CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Regarding Wombat's job, is he a professional video game voice actor? This would explain his extensive knownledge of their pay scale and his voice does bear a stricking resembelance to Daxter from the Jak & Daxter series.

As for a real question, what type of HDTV's do each of you own or recommend? I think its time to junk my 20inch tube for my 360.

Keep up the great podcast work!
cheapy, wombat...

are modern videogames losing their abilty to impress?

why are consoles going retro? i.e. xbox 360 arcade, wii retro console. i think eventually we're going to be looking at pong for for a 360 download.
I've got a question for Wombat. When you are talking with The Cheap One via IM or on the phone do you address him as Cheapy, CheapyD or David?
Another good show.

With the merger of gamestop/eb, and on occasion hearing you talking about bring in more revenue or the possibility of you getting a job, have you thought about other ways to bring in revenue? You have mentioned (iirc) your friendship with other websites, why don't you have them as guests on your show, and then you represent cag on there podcast. Hopefully it could attract more members, which should bring in more revenue. Maybe even try to get a guestspot on a gamespot/ign. You could sell your skills as a game analyst from japan.

Great swag store. The family business that I am in does gift products. If you want I could get you cag magnets, letter openers, wine corks, coasters, knifes, and keychains. We could drop ship them for you, if you would like. I don't know how much interest there would be in any of the products that we do for cag members, but if it doesn't cost you anything upfront, it might be worth a try.
You two really seem to appreciate a good VG Soundtrack, as do I. Whenever I start a new game, the 1st thing I do is go into the options and change the volume of the BGM and Sound Effects. I would guess that about 90% of the games produced have the effects at 100% and the BGM at 75%. What is up with this conspiracy? I usually reverse them so that the music is louder. I have wasted literally MINUTES of my life repeating this procedure and I would appreciate it if you guys would use your clout in the industry to make a change.

P.S. why do they make the BGM go to 100% if the default is 75%? (Insert Spinal Tap reference here)

i enjoyed listening a few of the recent cagcast lately, but i realized that your most of the time talkinf about the 360, im not saying your all fanboys of the 360 but at least 70 percent that you talk about is the 360. ive been a regular on your website but i noticed that teh design of your website is really close to the color preference of the 360, i dont know if there is a conspiracy or not but i hope your not all biased on you alls opinions.. by the way this is not a review just a comment
well the colors have been like this for as long as I have been here. Most of the new games worth playing are on the 360. A couple of episodes back they talked a lot about the DS. I wouldn't worry about them favoring the 360, there really isn't much talk about with the other systems at this current time.
Judging from past CAGcasts, I think it's safe to say that CheapyD has an unheathy obsession with Robocop. So Cheapy, when did this fascination with Robocop first begin? Which of the Robocop movies is your favorite, and also, what is the most extravagant piece of Robocop paraphenilia that you own?
Thanks for answering my previous questions. After listening to CAGbag, it made it much more enjoyable. Also, good job on the impressions guys, haha [the Robocop and Link impersonations were hilarious]. :D. Well, here's another question.

What is your favorite weapon/equipment/item of all time? It could be something like the barf stick from Minority Report, the huge stomper boots from Mario Bros. the Movie, or even the plastic bag from Manhunt used to ruthlessly strangle his pursuers.

Thanks guys ;D. Keep up the good work on CAGcast.
Now that we know for sure that the Wiimote doesn't have as much battery life as the (awesome) Wavebird, do you guys think there'll be a recharger pack (first party).
What about Guitar Hero 2 has you most excited? What kind of features would you like to see in future versions of the game?

How did Cheapy and Wombat meet each other and their wives?

Who's hotter, Mrs. Wombat or Mrs. Cheapy?
Good news everybody, once Fry and Leela get back Bender and I will record a new Cagcast, so lets get some new questions for the CAGBAG!
Wombat how much was the extended warranty for the XBOX 360?

MY XBOX 360 should be coming in soon and I tried calling Microsoft to ask them how much it would be and nobody can give me an answer.
Here's a question for Mrs. Cheapy or other Japanese natives:

According to a Nintendo Power article, the Japanese version of the DS game Big Brain Academy measures progress in terms of the brain's softness so that the better you do at the tasks, the softer your brain. This metaphor is the opposite of how we'd see it in English. To us, someone whose brain has gotten soft is someone who's gotten dumber. So, could you ask Mrs. Cheapy and some of your Japanese friends to explain why a soft brain is a good thing in Japanese.

Thanks and keep up the great podcast.
Cheapy D and Wombat, I love your podcast, I always bump it to the top of my playlist when it becomes available. My question:

Here in our forums, as well as over at Joystiq and Kotaku, many gamers have noticed cracks on the left hinge of our DS Lites. Nintendo's official position is that this is user created damage(i.e. we're flinging DSes like drunken spider monkies), not a manufacturing defect. It is NOT covered under warranty, and costs $50 to repair.

