CAG PS3 Fighting Game Matchmaking Thread - Injustice out NAO!

Holy crap option.iv completely destroyed me tonight.

I really don't know how to get in with Guy or how to get him out of pressure situations. And when I do get in with him I'm always super obvious with my combos unless I do something completely random.

Appreciate the matches though. I wish I was half as good as you haha.

Can't wait for AE to come out, hopefully the DLC will be reasonably priced.
Unfortunately, I'd have to agree with Paco. Sagat in vanilla did so much damage and was super easy with xx anything (safe tiger knee strings). I would be scared shitless.

@antlp: With Guy you had the main idea with knocking down and then mixing up cross up or elbow drop. Most don't get that far, good job sir. Try to utilize Guy's as a poke (got buffed in AE). Either cancel it into run stop or light shoulder. Also, try not to be obvious with run slide, it's punishable on block. The better players can easily react to run slide or run overhead (i blame online, haha). Also is punisheable if block close, so space that out, so the tip or end of the slide hits. Also, careful with backdash on wakeup against people who know how to punish it (option selects). Sometimes, the best thing you can do is just block.

Also, practice anti airing with or Also hit confirms.

I used to play Guy pretty seriously, so if you have any questions, I'll be more than happy to help.
[quote name='option.iv']Unfortunately, I'd have to agree with Paco. Sagat in vanilla did so much damage and was super easy with xx anything (safe tiger knee strings). I would be scared shitless.

@antlp: With Guy you had the main idea with knocking down and then mixing up cross up or elbow drop. Most don't get that far, good job sir. Try to utilize Guy's as a poke (got buffed in AE). Either cancel it into run stop or light shoulder. Also, try not to be obvious with run slide, it's punishable on block. The better players can easily react to run slide or run overhead (i blame online, haha). Also is punisheable if block close, so space that out, so the tip or end of the slide hits. Also, careful with backdash on wakeup against people who know how to punish it (option selects). Sometimes, the best thing you can do is just block.

Also, practice anti airing with or Also hit confirms.

I used to play Guy pretty seriously, so if you have any questions, I'll be more than happy to help.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I'll take your advice to heart, that's cool to know you used to play with Guy.

I know I have a really bad habit of throwing out the slide and I need to stop throwing that out carelessly (been punished so many times for that). Yep I need to tone down the backdashes too. I feel like I am really predictable overall.

I'll try using st.MP to poke, I read somewhere that walk back st.MK is a decent poke as well? I really need to practice the st.MP to slide/light shoulder because I can never do it spontaneously.

The real problem is when someone is pressuring me really well (aka your Abel) and I really have no idea what to do. I try and crouch tech but sometimes I still get grabbed but most of the time I feel like if I press a button I'm going to get hit by a combo.

Any way to practice pressure relief or tips on getting people out of my face?

Thanks for the tips again, I'm looking for Guy's buffs in AE so the sooner they release it the better. is a good poke too. You'll find it's tailor suited to combat moves like Ryu's, though you'll have to space it just right. Also, it doesn't cancel into anything.

When being pressured, you have to know what the opponents options are and what your options are. When I play as Abel, I try to go for normal throws first. If I see crouch tech going on, I switch to command throw (can't be teched, beats throws). If I see jumping, I switch to attacks. SSFIV is unlike marvel in that there is no air blocking. If I see backdashing, I can choose which side to attack from (or o-s). And if I get dped/reversaled, i take the hit and know to block next time. It's basically rock paper scissors.

What you want to do is keep me out, in fact, keep anyone out. So work on your defense (anti-airs, poking, blocking, etc.) to keep anyone out. Once people are in, it becomes a guessing game, that usually favors the attacker. No one wants to be put with their backs in the corner, so just try to prevent that as much as possible. I pretty much had free reign to jump in all day. Once you stop jump ins, you prevent any possible pressure.

Also, for hit confirms and combos, practice these:

cr.lp, cr.lp, xx

if hit: run slide

if block: run stop, then choose to block, throw, backdash, or throw out string like, cr.fp

or you can lp shoulder (but you can't do much after this)

The reason why you should end combos with run slide is because it sets up his easiest safe jump. And in this game, positional advantage is definitely > damage output in the long run.

edit: Just added an All Stars list for you wrestling fans.
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[quote name='antlp89']
The real problem is when someone is pressuring me really well (aka your Abel) and I really have no idea what to do. I try and crouch tech but sometimes I still get grabbed but most of the time I feel like if I press a button I'm going to get hit by a combo.[/QUOTE]

Never be in Abel's command throw range, if you are back dash/ The one move to off set Abel is to throw, throw, throw. Make them think twice about rolling and never give them the inside game. Knowing option he most likely was using block strings then fwd mk. trying to fish for counter-hits/ continue his strings. Don't let him do that.

