CAG PS3 Unreal Tournament 3 Night [On Indefinite Hold]

I can join co op on insane.

It's time to sing the Unreal Tournament 3 anthem!

When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside.
You gotta take a stand it don't help to hide.
If you hurt my friends, then you hurt my pride


I feel strong about right and wrong.
And I don't take shit for very long.
I got something deep inside of me.
Courage is the thing that KEEPS US FREE.
[quote name='Paco']I can join co op on insane.

It's time to sing the Unreal Tournament 3 anthem!

When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside.
You gotta take a stand it don't help to hide.
If you hurt my friends, then you hurt my pride


I feel strong about right and wrong.
And I don't take shit for very long.
I got something deep inside of me.
Courage is the thing that KEEPS US FREE.[/QUOTE]

In case you guys didn't notice, Matt (johnnypark) got hit with the ban hammer today.

He asked me to post in the UT3 thread and let you guys know that he'll only be gone for a week, until the 23rd.

The co-op campaign that he's hosting tonight is still a go.
He posted a series of full-frontal nudes in the OTT. They were very tastefully done but, apparently, not well received.

Honestly, I'll leave it to Matt to decide whether or not he wants to talk about it. Sorry.
I'll be on later tonight. Around 1030-11ish if any of you want to play co-op. I'll check the thread later. Also, is the co-op separate from single player? Trophy wise? that sucks about johnny, like Paco I've never seen him post anything offensive before.
[quote name='bmachine']He posted a series of full-frontal nudes in the OTT. They were very tastefully done but, apparently, not well received.

Honestly, I'll leave it to Matt to decide whether or not he wants to talk about it. Sorry.

Gotcha, I guess you can get banned for something like
[quote name='bmachine']In case you guys didn't notice, Matt (johnnypark) got hit with the ban hammer today.

He asked me to post in the UT3 thread and let you guys know that he'll only be gone for a week, until the 23rd.

The co-op campaign that he's hosting tonight is still a go.[/quote]

Daaaaaaaaaaaamn, just saw this when I clicked on this thread. That really sucks since he's always been a cool guy.
[quote name='bmachine']I hope it's obvious that I'm totally kidding.
Matt didn't tell me why he got banned and I didn't ask.[/quote]
Everyone knows the only full frontal male nudity goes on in the GTAIV thread.:roll:
[quote name='joshr915']crap, wonder why the mods are hating on him :mad:

he will have to spill the beans on what the hell happened tho, whatever it is, im sure its bullcrap.[/quote]

I know part of it,but not all of it. According to a reliable source he posted in the ott, and a mod temp banned him. I however don't know what he posted.


He mentioned Unreal III. How dare him? xD
ya, i cant find a direct reason either, all of my thread researching hasnt turn up matt saying anything bad. his most recent posts are all just fine. the mod that banned him gave no valid answer, so until he says different im going to assume there is no good reason. so well just have to wait until he gets reactivated and spills it.

EVERYONE GET THE MAPS BEFORE THE GAME TOMORROW! And it looks like my finals that were on monday are GONE. So I have the Tuesday final so I can still host1
good to see some people are getting the new maps, its unfortunate some people will still show up and not have them :\

if any of the new-map-weary people see the thread, pleeease get the maps, its so simple and we arent going to be adding new maps every week, only this first round through each different gametype. if that makes sense. after that, well take a break from getting new maps. ALL players should ALWAYS check the required maps section just to make sure you have the maps case you didnt download them a previous week they were listed, or whatever....
I plan to show for a little bit.. I'll be making banana bread in the meantime so I have something nummy to eat for breakfest tomorrow. It's a motherfucker playing this and switching back to KZ2 later on in the week.. you go from running around like a crack addict on speed to running through molasses with a 100lb backpack.
[quote name='Paco']CTF Imperial Pagoda has locked up my PS3 and I can't get into the game.[/quote]

ya custom maps do that sometimes. just cut the power and restart.
[quote name='Paco']CTF Imperial Pagoda has locked up my PS3 and I can't get into the game.[/quote]
Similar thing happened to me.
It got stuck on 100% during "Unpacking" so I hard reset and then got "Game crashed, possibly due to user created content." I didn't disable user created content and tried to reinstall (even though it did show up as installed in the mod browser) got stuck at 100% again, but I left for around 10-20 minutes and when I came back it unstuck itself. Though, I haven't tried to load the map to see if it would freeze up.
Imperial Pagoda lockedup and I couldn't get into the game until I disabled user content and manually erased Pagoda. I then reenabled user content and restarted and all was well again. But yes Imperial Pagoda DOES lock up and when it crashes and you reboot, you can't start the game UNLESS you disable user created content.
I installed imperial pagoda and t froze up just like mguiddy, restarted and then couldn't get into UT3...
I disabled user content got in, uninstalled and re-installed it pagoda...and then tried to re-enable user content and it crashed again.
works fine for me, just cant quit out of the map, have to switch to new map b4 quitting or it will jam. paco, dont you test your own maps before recommending them to me?

