CAG Fighter Fighting Game Matchmaking - SSFIV AE Games with Gold in June, Skullgirls Encore (free update) Out Now!

[quote name='GuardianE']Sentinel is definitely going to be "Top Tier"/used ad nauseum at tournaments. I was really hoping that Capcom would have nerfed him in this iteration considering his godlike status in MvC2. Level 3 X-Factor Sentinel is unstoppable and can chip you to death from full screen by mashing buttons... and he has an assload of health. He's easily as bad as Dark Phoenix, except he doesn't need Five Hyper Bars to activate.[/QUOTE]


I still hate him as a character. :p
Played a ton last last night. Loving the new feel. Most of the new characters feel pretty solid and thankfully some of them do have a bit of a learning curve (I'm looking at you, Iron Fist.) I fucking LOVE Nova. Rocket's gonna take some work to get in with, but I'm dedicated. Frank is also a blast.

Also, it might be that my friends and I are all a bit rusty, but I was still able to get some good work done with Tron, so I'm staying loyal. I gotta believe! Ammy, Zero, and fuckin' Wesker all feel great. I'm really re-energized about the whole thing.
I picked up UMvC3 at midnight and played around for a few hours because I'm an idiot. I'm sleepy now.

There are subtle changes to all the mechanics. The way the characters fall when hit are all tweaked just slightly, so it's difficult to pin down exactly what feels so different. It just becomes obvious when you miss a combo that you NEVER miss in Vanilla just because of timing differences.

To me, the new health bars take some getting used to. Not so much the positioning, but the size of them. The wider bars make me think I have more health than I actually do. Stupid, I know, but I found myself losing characters just because I didn't DHC since I thought I had plenty of health.

The meter change is significant. It's very very noticeable in normal play, which means you have to be much more careful with how you spend meter.

They nerfed Morrigan X-Factor. Whyyyyyy? She's such a mixed bag right now. Wesker's still really good, obviously. Dante does ass damage now and builds no meter. :( Like, he seriously does a good 100,000 to 200,000 less damage on his bnb combos, and they whiff on many characters like Rocket Raccoon. They seriously hurt him a lot. His double inputs make him much easier to use, though. I don't like the tradeoff.

I messed around with Phoenix Wright a little before I hit the sack. Gathering evidence is going to be kind of tricky on a pad...

Oh, and they added an X-Factor button (L+M+H+S) which is great for pad users, but I won't be able to use it if I want to use Phoenix Wright on pad and access to one-button-dash.
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I definitely agree about little system changes. I noticed myself even missing sj.MMHS with Wesker a few times which NEVER happened in Vanilla.

I actually straight up hate the new UI. The order of the health bars make literally no sense in any school of design. The only addition I like is the X-factor indicator.

Agreed on the meter deficit. I can get pretty reckless with DHCs when I see a KO in site, but more often than not it leaves me without combo enders now. I don't hate it, it's just something else to get used to.

Sorry to hear about Morrigan and Dante, man. Sucks that they messed with two characters who actually required work to be useful. Meanwhile I'm still doing fly/unfly and ROMs with Magneto. I question whether or not these guys know what they're doing a lot of the time.

I actually didn't touch Wright last night. How do you gather evidence with him?
[quote name='IanKazimer']Sorry to hear about Morrigan and Dante, man. Sucks that they messed with two characters who actually required work to be useful. Meanwhile I'm still doing fly/unfly and ROMs with Magneto. I question whether or not these guys know what they're doing a lot of the time.

I actually didn't touch Wright last night. How do you gather evidence with him?[/QUOTE]

I shouldn't really complain about the Morrigan's X-Factor nerf. It was kind of bullshit, so I can kind of understand it, but the shorter X-Factor time should have been enough without any further tweaking, especially since someone like Akuma can still L.Tatsu infinite in X-Factor. Morrigan has less time in X-Factor than Dark Phoenix. That's just stupid. She's low-mid tier in this game, and she needs all the help she can get. Buffed Soul Fist and j.S don't make up for the system changes that hurt her. I wouldn't be so grumpy if she actually had a ground dash. :(

For Wright, both gathering and presenting evidence is done with attack+S, each attack button corresponding to a different evidence slot. So, L+S, M+S, and H+S.

