Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

Yeah, I hate the knife lag when you try to stab a guy and it looks like a direct hit yet doesn't die. That, or when I try to stab a guy and he just suddenly turns around a shoots ONCE and gets a headshot WHILE I'm lunging at him. Both of those pisses me off a lot. When you lunge at a person they should die no matter what. Ugh, though I still play it for hours a day.
[quote name='chex20']Yeah, I hate the knife lag when you try to stab a guy and it looks like a direct hit yet doesn't die. That, or when I try to stab a guy and he just suddenly turns around a shoots ONCE and gets a headshot WHILE I'm lunging at him. Both of those pisses me off a lot. When you lunge at a person they should die no matter what. Ugh, though I still play it for hours a day.[/quote]
I would have so many kills if this didnt happen. :whistle2:s
So i decided to give Cage Match a try today and well the first match ...and second and third match i was getting my ass handed to me with 2 - 10 and the shit.

after that i decided to give it one more chance before i go back to Sabotage or Hardcore Deathmatch. and got a really cool, laid back guy that wanted to do "objectives" we basically got all our headshot challenges on some wepons, I got the Blue Tiger on the G3 and the Uzi and we ended up playing 6 matches where we both took turns shooting eachother in the head, It got a little creative...We managed to figure out a system to get headshots when shooting through walls and such. it was pretty fun.

Kinda Cheap, But meh...go with the flow.
[quote name='DCriminal']It was quite strange that we were able to play a couple of games without any issues, and then all of a sudden it wouldn't let you in to any of the matches. Its almost as if your router decided to lock down. Out of curiosity, have you looked at the guide in this forum for opening up a port on your router? I had some lingering issues with XBL until I put my 360 in a DMZ.[/QUOTE]

Well, we have two Xbox 360 consoles hooked up. So, we can only forward the ports to one of the consoles. Because of that, we put the other console outside of the DMZ. This leaves once console with open NAT and the other with moderate NAT and actually works... usually. But for some reason the damn thing went to strict NAT and because of this I could not log on to games with COD4. My roommate was playing COD4 with another party (which I left to join you guys) and I had to wait for him to quit to reboot the router which finally resolved the problems. By the time I got back on, you guys were gone.

This has become a daily problem and we will likely get a new router that plays better with Xbox LIVE. Damn shame too because the router we have has crazy distance and was painfully expensive.
I just went 66-11 in Big Team Battle or w/e. Man I was on fire lol!

It's so lame how you can't see your stats from the previous match. I wonder why they didn't include that...
[quote name='joe2187']So i decided to give Cage Match a try today and well the first match ...and second and third match i was getting my ass handed to me with 2 - 10 and the shit.

after that i decided to give it one more chance before i go back to Sabotage or Hardcore Deathmatch. and got a really cool, laid back guy that wanted to do "objectives" we basically got all our headshot challenges on some wepons, I got the Blue Tiger on the G3 and the Uzi and we ended up playing 6 matches where we both took turns shooting eachother in the head, It got a little creative...We managed to figure out a system to get headshots when shooting through walls and such. it was pretty fun.

Kinda Cheap, But meh...go with the flow.[/QUOTE]

this is my point right here -BigC-. i dont think it is cheating if everyone in the room wants to play that way. if you read my other post, you would see that they should get the option to look at the restrictions and everything and if they came in, they obviously felt those should be gone as well. would they play a type of game with restrictions they didn't want there? i think i just proved my point with this and if you dont understand, i doubt you will. i think that way the entire room would enjoy the game more and i dont see how that is cheating one bit, especially if they have everything you do still.
I just don't really see the point, there isn't anything cheap enough in this game that would need to be taken out. I understand your point but what perk or weapon makes a big enough impact on a game?
Whenever someone suggests we sit around getting achievements (on Halo 3) or challenges on this, I usually just go and knife them in the face.
[quote name='-BigC-']I just don't really see the point, there isn't anything cheap enough in this game that would need to be taken out. I understand your point but what perk or weapon makes a big enough impact on a game?[/QUOTE]

i feel juggernaut is extremely overpowered in anything but hardcore. when it takes 2-4 shots from any sniper rifle to kill someone with juggernaut while using stopping power, that is a little too much IMO. i would just prefer to play against other players that feel the same while being able to get points same as everyone else. i personally cant stand players that use 3x frag, juggernaut, last stand, martyrdom, or a grenade launcher. when you drop a grenade out of your ass after you are already dead, that is a little bit too unrealistic to me. last stand doesn't bother me so much other than the fact that they seem invincible for a couple of seconds while they are dropping yet they can still shoot you. triple frags seems like all those players run out, hurl all 3 grenades, run out and do what they can with no regard for their life since when they come back that is usually another 2 random grenade kills. do i even have to explain the grenade launcher? rpg's are fine since they curve, it makes them a little more difficult to use, grenade launchers are for people who aren't good enough to aim their weapon and shoot. point i am trying to make with all of this is that i would like to play against others who feel the same with those so it is more enjoyable for me to play.