since everyone is having such trouble, easier to remove it. not sure why it works ok for me but not others. woulda figured all ps3s would be the same, unlike PCs. anyways. MAP REMOVED FROM ROTATION
A lot of the maps were actually tested before patch 2 came out in all honesty. Epic stated that the ones that need to be recooked the most are any maps with vehicles on them. So I thought that this map would indeed be safe unfortunately. And I test most of the maps yes.
I just tested... map loaded and played fine. I could exit out of it just fine too. :lol:

HOW THE HELL!!! do I get out of the Morbius (sp?) flag room with the enemy flag? :rofl:
For Morbias, you can only escape if you have a TITAN to open up that door. And good games. Anyone vote to make Sloth and React part of our permanant map roster?
good games guys, I talked but no one responded....and as I was shutting down the PS3, I realized I never turned on my mic...
[quote name='jwargand']good games guys, I talked but no one responded....and as I was shutting down the PS3, I realized I never turned on my mic...[/quote]

I wondered why you didn't say anything. xD
[quote name='Paco']For Morbias, you can only escape if you have a TITAN to open up that door. And good games. Anyone vote to make Sloth and React part of our permanant map roster?[/quote]
:lol: Ahh...
Kinda sucks there isn't another way out.

Good games.
I am severely disappointed in the UTIII's Facing Worlds.
I used to love playing that map in UT99.
Okay... Nevermind that was Omicron Dawn not Facing Worlds.:lol:

Oh, and for some reason the game froze when going back to the main menu after the server shut down.
I didn't know if it was somehow related to the Pagoda, so I deleted it, since we're not using it anymore.
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[quote name='Paco']Anyone vote to make Sloth and React part of our permanant map roster?[/quote]
doesn't matter to me, but we use at most 4 custom maps a week, so if we keep it, it will count against that number.

[quote name='jwargand']good games guys, I talked but no one responded....and as I was shutting down the PS3, I realized I never turned on my mic...[/quote]

nice one! :p
If I had to choose one, I would choose Sloth as there's more possibilities with that one since it has more then one story, and an underground sewer.

And I enjoyed this week more then usual. It didn't have any lag, there was just enough people to keep the smaller maps really action packed and there was a lot of comebacks.
[quote name='Paco']It didn't have any lag[/quote]

well of course you would like hosting because of that :p i still wish we had multiple hosts so, if for no other reason, then you wouldnt always have 0 ping XD
[quote name='joshr915']well of course you would like hosting because of that :p i still wish we had multiple hosts so, if for no other reason, then you wouldnt always have 0 ping XD[/quote]

You got a good connection Allah? I'm going to be downgrading my connection for a while so it's not going to be as fast. It's not a huge downgrade as it's more of the download rate then the upload rate, but it's still a slight downgrade.

And I meant lag as a whole for everyone as I asked if they were lagging and they said it was fine.
[quote name='Paco']You got a good connection Allah? I'm going to be downgrading my connection for a while so it's not going to be as fast. It's not a huge downgrade as it's more of the download rate then the upload rate, but it's still a slight downgrade.

And I meant lag as a whole for everyone as I asked if they were lagging and they said it was fine.[/quote]

6Mbit down, but way i could ever host more than 4 people X_X

[quote name='ma']Damn it, how could I forget this again. Next week boys, you will have me for target practice.[/quote]

cool, youre always welcome :)
I'm going to downgrade to 6 mb down and 1 mb up. I"m with 10 mb down and 1.5 mb up right now. So the most important part isn't going to be going down too much. I was hosting the games for a good while with the previous speed and nobody complained much either when the games were under 12 people.
I could probably host some week, I wouldn't want to do it all the time though. I have ~20 down and ~6 up at, depending on the server of course.
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bread's done