What can we do make Nintendo see the error of its ways? Is a class action lawsuit the only way to get them to honor their 1 year warranty? Does this mark the end of durable Nintendo consoles and cause us to reconsider the wiimote?
Corporate buyouts of popular sites are a big thing, I'm worried that CAG will go the way of IGN, or Gamefaqs.

Cheapy, what would it take for you to sell this site? Enough money to supply your gaming habit for four years? Five?

Also, besides CAG site maintance, what other jobs do you hold down? Please squash the Japanese Male Gigolo rumor once and for all ;)

Oh, and Wombat, what are the odds of you buying a $600 (or $500 PS3)?
Are you or Wombat from a particular region of the country with an accent that forces BOTH of you to say MARE-io, like night"mare" Brothers?! And not MAR-io Brothers??? Sorry, I've been listening to the past few CAGcasts and whenever you guys mention Mario, and I hear "Mare-io" it just bugs the hell out of me.
Hey there Cheapy D and Wombat,

First, let me start by saying that I really enjoy your podcast and I think you guys are doing an awesome job! Out of the several podcasts that I listen to, you guys are number one to me. You guys make a great team and you compliment each other well. Unlike other shows (e.g. Major Nelson), the CAG cast is entertaining, informative and extremely funny! I like to listen to the CAG cast at work when I’m toiling away on a project and more than once I have caught myself laughing out-loud; getting puzzled and annoyed looks from my co-workers. Every week I look forward to downloading the newest episode—it’s truly the highlight of my week! Please keep up the good work; you guys are terrific!

Now, I feel I must respond to that proverbial “ass-hat”, Steve from Canada. Please do not think that all Canadians are like this gentleman. Unfortunately, it sounds like Mr. Steve has some sort of oblong shaft thrust into his large intestine and really needs to fall off his “high horse”. Who admits to looking at porn, Steve? I do, you pompous bastard! So there!

Anyway, I didn’t want you guys to get the wrong idea about us Canadians (I bet Steve is from Quebec!) Like I said previously, you guys are awesome!

Now, the purpose of my letter isn’t just to blow sunshine up your collective asses; I do have a question.

In a lot of ways, the XBOX 360 seems to have been the race horse that has stumbled quite a few times coming out of the gate, what with launch system shortages, faulty units, lack of games and LIVE arcade let-downs. Do you feel that the benefits of an early 360 release and head-start against the PS3 have been neutralized by these initial problems?

Thanks guys for a great show and good luck to you Wombat on the repair of your 360! I hope it gets well soon.

Why do you guys need to play your DS while taking a dump? I mean, does it really take that long? For me it takes like 3 minutes to do everything but you guys seem to be in there for an entire afternoon. Also have you played online while plopping one?
Hey CheapyD and Wombat, I really enjoy the show! keep up the good work. I've got a great contest idea: how about a 'game with CAG-fame' contest? I've always wondered what it'd be like to play with with you guys. You could provide various game choices from various platforms (XBL, DS, PC) that you'd be willing to play as to not limit potential contestants. If you wanted to raise the contest stakes you could even provide the game of choice to the winner! I know this is a total ripoff of the Microsoft's game with fame events, but this would be better since the "fame" would be people CAGs would actually want to game with! Maybe you could even get the guys at Kotaku, Penny-Arcade, ect. involved? This contest would totally get me to write you guys an iTune review! ;) and even if you don't like my idea how about giving me an add anyway? Thanks and keep churning out awesome podcasts from your awesome podcast factory.
As i have been occupying a ton of time lately finding obscure video game ROMS for MAME.......what classic obscure video game do you think deserves a modern update???

My vote goes for JOURNEY : ESCAPE!!!!
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

It seems to me that Sony really shot themselves in the foot with their decisions regarding the PS3. First it was the boomerang controller, which thank god, they fixed. Now we have the dual-tier pricing, which they should have known from the 360 would be very unpopular, and the $600 price point, which is unacceptable for a mass-market home console. While they will definitely sell out at launch, I can't see them doing well in the following months. They lack major exclusive titles, and the 360 and Wii will have the advantages of being first to market and having a much lower price point, respectively. I think Sony is going to come out last in this generation, at least in the US. What do you guys think Sony can do to help their console in the coming years?
Hey Cheapie and Wombat. Hope you guys are having a super swell day. I'm just wondering with Cheapassgamer being more adult oriented, why is that you decided to turn the f-bomb into fuck on the forums?