dont get me wrong, i enjoy the game even with this there, i just think i would prefer to play others that dont want these used either. by the way, dont tell me to just play hardcore, because i play in a huge groop of players and we like to stick together if possible, so that is not really an option at all.
[quote name='IAmTheBiggestInuyashaFan']i feel juggernaut is extremely overpowered in anything but hardcore. when it takes 2-4 shots from any sniper rifle to kill someone with juggernaut while using stopping power, that is a little too much IMO. [/quote]
Try aiming for the head and they will go down with 1 headshot... or use the Barrett!!!
[quote name='lordwow']Whenever someone suggests we sit around getting achievements (on Halo 3) or challenges on this, I usually just go and knife them in the face.[/quote]

Well in Halo 3 it was about achievements and EVERY fuckEN ROOM complained "Awww Man i didnt get my guys wanna fuck around instead and kill the fun? and Bitch and whine because i didnt get to kill you guys"

I gave it a try, it wasnt the most exciting thing and it got really tedious after a while...Not something im going to make a habit of, but not anything im going to say no to if the oppurtunity comes up.
[quote name='-BigC-']I just don't really see the point, there isn't anything cheap enough in this game that would need to be taken out. I understand your point but what perk or weapon makes a big enough impact on a game?[/quote]

One thing. The goddamn grenade launcher attachment. Takes absolutely zero skill to use and people just spam them all over the place. Makes the game terribly frustrating for me and makes me want to stop playing altogether.
Juggernaut is as over powered as Stopping Power is, instead of me dieing in 2-4 shots from a gun I die in 1-2. Its all the same shit, perks are a give and take, you want one you wont have the other.

And the grenade launcher takes more skill to use then the m16, really try using it a lot and see how many times the grenade doesn't blow up or you get ran into CQC and die because you don't have a real weapon out

Only thing over powered to me is 3x frag in Headquarters due to the amount of respawning in a very short time frmae that can occur, sometimes you see people dieing 5 times in under a minute that is 15 freaking grenades they are going to throw randomly near the HQ
[quote name='-BigC-']Juggernaut is as over powered as Stopping Power is, instead of me dieing in 2-4 shots from a gun I die in 1-2. Its all the same shit, perks are a give and take, you want one you wont have the other.

And the grenade launcher takes more skill to use then the m16, really try using it a lot and see how many times the grenade doesn't blow up or you get ran into CQC and die because you don't have a real weapon out

Only thing over powered to me is 3x frag in Headquarters due to the amount of respawning in a very short time frmae that can occur, sometimes you see people dieing 5 times in under a minute that is 15 freaking grenades they are going to throw randomly near the HQ[/QUOTE]

Don't play HQ? Seems simple heh.
Headquarters is my favorite game but I wont stop playing it because of one small flaw in it. Just have to deal with it and know where to be so grenades have a smaller chance of reaching you
If any gun is overpowered, it's the M16. They need to do something about that. Tell me which gun that can kill someone with one trigger pull to the body regardless of whether you're prone/crouched or moving, except the shotguns/snipers because those are their specialty. The M16 gun takes no skill. There is absolutely no recoil, dead precise accuracy and no sway. The only thing that keeps it from being perfect is that there's small little grace period between shots. That's hardly what I call "balance."

Granted, I only play TDM so other annoyances like Juggarnaunt don't bother be because I use SP. It's funny to hear someone complain about the grenade launcher when they're using the M16.
[quote name='strdr4']If any gun is overpowered, it's the M16. They need to do something about that. Tell me which gun that can kill someone with one trigger pull to the body regardless of whether you're prone/crouched or moving, except the shotguns/snipers because those are their specialty. The M16 gun takes no skill. There is absolutely no recoil, dead precise accuracy and no sway. The only thing that keeps it from being perfect is that there's small little grace period between shots. That's hardly what I call "balance."

