Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='KwanzaaTimmy']The MP5 is decent on the close quarter maps-- or that one thats like the Nukes are launching as you're running around-- if you take the outside circle you can just go from spot to spot shooting guys in the head.

I started the SP, and thought I'd give multi a go last night, what was supposed to be 25 minutes turned into 4 hours. I love this game, the m16 feels like it got a boost in damage too, so the starting soldier class has a decent weapon.

I also like the fact that the grenade launcher can just shoot through guys and not blow them up-- thats kinda neat.[/quote]

I switched the quick reload perk for the extra damage perk, to that should help.

When you say Gren Launcher, you mean the one mounted under some assualt rifles? Aka the noob tube? I hate that damn thing! lol

I love the 2x RPGs you can get tho. I go Quake style with them and shoot them at people feet. I killed two guys with one rocket last night. =)
I like the MP5. :whistle2:( Anyone else just love the Last Stand perk? Its funny when you two guys are down next to each other just picking off people who walk by. Its also funny when you can get off two clips before dying. One perk thats really annoying is the one that drops a grenade when you die, it causes some accidental team kills when you're isn't not quick enough on the RB.
[quote name='CouRageouS']I like the MP5. :whistle2:( Anyone else just love the Last Stand perk? Its funny when you two guys are down next to each other just picking off people who walk by. Its also funny when you can get off two clips before dying. One perk thats really annoying is the one that drops a grenade when you die, it causes some accidental team kills when you're isn't not quick enough on the RB.[/quote]

That damn grenade perk 'Martyrdom' may be the thing I hate most in the game. At least Last Stand requires skill. Martyrdom is like you shit out a grenade when you die.

I love that you get double points for Last Stand kills. I probably get a good 20% of my kills with that perk.
Last Stand was alright for awhile, but now, it doesn't work as well since everyone expects people to fall down and shoot you before you even have a chance to pull out your pistol.

Martyrdom is the shit.
Its cool sometimes when you're fast enough to react and pull off a nade kill after.

Anyone tried playing around with the Shotguns? I used it during a Flag game when I was popping and guarding with C4. I tried it in a normal Deathmatch and man it feels so weak. When you're close enough to get some damage in, you might as well go with the knife. I'm anxiously awaiting getting high enough to try out the M4 and P90. They're my two favorite guns in airsoft.
I used to think Martyrdom would be useless but I've died quite a few times because of it. In the heat of the moment after you kill an enemy, your natural instinct is to run in the direction of their fallen body so you really have to train yourself not to do that.
I seriously love the MP5, when I put the red dot sight (not even the scoped one, can't remember what it's called) I can pick off anyone from across the map. it's rather sick

also if a bunch of y'all get a time for some group playing, i'm down
I just finished all three phases of the M16 challenges, and all of the Boot camp challenges...These challenges and perks system is sweet! im level 20!
[quote name='zewone']Last Stand was alright for awhile, but now, it doesn't work as well since everyone expects people to fall down and shoot you before you even have a chance to pull out your pistol.

Martyrdom is the shit.[/QUOTE]

Still works well in smallish hallway filled maps like Vacant. I usually get a couple kills a game on that one with last stand.
Yeah, but Martyrdom is more effective, especially in Vacant.

Trust me, try out Martyrdom when you unlock it and I bet you'll end up with more kills per game over Last Stand.
Anyone else having trouble getting into a game right now?

It keeps saying I need an active internet connection to play. But Im connected to live and my internet is working fine.
[quote name='Puffa469']Anyone else having trouble getting into a game right now?

It keeps saying I need an active internet connection to play. But Im connected to live and my internet is working fine.[/QUOTE]
Ya, encountered the problem about 30 mins ago, so I took a break since I had been playing for 3-4 hours before that.
Got the game today so I played through the first 3 missions on harderned and played a lot of multiplayer (up to level 13). Will have to play some more tommorroe MP worken my way up to the G36. Favorite gun in any real FPS.
has anyone checked out the collector's dvd? i'm interested in the SAS documentary, but i'm 100% sure to buy it...haha but damn i really want this game :)
[quote name='coolboyian']has anyone checked out the collector's dvd? i'm interested in the SAS documentary, but i'm 100% sure to buy it...haha but damn i really want this game :)[/QUOTE]
I was planning to watch it tonight or tomorrow night.
[quote name='zewone']Yeah, but Martyrdom is more effective, especially in Vacant.