Besides that Abel is purely a guessing game. If you block a jump in, or back dash. Make it a habit.

Makes we want to play some SSF4.
ggs option. I laughed when we picked the same character two times in a row. Also very nice choice with CM Punk in all stars but I'm completely biased being from chicago and all.

I like that AE people will still be able to play against super since I'm not too sure about getting AE in the first place.

From what I hear isn't jun the new vanilla sagat?
Thnx option, I was really tempted reverting back to pad (but the results would've been the same). I guess I gotta just keep at it with the stick.

Guess I need more hours (and hours) in training mode. The stick makes individual execution of moves easier, but in practice I have no idea what I'm pressing.
Great games dejeckt, i needed to try out sentinel assist. As for practicing stick. Just do your combos over and over. The assists you pick are great, but be careful when calling them out all the time. They do have weakness, i.e. getting behind them, or mixing up an empty jump. To get a better idea of what you're pressing, just take a step back and understand what each button press or direction change means. Also try to refrain yourself from mashing, you'll find yourself understanding what and why exactly you do things with a clearer perspective. It may be the longer path to fighting game enrichment, but it is well worth it.

Why even Justin Wong has admitted to mashing back in the MvC2 era. But he said it took him 3 months to force himself to stop mashing. From then on, you guys know the rest of the story.
I'm still getting better with my stick mind you and I've had it for over a year now. I know from doing the missions that my inputs weren't spot on. I highly recommend keeping input data on at all times and practicing combos from 1P and 2P side. For some reason, my SRK motion is quicker and more accurate from a 2P side, so I naturally lean towards practicing combos from the 1P side (work out the kinks)

I noticed, also, that releasing the stick to neutral position, then inputting the notations has also helped, especially for characters like magneto and his weird air fireball notation.

For some of the harder missions, like Viewtiful Joe's 10th for me, having the timing down wasn't too bad, but it would always get to the point where I'd do about 95% of the combo, then drop the last 5%, or something similar. I would stop looking at the screen and really just watch my hands making the motions. From doing that for a bit, I was able to watch the screen and Joe, but my focus was still on the inputs. From their my inputs were more correct and allowed me to pull off the combo, but also, with more precision. If I were to pick Joe again in training mode, i could probably pull off his 10th mission in about 6 tries. While, not fantastic, still much better than before.
mashing offline doesn't work too great, other player is sitting next to you...

gotta mash like a ninja

so much hype for AE but we already have it, get hype for arcana heart 3
Really appreciate the info option.iv, lots of training to do especially defense wise. I really want to implement the run stop into my game but I just don't have the combos down yet. Back to training mode I go.

@ j-cart

Yeah I was pretty much stuck whenever he got close (that damn roll!). Thanks for the info as well, didn't think about neutral jumping that might have helped.
Careful about neutral jump, Abel, has enough time to whiff a throw then do ex air throw, or block. So you gotta be absolutely sure abel is going for a command throw which can be punished. And you also gotta worry about meaty attacks into combos.

edit: Great games esper. I got so blown up by taskmaster counter, haha. It's like I was destined to swing Sentinel panhandle.
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GGs to option and anathema in marvel; and GGs to antlp and f bomb in super.

and i'm tired, g'night. O_O

edit - lol, i refreshed the page and I see "cag ps3 fighting game matching thread - ft. wwe all stars"
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Ok option, I'll keep that in mind. Man Abel's real tricky to deal with. I really need to stay away I guess.

GGs esper, pretty fun matches. I have to learn to anti-air better haha.
ggs esper. it goes without saying but ur viper is amazing. Now that I know u play taskmaster I'm glad u picked street fighter. He's the only character I really hate fighting :bomb:
[quote name='option.iv']Great games dejeckt, i needed to try out sentinel assist. As for practicing stick. Just do your combos over and over. The assists you pick are great, but be careful when calling them out all the time. They do have weakness, i.e. getting behind them, or mixing up an empty jump. To get a better idea of what you're pressing, just take a step back and understand what each button press or direction change means. Also try to refrain yourself from mashing, you'll find yourself understanding what and why exactly you do things with a clearer perspective. It may be the longer path to fighting game enrichment, but it is well worth it.