Granted, I only play TDM so other annoyances like Juggarnaunt don't bother be because I use SP. It's funny to hear someone complain about the grenade launcher when they're using the M16.[/quote]

I disagree, I find the m16 extremely hard to use, atleast in headquarters, because it is difficult to kill more than one person if it is at close range without getting shot by someone else. I much prefer the M4 carbine.
[quote name='Trakan']One thing. The goddamn grenade launcher attachment. Takes absolutely zero skill to use and people just spam them all over the place. Makes the game terribly frustrating for me and makes me want to stop playing altogether.[/quote]

[quote name='Trakan']One thing. The goddamn grenade launcher attachment. Takes absolutely zero skill to use and people just spam them all over the place. Makes the game terribly frustrating for me and makes me want to stop playing altogether.[/quote]
I don't know what your talking about. Most of the time I just get half of my health taken away, by the time they switch back to their gun I would have been able to shoot him.
[quote name='Littlefields']I don't know what your talking about. Most of the time I just get half of my health taken away, by the time they switch back to their gun I would have been able to shoot him.[/QUOTE]

I use the grenade launcher here & there but it's mostly just to destroy cars from far off so my team and I do not get killed by them instead or I use it to kill campers.

As far as x3 Frag Grenades most other FPS games allow more than 2-3 frags per character anyway but they usually have 'friendly fire" too. I understand what some are saying people will never even fire a shot and do nothing except throw random frags. The real problem is "no friendly fire" in the game.

[quote name='Mrbaseball2710']I disagree, I find the m16 extremely hard to use, atleast in headquarters, because it is difficult to kill more than one person if it is at close range without getting shot by someone else. I much prefer the M4 carbine.[/QUOTE]

Use "Overkill" get sub & the M16, shoot from a distance and use the sub in close. Plus with the sub you can get there quicker. I've used the Overkill and got a sub as primary & the light assault as my secondary.
[quote name='-BigC-']Juggernaut is as over powered as Stopping Power is, instead of me dieing in 2-4 shots from a gun I die in 1-2. Its all the same shit, perks are a give and take, you want one you wont have the other.

And the grenade launcher takes more skill to use then the m16, really try using it a lot and see how many times the grenade doesn't blow up or you get ran into CQC and die because you don't have a real weapon out

Only thing over powered to me is 3x frag in Headquarters due to the amount of respawning in a very short time frmae that can occur, sometimes you see people dieing 5 times in under a minute that is 15 freaking grenades they are going to throw randomly near the HQ[/QUOTE]

stopping power is far from overpowered. it still takes 3 shots from a sniper to drop someone using juggernaut unless you hit the in the head in which case it sometimes takes 2.

to the other person who told me to aim for the head or use the barrett, the barrett is one of the most inaccurate snipers in the game and does no more damage than the m40 or the r700. also, my friend and i had done a little test the other night in a private match, and if you use any assault rifle in a regular deathmatch and single shot it, it takes at least 2 headshots without stopping power. how that is possible is stupid to me which means stopping power just makes the guns more realistic. if everyone could take 2 shots to the head, i dont think anyone would really be afraid to die in real life, i mean seriously. if you got shot once, just run away and you are fine. by the way, that test was done without juggernaut, when i put juggernaut on, it took 4 shots to the head, so dont tell me stopping power is overpowered.
Which sniper is this? With stopping power everything but the Autosniper(2nd one) kills people in 2 hits. I have never shot anyone 3 times with any sniper and have them not die. Did you miss in between and let them recover health?

Sniping is more useless due to the accuracy and level design then the damage. The damage is fine just need bigger maps and more accurate sniper rifles/less accurate everything else at a distance

And I have never had to shoot anyone in the head more then once...
[quote name='retail sucks']I use the grenade launcher here & there but it's mostly just to destroy cars from far off so my team and I do not get killed by them instead or I use it to kill campers.

As far as x3 Frag Grenades most other FPS games allow more than 2-3 frags per character anyway but they usually have 'friendly fire" too. I understand what some are saying people will never even fire a shot and do nothing except throw random frags. The real problem is "no friendly fire" in the game.

Use "Overkill" get sub & the M16, shoot from a distance and use the sub in close. Plus with the sub you can get there quicker. I've used the Overkill and got a sub as primary & the light assault as my secondary.[/QUOTE]

i agree with the friendly fire as well which is why custom games should be in place. i am not sure i would keep it on if people came in the room team killing since that would take out enjoyment, but i have had someone hide behind their teammate and shoot through them to kill me with no damage to his teammate who was also shooting me.

as for overkill, i think it is a waste of a perk myself, cause without stopping power it is almost impossible to down anyone. i would personally use a g3 or an m14 for range and something like the mini-uzi for close range if i did use the overkill perk.
[quote name='-BigC-']Which sniper is this? With stopping power everything but the Autosniper(2nd one) kills people in 2 hits. I have never shot anyone 3 times with any sniper and have them not die. Did you miss in between and let them recover health?