Oh one other thing. Wombat, in a kill or be killed situation, what strategy would you use to try and take out Cheapie D in hand to hand combat?
due to intense listener demand (I got 1 email this week) we are doing a new show tonight, so lets get some new questions
I just got a 360 and I'd like to try out one of their racing games. Out of the three big racing games (Need for Speed, Burnout, or PGR3), which would you recommend?

Keep up the awesome Podcast work.
Is J alard CheapyD's long lost brother CheapyJ?

Hows it going Cheapy and Wombat? Which would you rather see the XBLA evolve into? More original, laid back content like Geowars and Cloning Clyde or resurrections of old games including online competative elements (Street Fighter)?

(I won't even mention things like frogger, galaga, robotron, etc. which almost all of which are available in complations on numerous other consoles)
If you could meet any one CAG in person, who would it be? it cannot be someone you've already met, and you must only know of them from their forum postings.
CheapyD & Wombat

Q#1 What are the top 3 forums you visit a day excluding the obvious deals forum?
Q#2 What other gaming site do you visit besides CAG?
I was just wondering what your favorite game system of all time is and games along with it? I am a Nintendo fan(not fanboy cause I can see fault in my favorite publisher and call them out on it). I am partial to my SNES and GCN. I have been gaming for around 20ish years. My faves include Metroids(2D), Mario Karts and the F-Zero series. I ask this because I am wondering what molded your gaming habbits and what you guys grew up with.
Hey Guys,
The issue of race and stereotypes in games as they continue to become mainstream is bound to only get larger.

My question is do you think the cost and risk involved in making a game these days is why games stick to stereotypes of race and why there hasn't been a game with an all latino or all african american characters? Or do you guys think it might be because a great deal of games are developed in Japan where there isn't as large of a mix of races?
1. Almost every PC game requires you to download a series of patches to make it playable. Do you guys view this as an acceptable practice? Do you think the reason for the patching is mostly because of the diversity of hardware in PCs or do you view this as PC games not being developed to the same standards as most console games?

2. I don't know if you guys ever played or got into U.O. but if you did get in on it early it had some awesome concepts. In this game PVP mattered as in you could loot your slain victims in PVP and you could actually pickpocket items as a theif. To combat rampent thieving and player killing U.O. forced the aggressors to turn red after 5 murders. This meant that if they died they would be forced to wait several hours or days depending on how many kills over 5 they were to res or suffer a loss of hard to gain stats. This system was amazing and made PVP and adventuring extremely fun. Is there any MMORPG around that still does something similar to this? Is the reason there aren't any games like this a testament to the wussiness of gamers and our fear of losing our elite pink slippers of furry rabbitness?
1. How long have you both known each other?
2. What was your main reason for creating a site where people could discuss sales and game deals. Childhood dream perhaps? lol
3. Have any of you ever rode on a hippo?
I vaugely remember this being asked already, but if not, here goes.
Do either of you watch anime? If so, what a your top 3 favorites?

What about other hobbies that you guys have?
this isn't a question but some info regarding this past CAG Cast so please delete if necessary: according to the IGN GBA Release Date Master list if you look towards the bottom you will find...

Dotstream (Digiluxe Series) Nintendo Racing TBA 2006
Rotohex (Digiluxe Series) Nintendo Puzzle TBA 2006
Orbiter (Digiluxe Series) Nintendo Puzzle TBA 2006
Boundish (Digiluxe Series) Nintendo Action TBA 2006
Chromatron (Digiluxe Series) Nintendo Puzzle TBA 2006
Sorry Wombat, I'm guessing the following are questions only for Cheapy this week:

1) What's the lowest price you've seen this week for an Xbox 360 premium in Japan and does this store have an Internet site? The new shooter from G-Rev, Senko no Ronde Rev.X is out and now I'm wondering if I should go through the trouble of getting an import box so I can play games like this that probably aren't coming here to the US.

2) Do you know what hardware rev/production run they are on in Japan? I hear this most recent generation of 360s in the US are the most stable and trouble-free yet.

3) Have you played Bullet Witch and if so, what are your impressions?

Finally, just a suggestion but, can you review or give impressions of as many "Japan-only" games for whatever consoles you have each week as possible--or maybe do a segment like a cagcast version of "Your Man In Japan"?

Hey Cheapy and Wombat im a new member and i love the show keep it up. i was wondering if you feel the same way that i do which is that people have become too focused on graphics. I would much rather play a simple 16-bit game with great and inventive gameplay rather than a generic FPS that looks pretty.
What will come first a good game based on a movie, or a good movie based on a game?

I am trying to review you guys on Itunes and it keeps saying I am from a different countries, any clues?
I know Sony has officially confirmed the Ps3 $600 price point, but didn't they say the PSP was going to be $500? When it came out for $300, everyone thought it was a total bargain and bought two. Could this just be another marketing trick?
bread's done