Why even Justin Wong has admitted to mashing back in the MvC2 era. But he said it took him 3 months to force himself to stop mashing. From then on, you guys know the rest of the story.[/QUOTE]

It may surprise you, but I think I only mash when I get stuck in your combos (I don't think it does anything, but better than sitting around). Also those times where tron was in the air and I did a hadoken....I was going for a shoryuken (my terrible execution). But yea your right I'm not very familiar with all the button inputs, and I press assist way too often (cause I'm scared of getting trapped in your combos).

How do I deal with frustration/tension when playing another player? It seems whenever I play a real player all my practice goes out the window. Right now I'm just practicing through mission mode, Hulk seems to be the easiest to get through (on my last mission ^^) who should I do next?

I have question (may not make sense), in a combo if I were to use an OTG assist rather than doing an OTG with the character I'm using does my ability to combo shorten (don't know the technical term, but combos seems to eventually drop)? Specifically when I do an air crossover (for meter build up) I can't seem to get gamma crush to work without dropping.

Specifically I'm working on a simple hulk corner combo where...
Gama Charge Air H + H > launcher > air m > air m > air h > air s > OTG assist > Gamma Charge H > Gamma Crush
the combo above works, but when I try
(Ryu initially) some attack > basic air combo > air crossover> (hulk) air m > air h > air s > OTG assisst (usually wesker) > Gamma Charge H > Gamma Crush
the Gama Crush only gets one hit.
I'm thinking of replacing OTG assist with just Gama Wave L, but I have trouble doing charge moves so if the type of OTG doesn't matter then I might as well try to do another basic combo.

Also, are there any combos I could do with Ryu after catching someone in the air with an shoryuken?

So much to learn...
Thanks for the butt kicking Anathema. :drool:

I suckkkkk.

*dejeckt, I'll play ya. Reading your post makes me assume where both on the same level since I pretty much have the same questions.
All hail glorious Capcom!

[quote name='dejeckt']Stuff.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, it's called hit stun degradation. i.e.

Tron naked cr.h > f+h works

After a bajillion hits, cr.h > f+h doesn't work, they tech (roll on the ground or flip in the air and regain control) before f+h hits.

Mashing doesn't help when being hit in a combo, all you can do is hope they drop it, and when you tech, all you have to do is hold a direction or no directions to control to tech. Mashing sorta helps online because the lag is so bad that no one can react to anything.

@Paco: that's a funny picture, but so true.
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[quote name='Esper']





"You want to get a lip liner that's a shade darker than your lips so you make like a kissy face."
Haha akuma's face during that was priceless. The video was hilarious I kinda wish this was her character in the game.
That new WWE game reminds me of a crappy wwf game on the sega cd. Isn't there suppoesd to be a No Mercy remake coming out? I have the n64 wreslemania 2000 game and thats the best one I have ever played.
[quote name='jman619']

Finally! BBCS2 is coming! I almost don't care anymore. I doubt I play BBCS much considering all the fighters out and SSFIVAE coming.:drool:

Mortal Kombat Tuesday for another reason. Damn I need to get the money and pre-order it.[/QUOTE]
I got excited but then I saw that its the jp release. I am disappoint. Oh well AH 3 is coming soon. Also street fighter X tekken is looking awesome kinda wish that was coming instead of AE lol
Some good news for console release (official).
Coming in Japan between summer and the end of the year.
No balance change for now.
Additional content for the console release (char/stage/music).
Except good netplay.

SNKP should communicate really soon.

The info came from Frionel (a famous versus figthing player in france) who is close to the developement.

2:10:00 for the begining of the discussion on kof 13.
[quote name='distgfx']Maybe this link will make you happen then:

Freudian slip?[/QUOTE]

Mistranslation probably. But since it's SNKP, hell why the fuck not? I'd expect them to do everything EXCEPT give us good netcode. At least the netcode will reach from California to Texas. And that's all I really need.