On a pad, I can do L+S and H+S fine. M+S not in a premeditated combo would require some serious finger dexterity. I may have to assign a shoulder button to S, and then get used to pressing the shoulder button along with each attack button. Not ideal, but it shouldn't be too bad with practice.
My copy is sitting on my desk at work staring at me :cry:.


By the way, the inside alternate cover is waaaaaay better. I switched mine over ASAP.
[quote name='MtlTom']My copy is sitting on my desk at work staring at me :cry:.

By the way, the inside alternate cover is waaaaaay better. I switched mine over ASAP.[/QUOTE]

I've gotta say that I'm actually a fan of Shinkiro myself. I think the alternate cover looks too busy and discombobulated. But that's just me.
[quote name='GuardianE']There are subtle changes to all the mechanics. The way the characters fall when hit are all tweaked just slightly, so it's difficult to pin down exactly what feels so different. It just becomes obvious when you miss a combo that you NEVER miss in Vanilla just because of timing differences.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='IanKazimer']I definitely agree about little system changes. I noticed myself even missing sj.MMHS with Wesker a few times which NEVER happened in Vanilla.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I noticed this, too, specifically with Wesker. The air S almost always seems to miss, specifically wtih every combo that includes a Ghost Butterfly (qcf + M, the wallbounce one). Looks like one M will be the way to go with certain combos now, although I need to mess around with it more, specifically with Cobra Strike (qcf + L).

I'm thinking my early team is going to be Iron Fist/Dr. Doom/Wesker. I was really digging Cap and Nova, too.
[quote name='GuardianE']I've gotta say that I'm actually a fan of Shinkiro myself. I think the alternate cover looks too busy and discombobulated. But that's just me.[/QUOTE]
I like the original, I just like the alt better for some reason. It kind of has a slight punk/metal album cover vibe.
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[quote name='GuardianE']Yeah, Zero's definitely better in Ultimate, and I honestly believe he was already a secret top tier in MvC3. At least he can't OTG off of Lvl 3 Busters anymore, I don't think.


I played about a dozen matches against various strangers today, and every one had Zero on their team. I hadn't heard that he'd be bumped up even better than he was so I was awfully confused.

Also, is it just me or is playing Nemesis a lot like driving a steamroller through molasses? I can't seem to get anything going with him and he seems to sometimes whiff on anything shorter than a skyscraper. But, I am also not very good at this so I likely need to practice more.
I only got to play around a little bit last night, but so far I REALLY like Nemesis. Frank West is fun too, he's going to take a little bit of time to adjust to.

I was definitely noticing a little difference with some of the combos. I was messing with some standard Wolverine combos and the timing was a little different on the M, M, HxxDrill ClawxxFatal Claw after a relaunch. I wasn't using assists with it, just solo.

By the way, did anyone pre-order through Best Buy? Have you got your costume bonus code? When I ordered it a few weeks ago & yesterday when I was picking it up they said it would be e-mailed to the address I gave them after I picked it up. I still don't have anything so I'm wondering what the deal is?
[quote name='MtlTom']By the way, did anyone pre-order through Best Buy? Have you got your costume bonus code? When I ordered it a few weeks ago & yesterday when I was picking it up they said it would be e-mailed to the address I gave them after I picked it up. I still don't have anything so I'm wondering what the deal is?[/QUOTE]

They are working on getting the codes out to everyone either tonight or tomorrow at the latest. If you check out the Best Buy forums there was some instructions on where to send a message about it. If you don't see something by tomorrow, I'd call. I'm in the same boat as you.
GGs last night to Kburns, Guardian, Kensi and Joe, it was fun. I'm really impressed with how well the online is compared to vanilla. (Not to mention I got to watch matches ;))

On a side note, I was watching some videos and learned that Cap and Vergil are supposed to go together real good so I"ll have to try that team out with maybe Storm or learn Strider.
[quote name='F1ngers of fury']GGs last night to Kburns, Guardian, Kensi and Joe, it was fun. I'm really impressed with how well the online is compared to vanilla. (Not to mention I got to watch matches ;))[/QUOTE]

It seems small in retrospect, but watching people play versus seeing the health meters drop is A LOT more engaging. I can learn from seeing others play and how they use characters. I'll definitely be playing throughout the week so hopefully there will be more games to come!
Can someone explain how to get to Turnabout mode with Phoenix (so I can use his lv3 HC)? I can't figure it out. >_
Ugh... this UMvC3 online feels almost exactly like MvC3 did, except now you get to watch matches. Not really thrilled with the netcode.
GGs last night to Guardian, joe, KBurns, Shinobi, bs, f1ngers of fury, & bs. Spectator mode is a godsend, even if the implementation is a little weird.

