Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

Did EB only get in enough games for reserves? Doing a quick store search it seems none have it instock, but every bestbuy has plenty...

Oh well, I should have no trouble finding this tomorrow.
[quote name='seanr1221']Did EB only get in enough games for reserves? Doing a quick store search it seems none have it instock, but every bestbuy has plenty...

Oh well, I should have no trouble finding this tomorrow.[/QUOTE]
That's what my Gamestop told me. I just ended up buying it somewhere else anyway. I've been moving around the same $5 for the last 3 months. Although I'm probably going to end up using it this time for Assassin's Creed CE since they are the only ones carrying it.
This game is kicking my ass...thats the 900th time ive died in the firefight in the TV station, The game did warn me about Veteran difficulty though...You Will not Survive!
God finally got the game tonight and uggghhh I love the part where you cut the power and clear the room. So makes you feel like a bad ass.

not really a spoiler so no spoiler tags
[quote name='kenbo506']Can anyone confirm if there is an option to adjust the sensitivity of the aiming/right stick? When I play FPS on the PC, I prefer a higher mouse sensitivty so I'm just wondering if I can adjust that on the console version as well. Thanks![/quote]

Yeah you can change the sensitivity from 1-10 and you can also turn the autoaim on/off.
[quote name='joe2187']This game is kicking my ass...thats the 900th time ive died in the firefight in the TV station, The game did warn me about Veteran difficulty though...You Will not Survive![/quote]
Hehehe, it only gets better.
Damn helicopters.
Is there a way to lean in this version of the game? I noticed my brother playing the PC version and saw that he kept on leaning around corners and I tried to figure out a way to do it on the 360 version but couldn't.
[quote name='Bareknuckle']Is there a way to lean in this version of the game? I noticed my brother playing the PC version and saw that he kept on leaning around corners and I tried to figure out a way to do it on the 360 version but couldn't.[/quote]

You sure he wasn't playing Medal of Honor: Airbourne? That's the only game I know that lets you move like that.
[quote name='nate88']You sure he wasn't playing Medal of Honor: Airbourne? That's the only game I know that lets you move like that.[/QUOTE]

No, I'm positive it was Call of Duty 4. He says that leaning has always been part of the Call of Duty series on the PC.
On the third stage in Single player on Verteran and loving every minute of it. Definately much more enjoyable than CoD 3 to me.

Also played 3 rounds of Multiplayer last night. Very mixed results. Finished first in two games and last in the other. Still have nearly a 2:1 kill ratio but only made it to level 6 during those rounds. Will look forward to more multiplayer this afternoon.
[quote name='Cyb3-rr']95 pages all of a sudden? Say what?[/QUOTE]

its not really all of a sudden considering 90 pages of that was from before the game was even released.
Anyone else a little ticked that you're restricted for Deathmatch for the first few ranks? You got my money. Now let me play my fucking game the way I want to play it.

and yes, all the CoD games for PC have leaning.
[quote name='mrelusive']Anyone else a little ticked that you're restricted for Deathmatch for the first few ranks? You got my money. Now let me play my fucking game the way I want to play it.

and yes, all the CoD games for PC have leaning.[/QUOTE]

I could say the same thing about Halo 3, but they NEVER let you play the game mode you want online.
My wife bought me this game (along w/free CoD3) but it wasn't a game I was planning on getting right away since there's a lot of games coming out right now. Looks like my friendslist is playing it so I'm thinking of keeping it but for those that have played the game already-

It says 1-4 players on the back. Is there a split screen campaign mode or is it only single player? A review complained about lack of online co-op but I want to know if there's offline co-op?

Is there split screen online multiplayer? Does it allow guests like Halo 3?

I apologize if these have been answered previously in the thread.
[quote name='Cyb3-rr']I could say the same thing about Halo 3, but they NEVER let you play the game mode you want online.[/quote]
Yeah. I hope preventing players from playing a gametype unless they grind or piss around getting a group of friends party-up doesn't become a trend. It's stupid.
[quote name='whiptcracker']
It says 1-4 players on the back. Is there a split screen campaign mode or is it only single player? A review complained about lack of online co-op but I want to know if there's offline co-op?

Is there split screen online multiplayer? Does it allow guests like Halo 3?

