Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='yukine']Wow, you really rank up fast the second time. Started prestige 1 like two days ago and I'm rank 29 already.[/QUOTE]

Totally. I started out the third prestiege last night and I'm already a 19 after two hours of play today.
You don't really notice that you rank up but its still the same amount of exp per level. You know how to play and so you rank up faster the second time through.
[quote name='chex20']You don't really notice that you rank up but its still the same amount of exp per level. You know how to play and so you rank up faster the second time through.[/quote]

True my third time through prestige I timed it and it took me 1 day and 14 hours and some odd minutes of playtime. I have been keeping track, to see just how fast I can do it. Right now I am on 4th prestige at level 29 and have 7 hours of time.
Yeah i love this game...i feel like i have a new approach every prestige. I am now level 40ish 2nd prestige and i have manned up to using snipers, and shotguns. I rarely, if ever would touch them the other times through.
Anyone notice some damn server problems tonight. Seems like 3/4 of the games I played were lagging and no one had a decent connection.
[quote name='mvp828']Anyone notice some damn server problems tonight. Seems like 3/4 of the games I played were lagging and no one had a decent connection.[/quote]I kept joining rooms that started off 2v2, 3v3, 3v1! They would slowly fill up as the round went on. Once, a room filled during the match and at the start of the next match it was back to 3v3 despite it being full as the next round started.
[quote name='v1et r1ce']...

I just realized that I won't be able to download the update/maps/w.e since my account is a "child" account...

...fuck you MS...fuck you[/quote]
I'm pretty sure you can turn your child account into an adult account since the fall update.

My brother had a child account until the fall update and he had no problems downloading the Gears of War map packs while he was a child account.
If anyone would want to play this weekend drop me a line. I haven't been on Live a lot lately, but I've been slowly ranking up in this and Im finely ready to play some team games.
Like a few others I really want the new maps but I am screwed with the child account bullshit. If I bought the games, and I'm not allowed to buy the maps I will be really pissed. I can see them restricting the free content, (i dont care cause I made a silver account) but isn't it illegal for them to restrict content that you pay for if it is legal for you to buy the game with parental permission. My mom had to physically go to the store and say it was ok for me to buy the game, so doesn't that cover dlc also? All I know is that ms is gonna get lots of angry customers if they can't download the maps, and I'll be one of them!
[quote name='zewone']MS didn't make you create a child's account.[/QUOTE]

Maybe he created it on the original xbox where age didn't matter. Like I did.

But maps should be able to be downloaded, they were for Halo. Its just no rated M demos.
[quote name='anomynous']Maybe he created it on the original xbox where age didn't matter. Like I did.

But maps should be able to be downloaded, they were for Halo. Its just no rated M demos.[/quote]

No, It's just I made it before the update when I could still download everything. I don't get why microsoft put that in the update in the first place. Were the halo maps before or after the update?
I played online for the first time since Dec just now. Man some of you CAGs went nuts on the Prestiges and playtime. I wanna get back into this, thankfully it seems like I can come back whenever I feel like.

Whats the deal with the update? Did it come or is it postponed or something?
[quote name='CouRageouS']I played online for the first time since Dec just now. Man some of you CAGs went nuts on the Prestiges and playtime. I wanna get back into this, thankfully it seems like I can come back whenever I feel like.

Whats the deal with the update? Did it come or is it postponed or something?[/QUOTE]

Still waiting, didnt pass IF QA standards or something.
[quote name='Mrbaseball2710']No, It's just I made it before the update when I could still download everything. I don't get why microsoft put that in the update in the first place. Were the halo maps before or after the update?[/quote]
I tried to play last night an I couldn't get a connection above 1 or 2 bars. It was lagging the other day like that to. I even unplugged my router and hooked straight to the modem and still the same crap.

Anybody else having this problem?
[quote name='hx214']I tried to play last night an I couldn't get a connection above 1 or 2 bars. It was lagging the other day like that to. I even unplugged my router and hooked straight to the modem and still the same crap.

Anybody else having this problem?[/QUOTE]

No problem here, not sure what time you tried getting on, but I was on from around 11 pm to 4 am eastern without any problems at all.
it was about 8 pm eastern time. Nobody else seemed to have a problem when I was playing either, I don't really get it, I wasn't even running it through a router
Finally, the patch we've been waiting for.