I still need to get a little more comfortable with the new team, I might change out Nemesis. He's great, but I feel he really needs to be complimented with good assists. The problem is, so does Frank and those assists don't necessarily overlap. Will be testing out a bunch of stuff hopefully today.

[quote name='jantzn']Can someone explain how to get to Turnabout mode with Phoenix (so I can use his lv3 HC)? I can't figure it out. >_
[quote name='IanKazimer']Who're you trying out, Tom? I definitely need more hours in the lab. I got rocked pretty hard in ranked the other night.[/QUOTE]
Last night I was using Frank/Dante/Nemesis. Going to try swapping Nemesis for Iron Man, possibly put Dante in the back. I won 0 matches last night in the CAG Fighter lobby :cry:.
I've been trying to think of a few Frank-themed teams. In my head I almost always have him in the second slot though; he's just half of a character until he's at least level 3.

Least in the second position you can build up a mean combo and TAC/DHC into him for a nice snapshot OTG. Might be beneficial to have someone with a good pinning assist as well. I was able to do a simple combo, call assist to hold them in place, OTG Snapshot, relaunch and OTG Snapshot xx Hyper. Usually nets a good deal of XP and damage, especially if the assist has a high hit count like Ammy, Chun or even Skrull.

Also saw someone mentioning playing Skrull, Frank, ______ and landing an Inferno hyper, DHCing to Frank and getting the snapshot. It apparently gets him at least up to level four from one picture, but I haven't tried anything like it yet. Might be something good to keep in mind. I think Nova might work kinda well with him; gonna try some stuff tonight.
I've got him on point to get him leveled up quickly. With the team I was using last night I can get him to Lvl 4 from midscreen off a pretty simple combo. I was using:

A1 Dante Jam Session
A2 Nemesis Ground Bounce

cr.L, cr.M, H, cr.H, S -> j.M, j.M, j.H, j.S -> A2, OTG snapshot, S -> j.M, j.M, j.H, j.S -> A1, OTG snapshot, snapshot.

Dante's jam session lasts long enough that you can get another snapshot after the OTG, getting you to Lvl 4. Theoretically I'm thinking I can just sub IM Unibeam for Nemesis' GB.

I was initially trying to do a combo that would build 1 meter so you could do a THC with Dante & instantly get to lvl 5 since you'd be able to do 2 snapshots. I was using his L Tools of Survival loop to build meter (which worked great), but I couldn't get the ground bounce to consistently combo. When I did, there was too much hitstun to keep the combo going. In the corner though, it works awesome.

Frank is super fun though!

On a side note, I'm upset that my guide is delayed at Amazon until 12/19. I think I'm going to break down & try to find one locally.
Yeah, he's a blast. There's nothing better than snuffing a charging character with a pie to the face.

The guide's just as great as the last one. That said, it IS UMvC, so by now you can pretty much find what you need online. I definitely like having it open next to me in training mode though.
Good games to everyone last night.

Frank West is a lot of fun. IMO, I don't think a team should revolve around getting Frank to lvl 4. A simple relaunch combo with almost any assists can get you to lvl 2 or 3, where Frank is still pretty strong. And another combo or two will get you to the coveted lvl 4 (and maybe lvl 5 down the line). In a game where a single character dies in 5 seconds, putting all your eggs in the Frank West basket just won't play out well in the long run.

Also consider that you're using those assists for combo extensions with Frank, but what about other utility assists? Approach assists, lockdown assists, cross-up assists, high/low unblockable assists... you're sacrificing all of those just to get Frank to lvl 4.

Getting Frank to Lvl 4 shouldn't be a mad rush, and I don't really think the team dynamic should revolve around it. You should just have two other solid characters... otherwise when Frank dies it's all over.

TL;DR: Frank's pretty good at lvl 3, and if you're good it'll only take another combo to get to lvl 4. Don't sacrifice good teammates and other synergy aspects just to get lvl 4 in one combo.