I apologize if these have been answered previously in the thread.[/QUOTE]

There is no co-op, online or offline. Also, I believe that splitscreen is offline local play only. It's disappointing in this aspect.
[quote name='Cyb3-rr']There is no co-op, online or offline. Also, I believe that splitscreen is offline local play only. It's disappointing in this aspect.[/QUOTE]

Thank you! That is kind of disappointing.
I'm loving the Campaign, actually looking forward to playing through it again since its relatively short. I got some MP time in too, this is going to last so long with the XP system and leveling up guns and all that. Between matches I always look at my stats and its exciting to see you're just a couple kills away from a laser sight. Sadly I was interrupted at 1:30AM with an emotional phone call so my playing was cut short when the chick realized I wasn't paying attention 100% :lol:

On another note, I love how different teams have the different victory music. All these little aspects are quite entertaining. And somebody needs to rip the LET'S DO THIS sound.
All you people waiting for CoD4 from the mail or Gamerush remember Walmart is your friend just go buy it now and enjoy. When your copy comes in the mail return it to Walmart for a refund. :D

MP is awesome i'm only level 11 because I messed around way to long in unranked private games. But i'm finally starting to unlock good crap which is good cause I hate being outgunned by everyone right off the bat. Although this game got it right you can still hang even in the other people have better weapons. Will probably play through the SP this weekend.
Multiplayer starts out frustrating and now I'm loving it. I'm at level seven and the unlockables makes the multiplayer much more fun than I expected. So far, so awesome.
I played about 1hr 30 mins of MP so far. I'm at level 8. I am having no problems using the iron sights for now ( 2.5K:1D ). Once I get my red dot sight i'm going to be tearing up once again :D
About 4 hours in and half way though lv.23 with a 2.57 KD ratio. I'm getting a lot of XP from kills alone. And the map with the rain, think it's called Undergrown (i think?) is awesome.
[quote name='Cyb3-rr']There is no co-op, online or offline. Also, I believe that splitscreen is offline local play only. It's disappointing in this aspect.[/QUOTE]

lame, not even worth a rent to me then
I have read some reviews about the game and some have said to start on the harder difficulty if you have played the previous games. I have played COD2 many times is this true to go ahead and start on hard?
Played 2 1/2 levels on Normal difficulty and it was way too easy, does it get harder later on or should I move up to a harder difficulty? Also out of curiosity anyone beat the 19 second record for the training run?

As far as MP, I played for about 1hr and got to lvl 5...I'm pretty bad with the iron sights as well, can't wait till I get the red dot and my M4.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Played 2 1/2 levels on Normal difficulty and it was way too easy, does it get harder later on or should I move up to a harder difficulty?
I'm breezing through Normal, but its my intent to play it again through the harder difficulties. I didn't wanna just tackle the hardest then not go back. I feel like I short changed myself in GH3 by not starting on hard cause now I won't play anything but expert.
I forgot how much I hate playing MP games that aren't with a group from CAG. I played probably 7 matches and only one of them had decent players. The last game had some dude at level 47 saying that he's done playing because he didn't want to play with people that didn't know what they were doing .... asshole.
That's why my mic isn't plugged in unless I'm grouped with people I know.

I hope you at least accused said level-47 guy of virginity.
The 'Fun' of using Iron sights never ends, cos no matter what level your at, if you unlock a new assault rifle or smg, and you want to use it, its back to the old iron sights.

Its funny cos you suck with a new gun compared to the one you've been using for the past million games, but you can actually level up quicker with it by completing challenges. So theres a reward for 'handicapping' yourself with a new gun.

And I agree that the perks and stuff you get do not upset the balance of the game. Noobs at level 1 can still kill someone whos level 30 (believe me I know! lol) the perks just make it a bit easier to get on streaks and get the airstrikes and helos.

BTW, the Claymore mines ROCK!
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']I forgot how much I hate playing MP games that aren't with a group from CAG. I played probably 7 matches and only one of them had decent players. The last game had some dude at level 47 saying that he's done playing because he didn't want to play with people that didn't know what they were doing .... asshole.[/quote]

That sucks. =(

Im level 31 right now, and I love explaining the ins and outs of the game and its systems to new players as we play. And when Im level 47, I'll be the same way.

