Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='Moxio']I can't believe how much you guys play.[/quote]

No one plays as much as zewone, dude has like 10 days worth of play clocked in.
[quote name='yukine']No one plays as much as zewone, dude has like 10 days worth of play clocked in.[/QUOTE]
Kuga has 11+ days.
There's also the CAGCOD4 gamertag which is also the main list of clan members. That gamertag is currently full, but That Damn Dave every couple of weeks or so weeds out some players to open new slots.
Is it just me or does it seem like grenades are too powerful in this game?

I'm pretty good at CoD, and I find my ways around the seemingly endless onslaught of grenades, but with martyrdom combined with x3 Frag it kind of pisses me off. Am I alone in thinking this? Maybe a slight tone down of grenade power for an update? What's your guys opinions?
We had some good games last night. I went 15 and 3, only to turn around and go 3 and 12 the very next round. I would like to play some more with you guys next weekend.
Grenades arent to powerful, I hate games where a grenade will land next to you and not kill you.

In games where you respawn a lot your just gonna get a whole lot of nades. Play games with rounds rather then respawns and it will solve the problem
I really don't think I'll ever get better than mediocre at this game. :( I'm around 20 hours in online, at level 27 and still have a putrid K/D ratio (something over 1000 deaths and 600 kills) and I've still not gotten a 7 kills streak to call in a chopper!
[quote name='dmaul1114']I really don't think I'll ever get better than mediocre at this game. :( I'm around 20 hours in online, at level 27 and still have a putrid K/D ratio (something over 1000 deaths and 600 kills) and I've still not gotten a 7 kills streak to call in a chopper![/quote]
Try playing the story on Vet. I played my heart out on veteran mode, died A LOT of times, but learned even more. Learned how to properly place air strikes, learned how to get good head shots and conceal myself better.

My K/D ratio is almost 2.0 which IMO is pretty good. Just takes practice.

[quote name='-BigC-']Grenades arent to powerful, I hate games where a grenade will land next to you and not kill you.

In games where you respawn a lot your just gonna get a whole lot of nades. Play games with rounds rather then respawns and it will solve the problem[/quote]

I have never had a grenade land next to me and not kill me. If that little icon is up and you are not behind something strong...your pretty much going to die. I checked the official CoD 4 forums and a ton of people are hounding IW to fix the grenade problem.
[quote name='Nealocus123']Try playing the story on Vet. I played my heart out on veteran mode, died A LOT of times, but learned even more. Learned how to properly place air strikes, learned how to get good head shots and conceal myself better.

Meh, I tried replaying on Hardened and got frustrated and gave up during the end of one shot, one kill.

Single player is great the first time through, but on repeat play throughs on harder difficulty you realize how cheap the design is with the endless spawning enemies until you get to an invisible check point, enemies not getting smarter like they do in say Halo, but just getting better aim, dealing more damage and taking more shots to kill.

I just don't have the patience for that. So if I'm going to get better it will come from more practice online!

My main problem is that my aim sucks compared to others, so I seldom win a one on one shoot out and have to get most of my kills when shooting people unware I'm around.
Bullets not registering is the problem.

It is a problem, if it wasn't, IW wouldn't be fixing it with the "upcoming" patch.
[quote name='sasukekun']They need to fix claymores. It sucks to see people run through them and live or to trip them from above/below.[/quote]

as an avid claymore user, I strongly 2nd this motion.

What is with the People in Old School Free for all, they dont even present even the slightest challenge, everytime i play a free for all match im always in the #1 spot. Its just a bunch of kids fiddling with themselves. Free for all is a good place to finish all those SMG challenges so i visit frequently

Also, i have trouble connecting to certain games, I try and connect to a Sabotage match and it takes like 3 seconds, but everytime i try and connect to a Hardcore deathmatch game it takes like Half an Hour. anyone else get this?
[quote name='joe2187']

Also, i have trouble connecting to certain games, I try and connect to a Sabotage match and it takes like 3 seconds, but everytime i try and connect to a Hardcore deathmatch game it takes like Half an Hour. anyone else get this?[/quote]

Yea... Mine happens to me becaue of my university's server restrictions.
Didn't mean in this game a grenade will land next to you and not kill you, talking about other games.

Gears grenades sucked unless stuck to the person made them useless to me
Depends on the game mode, a lot of people who play Headquarters only get kills from grenades.

Throw 3 frags up in the air towards the headquarters
Rush blindly hoping to poop a grenade and get a kill

Most games like 25% of my deaths are from random grenades where the person throwing had no idea where I was or where their grenade would really land
[quote name='zewone']Bullets not registering is the problem.

It is a problem, if it wasn't, IW wouldn't be fixing it with the "upcoming" patch.[/quote]

Oh shut up. Just because you play this game 5 hours a day you know everything about it and think you are so good. :roll:
[quote name='help1']Oh shut up. Just because you play this game 5 hours a day you know everything about it and think you are so good. :roll:[/quote]

What are you talking about? The fix is coming in the patch, whenever it hits. It's a known problem that there are hit detection problems with the sniper rifles and guns using the ACOG scopes. He's just stating facts.


I know I'm so good. ;)
[quote name='Trakan']What are you talking about? The fix is coming in the patch, whenever it hits. It's a known problem that there are hit detection problems with the sniper rifles and guns using the ACOG scopes. He's just stating facts.