Now that that's out of the way... Tom, I think you're being a bit premature in dropping Nemesis. In training mode, I just figured out a single lvl 4 combo for Frank w/ Nemesis, without Dante, without meter, and from anywhere on screen. :p
[quote name='GuardianE']
Now that that's out of the way... Tom, I think you're being a bit premature in dropping Nemesis. In training mode, I just figured out a single lvl 4 combo for Frank w/ Nemesis, without Dante, without meter, and from anywhere on screen. :p[/QUOTE]
You're right. I went into training mode and Iron Man still sucks, just a little less. Unibeam doesn't really work as well.

Back to Nemmesis.

What is this combo you speak of?
Thanks to Guardian for the team advice, even if he is sabotaging my team so he's the only Dante player ;).

No but seriously, I think Dorm will be a really good fit. It's also nice to have Nemesis out of that anchor spot. Dorm helps out both characters, I'll probably use him in vein of my Hulk team from Vanilla. I'm probably still get bodied for a while, but hopefully not after some work.
[quote name='MtlTom']Thanks to Guardian for the team advice, even if he is sabotaging my team so he's the only Dante player ;).

No but seriously, I think Dorm will be a really good fit. It's also nice to have Nemesis out of that anchor spot. Dorm helps out both characters, I'll probably use him in vein of my Hulk team from Vanilla. I'm probably still get bodied for a while, but hopefully not after some work.[/QUOTE]

lol, I find a combo that essentially gives you the freedom to use all the characters you want and you say I'm sabotaging you. :roll:

More characters than Dorm will work. You really have the freedom to choose a lot of different assists now as long as you're willing to experiment in the training room.
gg Kazimer. I have to go into mission mode and try out more of the new characters. I think Hawkeye is pretty cool but it's hard to learn anything just throwing him into a match with no practice.
Haha, I'm in the same boat. I've got at least rudimentary combos with most of them, but last night was a pretty clear showing of me not using Strider ANYWHERE near properly.

My buddies are coming over to play local multi tonight. Might test out that Weapon X Prime/Rhino Charge thing. I'm pretty sure X23 wins, but I'm curious!
Guardian complains about cheap characters and then he only uses cheap characters and mashes cheap moves. That's cheap. Hypocritically cheap.
Also cheap.
i am angry and pissed off and mad

they did not nerf magneto and they made him faster

my friend is still capable of spamming the same three moves yet i thought they made them weaker/slower.

not to mention all the times i hit him and he lives with an invisible LIKE pixel.

they didn't even change magneto's horseshit super where he faces the direction you are at regardless.

[quote name='bs000']Guardian complains about cheap characters and then he only uses cheap characters and mashes cheap moves. That's cheap. Hypocritically cheap.
Also cheap.
While I don't disagree that Goordian is cheap, I don't think you should talk - you have Zero & Vergil on your team ;).

[quote name='timesplitt']i am angry and pissed off and mad

they did not nerf magneto and they made him faster

my friend is still capable of spamming the same three moves yet i thought they made them weaker/slower.

not to mention all the times i hit him and he lives with an invisible LIKE pixel.

they didn't even change magneto's horseshit super where he faces the direction you are at regardless.

They nerfed his air dash, which makes his tri jumps less effective & some of his loops a little harder - but not impossible.

If he's using the same three moves, than it should be easy to pick them out & take him out. What hyper combo are you talking about, I don't know of one that auto corrects to where you are? The magnetic tempest (where all the debris fly at you) or gravity squeeze?

If you're more specific we might be able to help you, but I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.
My local gamestop accidentally took my preorder as the 360 version, I don't own a 360. So here's a free code for the Femme Fatale costume pack dlc!

[quote name='jrsmaster411']My local gamestop accidentally took my preorder as the 360 version, I don't own a 360. So here's a free code for the Femme Fatale costume pack dlc!


Code already taken. Man I need to pick up this game. I had Vanilla but barely played it, it was just too fast for me, so I went back to SSFIV. Maybe I'll give it another shot just to use Frank West! Hopefully there'll be a deal come BF.
[quote name='MtlTom']
If you're more specific we might be able to help you, but I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.[/QUOTE]
my friend plays the distance game. so i cant get up close. he spams three moves and those three moves are

electro grab(think thats the name)
and shockwave

shockwave auto corrects and faces you. my friend rolls behind my ryu and ryu stays facing that way when i hydouken. when I roll around magneto and vavoom hes shockwaving me from the other side

I CAN BLOCK but only in training mode when i see the attacks coming constantly. with my friend you cant tell if he'll go rock paper or scissors (above attacks) and he saves x-factor for magneto so when he hits me. i lose 1 third of my health.

