CAG PS3 Unreal Tournament 3 Night [On Indefinite Hold]

where exactly are you located? And what's your ping? Fast bandwidth isn't as good if the ping is shit.
[quote name='Paco']where exactly are you located? And what's your ping? Fast bandwidth isn't as good if the ping is shit.[/quote]
BFE... :lol:
WV actually.
The ping to CA/WA was
WA? 20/6? I think we found a great new host. Do you have Fios or something? I don't mind hosting, but if we have someone with a huge chunk of bandwidth and they're up to share it then it'd be great to use them instead.
[quote name='Paco']WA? 20/6? I think we found a great new host. Do you have Fios or something? I don't mind hosting, but if we have someone with a huge chunk of bandwidth and they're up to share it then it'd be great to use them instead.[/quote]
Washington... I was just testing some random west coast servers.

I just have Comcast. :lol:

I can mess around with hosting later this week.
[quote name='joshr915']ahh, you must have meant 20 dn and 6 up...usually ISPs dont give higher upload than download...[/quote]

I are a little tired.
Sorry I couldn't make it last night, luckily the whole thing was caught on video so here's a recap of what happened:

I see we are doing bombing run next week, if you don't have it installed yet, I'd suggest you get on it and don't wait til next Monday. =)

I also have comcast, but only have 6MB Down, and I think 386K Up
[quote name='jwargand']I see we are doing bombing run next week, if you don't have it installed yet, I'd suggest you get on it and don't wait til next Monday. =)
If I start now maybe I'll be done by next Monday.:lol:

I wish we could put more than one mod on a stick.
[quote name='bornrunnin31']here's a recap of what happened:


[quote name='mguiddy']If I start now maybe I'll be done by next Monday.:lol:

I wish we could put more than one mod on a stick.[/quote]

ya bombing run requires the most stuff unfortunately. its a really good game i dont have any idea why they dont put it on the mod browser. they have that stupid snowreal crap on there... :mad:

so i expect to only have vets show up since certain other parties i know wont even bother to download it all. if dd gets it, then thats +1
I didn't make it the first time we did bombing run, so it'll be a learning experience for me...but I do have it all downloaded and installed
So I suck and fell asleep at 9:30 rather than show up, but I had everything downloaded and installed in advance. I'm out again this week as I'm moving over the weekend and my internet service won't kick on until Tuesday.. on the bright side it'll be 6/768 DSL instead of the 1.5/crap cable I have now.
[quote name='bmachine']Is that the same list of maps that all of the regulars downloaded a few months ago or is there new stuff on there that I need?[/quote]

same stuff

[quote name='johnnypark']Bombing run!!! I'll be there.

Everyone install the shit, it's easy and it's worth it.[/quote]

welcome back foo!
1.5 hours is that about how long you guys play? If so I'll be on about 10ish. Also should I download everything in the UT3 downloads section? Also about the jam files, is okay to save more than one to my flash drive or because it names them jam, then jam(2) will that cause issues if I do it that way?
From the op:
Note: You can only save 1 JAM file to a device at a time and you can not rename the JAM.
be sure to check all the spoiler buttons and the small print. ;) the persistent requirements arent needed for bombing run. otherwise, see the weekly requirements section.
[quote name='joshr915']ok, you dont have to leave early do you. gonna be there for the whole 1.5 hours?[/quote]

Wow, I got home a bit later then I thought I'd be, but yes, I can stay the entire 1.5 hours or when people are gone and don't want to play anymore.
[quote name='joshr915']be sure to read the op and the small print. the persistent requirements arent needed for bombing run. otherwise, see the weekly requirements section. :)[/QUOTE]

I read that, just wanted to double check thanks.
ya we only play 1.5 hours js1. usually its best to install the maps the day before, just so youre ready ;) but well be playing bombing run again in the future so ull be ready for that. might as well grab next weeks maps while youre at it.
I spent about 15 minutes or so looking for the damn server. :lol:
I finally just "Followed" hone into the game.

This was the first time in years that I played BR. Fun times, though :censored: you hone... you ditched me in that last game. ;)
LOL my friend's so silly. At school we were talking about games and he said "I read that Unreal Tournament 3 got trophies. I'm thinking of picking it up and playing it casually." OH LAWDY. Casually playing UT3.
[quote name='joshr915']heh well if hes getting it for the trophies, no point playing with us since we use PCSpeedx[/quote]

If he's playing it for trophies, he ain't getting shit since getting them in actual gameplay terms is incredibly difficult with mostly vets playing the game now. Remember Freaky and his quest to get trophies in UT3? What happened there?
bump for the weekend. now is everyones chance to get the new maps! dont forget!! 3 new

for those wondering. May11th is the last day for new maps for a little while. there will be only 1 map new on the 11th and its on the browser.

nobody post below this unless necessary, at least for the weekend. i want people to actually see this message.
bump for gameday tomorrow. get the new maps! dont forget!! 2 new

for those wondering. May11th is the last day for new maps for a little while. there will be only 1 map new on the 11th and its on the browser.
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I just made a mistake adding it, when doing my last minute checks for tonight I noticed it was way too small. sorry if you spent time installing it :(

--Get the 2 new maps everyone.
bread's done