CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

Thanks for the games gents - it was fun playing with you. Sorry about that one game - my PS3 hard locked on me and I had to shut down completely. Hooray for Beta software!

Anyway - I'll probably be on more this week as per the community post indicated. Hopefully I can get some more keys as well to give out to more people.

Feel free to either leave feedback for me here, or preferably, on the community site:

Stupid Harmonix, my love hate relationship continues, the 3 doors songs basically forces me to buy your game day 1. Metaly, if your online early tonight we should play some RB2, we should use skype so I can clearly hear the disappointment in your voice when you lose yet another guitar battle...
They've got to release those songs as DLC at some point, right? Luckily I'm not a huge Doors fan so I can probably resist.

Also I would have won if the Grateful Dead had just decided to end that song at any point during like the first 90%. ;)
[quote name='metaly']They've got to release those songs as DLC at some point, right? Luckily I'm not a huge Doors fan so I can probably resist.

Also I would have won if the Grateful Dead had just decided to end that song at any point during like the first 90%. ;)[/QUOTE]

The real problem is that all future DLC is going to be RB3 only, so anything released after this coming week will only work in RB3 :cry:

Going to play tonight either way, I really need to rock out to some Ronnie James Dio :cool:
Anyone want an RFB Beta key for PSN? Just got a few more, so the first few here can have one since you guys are awesome. :applause:

I'll check back later today.
[quote name='bmachine']No, definitely not you, Stranded.[/QUOTE]


Ain't it the truth!

Anyway - I'll shoot a PM to the 3 of you above with a key. I'll be playing tonight from 8-10 PM CDT, so make sure to hop on and join in. I also need to see if I can find a blue tooth headset to use.

EDIT: PM's sent. Let me know if you received it please. :)
Good luck with that...
It was a bug/glitch with the game where one GA would be forever lost. It was supposedly fixed, but I don't think it was 100%. A few of us got hit with the bug and had to play through the game again to get all the GAs.
Regardless... here is the map I used when I was tracking down my missing missions. Also, are you sure it's a radio mission? I thought I was missing a radio mission as well, but then I found I was missing a Demolition (I think).
[quote name='mguiddy']Good luck with that...
It was a bug/glitch with the game where one GA would be forever lost. It was supposedly fixed, but I don't think it was 100%. A few of us got hit with the bug and had to play through the game again to get all the GAs.
Regardless... here is the map I used when I was tracking down my missing missions. Also, are you sure it's a radio mission? I thought I was missing a radio mission as well, but then I found I was missing a Demolition (I think).[/QUOTE]

Yea it's a radio all markers on my map have been darkened, So I am pretty sure it's a radio mission, not that it matters I can get about 9 or 10 different radio missions to activate depending where I am on the map. I just can't seem to find the exact right spot at the right time to get that last mission a go. It's driving me nuts. So much I actually went into Home to cool off for awhile lol. But yea from the looks of it I will just run through the game again. I had every intention to anyways, I just wanted to do it w/o the obligation of hunting down missions ^.^

And thanks for that map, I was looking at it, and the only thing I don't like is that it's all German and my german is rusty. But yeah it seems WAY more accurate then the map I had which was all pink dot, and it loaded goofy all the time
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And about having someone else run through your save file... I'm almost certain the saves are copy protected, so that wouldn't work.

One other thing... You sure all the markers are appearing on the map? I thought I had all of them darkened too, but then I found that one hadn't appeared on my map yet because I never went close enough to it.

Something else you could try... deleting the game data (not the save game data) to remove the patch and not letting it patch. Supposedly some radio missions wouldn't appear pre-patch, then post-patch some other radio missions won't appear. :lol:
Any of you guys preorder through the best buy website for instore pick up? The GT5 collectors edition is selling out in certain places, so I want to get in on it soon. Does anyone know how much they charge you when you order it, and what they charge when you pick it up. I assume it will simply be like 5 bucks, and then pay the balance on release day, but I don't know for sure.
[quote name='bmachine']Split/Second is $20 at Best Buy this week. I'm buying it.[/QUOTE]

I picked this up today; anybody else get it?
Don't rebirth, wait until after tonight, having everyone at max level for once would certainly help us since we have completed nothing new for a good long while...
But zen rebirthed a few days ago...
And I'm already 41 and can probably already out damage you because you never learned the Seeker skills. :cool:
I'm only playing if the phillies are quite far in front. Otherwise I am going to cheer myself up with more pushing daisies, anna friel ...swoon...
[quote name='metaly']Anyone want to play some Uncharted/RDR tonight?[/QUOTE]

If I'm available to play, I'd love to play one of those.
Just so you know, it's game night.

How about some tactical siege. Or maybe crazy explosive siege where everyone gets rockets and stickies and therms but has limited ammo?
Freaky have you though of having your ps3 and internet connection blessed by a priest? Maybe get a little preemptive protection on your side against the technology demons?
Considering what happened the last time I played this game with you guys, and my mother having watched Paranormal Activity on it a couple of days ago... I guess having it blessed by a priest, and it dipped in holy water is on the cards. ;) :lol:
[quote name='metaly']Also when's Split/Second night?[/QUOTE]

You have it? I know Randy said he was going to get it (and I assume he did) and I have it too. Might just be the three of us.
Randy and I will be getting LP2 soon. He better not cheat on me with you guys! :lol:
Err wait... does it have more than 2 person coop?! That'd be sweet.

I may be around for WKC... I'm debating about drinking another cup of nyquil tonight... I still feel like shit.
I'd pick up LP2 if I could find it for $20 locally. I don't feel like paying tax (HQ'd in my state = tax) and shipping for 1 game from Amazon.
bread's done