I know I'm so good. ;)[/quote]

Yeah, that was unnecessary. Anyone that read about the patch knows the hit detection is all wonky for snipers/ACOG on anything. Hell, its even in the OP.
I just entered my 8th prestige. My k/d just dropped from a 2.25 to 2.24 cause I was playing on a UK server (which meant lag on my end) and they had their whole team camping when I had nobody else on my team breaking 10 kills or even breaking even in k/d. Once my clan gets on tonight, my k/d and win ratio will go back up. I am at a 15 on my 8th prestige now, pretty much have only played deathmatch and domination, so it is hard to rank up fast without using all guns.
[quote name='IAmTheBiggestInuyashaFan']I just entered my 8th prestige. My k/d just dropped from a 2.25 to 2.24 cause I was playing on a UK server (which meant lag on my end) and they had their whole team camping when I had nobody else on my team breaking 10 kills or even breaking even in k/d. Once my clan gets on tonight, my k/d and win ratio will go back up. I am at a 15 on my 8th prestige now, pretty much have only played deathmatch and domination, so it is hard to rank up fast without using all guns.[/quote]

So why didnt you stop playing on that server since you were worried about it so much?
[quote name='life.exe']So why didnt you stop playing on that server since you were worried about it so much?[/QUOTE]

I did after 3 games. They decided they wanted to talk trash since I was barely breaking even because of the lag. I stayed and put up a fight until the 4th game when it was so bad that I got the connection interrupted message. They decided to be funny and send me messages. Oh well, like I care what some random people say over xbox live, especially since I know I would have done better on a US host connection.
I know I've managed to complete all the sniper rifle kills challenges at one time or another with every gun but the R700. I've actually set it up with deep impact and stopping power, lined up a perfect headshot and fired no less than three times and didn't get a kill. I've probably gotten seven kills total out of the three plus days I've put into the game with the R700, and those only came when I stole kills from other people.
The sniper rifle I'm having the most issues with is the M21, everything else is a bit more consistent in the "actually get a hit when I freakin' shoot 'em" factor.
[quote name='Littlefields']Where is everyone getting those Rank tags in their sigs?[/quote]
Search "Call of Duty 4 Prestige Icons" on Google.
Which do you guys think is more beneficial? Stopping Power or Double Tap.

I flipped back and forth last night and was struggling to tell which did more damage.
Honestly I consider double tap to be useless, it shoots faster but the recoil is the same so it just makes the gun harder to control. I guess if you have bad aim and need to spray to get kills it could be useful. But then you would be reloading a lot more as well.

Worst setup I have found is the skorpion+doubletap
A couple of games ago, it was the worst I have seen in a while (about the sniper riffle not registering). I was using the .50 cal. with stopping power on overgrown, and shot a guy across the map atleast 5 times in the chest (some of them even in the head) and the guy STILL didn't go down. I even went as far as to go out in the open standing up. The guy then proceeded to shoot me with his sniper riffle. I was so pissed.

Though, on the good side, I did manage to kill 5 guys with a single grenade.
Tips for the sniping:

Aim for the body with the bolt actions and the .50 cal, with the other 2 semi-auto's, headshots are almost given to you. The semi-auto's are extremely accurate, they just don't do the damage the others do. I always use stopping power and deep impact on my snipers ( I have maxed out the marksman on all of them 5 times now).

On the double tap note, I agree with -BigC-. Double tap is a waste unless you have to spray for kills, but remember to carry bandolier and run after you kill someone. Reloading gets people killed more than any other thing from what I have noticed. Stopping power or sleight of hand are the 2 perks that I usually use. If I am trying to sneak up on people, than I use a UAV jammer and silencer, they never see anything coming.
I was going to also comment on the Double Tap but never found the time to this morning. Anyhow, I think Double Tap, like said, is mainly a waste. Even if you use Double Tap on a gun like the M4, it is useless. Sure, it's a faster firing rate, but you waste more bullets. It is much better to use Stopping Power. You could definitely argue that Stopping Power and Double Tap are the same, but I think Stopping Power has much more of an advantage. For one, you have to watch your magazine. Of course, with a gun like the Skorpion, it's no fucking brainer you aren't going to use Double Tap. Using Stopping Power, Your clip will last like 5-6 seconds held down. With Double Tap, who knows how long it would last -- maybe 3-4 seconds? You'd spend more time reloading then you would shooting.

Keep in mind, that not all the time you'll see an enemy close to you. I will guarantee that you won't be spraying long-range. This is where Stopping Power comes handy. Stopping Power is indeed great with long-range too.

In essence, Double Tap is a good perk if you need it as like a beginner, but there are other perks which are much better than that. The only time I would think Double Tap would come into play is a Shotgun. I haven't tried it myself, but if you're using a shotgun, if you miss your first shot in close combat, you'll probably be dead. Double Tap might be able to speed up that time-delay inbetween shots.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Which do you guys think is more beneficial? Stopping Power or Double Tap.

I flipped back and forth last night and was struggling to tell which did more damage.[/quote]

I like stopping power because you don't have to reload as often, though double tap and an lmg is pretty sick.
bread's done