Great News! The new feature patch I talked about last week (with new Kill Cams, Host Migration, and other new features) for the Xbox 360 has finished it’s internal testing and development and has officially been sent off to Microsoft for Certification. It’s only a matter of Microsoft putting it through the certification paces and it will be available for download for all Xbox 360 players.

If you forgot, keep reading to re-cap on all the new features this patch brings to players.

As for the Playstation 3 version of this patch, it’s currently finishing up it’s final internal testing (which I’m expecting to go very quickly) and should be heading off to Sony for it’s own certification in the near future, I’ll post that and full details on what that includes when that time comes.

New Kill Cams
We’ve added new Kill Cams for everything. So now those “WTF!” grenades that seemingly come from no where, you can see that a guy threw it over the house, it hit a tree branch, bounced off a rock, into a tiny window, where you happened to be pointing out of, and say…… whoa. Follow behind RPGs and M203’s kill cams, claymores, Airstrikes where you can follow the bomb from the plane until it hits you.

Host Migration:

Now you won’t have to be dropped back by yourself when a host leaves. Instead, everyone will stay together, a new host will be assigned, and the game will auto-start back up. Keeping everyone together, no more re-inviting, re-joining games because some host leaves. This has been a tall order and something that we’ve put a lot of work into which has allowed us to really optimize online play all around not just specifically with Host migration.

Improved Sniper / ACOG Accuracy:

Sniper and ACOG scopes have been tweaked and are really improved. I use to not snipe at all (mainly because I’m a horrible sniper), but now it’s so much more fluid and natural, while still having the same difficulty to use, it has no more “WTF I know I hit that guy!” moments.

Upgraded Spectator Cam:

Now when you’re in spectator mode you can follow them in 3rd person, switch to their first person view, or rotate the camera in a full 360 degrees around whoever you’re watching.

Quick Mute Option

Users will now be able to quick mute players on the fly by pulling up the scoreboard in-game or via the lobby by simply going to their name and hitting the mute assigned button. As quickly as calling in and designating an airstike. So no longer getting killed while trying to make your way through the Xbox blades for the mute option so you can shut up the guy who always seems to find it funny to sing into his mic or cover up for his lack of skill by telling you how to play Domination his way.
Infinity Ward: Community Relations Manager
[quote name='dallow']Finally, the patch we've been waiting for.[/QUOTE]
bout time. I haven't played in awhile this will get me back in.
[quote name='joe2187']AH! yess!...the mute button is a must for all those annoying kiddies who think they're rockstars and Tom green.[/QUOTE]
or Borat...
[quote name='dmaul1114']Awesome. The host switching, ACOG accuracy and quick mute will be huge improvements![/QUOTE]

I dont think I will care for the ACOG fix too much. No one will even try to snipe anymore. Why would they? They will have an assault sniper rifle, if you ever watch a kill cam with someone that has an ACOG scope already, if they just hold the trigger instead of bursting or single shotting it, they are accurate already.
The new patch sounds awesome, but I can do without the Improved Sniper / ACOG Accuracy fix since I don't really snipe. Can't wait for this patch to come out.
[quote name='Mrbaseball2710']No, It's just I made it before the update when I could still download everything. I don't get why microsoft put that in the update in the first place. Were the halo maps before or after the update?[/QUOTE]

After. And you can still download DLC for M Rated games, because I downloaded the Bioshock DLC this week. So we're good on the maps
There is also a couple more fixes, these one stand out to me:

Fixed “Playlist Older Than Host” Error
* Player will no longer get error when entering games.

Additional Start Spawn Locations in All Maps
* Added a minimum of 9 extra start spawns on each side of all maps.

I love how developers can patch games these days, before if a game had problems well then tough shit you have to deal with it.
[quote name='yukine']I love how developers can patch games these days, before if a game had problems well then tough shit you have to deal with it.[/quote]

Yeah, but it means companies can ship stuff that has issues knowingly too.

And thank GOD for a quick mute option. Should have been there to start with.
[quote name='yukine']There is also a couple more fixes, these one stand out to me:

Fixed “Playlist Older Than Host” Error
* Player will no longer get error when entering games.

Additional Start Spawn Locations in All Maps
* Added a minimum of 9 extra start spawns on each side of all maps.

I love how developers can patch games these days, before if a game had problems well then tough shit you have to deal with it.[/quote]
Hopefully the new spawn points will get rid of a lot of the spawn kills that seem to happen way to often.
[quote name='anomynous']After. And you can still download DLC for M Rated games, because I downloaded the Bioshock DLC this week. So we're good on the maps[/quote]

Thank God
bread's done