't last very long. Yes Wesker is strong, but not untouchable.
I've played a lot of Wesker. I think that he only requires some minor tweaking at this point. The glasses buff was a unique and creative mechanic, but incredibly half-baked in implementation.

Dark Wesker was always a threat. This is not something that's changed from Vanilla to Ultimate. The only reason he's shining right now is because a) the glasses buff, b) Dark Phoenix has been controlled, and c) Level 1 X-Factor is now practically worthless, so you're seeing a return of dependence on strong anchors.

Wesker also has bad matchups. At this point in the game, Zero beats Wesker clean, especially with nerfed Rhino Charge. Viscant was mentioning that part of the reason why we're seeing such dominance of Lvl 4 X-Factor Wesker is because people aren't properly utilizing their own anchors... or picking proper anchors for their teams.

Nevertheless, I think Wesker's glasses mechanic should change. It simply doesn't make a lot of sense in the game. Use a Hyper, get a buff for the duration with no repercussions... and the damage he does isn't the problem (he's always hit like a goddamn truck), it's his new speed. The new speed makes more things safe, allows new damaging combos, makes him harder to react to, and makes his normals beat more things than they would have. His new speed even makes Phantom Dance randomly cross up even more than it did in Vanilla... and that's just plain dumb. Knowing Capcom, though, I fear that they'll make a reactionary patch that completely cripples Wesker when he really just needed some fine tuning.

Do I think it's early to be patching the game? Yes. But I also don't think this is a situation analogous to Sentinel in MvC3 or Iceman in MvC2. UMvC3 is a slightly different beast, but the core game mechanics are largely the same as in MvC3. We have a level of familiarity with the game mechanics to understand what makes a character powerful. Thusly, I think the nerf is due, but it would be wise to wait for additional stupidity to be discovered so that those could be included in any future patch.

By the way, it sucks that PR Balrog dropped Dante.
Wesker against Zero isn't too bad. Wesker definitely can't fight toe to toe with normals but all he has to do is change to runaway gunshot then it becomes a lame fest. Both Zero and Wesker can't really address the top forward area of the screen. Though when comparing the gunshot to lvl 3 buster. I would pick gunshot. Lvl 3 buster is good but Zero is a much slower character than Wesker and Buster isn't as fast as a bullet that doesn't have to be charged..

You'll notice also that Zero players these days are doing nothing but charging buster and fishing for a hit. It's because his combos were slightly tweaked that converting from a j.H isn't as effective or reliable. Also, chicken blocking neutralizes much of Zero's game. His air movement is slow with the exception of command dash/teleport which he can easily be option select grabbed out of.

Wesker's main weakness though is against opponents that super jump and keep away since he can't cover the top forward area of the screen. But since most characters, besides morrigan were nerfed in this dept., it's a little easier for Wesker to go in. I don't see why people play against Wesker in this way because the most he can do to someone in this position is air throw. Despite his air throw being great and convertible into combo, any decent player should be able to tech the throw.

Again, I think Wesker is fine. He could do without glasses-off power up, but Capcom needs to buff the rest of the cast that actually needs buffs to hang with the character. Knowing them, I would think Wesker will turn into the SSFIV Ryu of this series, getting nerfs upon nerfs.
GGs last night to everyone. Sorry I left the lobby for a bit, I was pretty fucking heated about that happy birthday & Spencer coming in not blocking.

@Guardian - that really sucks about your save data. I'd really be fucking pissed.
[quote name='MtlTom']GGs last night to everyone. Sorry I left the lobby for a bit, I was pretty fucking heated about that happy birthday & Spencer coming in not blocking.

@Guardian - that really sucks about your save data. I'd really be fucking pissed.[/QUOTE]

GGs to you and everyone else last night. Don't sweat it. Happy Birthdays are frustrating. I think what happened is your point character died during the first Hyper, and then I DHC'd only to pick up the assist character. Your point character falls out, disappears, and then your next character comes in. If you're not blocking, he gets nailed. Usually characters don't come in during Hypers, but I think there's something funky specifically about DHCs...

