CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

[quote name='metaly']Looks like Modern Combat: Combat is a 45-minute trial with online, so I'll wait till some of you guys (AKA probably SweetSweet only) are around to try it out.[/QUOTE]

I'm washing dishes (taking a much-needed CAG break) and then have to run to the grocery store. Probably will be online around 8:30 or 9pm CST.
[quote name='bmachine']Modern Combat = giant piece of shit[/QUOTE]

No way! You really disliked it that much? I had fun playing with you guys and played the full game some more and enjoyed the other maps and modes. I'd say its a 'triple-B' game. Fun to play, but the production values dont stack up to bigger budget titles. I dunno though, for $8 I think it works well as a decent shooter that lives on my hard drive and I can fire up on a whim. I had like exactly enough $ in my PSN wallet already to buy it, so that may have pushed me over the edge.
Sooo I ended up getting it just because it's sort of Call of Duty Lite, or "poor man's Counterstrike" might be more appropriate since it has the economy system. Sort of wondering why I didn't just put $8 towards Black Ops... or just play MW2, since it's in the tray right now... but whatever!

Continuing the Twitter discussion, you earn a ridiculous amount of XP for winning compared to losing, and probably from planting the bomb or arming the rockets or whatever you guys were doing.

Finally, being able to respawn into one of the AI characters is a cool idea. I just wish they carried something better than a pistol or weren't always getting shot at right when I picked one.
[quote name='bmachine']Modern Combat = giant piece of shit


Wow, tell us what you really think!

What didn't you like about it? I mean it wasn't super amazing, but I thought for an $8 title it has some potential.
It's not like Counterstrike at all because it's easy to play with other people. ;)

I actually uninstalled CS last week because I was tired of the constant updates. Maybe it was FATE.
[quote name='zenprime']So WKC tonight... WITH 4 PEOPLE RIGHT?!

I really want to beat Station Attendant (Need me some drops) and The Trials.[/QUOTE]
How horrible would it be if we didn't get as far with 4 people. :lol:

Anyways... once MrB leaves (unless zen and random get on early) I want to do Troll Treasure II a couple of times to (hopefully) get the 2 (or 3) Troll Armor Sets I need for the Centurion armor. I'd hate to get the General armor when it'll just waste all my Featherlight ore and I really need the Vit bonus of the Centurion set.
I also wanted to try Jackals and Hides II again to see if thats where I got my Tough Old Pelts (as a quest reward)... and then if that is where I got them, do it over and over until I get 30 of them. :cool:
I played Counterstrike like when it first came out; never touched it after it was overhauled with the economy stuff. I barely even remember it, so maybe I shouldn't be throwing around comparisons to it.
I've only played CS for a few hours but I'm confident saying that it definitely seems like they were going for a CS clone and that's pretty much what they delivered, with the missile activation stands in for planting bombs. I don't know if there's a VIP escort mode.

I tried some team deathmatches last night and while they were good for getting familiar with the controls and maps, I had a hard time earning enough money to be able to buy anything besides an MP5 and maybe a grenade when I respawned. I wish it was a little more generous with cash since currently it feels like once you get on a roll you can come back with body armor and a huge rifle and resume dominating.
[quote name='bmachine']I can't believe that you guys liked Modern Combat so much.

Clearly, you were having a different experience than I was last night.[/QUOTE]

I liked it enough that I'd plop down $8 for it. I liked the CS vibe. Reminded me of 2002. But I doubt it'll have staying power.

Metaly is right, the money earned after rounds is completely broken. I was buying helmet/armour after every round when Sweet and I were playing. That was kind of unfair.

Also the way xp works needs tweaking. I thought it was a simple FPS with solid (but not spectacular at all) mechanics.
Joystiq has a preview write-up of RF:A....

Still not talking about multiplayer though....

THQ isn't ready to fully open up about Armageddon's multiplayer component, but Smith did suggest that it would be "much more similar" to the campaign than Guerrilla's disparate offering. "I can only hint at the co-op modes ... and the destruction modes that we have."
:whistle2:| I really don't know what to make of their wording. RFG's multiplayer didn't feel any more "disparate" to me than any other game with competetive multiplayer. That they actually mention destruction modes is nice, but I hope it's more Demolition and not Wrecking Crew. (Unless Wrecking Crew is online this time.)

Did you guys see the nano laser (or whatever they're calling it) in one of the recent previews? That thing looks like it could level all of Gauntlet in a few seconds. :)
To be clear, he meant that the multiplayer in RF:G felt disparate from the campaign (not other games). So, they're saying the multiplayer in RF:A will feel more like the campaign in RF:A, compared to the feel of the two modes in RF:G
[quote name='mkernan']To be clear, he meant that the multiplayer in RF:G felt disparate from the campaign (not other games). So, they're saying the multiplayer in RF:A will feel more like the campaign in RF:A, compared to the feel of the two modes in RF:G[/QUOTE]


And that is ~sort of~ worrisome beacuase it might mean the devs will just throw in some sort of Horde mode to fit in with the campai- ok damn I'm starting to sound like Mr. B

I'll wait and see.
OK, so I think my confusion is because when they say "multiplayer" I (along with every single person asking "what about RFA multiplayer?") automatically think competetive, whereas they seem to be using it to refer to co-op modes.

I really hope that they have competitive multiplayer and not just coop or horde mode in RF:A.
At least the single player is looking good with reconstructors, singularity guns and giant lasers.
I can't wait for my copy to arrive... I'm actually really excited about all the new tweaks and tools in customization. I'll probably be using the community site to share my creations with the world as well. ;)

I've got all these plans in my head ready, with more ideas coming to me every so often... ahhhh, I can't wait to see them come to fruition!
Hopefully the trophies aren't too hard to unlock, either. :D
So not to go off-topic, but anyone here familiar with the Boston area? I'm moving out there next month and looking for tips and recommendations. If so, PM me.
Want to try out the modern combat game tonight? I still have the 40 or so minutes left on the trial.

Also Kube, Freaky, and anyone else playing ME2 if you let
die I will never speak to you again.

I haven't fired it up yet trying to finish Black Ops and Goldeneye Wii this weekend although I sure I'll break down and play ME2 tomorrow
Anyone going to be around tonight? Wanna play something? Maybe we could check out that new AC:B content?

Unless SweetSweet, Mr. B and Stranded want to get together to mine some 100% levels on LBP2!

[quote name='bornrunnin31']So not to go off-topic, but anyone here familiar with the Boston area? I'm moving out there next month and looking for tips and recommendations. If so, PM me.[/QUOTE]

I used to go to Boston for shows and stuff all the time when I lived in CT. What kind of info are you looking for?
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[quote name='metaly']Dude your PM inbox is full. Congrats, by the way.

On topic: gauss rifle.[/QUOTE]

Whups, haven't used the PMs in a while and had no idea, some room now.

[quote name='bmachine']
I used to go to Boston for shows and stuff all the time when I lived in CT. What kind of info are you looking for?[/QUOTE]

Mostly info on neighborhoods and such right now since I've never been out there. I'll actually be working in a town called Framingham about 30min outside the city.
bread's done