CAG PS3 Unreal Tournament 3 Night [On Indefinite Hold]

[quote name='Paco']I heard Jesus Might come back too. I wonder which one is more likely though.[/quote]

Your terrible Paco,but I laughed. I was going to joke, and say really Mana Knight is going to play with us? Get out of here xD
Didn't Mana Knight hate UT3 though? Anyways yeah I know I"m joshing on hone, but he's a good player and it'd be good if he actually did Show up tonight. Though I hate that he lives like cross country so us people in the west coast get dat lag.
For some reason I've downloaded the CBP map pack #1 twice and it's not showing up under installed. I have #2 there but #1 isn't showing up...I didn't get any error messages...

edit: Well I am going to get CBP3 Vol 1 and Vol.2 (Characters) off the web and just use the flash drive. My ps3 is on wireless and well that's probably why it is screwy.

Any of you guys use a PC to run a server for one of these nights? how does that work.
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[quote name='Paco']Didn't Mana Knight hate UT3 though? Anyways yeah I know I"m joshing on hone, but he's a good player and it'd be good if he actually did Show up tonight. Though I hate that he lives like cross country so us people in the west coast get dat lag.[/quote]

Yeah Mana hates it. That was my joke behind that. At least unreal is growing. We keep getting more, and more people instead of less. Hone needs to play he is way to good not to join us.
[quote name='ChernobylCow']For some reason I've downloaded the CBP map pack #1 twice and it's not showing up under installed. I have #2 there but #1 isn't showing up...I didn't get any error messages...

edit: Well I am going to get CBP3 Vol 1 and Vol.2 (Characters) off the web and just use the flash drive. My ps3 is on wireless and well that's probably why it is screwy.

Any of you guys use a PC to run a server for one of these nights? how does that work.[/quote]

One of the CBPS map packs is listed differently so it appears under a different name. So you should have it if you did download it.
[quote name='ChernobylCow']Any of you guys use a PC to run a server for one of these nights? how does that work.[/quote]

No. as far as i know you can only run a vanilla server when using ps3 clients. for some reason, epic failed (pun?) and decided not to allow mods and mutators between pc and ps3
ok, it looks like that beyond unreal website does have the latest 2.0 version, at least. not sure why the mod browser wouldnt work for ya. just be careful when downloading from websites as opposed to the browser as versions may be different without it even being listed.
since its regular deathmatch, everyone can hear everyone else. its push-to-talk with voice detection. what that means is, once u open the comm it will detect if you start speaking or not and close the comm if ure not. it will also close the comm after you finish speaking or after 10 sec max.
Great games tonight, that was just what I needed.

Definitely need a better way to inform people of new content, though. TBH I didn't even realize we had new maps until right before I got on, I was a few minutes late to install them. Any way we could mass-PM a UT3 group or something? That or develop a list serve since not everyone may check the thread enough.
First time I played this game past the 'campaign' missions tonight and holy crap it's fast (last FPS I spent time with was KZ2 for comparison). Definitely fun and reminds me of the old days of playing Quakeworld. Not that I have the slightest clue what the words "defense" and "strategy" mean but half the time I was running around trying to find a weapon other than default and I'd end up chasing someone with a much better weapon anyway ;)
well tonights maps were epic-fail since nobody downloaded them.. everyone ALWAYS check the op from now on. ima put that in my sig or seomthin... X_X
Oh god. That stressed the server so bad. I LOVE IT. One of the greatest nights for turnout. So many people joined and it was classic. Though some levels were so damn crowded.
[quote name='Paco']Oh god. That stressed the server so bad. I LOVE IT. One of the greatest nights for turnout. So many people joined and it was classic. Though some levels were so damn crowded.[/quote]

I had flashes of lag; I don't have the highest speed internet but it didn't seem to impede on the action too much (less than other games would be affected by lag). The smaller crowded maps are more fun to me. I didn't like bouncing around babylon falls barely seeing anyone.
[quote name='joshr915']babylon wont be in the rotation again. requires too many people

Check the OP![/quote]

I agree. Even with nine people, the map didn't feel populated and it took time to find people. The PC Version says "recommended for 16 to 32 people" Guess it's almost an impossibility for the PS3 version since the max is 16 players and we only had nine show up for this round.

The CTF Garden map is making me :applause:though.

Oh yeah, the mod browser now has CTF-Dreary3 on it and two more Deathmatch maps.
Yeah. I can't believe Thomas actually shown up. This is like the second time I saw him join a game.
That was fun... I'm surprised I did as well as I did with a controller. I freaking loved the smaller map that only had rockets.
I had to drop out on the rocket match. My roomies showed up and I lost bandwidth (plus I'm on wireless, ordering a 50ft ethernet soon).