So yeah, my online data got completely corrupted. All my matches, records, streak data, fighting style, and 7th Lord status... Gone. I was so furious that I was speechless. I just marathoned Ranked to try to make up for it, but it's still so disheartening to see how much progress I lost.
Dude, that sucks! Sorry to hear that, Guardian. Was the data on your hard drive compromised or was it something solely online that got borked?
[quote name='IanKazimer']Dude, that sucks! Sorry to hear that, Guardian. Was the data on your hard drive compromised or was it something solely online that got borked?[/QUOTE]

Thanks, man. I was more than a little annoyed.

My other harddrive data and locally saved data were fine. It happened when I got disconnected from the CAG FIGHTER lobby. During the Updating... screen at the Main Menu, my Xbox froze. After I restarted my XBox, I couldn't access the XBox Live menu of UMvC3 anymore without it prompting me to reset my online stats due to corrupted data. So, it forced me to reset my data myself... so sadistic.
Sooooo, AE 2012 is out today. Are we playing it this week or is everyone still on Mahvel? I could go either way to be honest.

[quote name='BackInBlack']I miss playing with you dudes. Semester finishes up this week. I'd like to play some UMarvel soon if anyone is game.[/QUOTE]
Absolutely! It's been a while.
[quote name='MSUHitman']I sent a friend request to the tag but it's still pending.[/QUOTE]
FR accepted. Sorry, I thought I sent one to you a few weeks ago.
I'm surprised there's no in-game changelog for it.

Also, a crash bug has been added. Xbox Live Marketplace > AE Marketplace = Crash
GGs last night to asianxcore, Guardian, joe, Gouki, Kensei, & bs.

axc - that team of yours is too good. First time I've played a Hawkeye that hasn't just done random gimlets. Also Nova + Sent drones is fucking ridiculous. I have no idea how to approach that team because even if I were to snap in one character, every single one is a problem. Hope you'll be joining us more regularly!

I hate to say this but I feel like I need a new team :cry:.
[quote name='asianxcore']Japan gets it this week or next week I think.

GG's to everyone I played tonight in the UMVC3 CAG Room. First time playing on Wednesdays, so it was a nice change.[/QUOTE]

GG's, and GG's to everyone else as well! Sorry to everyone about my mic's major malfunction and the coughing. I felt like I was playing okay in the middle of the night, but was getting read like a book and dropping Dante stuff towards the end (rainstorm instead of box dashing, missing bold cancels).

[quote name='MtlTom']I hate to say this but I feel like I need a new team :cry:.[/QUOTE]

I think your team right now is pretty good, actually. Spencer is ridiculous in this game, and I think you might just need to get used to his mix-up game and hit confirming his stuff... not dropping the OTG grapples and such. Dormammu is an absolute beast. Frank is realllllly good. I think you just need to work on capitalizing and making the most off of hits.

I haven't tested this out, but something you might want to try is do your bnb relaunch with Frank, ending with the animation hyper. Cancel the last hit into Dormammu's Stalking Flare, which should cause a spinning state. If it sends the opponent high enough, they might bounce off the top for a while, allowing a hard tag back to Frank and a superjump Camera. That could get you a total of 4 Camera shots in a single combo, with hefty damage, using 2 meters.

Approach is tough with Frank at first, but if I may suggest, you might want to try working on coverting off of the knee divekick or go for airthrows. With Dormammu, can you do something like: Airthrow, Call Dormammu Dark Hole, Tools of Destruction OTG, Launch?
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Sorry I missed you guys last night. I was deep in the lab with some Spencer and Rocket shit. By the time I got Kensei's invite, I realized I needed to get my ass to bed. I'll definitely be on next time.
[quote name='MtlTom']
axc - that team of yours is too good. First time I've played a Hawkeye that hasn't just done random gimlets. Also Nova + Sent drones is fucking ridiculous. I have no idea how to approach that team because even if I were to snap in one character, every single one is a problem. Hope you'll be joining us more regularly!

I hate to say this but I feel like I need a new team :cry:.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the kind words. Guardian also gave me kind words about my team. I love the overall synergy and I absolutely love how well the DHC no matter what order it's in or how many characters you have left. Until I find a team that I feel 100% all about with Dormammu in it, than I will continue to play the team I played last night.

Also I think your team is really good, it's like what Guardian said, practice every character separately, get the most you can out of all of them and then see how they work together.