Sniping is more useless due to the accuracy and level design then the damage. The damage is fine just need bigger maps and more accurate sniper rifles/less accurate everything else at a distance

And I have never had to shoot anyone in the head more then once...[/QUOTE]

m40, on bog, on the mound in the middle, their guy was by the bus. took 3 shots to down him due to juggernaut and then he went to last stand. no i did not miss, 3 shots put him to the ground, but he went into last stand. in that same private match it was taking 2 shots with stopping power to kill someone who didn't have juggernaut, so with juggernaut it is extremely possible for them to take 3.

edit: these were not headshots with the sniper since there were 3 enemies getting very close to me and i needed to drop 1 or 2 and get out of there. it did take 4 shots to completely kill this guy since he went into last stand. i simply do not understand how anyone could take more than 2 shots from such a short distance and still be alive if they have juggernaut or not, but it happened.
[quote name='retail sucks']
Use "Overkill" get sub & the M16, shoot from a distance and use the sub in close. Plus with the sub you can get there quicker. I've used the Overkill and got a sub as primary & the light assault as my secondary.[/quote]

I don't know. Either way, the M16 is a great gun to use in general, but in CQB it's pretty hard. That's probably the reason why he finds it hard to use it in HQ. Think about it: moving targets, cramped spaces, a lot of cover. Not the best for burst shot.

Anything automatic will work. I say just use a MP5 or even just a shotgun. Shotguns are great in HQ.
[quote name='zewone']One sniper headshot = one kill, no matter the perks.[/QUOTE]

if you have time to aim for their head no matter what, that is good for you. when i have 2 or 3 enemies running up on me that i can snipe without having time to headshot them, i am going to shoot them, but i at least expect 2 shots at most to kill them. i know 1 headshot from the sniper does the trick no matter what perks they have, but again, this can only hold up if you can stay far enough to have time to aim for the headshot.
[quote name='-BigC-']Juggernaut is as over powered as Stopping Power is, instead of me dieing in 2-4 shots from a gun I die in 1-2. Its all the same shit, perks are a give and take, you want one you wont have the other.

And the grenade launcher takes more skill to use then the m16, really try using it a lot and see how many times the grenade doesn't blow up or you get ran into CQC and die because you don't have a real weapon out

Only thing over powered to me is 3x frag in Headquarters due to the amount of respawning in a very short time frmae that can occur, sometimes you see people dieing 5 times in under a minute that is 15 freaking grenades they are going to throw randomly near the HQ[/quote]The reminds me of the annoying fact that the M16 is used way too much. It's extremely cheap, like seriously, its one-shot one-kill. People should be banned from using an M16 once they reach like level 20 or something. I still encounter 5th prestiges at level 55 that use the M16 all the fucking time, and maybe the n00b t00b just to piss people off. Perhaps they should of restricted the grenade launcher to campaign only?
[quote name='Kronik Khaos X']The reminds me of the annoying fact that the M16 is used way too much. It's extremely cheap, like seriously, its one-shot one-kill. People should be banned from using an M16 once they reach like level 20 or something. I still encounter 5th prestiges at level 55 that use the M16 all the fucking time, and maybe the n00b t00b just to piss people off. Perhaps they should of restricted the grenade launcher to campaign only?[/QUOTE]
Damn. People complain about every damned thing in the game. The M16 is too powerful. The grenade launcher is too easy. The M4, the skorpion, yadayadayada. Shit. Just get rid of all the weapons but the pistol and have at it.

Christ guys. Enjoy the game. There are some weapons and perks that are better than others for various purposes. The point of the game is to win your matches. Use what works.
[quote name='torifile']Damn. People complain about every damned thing in the game. The M16 is too powerful. The grenade launcher is too easy. The M4, the skorpion, yadayadayada. Shit. Just get rid of all the weapons but the pistol and have at it.

Christ guys. Enjoy the game. There are some weapons and perks that are better than others for various purposes. The point of the game is to win your matches. Use what works.[/quote]

Bullets are for n00bs, nades make you gay and the knife is cheap.

So did this game get an update yet?
I don't think any gun is too powerful in the game, except maybe the P90, which I personally believe is the best gun in the game, but certainly has a lack of power per bullet and poor accuracy at range.
Your m40 must be a different version of mine, I would say 80-90% of my shots kill in 1 hit. I aim for the chest and its semi rare for people to keep walking. Even people with Juggernaut on drop most of the time...

