CAG PS3 Unreal Tournament 3 Night [On Indefinite Hold]

So, um... what the hell was that last night?

Usually on Warfare nights, it's CAGs vs Bots, so we can actually coordinate as a team. I don't know when this trend started to divide us up into half-bot teams, but it fucking sucks. Am I alone in this?

Or perhaps it was an attempt at irony given my previous post in the thread:

[quote name='johnnypark']I'm against it, too, esp. since Warfare requires communication and teamwork. Random people are less likely to have headsets, it's like having bots on our all-human team, and it sucks.[/quote]


Really, though. Worst UT3 night in a long time.

Also... does anyone else think that the Juggernaut removes some of the strategy and makes it a little too random, especially for something like Warfare? It feels like a fun mod, like having giant heads or crazy super-jumps, but not something you want in every game.
[quote name='johnnypark']So, um... what the hell was that last night?

Usually on Warfare nights, it's CAGs vs Bots, so we can actually coordinate as a team. I don't know when this trend started to divide us up into half-bot teams, but it fucking sucks. Am I alone in this?

Or perhaps it was an attempt at irony given my previous post in the thread:


Really, though. Worst UT3 night in a long time.

Also... does anyone else think that the Juggernaut removes some of the strategy and makes it a little too random, especially for something like Warfare? It feels like a fun mod, like having giant heads or crazy super-jumps, but not something you want in every game.[/quote]

Honestly, we thought we were gonna have a big enough turnout to play without having the bots. We almost got there, but the teams were divided quite a bit unevenly. Plus it doesn't help that some bots were far better then others. And yes it does sort of suck, though I would love to have a full CAG vs CAG team to see who can think of something that overcomes.

I feel that the Juggernaut does uneven warfare as they tend to have rapid fire and move quicker not to mention destroy everyone. They can destroy the core incredibly quick and that almost breaks the game. In CTF it's fine since they can't do the actual capturing, but since they can destroy the main part this mutator is too broken for warfare.
[quote name='Paco']Honestly, we thought we were gonna have a big enough turnout to play without having the bots. We almost got there, but the teams were divided quite a bit unevenly. Plus it doesn't help that some bots were far better then others. And yes it does sort of suck, though I would love to have a full CAG vs CAG team to see who can think of something that overcomes.[/quote]

You didn't say anything about my main complaint, though. Usually Warfare nights is CAGs vs bots, not half-CAG, half-bot teams. Why does anyone feel the need to "balance it out" by going over to the bot team, until it gets populated enough? Make the bots harder and then it's balanced. If I wanted to play a team-based mode with fucking bots on my own team, I'd play single player. Am I alone in this?

Killing bots = fine.
Trying to play a team-based mode with mindless bots where communication between teammates is essential = a waste of goddamn time.
i hear ya, i was also a bit annoyed with dumb bots on my team :p we wont do that again, dont worry. titan will also not be used again in warfare. we tried it, and we now know what combinations suck and not to do them again. its not pacos fault or anything, but sometimes bad games happen and we dont repeat it :)

next week is regular ole deathmatch, no titan, only pcspeedx. so back to a good old fashioned frag fest. we'll probably do a titan deathmatch another time, but weve been using titan a lot and its time for a break from it.
hope you all like the new maps.
[quote name='joshr915']i hear ya, i was also a bit annoyed with dumb bots on my team :p we wont do that again, dont worry. titan will also not be used again in warfare. we tried it, and we now know what combinations suck and not to do them again. its not pacos fault or anything, but sometimes bad games happen and we dont repeat it :)

next week is regular ole deathmatch, no titan, only pcspeedx. so back to a good old fashioned frag fest. we'll probably do a titan deathmatch another time, but weve been using titan a lot and its time for a break from it.
hope you all like the new maps.[/quote]

Ha, glad to know I'm not alone. I wasn't blaming Paco for it, but he's the only one who responded so it's all I had to reply to. That and he was hosting... ;)

Even if I get my ass handed to me, I'm looking forward to some standard DM next week. All this extra crap is getting in the way of the UT I know and love, which has stayed pretty true to formula without getting stale for almost 10 years.
[quote name='johnnypark']Ha, glad to know I'm not alone. I wasn't blaming Paco for it, but he's the only one who responded so it's all I had to reply to. That and he was hosting... ;)

Even if I get my ass handed to me, I'm looking forward to some standard DM next week. All this extra crap is getting in the way of the UT I know and love, which has stayed pretty true to formula without getting stale for almost 10 years.[/quote]

Yeah I know you weren't blaming anyone in particular, just frustrated at the bots. We thought we were gonna have a more bigger round up so everyone would be able to have a human vs human warfare bout. Didn't pan out unfortunately.