The only thing I don't like about it is Dormammu as Anchor. This is only because I don't think Dark Hole (or any of his Assists really) help protect Spencer's way around the screen or make his Zip Line BS a little harder to block.
[quote name='GuardianE']
I haven't tested this out, but something you might want to try is do your bnb relaunch with Frank, ending with the animation hyper. Cancel the last hit into Dormammu's Stalking Flare, which should cause a spinning state. If it sends the opponent high enough, they might bounce off the top for a while, allowing a hard tag back to Frank and a superjump Camera. That could get you a total of 4 Camera shots in a single combo, with hefty damage, using 2 meters.

Approach is tough with Frank at first, but if I may suggest, you might want to try working on coverting off of the knee divekick or go for airthrows. With Dormammu, can you do something like: Airthrow, Call Dormammu Dark Hole, Tools of Destruction OTG, Launch?[/QUOTE]
Right now my standard bnb relaunch combo gets up to 4 levels with 3 camera shots. It ends with the animation hyper & gets up to 850K with two meters (completely depending on the variation). Last night the biggest problem I was having was hit confirming the Mcr.H into launcher. Offline you have like forever to confirm it, but I was getting blocked a lot on the launcher.

Getting in is still a problem with Frank. I really need to be able to capitalize off of every hit. BS pointed out not capitalizing off the knee drop. After that or an air-throw I should be able to do QCF+H or camera shot + Dormammu for a relaunch. I should also use zombie swing more often since it's pretty safe on block. I was also doing a poor job teching air throws & getting completely blown up by Wesker.

[quote name='asianxcore']
Also I think your team is really good, it's like what Guardian said, practice every character separately, get the most you can out of all of them and then see how they work together.

The only thing I don't like about it is Dormammu as Anchor. This is only because I don't think Dark Hole (or any of his Assists really) help protect Spencer's way around the screen or make his Zip Line BS a little harder to block.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I know you mentioned that before. Both he and Spencer have great comeback potential, but I think it's much harder for Dorm to get that opening. Case in point was Lvl3 XF Dorm vs Hawkeye: when you were full screen there was almost nothing I could really do. Dark Hole really doesn't do much at all for Spencer either.

Right now I'm using H Grapple assist for Spencer since it helps Frank get double camera shots at the end of a combo, and end with Survival Techniques from anywhere on screen. Slant shot might be a better utility choice for the other two characters & help Dorm control space even better. It will still work in some of the combos, just with some modification. It might also create more openings for Frank & allow him to start combos a little easier.
[quote name='GuardianE']

Approach is tough with Frank at first, but if I may suggest, you might want to try working on coverting off of the knee divekick or go for airthrows. With Dormammu, can you do something like: Airthrow, Call Dormammu Dark Hole, Tools of Destruction OTG, Launch?[/QUOTE]

After a knee drop or low air throw do j.qcf+H. There's no recovery when you do the air version. Then you can continue the combo with cr.LMH the same way you would when you do j.MMH hammer after a launcher. And then you can save dark hole for more xp after the air magic series.

knee drop, j.qcf+H, cr.LMHS, j.MMHS, dark hole, camera shot, S
[quote name='GUNNM']rage quitting chris g ftw[/QUOTE]


He lost his powers because he shaved between NEC and SCR
Some cards cause a glitch where your opponent flips out of hard/soft knockdowns like Zero's level 3 buster. Also Wesker's cobra strike.

And you can parry when you're in the middle of being hit by a combo. Totally messes up your timing. I hope they didn't intend for parrying to work this way cause you can just mash forward while you're being hit and you get out of combos for free since the pause fucks with the timing of the combo.
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[quote name='bs000']Some cards cause a glitch where your opponent flips out of hard knockdowns like Zero's level 3 buster. Also Wesker's cobra strike.

And you can parry when you're in the middle of being hit by a combo. Totally messes up your timing. I hope they didn't intend for parrying to work this way cause you can just mash forward while you're being hit and you get out of combos for free since the pause fucks with the timing of the combo.[/QUOTE]

Originally, I thought it had to do with reflective damage or something. Being able to parry during hitstun is super annoying. I had to concentrate so hard to finish my combos against this one guy online. One combo took, like, 20 seconds.
So that is a glitch, I was wondering why that little ping kept popping up during combos. And I've encountered the instant recovery, hopefully it only happens offline :/

Im really enjoying H&H mode, its really fun and alot more useful than Arcade mode.
bread's done