If theres gonna be a 'CAG' night for this game count me in and send me FR.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']I forgot how much I hate playing MP games that aren't with a group from CAG. I played probably 7 matches and only one of them had decent players. The last game had some dude at level 47 saying that he's done playing because he didn't want to play with people that didn't know what they were doing .... asshole.[/quote]

I know what you mean...I had the mic on last night and as I was going up the stairs I got hit by a stun grenade and the dude that was running behind me got slowed down because I was blocking the steps he died and he started screaming obseneties at me...I told him to STFU that I got hit by a stun grenade and he's like "oh well why didn't you say so" for the rest of the match he was talking shit on me the whole time, complaining about my score my K/D ratio...etc...I finally took the mic off and had a blast.
Are you guys putting CAG for the clan tag like with the beta? I'm only level 9 but I should hit 12 if I can get some play time in tonight.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I know what you mean...I had the mic on last night and as I was going up the stairs I got hit by a stun grenade and the dude that was running behind me got slowed down because I was blocking the steps he died and he started screaming obseneties at me...I told him to STFU that I got hit by a stun grenade and he's like "oh well why didn't you say so" for the rest of the match he was talking shit on me the whole time, complaining about my score my K/D ratio...etc...I finally took the mic off and had a blast.[/quote]
Should have told him to stop dry-humping you and find another way around ;P
[quote name='CouRageouS']Are you guys putting CAG for the clan tag like with the beta? I'm only level 9 but I should hit 12 if I can get some play time in tonight.[/quote]

I'll put CAG on my clan tag when my game comes in the mail tonight
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Played 2 1/2 levels on Normal difficulty and it was way too easy, does it get harder later on or should I move up to a harder difficulty? Also out of curiosity anyone beat the 19 second record for the training run?

As far as MP, I played for about 1hr and got to lvl 5...I'm pretty bad with the iron sights as well, can't wait till I get the red dot and my M4.[/quote]

Im at Lvl 11, and im ten kills away from my second M16 challenge worth 500 exp.

I beat the 20 second record, got the achievement, but that 15 second record is just inhuman...there's no way!

I played 3 levels on veteran, and its pure death..3 bullets yer dead...One bullet in the head Goobye buddy! Grenades are thrown about like candy, The firefights are huge and took me half an hour to get through the second firefight in the TV station without dying, and the standoff at the Tank was just plain genocide.

Although there is one drawback, this game seems to make me really dizzy, ive never gotten dizzy with any other games before, but after an hour or so i have to take a break. i dont understand it.
[quote name='joe2187']Although there is one drawback, this game seems to make me really dizzy, ive never gotten dizzy with any other games before, but after an hour or so i have to take a break. i dont understand it.[/quote]
I'm sure it's due to the crazy 60FPS, shit blowing up everwhere, the enemy's all around you, there's a grenade at your feet action that the game's got going on.
[quote name='joe2187']
Although there is one drawback, this game seems to make me really dizzy, ive never gotten dizzy with any other games before, but after an hour or so i have to take a break. i dont understand it.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps you were in the 'Nam in a past life. Are you having nightmares about "Charlie's in the trees!"?
[quote name='Halo05']Perhaps you were in the 'Nam in a past life. Are you having nightmares about "Charlie's in the trees!"?[/quote]
"Charlie's in the wire, CHARLIE'S IN THE WIRE"
I'm definitely putting CAG as my tag when I get to that level. I'm down to play this multiplayer since I'm getting an erection just thinking about how much I love this game.
Ugh... I just started using the MP5 smg and it feels like Im shooting a BB gun. My first match with it I went 0-7.

Then I changed my class up to make better use of it. I gave myself the longer sprint perk, now I basically run around like a rat from hole to hole, hoping to flank someone or plain old shoot em in the back. Cos I cant win a face to face firefight with this peashooter.
The MP5 is decent on the close quarter maps-- or that one thats like the Nukes are launching as you're running around-- if you take the outside circle you can just go from spot to spot shooting guys in the head.

I started the SP, and thought I'd give multi a go last night, what was supposed to be 25 minutes turned into 4 hours. I love this game, the m16 feels like it got a boost in damage too, so the starting soldier class has a decent weapon.

I also like the fact that the grenade launcher can just shoot through guys and not blow them up-- thats kinda neat.
bread's done