Importing this. This is gonna be the hottest thing on TV since Oprah left free tv.
[quote name='distgfx']Maybe this link will make you happen then:
I am definitely happen now :D but seriously that's great news because the way it reads it seems like the patch is free and you only have to pay for platinum if you want her. I always thought they would make us pay for the patch. In any case thanks for the link!
[quote name='F Bomb']I am definitely happen now :D but seriously that's great news because the way it reads it seems like the patch is free and you only have to pay for platinum if you want her. I always thought they would make us pay for the patch. In any case thanks for the link![/QUOTE]

Son of a bitch ... that was a uh ... mistranslation.
Might add some of you MvC3 players later this week, generally I play at odd hours during the day (don't have a set schedule)

Let me know if anyone is up for it and I'll prioritize adding those players, just a heads up I'm in Canada, Vancouver, BC.
I think this might be fun. From OrochiNagi

XIII Release Date @Ken Bogard X Frionel (translation in English)
Posted by Gunsmith On April - 16 - 2011 5 Comments

Frionel was the source mentioned in the last interview with Hokuto, kept under wraps as not to damage any relations with SNKP. Frionel has now gone public in an interview with Ken Bogard from Bas Gros Poing, where they officially (meaning if this info is wrong they are liars) confirmed the release ‘date’ of XIII plus a few bits and pieces. Here’s a translation (not literal) by Delphine, edited by yours truly.

KOF 13 was released last summer in Japan, where version 1.0 was at Tougeki, and then 1.1 was released to fix bugs. There weren’t any balance changes, just bug and infinite combo removal. There was a rumour that Raiden would be weaker in 1.1 but this was not the case. Now everyone is playing 1.1, even in the US. The question is, will it be released on console? For all the other KOFs it was announced quickly but for XIII, we heard nothing. The reason why we didn’t get an announcement is because today SNKP have a strategy of “all or nothing”. When they were working on XII, which wasn’t finished, they released it because there were commercial issues at stake with another game company resurrecting a huge fighting game saga (which I forget the name of ).

KOF 12 was an extremely ambitious project by SNKP, where they decided to use 2D and offer a rich and interest fighting experience, while staying in traditional 2D with a quality of pixel art never seen before. And it’s a very risky proeject because of the cost of developing an animated frame by frame, pixel by pixel game. It is far more expensive than developing a 3D game, where you create models and just add textures. The challenge was simple: keep KOF in 2D but attract a new audience and a new youth which would lead to the “re-birth” of KOF.

Today SNKPlaymore has a simple strategy. Their goal is not to replace SFIV or other big titles like that. They have their own niche market, and within that niche, their own niche of fans. They want to focus on these fighting games players; focus on the hardcore. In Japan, when you tell people you play KOF, you might as well tell them you’re mentally disturbed. SNKP want to keep that type of niche fanbase while attracting more of the mainstream without trying to dethrone SFIV because they know KOF just won’t appeal to that mass audience.

The problem was that if Capcom released a new version of SFIV when XIII was released on console, SNK would be left headbutting the wall – SF wouldn’t give KOF a chance – Capcom is a marketing steamroller. There isn’t one fighting game that can rival SFIV in terms of sales. It’s just impossible. Everyone can take advantage of the sales of SFIV for the fighting scene in general but they can’t compete with it. So the plan for SNKP was to make sure the release of XIII didn’t coincide with any other fighting game release. Because of that, SNKP wouldn’t say anything at all before Capcom announced SFIVAE – which they have now done, so now it is safe for SNKP to announce XIII. I can officially say it will be released before the end of 2011. Anytime from Summer onwards. It will contain extra features that are not present in the arcade and there will not be any balance changes. As for new characters, I cannot say, but there will be exclusive content such as characters, stages, music, things like that. The version is now officialised.

And there is very good news regarding the netplay. For those who already played it in arcade, they know there is a ‘reduce lag’ option*. This will be present in the console version. The feedback from testers is that the lag input option is better than SFIV’s. SNKP understands that the game’s success may well depend on the netcode. So yes, KOF XIII is arrriving and official news will be coming very very soon, now that the threat of SFIV interfering has passed. At this time of year, nothing can get in the way, so keep checking the usual sites and you will get info.

One last thing, I play KOF 13 in Paris Arcades and it seems the game is the most played there. Why? Because it is magic. It’s hard to define with words but SFIV players are jealous when they see us playing this game.

*This ‘reduce lag’ option was for laggy monitors (more on this later).