Trust me, try out Martyrdom when you unlock it and I bet you'll end up with more kills per game over Last Stand.[/quote]

I cant wait to unlock that, it pisses me off when I get killed like that. I was playing in a private shotguns only game and the one guy that had martydom was fuckin up us noobs. :lol: Right now I just use last stand and always get a couple cheap kills a game with it.
Haven't even tried MP yet, but this game is fucking unbelievable. The true way to do a sequel. Thank you IW for bestowing this fine fruit from the Gods. Awesome. Incredible. The SP portion of the game kicks so much ass. They really brought this series through, with or without Nazis ;).
[quote name='coolboyian']has anyone checked out the collector's dvd? i'm interested in the SAS documentary, but i'm 100% sure to buy it...haha but damn i really want this game :)[/quote]

I haven't checked the DVD, but the artbook for the game is actually a good one for once. Not a Final Fantasy type of artbook, but rather shows plenty of stills from the game and comes along as more of a documentary format than anything. Sort of a making-of scrapbook for the game. By the way, this game rules.
Effing awesome. 5 hours of MP play, and I'm a 21. Hopefully it starts to get harder to level up soon, or I'll hit the cap by the end of the weekend.

The ACOG seems better than it used to be, maybe its just me though. Never liked it in the beta, but I found myself trying it out a couple times and enjoying it. Too bad it's not more like a real ACOG...
Anyone know if they have EOtech's? That's my favorite real-world holosight.

I do have complaints, but it is damn good.
[quote name='levi333']Effing awesome. 5 hours of MP play, and I'm a 21. Hopefully it starts to get harder to level up soon, or I'll hit the cap by the end of the weekend.

The ACOG seems better than it used to be, maybe its just me though. Never liked it in the beta, but I found myself trying it out a couple times and enjoying it. Too bad it's not more like a real ACOG...
Anyone know if they have EOtech's? That's my favorite real-world holosight.

I do have complaints, but it is damn good.[/quote]

Im level 35 now, and the leveling up does slow down. Its probably about 2500-3000 experience per level, and the challenges come slower too, as by this time you will have most of the easy ones already. With fewer challenges completed, the point bonus' are lower.

I got some crazy ass challenges to work towards now, like shooting a C4 to make it blow up and kill someone, or grabbing a live grenade and throwing it back and killing somone. I can barely fathom doing these things once, let alone enough times to get all three challenge levels.
I just finished the campaign and while it was ridiculously short compared to CoD2/3, I wasn't disappointed at all. In fact, I'm messing around with Arcade Mode and will be doing some Veteran missions soon; can't wait to play it again. I guess it doesn't really bother me since the campaign still packs one hell of a punch as a whole, plus it's oh so fun.

I'm not usually interested in multiplayer, but with all the talk it's getting I'll definitely have to give it a go tomorrow.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Anyone else with a Linksys router not able to connect to games online? There's a thread going on about it:

This is really p***ing me off as this is my favorite game series right now and I had no problems at all during the beta.[/QUOTE]
I occasionally have problems connecting but once it goes, it goes for awhile. I have an easier time getting into the big team games than the small ones. Free For All always gets me kicked off. Same as the other guys, I have a Linksys and can play anything else online but COD4 gives me some problems. I can get on for the most part after a couple tries. Yesterday was horrible though I couldn't get on at all for about 20 mins.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Anyone else with a Linksys router not able to connect to games online? There's a thread going on about it:

This is really p***ing me off as this is my favorite game series right now and I had no problems at all during the beta.[/quote]

I have a linksys router and I had some problems for the first time tonight. Its intermittent tho, I quit out of the game and joined back in and it worked again most times.

I did have some problems where some of my friends couldnt join my party. And I couldnt join when they made a party. I ended up not having two of my friends in the group tonight, which kinda sucked.
Those of you with linksys routers, make sure to DMZ your xbox. It doesn't need the hardware firewall anyway.

I have a feeling the problems were on IF's end last night, as they were rather randomly happening, and didn't happen for the 5 hours I played the night before.
Is the CE better than non-ce? I'm afraid to open mine, thinking of taking it back and getting a regular version because everyone is bashing the ce packaging etc.
[quote name='mrelusive']God... how the heck do you beat Mile High Club on Veteran?! The time limit slash is brutal.[/QUOTE]
You don't.

I've come real close once ( I could see the door), but it'll be a lot of luck if I ever get it.