I enjoyed it. I remember playing the original Unreal on my mom's gateway pc and enjoying seeing that POS chug along as I shot the booger gun at bots. Tonight brought back memories. So far UT3 has been a good $10 purchase.

Anyone want to get a campaign co-op going at some point? I've turned into a bit of a trophy whore these that if I am going to take the time to research a game, find a good price, and bring it into my home. I'm going to squeeze ever lil ounce out of it.

I really enjoyed that arctic boat level. Although I think we had far too many ;)

Here's to next time.
[quote name='bmachine']I retract my statement then.

Hone's good people. He's welcome anytime.[/quote]

thanks for the vote of confidence randy. I enjoyed playing again. been missing out. I won't be around next weekend and had to cut out of work early to make it. I'll show up again when I can. GG.
[quote name='Paco']Yeah. I can't believe Thomas actually shown up. This is like the second time I saw him join a game.[/QUOTE]

I had a good time too! That PC Speed mod is crazy! It was so fast I could hardly keep up at first, but I got used to it quickly. I gotta make sure that I get all the downloads for next week. I still think we should add another day to play this game. For some reason on MOnday's I always get home late from work.

I've come back out of retirement!
[quote name='ChernobylCow']I had to drop out on the rocket match. My roomies showed up and I lost bandwidth (plus I'm on wireless, ordering a 50ft ethernet soon).

I enjoyed it. I remember playing the original Unreal on my mom's gateway pc and enjoying seeing that POS chug along as I shot the booger gun at bots. Tonight brought back memories. So far UT3 has been a good $10 purchase.

Anyone want to get a campaign co-op going at some point? I've turned into a bit of a trophy whore these that if I am going to take the time to research a game, find a good price, and bring it into my home. I'm going to squeeze ever lil ounce out of it.

I really enjoyed that arctic boat level. Although I think we had far too many ;)

Here's to next time.[/quote]

I'd be down for some co-op. Ironic that UT3 is my post-played PS3 game due to CAG nights, but since we use mods I most likely will never get trophies for it!
Does anyone have Blockbuster that they could pick up a copy for me? They are selling this for $9.99 new. I checked the store near me and they had nothing.
[quote name='mguiddy']It's not much more expensive at Newegg.
You figure...
$10+tax+shipping == just slightly less than $15.[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed last night. Yeah it lagged some when there was 16 people playing. I thought the comment Randy made about me being Mana Knights boyfriend was funny. I'm not gay,but If I was I wouldn't be after Mana. *winks at Randy*:drool:
[quote name='mguiddy']Hey randy, what was that name of the emo/goth/country band you were talking about last night?[/quote]

Murder by Death. The playlist on their MySpace is pretty good; their Who Will Survive and What Will Be Left of Them? disc is amazing.

[quote name='jman619']*winks at Randy*:drool:[/quote]

Don't open a door you're afraid to walk through, Jman...I'd rock your world. ;)

[quote name='bornrunnin31']"Ever suck a dick for a ps3 game?"[/quote]

[quote name='bmachine']Murder by Death. The playlist on their MySpace is pretty good; their Who Will Survive and What Will Be Left of Them? disc is amazing.

Don't open a door you're afraid to walk through, Jman...I'd rock your world. ;)


That ps3 line was mean, and funny at the same time. I would have laughed even If it was directed towards me which it wasn't. Glad to see Randy has a weird since of humor like I do.
Hey guys,
GGs on Monday, I had all the maps we ended up playing, the only map I wasn't crazy about was the one with the reduced gravity...all the others were cool, enjoyed August, I think it was? What are we doing next Monday? TDM, CTF, other?
Well, after searching another BB I was able to find the the game used but in complete condition for 14.99. It was 5 bucks more than what I want I wanted to pay but I was able to find Bioshock for 20. So either way I'm happy!
[quote name='jwargand']Hey guys,
GGs on Monday, I had all the maps we ended up playing, the only map I wasn't crazy about was the one with the reduced gravity...all the others were cool, enjoyed August, I think it was? What are we doing next Monday? TDM, CTF, other?[/quote]

CTF! I didn't have that one map from the last game. I think a few other people wasn't paying attention either, and didn't have it as well.
I've played thru some of the campaign, but haven't finished it, I've been pretty have focused on the online play myself, I should probably finish it though, so I understand all the game modes...I was kinda lost when we played warfare last week...
[quote name='bmachine']Weren't we doing Warzone on Monday? Or am I confusing my dates?[/quote]

We played warzone on the 6th i think and i dont recall setting a date for the next warzone...
[quote name='johnnypark']I'd be down for some co-op. Ironic that UT3 is my post-played PS3 game due to CAG nights, but since we use mods I most likely will never get trophies for it![/QUOTE]

johnnypark, ChernobylCow, anyone else I'm down for some co-op sometime as well.
bread's done