Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

First things first... My Name is Matt and I am addicted to COD4.

Second off, due to the M-F'n University Firewall I have trouble getting games sometimes. I am going to add some of you in this thread to my friends list so I can join in easier. (Kind of weird, sometimes have trouble getting matches and other times it is easy as can be)
Well, I got off to a rocky start since I became so reliant on the M4 from the beta and had to start with a different rifle. Now that I have the M4 and my holographic red dot, I'm doing quite well. My only real complaint is how often I come in first but my team still loses. Why do I have such shitty people on my team? No one should ever, ever have 2 kills and 20 deaths! I also hate when they spawn you in the middle of an air strike. Grrr...

Loving the game though. Enjoyed the beta and with all these new maps, what's not to love?!?
I finished the single player campaign today and overall thought it was a very well done game. As for multi-player, I prefer the style of Rainbow Six Vegas, but it's still fairly enjoyable.
I finished the single player story and jumped online for my first match. I ranked up twice and called it quits. I am tired and I totally suck. I can't wait to play more over my weekend ahead of me. It was tons of fun.
5 hours straight of MP with 2 friends today, and I'm hooked. I was on the edge of wanting to pick this game up too, but now I think I'm going to have to. Feel free to send me a msg if you want to party up and play.

Any idea why it splits parties sometimes game to game? Sometimes we'll be together, and others it will split one off.
[quote name='halfbent']5 hours straight of MP with 2 friends today, and I'm hooked. I was on the edge of wanting to pick this game up too, but now I think I'm going to have to. Feel free to send me a msg if you want to party up and play.

Any idea why it splits parties sometimes game to game? Sometimes we'll be together, and others it will split one off.[/QUOTE]

It's never done that to me before.
[quote name='Kendal']I finished the single player story and jumped online for my first match. I ranked up twice and called it quits. I am tired and I totally suck. I can't wait to play more over my weekend ahead of me. It was tons of fun.[/QUOTE]

Well, I started online Thursday and after about 5 hours I'm a Level 25. Also, I actually made my clan name CAG so if anybody plays that doesn't have a clan should do the same.
going to play Multi tomorrow all day, that online stuff is fun! But im working right now on trying to pass single player on veteran and im on the last mission. F.Y.I. the last part of the guillie suit mission were you have to wait for the chopper is impossible to pass/survive without shelter for that long if you dont know were to hide. Luckily i know were :)
Okay...this game is giving me nasuea, Thats the third time ive had to take a breather playing on Veteran SP, I think its only the scenes where everything's moving errattically...I carried off the the soldier that was stranded in the cobra (Didnt get the achievement for some reason) and then the whole Nuke scene happens and im feeling a headache coming on, and then the next scene comes up and im Out of the game.
I don't know why, but I am obssesed with the Training course. I finally beat the IW record, but I still thank I can be faster. I havent even touched online yet, looking to do that soon.
Whew... I suck.

I really should've played the beta. I didn't bother because I didn't expect this game to be so fun but now I'm playing catch-up and doing so with iron sights. Two more kills with my M16 and I'll have the red dot one so that should help. Earlier today I played about five matches and finally have started to put things together. I got my first kill streak that enabled an airstrike which in turn killed somebody so that was fun.

EDIT - My only complaint is that the M60 LMG is pretty far into the game. I'm trying to make my Animal Mother custom class now goddammit!
Haven't delved into MP at all, but I just did a quick run through of the SP. fucking awesome. There was some points where I thought, "Damn, it'd be cool if they let me do this," then the game would go there exactly. I wanted a Black Hawk Down-esque mission and there it was. I doubt that kind of scenario will repeat in future games, but I just hope there's a larger time limit. Like long, 20-minute firefights instead of the quickie 90 second run through.

And that Epilogue was fucking sweet. I walked away halfway through the credits only to come back a bit confused as to what was going on. But damn. I want a full level now. fucking Air Force One badass shit.