And warfare is definitely too unbalanced with titans since they can still destroy the most important parts. Anyone have any frag count number to use? I"m thinking about 50 frags for the game so it isn't too small, but not too big either.

Though a good Babylonian fight is going to need at least eight players since the level is pretty big. I'm looking forward to the fragging.
First half-hour make it official maps/Mod Browser maps only, then you can all vote on the maps not in the Mod Browser and I'll bounce.

Since it'll be Deathmatch next CAG Night, can you make one match be Bio Guns only or is this another thing that proves Halo 2 was ahead of its time?

Why are you so against custom maps Sharpnel? Some of the custom maps are better then the damn maps that Epic made. And it's not like they're really testing you. It's download, put on thumb drive and unpack.

But sure, the first 30 minutes can be some nice default maps if that's what other people want to do. Anyone else up for it?
well i really wanted the new maps first so we would definitely play them all.

i dont know why you dont want to install em shrap :( just turn on ure ps3 10 minutes b4 game time and do it. thats all it takes. i guarantee youll like at least 2 of these maps.
[quote name='johnnypark']At least get Campgrounds, Shrap. It's a freaking awesome map.[/quote]

well thats true but its not required this week because of the new maps...but ya i wish people were more willing to d/l customs :(
I just had to post this story as it is full of win and shenanigans.

Originally posted by Pinnacle

This morning I walk into a match at Market District and in about 5 seconds I realized that the noobs on my side were getting spawn killed. The opposing team had the prime node and both side nodes. Instead of hitting the core, the red team was bouncing all over the place just killing noobs on our team. My blue team had 3 players and the red had 5. The combined score of the red players was well over 150 and my team only had 3 points between the three players. When I walked in, I asked if anyone had a mic. One person did and he stated that he had just bought the game and couldn't understand why the other team was killing them instead of the core. I told him that these guys he's playing against were a-holes. So what do I do?
I called Shytebuble into the match and the massacre began. I told Mr. Shyte what had been going on and he got equally furious. So we decided to show the 5 red players a peice of their own medicine. Both of us reached Titan fairly quickly and hit up each spawn point and stomped the hell out of them. After about 5 minutes, we finished the game. Comments were exchanged between matches and the newer players on our team started laughing. Then came Downtown. Shyt and I ran the orbs quickly and sat at there core demolishing them for another 5 minutes until every spawn killer on the other team left the game.

To all who spawn kill in warfare or vCTF, beware! I am out to get you. And for those that are experiencing the wrath of spawn killer, feel free to call me in. I will bring an arsenal of players to make sure spawn killer reconsider their actions.

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I just received this game through Goozex and was wondering how well a person not using a keyboard and mouse can compete? Warfare sounds like fun regardless but I am thinking Death Match games would heavily favour keyboard and mouse users.

I have been downloading all the required mods from the first post plus some of the mods in Limbo although many of those I still have to transfer over to my PS3. I also found that DM Precision leads to a 404 page.
[quote name='Zyzomys']I just received this game through Goozex and was wondering how well a person not using a keyboard and mouse can compete? Warfare sounds like fun regardless but I am thinking Death Match games would heavily favour keyboard and mouse users.

I have been downloading all the required mods from the first post plus some of the mods in Limbo although many of those I still have to transfer over to my PS3. I also found that DM Precision leads to a 404 page.[/quote]

About half of us use a Dualshock. If you get into a game with mostly mouse/keyboard you'll notice the difference, because people will have insane accuracy with weapons that are harder to use with a controller (sniper rifles, especially). But once you get good at the game you can definitely hold your own, it's just a bit of a handicap but far from a game-breaker.

Make sure to download maps from the mod browser, and only get the community packs from the browser, as they're slightly different versions.
to clarify what matt said, get the community packs from the browser, as opposed to getting them from anywhere else. and welcome!