I CAN JUMP AND BLOCK all day, but even with blocking i die within 5 hits from the x-factor

my only strategy so far is two things

1. trying to slide/warp/jump when he does disruptor/shockwave
2. to play the distance game with him (which just blocks)

i have spent time in training mode with ryu,frank,and superskrull i might replace frank with nova but novas to close range
Things I learned today.

-cr.m hits low and goes almost full screen (slide)
-his air dash has slow startup except for air dash down
-air dash down + L=instant overhead
-cr.L doesn't hit low and has terrible range
-M centurion rush is an overhead. good for assist.
-f+H for ground bounce and relaunch. also an overhead
-enters fly mode instantly. use to make his slow normals safe
-L centurion rush for full combo off throw. f+H in the corner
-doing fly after air magic series and then LMMHS makes you land sooner and gives more time to OTG
-cr.L, cr.M. cr.H, S, j.MMH, fly, j.LMMHS, f+H, S, j.H, hyper
-all his qcf moves eat red life while making them more powerful but usually not worth it
-i am terrible with him
[quote name='timesplitt']my friend plays the distance game. so i cant get up close. he spams three moves and those three moves are

electro grab(think thats the name)
and shockwave

shockwave auto corrects and faces you. my friend rolls behind my ryu and ryu stays facing that way when i hydouken. when I roll around magneto and vavoom hes shockwaving me from the other side

I CAN BLOCK but only in training mode when i see the attacks coming constantly. with my friend you cant tell if he'll go rock paper or scissors (above attacks) and he saves x-factor for magneto so when he hits me. i lose 1 third of my health.

I CAN JUMP AND BLOCK all day, but even with blocking i die within 5 hits from the x-factor

my only strategy so far is two things

1. trying to slide/warp/jump when he does disruptor/shockwave
2. to play the distance game with him (which just blocks)

i have spent time in training mode with ryu,frank,and superskrull i might replace frank with nova but novas to close range[/QUOTE]
- Disruptor & Hypergrav are both blockable. His disruptor zoning can be tough to get around, but it's not nearly as bad as in vanilla since it's slower.
- Try superjumping over his zoning and hold back while you're doing it. This will avoid getting hit by random hypergravs. Shockwave might still be a problem since it covers the screen, but you will only get chip & not full damage.
- Skrull's meteor smash is great for getting around zoning, especially since you can do it in the air now. You have to kind of know where he's going to be with L going to the left side of the screen, M mid, & H on the right. If you hit one of those, it's a free inferno (don't forget to mash hits!). With two meters and X-Factor, you can Inferno -> XFactor -> Inferno and you'll most likely have a dead Magneto (or close to it).
- If Magneto is the problem, and his anchor character then snap in the problem. Lvl3 XF Magneto is scary because he can take characters out very fast. You'll have a much easier time taking him out with Lvl1 XF or no XF.
Things I learned today.

-bon voyage is a grab but blockable. also causes wall bounce
-ground bon voyage is not safe on block
-air bon voyage recovers instantly. good for low mix up
-doesn't have air dash, but his hell dive let's him move through the air 3 times
-devils claw is a dive kick that causes ground bounce and puts him in flight mode
-xfactor+luminous body gives infinites. slide+fireball repeat. infinite blockstring with fireball full screen, similar to shadow zero in xfactor
-dark fire otgs
-you can easily use both his ground and wall bounce for extended combos
-LMHS, j.MMH, devils claw, hell dive L, HS, j.MMH, bon voyage, HS, HS, dark fire
-i am sort of not terrible with him, but flying confuses me and i end up mashing during flight which never ends well
Things I learned today:
-BS is a hypocrite and picks cheap teams.
- Also he's mean & mashes like a scrub.

Just kidding, GGs. Vergil is scary & I thought you did pretty well with Firebrand. Also, fuck Strider.
why does chen and ultra david have to commentate every fucking stream? James rambles on about nothing every god damn time
bread's done