It’s a real shame SNKP couldn’t have said anything to us, but you now you understand why. All is forgiven? They did pretty well to keep that info secret. But at what cost? Will XIII be able to capitalise while SFAE is still fresh in the arcades, or will people be quickly bored of super-duper-angry-I-can’t-afford-clothes-Ryu and flock to XIII? Or will it still not have enough underage girls to attract a ‘mainstream’ audience? WE LOOK FORWARD TO FINDING OUT!
Great games Frank.

Also good news guys, keep it coming. So many fighting games. We we we so excited.

also, welcome to the thread maigoyume. I'm always down for mvc3 anytime, anywhere.
[quote name='option.iv']I'm always down for mvc3 anytime, anywhere.[/QUOTE]

Trust me, he is.

Hell, if he had a g/f, he'd stop bangin' her mid-way just to play MvC3.
[quote name='distgfx']Trust me, he is.

Hell, if he had a g/f, he'd stop bangin' her mid-way just to play MvC3.[/QUOTE]

I can agree with that. When she asks why he quit he'd probably do something like this.

Update on what I posted earlier

2nd update: Frionel was allowed to “talk” not “write” or “make written statements”. This transcript kind of messes things up so it’s being removed for now, sorry for the inconvenience. Please wait for an official statement from SNKP.

So SNKP Is gonna announce it soon? ALL RIGHT!
GG's (but not really cause I got smoked.) Option.

That's really cool use of the Sentinel bombs assist to bring your opponent back in. I was always under a constant barrage of explosives, green swords, and the double tron bonne air lariat. *sighh*
[quote name='distgfx']Trust me, he is.

Hell, if he had a g/f, he'd stop bangin' her mid-way just to play MvC3.[/QUOTE]
Hey!... That's probably true...
[quote name='blitz6speed']Just got this:

Im going to fatality you bitches in 3d.[/QUOTE]
Have fun being cross-eyed.
[quote name='Frank Deluded']GG's (but not really cause I got smoked.) Option.

That's really cool use of the Sentinel bombs assist to bring your opponent back in. I was always under a constant barrage of explosives, green swords, and the double tron bonne air lariat. *sighh*[/QUOTE]
I like your Iron Man (totally underrated char IMO).

Also Sent bombs are the way to go. The drones don't disappear once called out and half the time it saves Sentinel and the point character. It's not full stage encompassing, but I can live with that. Like Mike Ross says: "Get in dat asss Goo-tecks"
ggs esper ur magneto pressure is awesome along with his combos. I was always terrified when he came out. It took me a while to realize u were fly cancelling (I think) into an overhead so I kept getting hit by it. I have to watch out for that next time. btw I know it looked bad because I kept dropping so many but I can do a combo...just not online lol
[quote name='F Bomb']ggs esper ur magneto pressure is awesome along with his combos. I was always terrified when he came out. It took me a while to realize u were fly cancelling (I think) into an overhead so I kept getting hit by it. I have to watch out for that next time. btw I know it looked bad because I kept dropping so many but I can do a combo...just not online lol[/QUOTE]

Oh yea, I got your friend request, but I immediately accepted it without reading it. :rofl:

What did it say?
GGs to fbomb in marvel and antlp in super.

fbomb - I never thought I can actually do mag's combos online, lol. My execution was there, sometimes spotty, but I would rather trade that for defense. I was getting mixed up by your wolvy jr and sun goddess. Both of them are so quick, it's hard to react. Plus, add a member of STARS' bomb traps /machine gun in the mix = my rushdown was unsuccessful.

antlp - Going into our matches, I knew you picked up on a couple things from our last fights. I like the good use of, slide, and throw for knockdown. You also made good use of focus attacks whenever I used burning kicks after viper's feint cancels. Nice ambiguous jump mixups - I couldn't even tell if I was going to block the front(elbow) or back( And, I got baited a lot trying to anti-air your bushin flips(thinking it may be a throw or elbow drop, it left me guessing) with thunder knuckles. Your cr. hk and run slide need to be spaced. At times, I was able to punish those.

edit - [quote name='blitz6speed']Just got this:

Im going to fatality you bitches in 3d.[/QUOTE]

Bitch please. :cool:
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[quote name='distgfx']Oh yea, I got your friend request, but I immediately accepted it without reading it. :rofl:

What did it say?[/QUOTE]

Oh well remember where u made a joke about ur typo being a mistranslation. That made me laugh which is why I added u. The message was pretty much just my approval of said comment somewhere along the lines of "well played good sir".
bread's done