Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='Trakan']I did it. I finally fuckin' did it. Prestige 10. I'm glad too, I was gettin' sick of losin' my shit.[/QUOTE]

You're dead to me.
[quote name='Trakan']I did it. I finally fuckin' did it. Prestige 10. I'm glad too, I was gettin' sick of losin' my shit.[/quote]

Congrats man now you can show everyone! just how much free time you have!:applause:
[quote name='joe2187']Congrats man now you can show everyone! just how much free time you have!:applause:[/quote]

Funny guy.

Just curious, how much time do you have put in the game?
:lol: joe... There's something to be said about someone who comments on others wasting free time by posting on a message board :lol:

The patch is great news, they really nailed the issues people were having, and added some cool stuff (I personally can't wait to see the airstrike killcam).
[quote name='Trakan']I did it. I finally fuckin' did it. Prestige 10. I'm glad too, I was gettin' sick of losin' my shit.[/QUOTE]

very nice, i am closing in on it too. i am like 45 on the 9th prestige, but i think i will miss working to get stuff after i max it all out.

to the person with the m21, that thing is accurate enough already, the only ones the needed to fix were the m40, the r700, and the barrett. i think the main 2 would be the r700 and the barrett, they are both extremely inaccurate in comparison to any of the others.

i am not looking forward to the patch exactly though, it will make bad snipers good, it will make everyone a "sniper" with their acog scope on the assault rifles, which i am basically saying all this game is about to be is a snipe-fest. you will see a few run and gun players still, but not nearly as many once this patch actually hits.
[quote name='Mrbaseball2710']Nah, If you play gametypes like headquarters, there will still be alot of run and gun guys.[/QUOTE]

Ya, like me.
[quote name='moojuice']Congrats Trakan[/quote]

Holy crap dude, what is your sig image from? I haven't laughed out loud like that in a long time. :rofl:
[quote name='Trakan']Funny guy.

Just curious, how much time do you have put in the game?[/quote]

Im almost to my 4th prestiege...ive been playing since Day one, well as much as work and life can allow.

This game is evil :D
Yeah serious moojuice, thats the first time I saw your sig image and the chick in the office next to me was like "WTF are you laughing at?"

Busted. SOOooooo funny. I typically hate on wrestling but seeing that midget faceskid across the ENTIRE mat raised my impression of wrestling, albeit slightly.

And Trakan I don't know if that is something to be bragging about. I personally have like 1day14 hours of multiplayer sunk into the game. How about you?
really depends what game type he is playing, while i find deathmatch and domination the most fun, it takes forever to rank up even finishing almost every challenge. i sat on the first 55 for over a week (probably about 1 day worth of play at least) and i just hit 12 days about to go into the 10th prestige within the next couple of days. if he is playing search and destroy, sabotage, or headquarters, he could have put in less than 10 days and got up to the 10th prestige. remember, 1 kill in s&d = 5 kills in deathmatch, 10 kills in domination. defusing the bomb = 10 kills in deathmatch, 20 kills in domination for just defusing 1 time. s&d can rack up points extremely quick, especially on a good team that knows how to max out the points each round. not quite sure on the point spread for sabotage, but planting/defusing usually gets a lot of points, same with holding down the headquarters.
[quote name='pittpizza']Yeah serious moojuice, thats the first time I saw your sig image and the chick in the office next to me was like "WTF are you laughing at?"

Busted. SOOooooo funny. I typically hate on wrestling but seeing that midget faceskid across the ENTIRE mat raised my impression of wrestling, albeit slightly.


Haha... my roommate said the same thing when I started cracking up. Showed him and he busted out.

Then I just read what you put about it being a midget and had to look at it again, that part didn't catch my eye the first time watching it.
I think I would definitely say it is up there... Speedy always has badass sigs (Partly the reason I even click on the advanced ad threads).
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Holy crap dude, what is your sig image from? I haven't laughed out loud like that in a long time. :rofl:[/QUOTE]

I saw that image on 4chan yesterday.

I'm guessing that's where he got it.
[quote name='Trakan']Funny guy.

Just curious, how much time do you have put in the game?[/quote]

I have put in 20 hours, and I cannot see how you could not POSSIBLY be bored of this game yet.
[quote name='slickkill77']It will eventually happen when you get into the 1 day range[/quote]Same.

Got into the 1 day and a few odd hours and needed a long break.

The new patch will make me play again though some more.
And I'll get the new maps once they come out.
[quote name='dallow']Same.

Got into the 1 day and a few odd hours and needed a long break.

The new patch will make me play again though some more.
And I'll get the new maps once they come out.[/quote]

im at around 21hrs, but i get tired of this game fairly quickly (i cant play for more than a few hours at a time), my little brother plays at least 10hrs a day and i dont know how he does it, hes in his 4th prestige i think, and has somewhere around 10days

i really dont understand it
I'm just getting too old for that.
I used to do that, marathon sessions.....

I'm only 23 though. I just have lots of other stuff to do.
Enjoy the free time while you have it you youngsters.

(and older bums)
I feel like either you are addicted to this game and cannot possibly get tired of it. Or you enjoy it for a day's worth of playtime and thats it. I am the former.
[quote name='BL00DW0LF']im at around 21hrs, but i get tired of this game fairly quickly (i cant play for than a few hours at a time), my little brother plays at least 10hrs a day and i dont know how he does it, hes in his 4th prestige i think, and has somewhere around 10days

i really dont understand it[/quote]

Sorry to say, but your bro sucks. I'm almost at 4th prestige with like 4 days 2 hours.
I have played for about 1 1/2 or 2 I don't recall, and I'm fairly bored of it. I play it an hour here or there, but nowhere near the 3+ hours I was playing when I got it. Part of it is achievements I'm sure, I already got the 1000/1000.
[quote name='Mrbaseball2710']Sorry to say, but your bro sucks. I'm almost at 4th prestige with like 4 days 2 hours.[/quote]

you're not telling me anything, im a good bit better than him and i play once every few days...he's far into his fourth (lvl. 41), but the reason he is that far in is strictly because he has so much time into it
[quote name='Mrbaseball2710']I call bull, unless he cheated or is godly at S&D[/QUOTE]

4 days for lvl 3 prestige isnt hard to do.

