Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

I love how people always compare The Orange Box, Halo and CoD 4. Is something wrong with your Xbox 360 that makes it not play some games over others? Nothing is preventing you from playing more than one game people.
So no leaning on the 360 version? Man, that would really come in handy during intense matches. I notice my brother uses it quiet often on the PC version that he's playing and it makes me feel like I'm playing an inferior incomplete version. I don't care about rumble either. It messes me up when I'm aiming so I always disable it.
[quote name='cdietschrun']I want to clarify-- my roommate claims this game comes with a 2 month subsciption to Live. Does it?[/quote] Err. no. Doesn't even come with a 48 hour trial.
I'm playen it are hardened and I gotta a say beating
Al Asads Safehouse
was tough and I don't even want to know what is it like on veteran.
I just finished "Death from above" and i agree with others on how eerie it sounds, when the orders are given so casually to bomb the guys on the ground..."ka-Boom". Its like theyre playing a video game....?
Are there any websites to view your multiplayer stats like does?
I'd like to be able to see a breakdown similar to Halo 3 of my kills, deaths, weapon usage, etc...

I don't think there is, but it would have been nice if IW would have stolen a few features from Halo's online.
Blah! More intermittent random connection problems. Cant really get an online match going right now. It has nothing to do with routers or 360 setting tho, cos whenever I do manage to get into a lobby, everyone is complaining of these problems. I expect an update for this game very soon.

Now as far as comparing Halo3 and CoD4, well imho, the options of Halo 3 are superior. Forge, Theater, custom gametypes, etc are all incredible.

But once you get down to the actual meat of the online game, the actual action, I like CoD4 better. I think CoD's gameplay with all the Halo 3 trimmings would be the greatest online shooter ever.

Play some CoD for a while, then go play Halo 3. You feel like your running and jumping in slooooooow motion. lol Its still great fun, it just feels soo different. Like someone else said earlier, they are both good games, both worth owining and playing online.
[quote name='help1']I love how people always compare The Orange Box, Halo and CoD 4. Is something wrong with your Xbox 360 that makes it not play some games over others? Nothing is preventing you from playing more than one game people.[/QUOTE]
Sure is. Time.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Shit...there's so much stuff going on in this game. I don't know which way to fucking aim or look (which is a good thing, mind you).[/quote]

lol, I feel the same way. Im still learning the maps, Im never sure which way the enemy is gonna come from, Im always getting killed from someone to the side, or behind me.

The only three maps I dont feel this way about are the beta maps, cos Ive played those a million times. And it shows, cos my best scores, and most wins, are almost always on those maps.
starting to really dislike the enemys grenades. Was on the second floor of a building with no enemys around and all of a suddend I have 2 grenades next to me. Guys can toss grenades across the map so they land right next to you.
OMG just had the best match ever...17kills in a row without dying, granted the chopper helped me on 5, damn that was still fucking awesome, I plowed through everyone on Overgrown...this would never happened to me on Halo 3.
[quote name='sasukekun']24 kill streak, then someone on my team said something and it jinxed me :cry:[/quote]

Oh shit...and here I thought I was doing great. I actually got really excited when I hit 10. Didn't think I'd go further than that.
I think 16 or 17 is my highest kill streak. I did once get two helicopters in a row, which is normally not possible. But I summoned one, then died, and when I respawned, the helo got me 7 more kills and I got another one! lol
Just picked this up today, Campaign is mucho fun. But I feel like it's going by really fast, even on Hardened. I know the game is short, so I'm trying to make it last.
I had a 22 kill streak...It was going great, I had just wasted 4 with one RPG shot alone, and 3 in a row with the M40A3 SAM, I took down 7 with the airstrike and 8 with the helicopter...Then my teamate died and shat out a damn grenade at my feet...I nearly cried
[quote name='zewone']Your teammates grenades don't hurt you unless you're playing Hardcore or Oldcore.[/quote]

Oldcore...decided to give it a try, I usually play alot of Ground War/battle, ive finished All my Assuallt and Boot Camp challenges in ground War/battle
I tried out a few matches of Hardcore, and it was pretty cool. No hud, no points on screen, no radar unless someone activates it for a few seconds after 3 kills, etc.