EDIT: DM Precision link fixed, revealing DM Echelon. those two links somehow got mashed together.
ok cool. thats the safe bet

edit: added future weekly requirements to limbo list so everyone has plenty of time to get them.
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It's more alive then ever despite Epic not having their official servers on. The dedicated host for a long time, and many even buy their own servers. It's still got a good amount of players. Though unfortunately, many of them are now vets and they usually shred through newbies. If you can stick it through though, you'll be happy.
[quote name='Thongsy']I'm thinking of picking it up in the next week or two.[/quote]

you should definitely pick it up. at the price its at nowadays, really worth it for new adopters. and i think ull have fun playing in our cag night
Yeah, CAG nights are more balanced than the average vet game. I only play on CAG nights (not that I really have time to play more than that...) and it's usually a ton of fun.
Great job on the OP, it's a lot less overwhelming in terms of "you'll need to download a million things" to play. I sat down and downloaded all the updates and everything in the mod browser last night in hopes that I'll make good on my promise to start playing that I made in February :whistle2:#
thanks! that was my sole intent, to make it less cumbersome and crazy. i also think doing weekly requirements makes it a lot easier on new players. hope you can start playing soon.
Hey, I was playin with Senior_LULZ last night and he invited me to play, and directed me here, so i guess ill just download the maps and seeya on monday!

[quote name='Paco']I think this monday is going to be a great night for unreal tournament 3.[/quote]

It isn't going to be great unless I'm there. :whistle2:#

Yes that was my lame attempt at a joke. I hope it is good Paco. I think we need to hear your motivation speech again.
[quote name='joshr915']well see about that[/quote]

I believe you just volunteered for a duel Allah.
I just picked UT3 up for $9.99 at BBV. I was just wondering how much more $ I am going to look at spending before I'll have everything I need for a CAG night? I haven't really looked into the DLC or even installed UT3 but I know I better get those DLs a rolling.
[quote name='ChernobylCow']I just picked UT3 up for $9.99 at BBV. I was just wondering how much more $ I am going to look at spending before I'll have everything I need for a CAG night? I haven't really looked into the DLC or even installed UT3 but I know I better get those DLs a rolling.[/quote]

That's the beauty of it. None of the CAG Content costs anything. Titan pack is free, and the dlc maps are also free.
Thank you, chaps. It will take me a little while to download these things and to get a handle on the game. But once that is over with I'll be ready to test your mettle. I played a mean demoman in TF2. So do most play with controller or mouse/keyboard? I'll probably stick with controller.

Glad to hear that my $10 investment will be some good entertainment.
I use controller and was told some active UTIII players use keyboard and mouse, but I have no real trouble going head-to-head with any CAGs and all I ever play is 30 minutes per CAG Night. Recustomizing the controls really helps.
Yay... Got this at a local pawn for $15 (I know... could've probably got it cheaper NEW somewhere else, but I like throwing the local pawn a bone from time to time, I've found some great deals there) so I should be joining you guys tomorrow.

Gonna use a controller for now, so I'm sure I'll be cannon fodder most of the time. :lol: I haven't played a hardcore twitch shooter like this in a LONG time... Probably UT2k3 :lol:
I'd say that it's down to player style and preference and what types of guns you're using. For Link Gun, Stinger, and rocket launcher, you can use a controller without too much downturn, but for sniper rifles, shock rifles, enforcers, a mouse really helps since those are instant weapons and need good accurate input for them to be truly lethal. It's almost impossible to do the shock combo every time with a gamepad.
[quote name='hone']word on the street is someone might make a cameo appearance tomorrow.[/quote]

I heard Jesus Might come back too. I wonder which one is more likely though.
I just picked it up. Played for about five minutes and it looks fun. An old school shooter. I'll need to take some time to download all the content, probably later this week since I have like three papers due by Tuesday which I been slacking on.
cool, the stuff doesnt take too long, all but 1 persistent requirement is available all within the ps3 (aka no pc required) so should be pretty easy. i keep the pc use to a minimum to keep everything simple, guess well see you the 20th
Yeah... :lol:
After downloading all the stuff from the Mod Browser I saw "Steam Temple" and thought it might've been a typo.
bread's done