CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

Dude, freaky won a thing! :whee:

Good luck to everyone playing at community night. I think we may have run into those H@rdies... individuals before and they were quite good. Doesn't excuse their forum douchebaggery, though.

And if One Letter's got his mic on... you all know what your one job is. :)
Sorry, Mr. B! We were very very very busy.

There should be an empty seat in the group while I take a dinner break, if you're still around.
[quote name='metaly']Dude, freaky won a thing! :whee:

Only because of your post, metaly, I had noticed that I had indeed won something! A RFA Comic Book and RFA Flashlight. Woohoo! :applause:
I'm not turning into kube (or am I... DAMN CAT!).
When I thought about playing I saw 7 people on my list in game so figured there wasn't room so I just chilled for the rest of the night. Plus I wasn't sure if I wanted to deal with pubs. :/
I didn't really see anyone play RFG on Saturday... :{

Also, Worms 2: Armageddon is this Saturday night (9 EST/6 PST)... I want to do some bombing on Battle Pack landscapes, so if everyone has the DLC, we'll do that, otherwise we'll just continue normal battling, and maybe do a Fort battle or two. ;)
I don't know if fort is limited to two players.

To the WKC peeps (... damn it, I gotta kill myself for using that word.)
We playing tonight?
[quote name='mguiddy']I don't know if fort is limited to two players.

Yeaahhh. Now that I think about it... it doesn't really make sense to play forts with more than two teams. Probably won't work. :lol:
I was playing a little Uncharted last night because of the 7x gold. (Should be up to 8x now.) Not sure if it applies to the co-op modes but I might be up for some Siege later.
My wife had her 3-hour phone call for the week last night, so I think tonight's spend-time-with-wife night. Maybe she'll go to bed kinda early and I can play some U2. I ranked up from like 35 to 42 playing before and after work today.
It turns out I'm actually really good at Uncharted 2 multiplayer. I just need about four or five games to warm up. Except after the one game where I'm really good, I need four or five more games to warm up again. And also in order to be really good during that one game, I have to be the only player who can move around.

I'm pretty good too, but I'm generally no match for people who've been playing U2 all along since release.

I got like $650,000 in one round alone during a Chain Reaction match where everybody decided to just throw the match and sit on the capture points the entire time. Pretty clever. We'd take 3, then they'd take 4, then we'd take 3, they'd take 4, etc etc etc. You keep getting the 'expansionist' medal (5 captures) and with 8x on, each one is worth $40,000. Super cheap, but kind of hard to not go along with it if you end up in a game where people have decided to do it.
What's on the agenda tonight? I agreed to play some Ass Brothers with a non-CAG friend of mine, so I'll be playing that at some point unless he flakes out.
[quote name='StrandedBrit']Can someone post some hand-on impressions of this red faction game?[/QUOTE]

Personally I think it is slightly better than Super Mario Galaxy.

But that isn't saying much since SMG sucks balls.
Going to play some Rock Band since it looks like everyone's in their own separate games. Also it's Thursday and Terminator and maddenmills aren't even online. What's the world coming to??

There are rumors of Lost Planet 2 later on, though.
[quote name='kube00']Fine ass bros it is[/QUOTE]


Sorry if you tried to join me in AC:B from that invite and it didn't work. I had planned to play with my friend and had invited him and you, but he couldn't connect to me, so he ended up hosting. It isn't obvious how to invite somebody when you're not the host, so I didn't send you another invite until right when you were signing off.

My non-CAG friend and I had fun playing AC:B though. I got up to rank 12 and unlocked fireworks, hidden gun, and advanced wanted along the way (and haven't tried any of them yet).

It felt kind of weird that nobody was playing RFG.... I knew I wasn't planning to, but seeing that nobody on my list was playing was kind of eerie.
You're right, it was kind of surreal. freaky was the only one I saw on RFG for a few minutes, and then he switched to playing Mortal Kombat. That was even more surreal.

It seems like we've got a good rotating catalog of games everyone can group up and play at this point. Maybe we can just add RFG to the rotation.

Also I didn't know there were fireworks in ACB. I'll have to spend some time ranking up.
bread's done