I think Trakan did lvl10 prestige in about 10 days.

And I wouldve been lvl10 prestige in about the same amount of time if I had decided to do it.
[quote name='Mrbaseball2710']I call bull, unless he cheated or is godly at S&D[/quote]

It actually isn't that hard, I am at 7 days and a 4th prestige level 30 something. The thing is I stayed at 55 for about a day of play time and stayed at first prestige for about 8 hours. So it is definitely possible, and I also never started playing domination, search and destroy, or headquarters until my 2nd prestige.
[quote name='Mrbaseball2710']I call bull, unless he cheated or is godly at S&D[/quote]
I'm a level 51 in the 3rd prestige. I have played 4 days 21 hours. Send me a FR, it'll show up on the Leaderboard.
Well, I'm on level 4 of Prestige which I'm staying at and been level 55 on it for several weeks now but I have almost 9 days on the game. But, I have someone on my friends list that has been online with it almost 18 days so I'm not as bad as some people I know.

[quote name='Moxio']I'm bored of this game too. :([/QUOTE]

[quote name='BackInBlack']I feel like either you are addicted to this game and cannot possibly get tired of it. Or you enjoy it for a day's worth of playtime and thats it. I am the former.[/QUOTE]

Good to see that I'm not the only one getting tired of this game at this point. But, I've had it since the first week it came out so I just get tired of playing with random people that suck and don't play as a team. That's why I mostly play my Live Arcade games now & Mass Effect once I receive it and the only time I jump on Call of Duty 4 is when some of my friends are playing.
I have a friend who actually stopped playing the game after he hit prestige 10 level 55. He is pretty nasty for a 13 year old kid. His played time is 8 days 18 hours, not sure exactly when he hit rank 10 prestige. I do know that all he did was play search and destroy, nothing else. Probably why his k/d ratio is so high, almost 25k kills, 12.3k deaths.

Its kinda sad that I am only prestige 1 level 27 right now. Though, I only do team deathmatch. Trying to get all my challenges done to quickly rank up.
[quote name='cdeener']Well, I'm on level 4 of Prestige which I'm staying at and been level 55 on it for several weeks now but I have almost 9 days on the game. But, I have someone on my friends list that has been online with it almost 18 days so I'm not as bad as some people I know.

I was unemployed when the game came out and quickly got to prestige level 3. Now Im working and Im going thru level 4, but Im going to stay here, cos I can only play an hour or two a day, plus I love that the prestige medal I have looks like the Umbrella corp logo. ;)

Im not tired of the online tho. Then again, I'm the guy that played Team Fortress classic and Counter-Strike for yeeears and didnt get bored. A patch and some new maps would be nice tho.

*edit* Im about 7-1/2 days played.
[quote name='chex20']I have a friend who actually stopped playing the game after he hit prestige 10 level 55. He is pretty nasty for a 13 year old kid. His played time is 8 days 18 hours, not sure exactly when he hit rank 10 prestige. I do know that all he did was play search and destroy, nothing else. Probably why his k/d ratio is so high, almost 25k kills, 12.3k deaths.

Its kinda sad that I am only prestige 1 level 27 right now. Though, I only do team deathmatch. Trying to get all my challenges done to quickly rank up.[/quote]

I have that same problem, playing Team Deathmatch only is a struggle.
[quote name='slickkill77']Prestige doesnt = skill[/quote]

QFT. I've seen so many people say things like "I'm better than you cause I'm such and such prestige." and then go 4-14 or worse. It's also funny to see them being destroyed by a level 20 non-prestige person with a m16. Then they have to make up excuses as to why they were getting owned, like "stop using the m16/p90/m4/(whatever gun they were being killed by)" or "3x frags is retarted" or my favorite "your g@y for using juggernaut."

A couple of matches ago it happened, was playing against some level 4/5 prestige people and I went something like 24-6 and was mvp but was being called out by the other team for using juggernaut with my mp5 on overgrown (I only use juggernaut for ranking up purposes usually, easier to get the 150 kill challenges quicker).

*Sorry for the bad mood, people were pissing me off at work. Now its time for some COD4.*
I agree. My 2 friends and I played a three clan of prestiges and they said something to the effect of "wow more people that wont do prestige" and we preceded to beat them 750 - 500
I'm doing prestige 1, because I was playing 2-3 hours/day when I first got the game and got to 55. Now I play once or twice a week, so I'll probably just stay at 55 when I get to the end of Prestige 1, I'd rather have everything at my disposal and work towards gold guns when I get to playing once or twice a month a while down the road.
[quote name='lordwow']I'm doing prestige 1, because I was playing 2-3 hours/day when I first got the game and got to 55. Now I play once or twice a week, so I'll probably just stay at 55 when I get to the end of Prestige 1, I'd rather have everything at my disposal and work towards gold guns when I get to playing once or twice a month a while down the road.[/quote]

same with me, i might prestige once (lvl.38 no prestige now) but i dont even know if ill do that...i dont play nearly enough for it to be worth it, and in all honesty i couldnt care less about it
bread's done