Also m16 isnt cheap, I just brought it up as a way of telling him the grenade launcher isn't a "cheap" weapon. Really its very situational and its rare for you to have it out in the right situation. No gun is cheap to me since everyone can use them, some are better then others and that is just that. I get mad at people who use the m16 all the time, but I know I can use it just as easily...
Grenade chuckers are really starting to piss me off. Combining that with the grenade launcher attachment dicks makes me wish they'd do something about it before that's all the game becomes.
I have no complaints really, I kind of wish we could set our own options though, or at least be able to "host" matches so you can choose which map you wanted to play. I guess they didn't want everyone to just play a handful of maps while the others go unplayed or some crap like that.

It's just annoying that I have to keep backing out of games to find the map I feel like playing, rather than being able to set it. And if you can create your own games, it would of been nice to be able to turn off kill cam.
Nades are meant to be chucked. If you're having that much trouble keeping your kdr up because of random nades then you might want to look at how you're playing the game.
Yea but are grenades meant to be thrown nearly straight into the air and over buildings? I mean they throw them just up in the air toward the headquarters and get kills(I do it to btw) and you get quiet a bit of kills that way without ever really doing anything. Then you respawn and do it again until the other team is dead. I haven't seen any real perk that is that game effecting for any other game type then 3x frag in headquarters
[quote name='2Fast']Grenade chuckers are really starting to piss me off. Combining that with the grenade launcher attachment dicks makes me wish they'd do something about it before that's all the game becomes.[/QUOTE]
Stop playing TDM and start playing one of the objective based maps. Domination or headquarters. Domination rulez all anyway. :D
[quote name='tokitoki50']Nades are meant to be chucked. If you're having that much trouble keeping your kdr up because of random nades then you might want to look at how you're playing the game.[/QUOTE]
I stopped playing for K/D a long time ago. Since I exclusively play Domination, I can go like 6 and 24 and still lead my team to a victory by charging flags and capturing/keeping them. 3x stun, stopping power and extreme conditioning is my preferred set up.

When I used to try to keep my K/D up, I got eternally frustrated just running around a map. Don't get me wrong - I'm still happy when I have a 1.0+ K/D match, I just don't strive for it.
Odd, it would seem that playing HQ or Dom would aggravate his problem as a lot of the time it devolves into a grenade clusterfuck because of all the people with marty-dun and frag x3 in those modes.
[quote name='torifile']I stopped playing for K/D a long time ago. Since I exclusively play Domination, I can go like 6 and 24 and still lead my team to a victory by charging flags and capturing/keeping them. 3x stun, stopping power and extreme conditioning is my preferred set up.

When I used to try to keep my K/D up, I got eternally frustrated just running around a map. Don't get me wrong - I'm still happy when I have a 1.0+ K/D match, I just don't strive for it.[/QUOTE]

Agreed totally. I'm currently something like a 1.07 because I think its more fun to charge the flags in domination and try and get them than stay back with a sniper rifle and try to go like 20 and 0.

That, and my accuracy has gone to hell since I've discovered how much fun the SAW can be. But hey, as long as I'm having fun, it doesn't really matter what the statistics are, right?
I agree with you guys entirely and I'm not saying that kdr is everything. Those game types need those kinds of players. But how random are nades in that gametype? People are generally going to throw them around the flag zones. I generally play Team Deathmatch because that's what my friends enjoy and I'd call those nades (especially on bog, wetworks and showdown) a lot more random. I also got a pretty cool kdr at 1.51 or something like that =P
[quote name='tokitoki50']Nades are meant to be chucked. If you're having that much trouble keeping your kdr up because of random nades then you might want to look at how you're playing the game.[/quote]

My KDR is fine, it's just annoying to see people randomly throw grenades from across the map (when they probably have no idea where anyone really is) and get a kill.
I definitely understand your frustration, I just wanted to point out that they aren't really ruining the game like some people here seem to believe.
it isn't that it is ruining the game, it just takes a lot of the fun out of it for me. enough so that if i run into an entire room of people using these perks, after i win i leave. i usually get the win no matter what as long as i have my friends in the room, it is the fact that all of us dont like these perks from my friends list and would PREFER to play with others that feel the same. -bigc- went from saying that it is cheating by doing that to there arent any perks that are unfair. while i agree they arent unfair since i have the option of using them, i choose not to and i would like the choice to play with others that feel the same as me, so i dont understand how you called that cheating to begin with.

if they werent good at that type, why would they join the room to begin with? now i disagree with whomever said the host should pick the map, because that can be extremely unfair if there are only a couple maps you play over and over and someone just stumbles into that room who plays every map. they should not have a restriction on voting maps though, just because you skip one you cant skip the next is a little stupid IMO.
I have a question about the accuracy stat... I will post tomorrow after I have time to turn on the game and after I have gotten some sleep.

Just wanted to post now so that it serves as a reminder later.
bread's done