CAG PSN Gamesharing #2 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group & Gameshare FAQ

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Password on my Parasite Eve 1+2 group reset to its old one.

Selling one share of Prince of Persia Trilogy HD ($9)
You Hosts are addressing this properly
After all, you have the power to change the password as opposed to the other members.

i wonder if the Hosts i have dealt with changed the password...
I doubt it

guess i am going to lose some accounts
Thanks Sony.
Thanks hackers
[quote name='likeme']PSN Plus group

1. likeme
2. wilflare
3. jimrome27
4. HalfWasted
5. crzyboy88


I did not change it.
whoa can see which account is the owner of stuff now and remaining time on it if psn+, not 100% sure it's new but still I like it. also you can name and make albums sigh would have been nice to see that one earlier.

also duelsonplanes back to original pw
and give it a few days at least before you start getting worried.

***Black Ops First Strike (Map Pack 1) $3
Battlefield 1943/Bad Company 2 Onslaught Mode $2.50
Dead Space Ignition $1
Ferrari The Race Experience $5

Please PM me with any inquiries

All of my shares have had their passes reset to the same one.
[quote name='likeme']PSN Plus group

1. likeme
2. wilflare
3. jimrome27
4. HalfWasted
5. crzyboy88


It's not me either.
I will go about resetting the passwords to all the shares I'm a member of, changing them to the same password as before.

Like someone above me said, if it doesn't ask you to change when you sign in it means someone else already updated it so leave it alone!

Good job guys.

Update: Just updated the 12 accounts I'm a member of to the same password as the old one. Only one account was under 8 characters so I added a 1 to the end of it.
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I've reverted passwords for borderlandsshareps3, talesofcag, and bfbc2share.

I need help with an Echochrome account however with the email gameshare10.
I just saw that you don't have to be the host to change the password. I just tested it on an account (didn't change the pass just came to the change pass screen). Waiting for the hosts to do their job :)
[quote name='Tallest-Midget']If anyone starts a group for L.A. Noire Preorder bonuses I want in.

I have a Best Buy preorder("The Sharpshooter" Detective Suit) and will be picking it up at midnight so i can try and get one of those 16 "Nicholson Electroplating Arson Case" DLC codes[/QUOTE]

I have the gamestop preorder
[quote name='gmoney1234567890']Apparently I am stupid, so can someone please explain to me how to switch back the passwords to the originals after they are changed?[/QUOTE]

It will complain if you try to update a password to the same value, but you can change it to something new and then change it right back to what it was.

When logging in for the first time with the account (if it is forcing you to change the password)
1) Write down the original password (hopefully you have that somewhere)
2) Change the password to something new
3) Log in
4) Go to Account Management and select the "password" option
5) It will ask you for the current (changed) password
6) Then you can enter in a new password, which you use the original password (you'll need to enter twice to confirm)
[quote name='Polaris1001']I just saw that you don't have to be the host to change the password. I just tested it on an account (didn't change the pass just came to the change pass screen). Waiting for the hosts to do their job :)[/QUOTE]
It's not just the host's job, it's any group member's job. I just updated 12 accounts, I wasn't the host on any.
Someone changed the password , Please email me the Password or change the password back to the original password . This was done today as i have the email information. please be considerate as there are 4 others share holders than you.

((tetris + strong bad for attractive people))

email: [email protected]
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[quote name='vgossain']I was able to change and change back the following profiles:
grappledap ([email protected])
splinter0012 ([email protected])

I have one share (that I was host) where the password has been changed.
If you changed it for this account, please change it back to the original:
[email protected] (Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty share)[/QUOTE]

r_c_qfb ([email protected]) profile is now fixed and back to the original password.
Yeah, I was only the host of like 2 of the 9 accounts i reverted. Any of the share's owners can do it if they get there first. Also, I wouldn't bother exchanging shares again just yet with the store down. You can't even access the dl list.
[quote name='vgossain']It will complain if you try to update a password to the same value, but you can change it to something new and then change it right back to what it was.

When logging in for the first time with the account (if it is forcing you to change the password)
1) Write down the original password (hopefully you have that somewhere)
2) Change the password to something new
3) Log in
4) Go to Account Management and select the "password" option
5) It will ask you for the current (changed) password
6) Then you can enter in a new password, which you use the original password (you'll need to enter twice to confirm)[/QUOTE]

Thanks vgossain.
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[quote name='Solid-Snake-Eyes']It's not just the host's job, it's any group member's job. I just updated 12 accounts, I wasn't the host on any.[/QUOTE]
Exactly this. I changed and reset back any share account I have on my console, wether I hosted or not. Those of you in the Fallout New Vegas Pre-Order have the new password in your PM.

Even when I host, when I am done with whatever it was, I sell my slot, so I can't do the password reset for most of my shares even thou I'd be happy to.
Am I correct when I say that we're still allowed to play the games that we don't know the password to? The only thing we can't do is sell our share?

Password is back to original on..

Accounts I created:
[email protected] (Ghostbuster: Sanctum of Slime)
[email protected] (First Strike Black Ops DLC)
[email protected] (First Strike Black Ops DLC)
[email protected] (Stacking)

Accounts I have:
[email protected] (Joe Danger + Death Spank)
[email protected] (Tetris)
[email protected] (Dungeon Hunter + Clash of Heroes)

Unknown Password:
[email protected] (Burnout Paradise)--> Don't know password to email.
[email protected] (Deathspank 2, Costume Quest + DLC, Space Invaders Infinity Gene, Comet Crash, -Shatter) -> Don't know password to email.
[email protected] (Explodemon) --> Don't know password to email.
[email protected] (Alien Breed 2)--> Don't know password to email.
[email protected] (Lumines Supernova) --> Waiting for email from PSN
[email protected] (Split/Second) --> Don't know password to email.