So I started playing this game on the PC and let me say wow, the single player is a total piece of shit. The game is linear as hell, and for all I care we should call it Call of Duty: Exploding Cars and Clone Wars considering the game does everything it possibly can to keep you on this linear path. Its fucking stupid. Let Down of the year single player wise.
Your opinion differs from 99% of people who have played the game. If you've played COD before, you would know what to expect.
[quote name='InuFaye']So I started playing this game on the PC and let me say wow, the single player is a total piece of shit. The game is linear as hell, and for all I care we should call it Call of Duty: Exploding Cars and Clone Wars considering the game does everything it possibly can to keep you on this linear path. Its fucking stupid. Let Down of the year single player wise.[/quote] Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but really, it's a Call of Duty game. Did you suddenly expect there to be branching story-lines and RPG-like character development?

Don't want to come off as a jerk. I don't like the linearity in CoD either, but that's just what CoD is...
[quote name='InuFaye']Im not saying its a bad game at all. Its just more along the lines of a 7 game then a OMG MUST PLAY 10 game.[/quote]

So a Call of Duty game playing like a Call of Duty game makes it bad? Everybody can have an opinion, but the graphics, sound, gameplay, multiplayer etc. make this game one of the top FPS's out there.

I don't see how you could say it's only a 7 out of 10 - it blows Timeshift away.
CoD really isn't meant to be played on the PC, regardless of mouse and keyboard. Put the thing up on a big plasma w/ 5.1 surround and enjoy it for what it is. This is by far the best console shooter to come out this year.

It has better multiplayer than Halo and the SP environments are more open (albeit as linear) than Halo 3's.

If you're giving this a 7, Halo deserves a 5. Honestly, there's nothing to bitch about in this case.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']CoD really isn't meant to be played on the PC, regardless of mouse and keyboard.[/quote]
Oh yeah?! We got leaning! :p

[quote name='mrelusive']Oh yeah?! We got leaning! :p


But do you have rumble... unless you're playing on PC w/ a gamepad. In that case, roflcopters!
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']But do you have rumble... unless you're playing on PC w/ a gamepad. In that case, roflcopters![/quote]
[quote name='mrelusive']Oh yeah?! We got leaning! :p[/quote]
You do have leaning and I'm envious, but I would hardly say you served. How about you troll another board and move along.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']If you're giving this a 7, Halo deserves a 5. Honestly, there's nothing to bitch about in this case.[/QUOTE]

That's crazy talk. I don't think Halo is the best FPS out there but it has way better online user interface than Call of Duty 4, 4 player co-op campaign, can bring guests online, Forge and Theater features as well.

I didn't play it for very long, but I don't see the big deal about the perk system. As for single player I don't mind it being linear because the scripting is excellent, but it doesn't seem like much of an upgrade from previous Call of Duty games other than being in a modern setting. No co-op in a squad shooter? No squad commands or cover system despite the fact that the enemy can take cover and lean around corners? The game feels almost like it's lacking features we've come to expect from other FPS.

I don't get it. Glad other people do though.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']You do have leaning and I'm envious, but I would hardly say you served. How about you troll another board and move along.[/quote]
Who shoved the giant stick up your ass? It was a minor quip.
It's no more a squad shooter than Halo, so I'm not sure where you got that. No leaning or cover system in H3 either, so I'm not sure why you remarked that we've come to expect it from other FPS.
[quote name='Cyb3-rr']It's no more a squad shooter than Halo, so I'm not sure where you got that. No leaning or cover system in H3 either, so I'm not sure why you remarked that we've come to expect it from other FPS.[/QUOTE]

Because you move around in single player with specific teammates? Most of Halo 3 SP the human allies are fodder and you go through a lot of it either by yourself or with co-op players.

And the Covenent don't lean around corners or blindfire in that game either, were the enemies in CoD do. The games are two different styles and I'm not trying to say that a cover system would work in Halo 3, but with close quarters combat where the enemy is firing from behind cover, it feels odd that you can't do it as well.

Other than the time period, the single player really doesn't offer much that's different from other CoD games though.

Edit: Also, I'm not the one comparing it to Halo. Someone else said if this game was a 7 then Halo is a 5 and I disagreed. Halo3's file sharing, Forge, Theater, online user interface etc at least great additions to the genre. CoD's single player game doesn't really do anything different than any CoD before it, and the multiplayer Perk system isn't something I thought was that great. Just my opinion though.
[quote name='mrelusive']God... how the heck do you beat Mile High Club on Veteran?! The time limit slash is brutal.[/QUOTE]

Haha, I watched that video of the guy finishing it and wow, pure insanity. I somehow managed to make it up to the second floor once, but couldn't repeat it. There's zero margin for error, which really makes it damn near impossible.

There's one Veteran achievement I'll never be getting.
bread's done