[quote name='joe2187']I carried off the the soldier that was stranded in the cobra (Didnt get the achievement for some reason)[/quote]There's a different level where you unlock that achievement.
I started Veteran SP and crap is it fun. I'm glad I played through it on normal first. Makes it a bit more managable. I just did the TV station just now and holy fuck so many grenades. I went around the whole level trying to bust the TVs and get the achievement for it but didn't, guess I'll have to look at a guide for it. Might have missed a TV in one of the houses or something.
Playing a ground war on Crash earlier and I thought getting sniped across the level was bad and then it just went downhill. Get spawned to an air strike, helicopter, and just nasty ass firefight. To say the least I died after getting spawned 3 consecutive times 3 different ways. Sick yes...Awesome oh heellllllllll yeeeeeaaaaaaa
The finale to "One Shot, One Kill" on Veteran brought me horrible flashbacks of CoD2 on Veteran. It's a complete nightmare.. couldn't believe it was real when I actually made it out of there. I don't know how they expect you to do it without hiding in one of the little shacks around the ferris wheel the whole time (which is what I had to resort to doing).

@CouRageouS: I was wondering why that achievement wouldn't unlock for me. Turns out you actually have to destroy every TV in the level, whether it's displaying the speech or not. The description is a bit misleading.
I thought they fixed some of the rooftop camping issues. I've seen people on the roof of the 2 story building on Overgrown a few times already. It's annoying as hell.

[quote name='DiscoDuck8k']@CouRageouS: I was wondering why that achievement wouldn't unlock for me. Turns out you actually have to destroy every TV in the level, whether it's displaying the speech or not. The description is a bit misleading.[/QUOTE]
No wonder it didnt unlock. Guess i'll go back on easy or medium and get it.
[quote name='zewone']I find it easier to get on the roof in Overgrown, now, compared to the beta.[/quote]

I noticed that too, more specifically easier to get on the little wall while climbing over.

There are a few map tweaks here and there. They nerfed my favorite sniping spot on Crash quite a bit by putting an awning that blocks half the view.
Anyone know exactly how radar detection works?

What do you do to appear on any enemy's radar?
-In line of sight of enemy

To avoid detection?
-Silenced weapon?
-UAV jammer and other perks?

With perks aside, is the radar a motion detector like on Halo 3 where if you crouch, you're not picked up by the radar or is it different?
[quote name='Surferflames']I noticed that too, more specifically easier to get on the little wall while climbing over.

There are a few map tweaks here and there. They nerfed my favorite sniping spot on Crash quite a bit by putting an awning that blocks half the view.[/QUOTE]That sounds like it could be lame, could you elaborate please(my box is still out for repairs so I can't check it out)?
Any advice on making a class for a guy around level 13?

I can't seem to ever get more then 4 kills in a row.

Unless I just really suck at this.
Anyone see the cheats page for this at GameFAQs and confirm the unlockables for collecting intel pickups?

"A Bad Year: When you kill enemies, they explode into a bunch of old tires!"

If that's true: coolest cheat EVER!
No Fighting in the Warroom on Vet is perhaps the hardest level I've played in any game ever, seriously. I managed to get 2 checkpoints in it, somehow but

The part where you get to the hallway with the boxes blocking off the middle, its nearly impossible, I get to the sides and die almost instantly because I have no more 203s, and flashbangs work maybe 20 % of the time.
[quote name='drbutchevil']No Fighting in the Warroom on Vet is perhaps the hardest level I've played in any game ever, seriously. I managed to get 2 checkpoints in it, somehow but

The part where you get to the hallway with the boxes blocking off the middle, its nearly impossible, I get to the sides and die almost instantly because I have no more 203s, and flashbangs work maybe 20 % of the time.
203s and flashbangs on that section are a must.

Without 203s, I would just start the level over.
[quote name='seanr1221']Any advice on making a class for a guy around level 13?

I can't seem to ever get more then 4 kills in a row.

Unless I just really suck at this.[/quote]
You just need to stick with a class you like and slowly you will get better. BTW 4 kills in arow is not is so fast place your lucky to get 3 in arow over and over again. For class's I just started playing but a Light Machine gun with a grip is pretty good for camping and or mowing down groups of guys.
[quote name='seanr1221']Any advice on making a class for a guy around level 13?

I can't seem to ever get more then 4 kills in a row.

Unless I just really suck at this.[/quote] Just stick with the M16 (slap a red dot sight on it if you have it), stun grenades + extra (perk 1), stopping power (perk 2) and the perk that increases your hip fire accuracy (perk 3).