NOTE: Some password were NOT changed by me. This is merely an informational post telling users of the gameshare account that the password is back to the original one.

Let me say, I applaud :)applause:)the fact that the CAG gameshare community isn't changing the passwords to a new one but back to the original. I guess we're a bunch of decent guys after all! :lol:
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I am new here. But I have gameshared on my local belgian forum. i wondered if you create a group to share the costs of a download. How do you pay each other? Best way is paypal I think.
Second I see lots of people sharing US dlc. Are those region bound? Or should I be able to play it on uk versions too..
[quote name='Sting10']I originally owned [email protected], sadly the e-mail is false so I guess theres no way to retrieve it[/QUOTE]

What do you mean its false? I remember you can't create an account without clicking the confirmation link. I tried creating the same msn account and it said it was already taken. I'm guessing you forgot the password to the email?
Does anyone know the account info for a Borderlands, Assassin's Creed 2, Record of Agarest War account? Someone changed something and now I can't log in. :( I PMed the original creator of the account, but hopefully whoever did it will change it back.

Also, PW changes I made back to the original

Email: [email protected]
Same PW as before

Email: [email protected]
Same PW as before

Email: [email protected]
NEW PW because some asshole tried changing it on me, without telling me. PM me if you need the new PW. I do ask that you have some proof that you still have the account.
[quote name='bill123']1) host

Would anyone like to host our group for Dino Crisis 1 and 2?[/QUOTE]

rebumpng this one now that psn is coming back up
So since the store is coming back soon I figured I would get back to finding people for some groups.
I am looking for MvC3 characters and possibly costumes if people want them. Would like this to be a long term group.

Also this:
Modnation Racers DLC will include: Stunt Prop Pack($5), Holiday Pack($5), Carnival Prop Pack($5), and the Far East Track Theme($10)= $5 a share. This group could buy new themes as they come out if the group wants but this is as is for the time being.

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[quote name='bastiartadi']What do you mean its false? I remember you can't create an account without clicking the confirmation link. I tried creating the same msn account and it said it was already taken. I'm guessing you forgot the password to the email?[/QUOTE]

sure you can. when i made it over psn you did not need to confirm email
Okay dudes, all the shares I have access to have been reset to the original password (that hadn't already been). Only one account remains with an altered password, so hopefully whoever changed it will let the rest of the group know.
I just went and tried changing the passwords that I could.

My hosted accounts (same password):

Accounts I'm a member of (same password):
lastdollaonme (OlDirtyBastard)
qp67456yx (erequena)
GTZ1543 (Xxamir15xX)
cag5gmshare (Xxamir15xX)

Account password that needed to be changed (could not use same password):
carryme (RB DLC group by FadiNg. Password has been PM'ed to him)
GoW3DLC (tenchim86. PM me for the password if you need it)

Accounts that I cannot access due to changed password:
gmowcag2 (gmow)
rockband3dlc (soright903)
steve_blahblahblah (iwarboY)
longtermshare2011 (lassiterb)

If you have the new passwords, either PM me or just change it to the original.
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Like tenchim86, I also went to change passwords that I could. But, I only had to change one.

Accounts where I am a member (same password)
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam (Vyrtigo)
[quote name='bastiartadi']A
[email protected] (Burnout Paradise)--> Don't know password to email.

I just changed the PW on it, howver the original PW didn't meet the new number of characteristics requirements, so i added a "1" to the original password. if you know who else is in this group, let them know please, thanks!

just changed to original PWs to the following:

cagstarhd (add 1 to the password)
cagbfactor (add 1 to the password)
Guys, it's not necessary to put all accounts you changed p/w to, just the ones where there was a problem and the old one couldn't be reset back !
[quote name='OlDirtyBastard']Modnation Racers DLC will include: Stunt Prop Pack($5), Holiday Pack($5), Carnival Prop Pack($5), and the Far East Track Theme($10)= $5 a share. This group could buy new themes as they come out if the group wants but this is as is for the time being.

Definitely still interested in this.

Would anyone by chance know how to get in touch with Peacemaker1ps? I had a gameshare account with him but I can't remember the password to log in to the share account and get it changed, and he hasn't (so far) answered my PM.
So any ideas on if we can facilitate gamesharing on the Welcome back games? I highly doubt it, but if so, we could facilitate groups to split the offerings such that everyone gets a share of 2 per account.

For reference, those are

All PlayStation Network customers can select two PS3 games from the following list. The games will be available for 30 days shortly after PlayStation Store is restored and can be kept forever.

  • Dead Nation
  • inFAMOUS
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Super Stardust HD
  • Wipeout HD + Fury
For PSP owners, you will be eligible to download two PSP games from the following list. The games will be available for 30 days shortly after PlayStation Store is restored and can be kept forever.

  • LittleBigPlanet (PSP)
  • ModNation Racers
  • Pursuit Force
  • Killzone Liberation
I just wonder if you can make a new account for gamesharing and then download these "Welcome Back" games - I mean, after all, wouldn't it be able to tell that the account is new (and therefore not affected by the outage)? Either way, once these are live, we should try it out. (That being said, I already have all of those except for Dead Nation, and I really wish Quest for Booty was on there like it is in Europe.)
Updated passwords for groups I was host for. It's the same password as before, just with "lil" added to the end. If your name is below and you forgot the original password then pm me. If you bought the share from someone below and forgot the password, pm the person you bought it from and have them request it from me (otherwise I can't verify who should have the password).

Marvel vs Capcom 2 + Pixel Junk Shooter:
This share is old, I couldn't find the original post for it. Here's who I think was in the original group:

LBP Marvel dlc:

Moon Diver + Explodemon:
(I think someone already reset this to the original pw, but I changed it to [original_pw]lil for security reasons)
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