I had to go create a custom class specifically for it tho. Got rid of martyrdom obviously, and I also had to lose the claymores, cos Im very good at hiding them along the beaten path.
[quote name='Puffa469']Play some CoD for a while, then go play Halo 3. You feel like your running and jumping in slooooooow motion.[/QUOTE]
Thats how it felt for the first couple days of H3 after playing so much COD beta. But all the options and theater especially makes it worth it. I almost traded in Halo to make pay for part of COD but theres just so much variety that I know I'll go back to playing it again eventually.
There should be a Cod4 cag clan or something. Anyways, im addicted to this call of duty stuff. My most recent streak of 20 kills was awesome and about 8 of them were knife kills. I've been playing this damn thing all day since it launched, i think i have a problem lol.
Since we're bragging...
16 kills is my best, and that was the first game I played when I bought the game. Granted I played the beta to death, but I still feel proud. 20 was my best in the beta.
Best game so far is 31-8 KD ratio.
I messed with MP5 some after getting the marksman in M4 and M16 done, and I like it, I got it maxed now too, and then I got the AK74u... holy sweet jesus I love this gun :D

As for Single Player, I've got I believe 5 levels to go. I'm playing on Vet, its hard, and frustrating, and I've thrown my controller in disgust a few times (yay for durable controllers!), but honestly, I don't think I could play this any other way, no way can I start over on an easier difficulty now, no matter how frustrated I get.

Hardest level so far:

Safehouse, where you go from house to house being owned by fire from way across the level, it sucked, but great conclusion to the level
Just wait for the Landing Zone Level where you have to run back down the hill. I gotta admit. Sniper level is awesome.
^ Took me about 2 hours to complete this map on veteran.

[quote name='Calamityuponthee']What rank is everyone? Just hit 41.[/QUOTE]
I'm about half way through 30. I didnt MP today, i'm still trying to finish veteran single player for the achievements.
I just turned rank 40.

I got a challenge a little while ago in the funniest way. The challenge is to shoot or blow up a claymore and have it kill someone.

So Im up on the roof of the hotel in Crash, and I have the stairwell claymored up. A guy comes up the ladder and knifes and I die. But my martyrdom grenade pops out, and sets off the claymore, which kills the guy who just knifed me! lol
[quote name='sasukekun']
Just wait for the Landing Zone Level where you have to run back down the hill. I gotta admit. Sniper level is awesome.
^ Took me about 2 hours to complete this map on veteran.

I'm about half way through 30. I didnt MP today, i'm still trying to finish veteran single player for the achievements.[/quote]
Finished it, didnt take me near as long as Safehouse, I kinda just fired off some airstrikes and bum rushed my way down the hill.

I just got a 24 kill streak on Shipment of all levels. I basically hid behind a dumpster, and just shot anyone i saw with RPD.
[quote name='mik']360 just scratched the living Christ out of my CoD4 disc. Soooo pissed.[/QUOTE]

You too man? Same thing happened to me yesterday.

Suddenly I got a disc unreadable error near the end of the game, then it kept freezing every time I went to resume game on the menu. Disc had what looked like hefty scratches along one side; thought I was gonna have to take it back to the store. Cleaned it with a soft cloth and a little water and they disappeared, surprisingly game worked again.

Baffles me. Before that, the game made a ton of unpleasant noise, now it runs as quietly as any other.
[quote name='zewone']107 kills is my most in a match now.[/QUOTE]

Which type of match? I was 52-6 in a team game before. Can't imagine getting anywhere near 100 kills in 10 minutes.
[quote name='sasukekun']
Just wait for the Landing Zone Level where you have to run back down the hill. I gotta admit. Sniper level is awesome.
^ Took me about 2 hours to complete this map on veteran.

I'm about half way through 30. I didnt MP today, i'm still trying to finish veteran single player for the achievements.[/quote]

Ya that level took me a while the first couple of times until
I I found a path you can take through the city of which there are few enemys.
[quote name='gamcreator']Anyone have the answer for this?[/QUOTE]

You can't bring a friend onto it. No splitscreen online multiplayer, only for local MP.

Glad to hear the game was running loud for other people, I thought my 360 was going to blow.
[quote name='whiptcracker']You can't bring a friend onto it. No splitscreen online multiplayer, only for local MP.

Glad to hear the game was running loud for other people, I thought my 360 was going to blow.[/quote]

ME TOO! wtf loud ass disc..
I feel this is a bit harder to get into (multiplayer) than the beta. The level caps imposed in the beta made it eaiser to keep it close, but stepping into a game with level 36 guys is hella tough.

If anyone is having trouble leveling at all, team games are your friend.

Call of Duty 4 GOTY!
[quote name='mrelusive']Heh, did anyone catch the CoD 4 Message of the Day from last night?


Yeah, thought it was pretty funny. "EA Chicago, Infinity Ward is hiring. Apply now"...

Not sure if that was word by word but it threw me off when I saw EA, I was thinking WTF is EA posting on here for? :lol:
Thats funny and sad at the same time. EA Chicago was good. They made the fight night series now their canadian or europian team has it....scary
bread's done