By the way, anyone have tips on surviving the last part of One Shot, One Kill on Veteran?
[quote name='drbutchevil']No Fighting in the Warroom on Vet is perhaps the hardest level I've played in any game ever, seriously. I managed to get 2 checkpoints in it, somehow but

The part where you get to the hallway with the boxes blocking off the middle, its nearly impossible, I get to the sides and die almost instantly because I have no more 203s, and flashbangs work maybe 20 % of the time.
I know what you mean.... im in that exact area and can't seem to get passed the damn corridors to the left or right. After i clear both (because if you dont clear one you get killed from the other) and manage to clear the mini hall way between the missiles, then kill the other guys in the other missile theres a giant hallway. And if you peek even a little the bad guys on the other side of the corridor will smoke you instantly.:bomb:

[quote name='mrelusive']Just stick with the M16 (slap a red dot sight on it if you have it), stun grenades + extra (perk 1), stopping power (perk 2) and the perk that increases your hip fire accuracy (perk 3).

By the way, anyone have tips on surviving the last part of One Shot, One Kill on Veteran?[/quote]

which one is that one again? i usually dont remember the name of the missions ........i can probably give you a pointer or two if you tell me
I'll tell you guys what I did.

First, I killed the two guys that run out at you (one from each side).

Then, I ran past the corridor (fast, so you don't get shot).

Hide behind the boxes, kill the 6 or 7 guys behind the boxes.

Now, get the 203 out. Peek so you can see down one of the corridors, but neither shooter can see you. Shoot the grenade, kill the shooter, than flip around and do the same to the other guy.

Now, you have to pick one side (you don't need to clear both sides). When you walk in, a guy runs in, kill him. There should be two guys in the next hall. I recommend the 203s and flashbangs for clearing the hallways and the next room.

When you get to the next room, another guy will run at you. Kill him.

Then, on the opposite side there will be two guys (who shoot really fast and accurate). Use the 203 to pick one off, and then shoot the other guy by barely peeking out.

You should see Price say to keep moving then you'll be clear to go.

You need to do all of this really fast and hopefully you get the checkpoint at the next part.

The hallway section took me two hours to find a strategy of how to clear it.
[quote name='devildr1ver']which one is that one again? i usually dont remember the name of the missions ........i can probably give you a pointer or two if you tell me[/quote]
It's the mission where you needed to assassinate Imran Zakaev. Stuck at the part where you have to wait for the heli. I've tried a shit-load of sniper positions (heck, I tried one behind where the soldiers spawn...) but they just sniff me out and throw grenades at me like they were candy. Sitting by the other guy just blurs my view with all the grass.
[quote name='mrelusive']
It's the mission where you needed to assassinate Imran Zakaev. Stuck at the part where you have to wait for the heli. I've tried a shit-load of sniper positions (heck, I tried one behind where the soldiers spawn...) but they just sniff me out and throw grenades at me like they were candy. Sitting by the other guy just blurs my view with all the grass.
I found a glitch spot (sort of). If you stand right behind the metal posts of the ferris wheel, most of the enemies bullets deflect, very few enemies spawn, and you can shoot through the post that deflects the enemies bullets.
[quote name='SNKMat']how long do you think it takes to rank all the way up?[/QUOTE]
You do realize there's actually 605 ranks, right?

If you are just talking about lv.55, it depends on your playstyle. I generally earn ~500 xp per match I win. More if I do the challenges, and I am already lv.43 since the game was officially released.
Infinity Ward MUST!! make would be a huge mistake for them not to, This game is freaking amazing!, The difficulty on veteran leaves you no choice but to strategize your attacks and weapon usage.

Ive died more times on the SP missions than playing multiplayer.
[quote name='mrelusive']
It's the mission where you needed to assassinate Imran Zakaev. Stuck at the part where you have to wait for the heli. I've tried a shit-load of sniper positions (heck, I tried one behind where the soldiers spawn...) but they just sniff me out and throw grenades at me like they were candy. Sitting by the other guy just blurs my view with all the grass.

it took me an hour or so to come up with an easy way to survive the chopper arrival massacre lol. You know were your sniping partner is laying, well to his 11 a.m. or left side of him theres this green booth. When the checkpoint loads haul ass and head straight for the booth but kill the guy with the rpg first or he'll rifle butt you. And just stay crouched in there until the distance meter runs out.

Hope that helps!!
[quote name='gamcreator']Can anyone else not even get into Multiplayer? Seems is down as well.[/QUOTE]
I can't get in, either.
bread's done