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[quote name='Chika']my body aches. i hope i'm not getting sick.[/quote]

I don't know how it has been for you guys, but our weather has been so flakey of late that I expect a bug to go around...
[quote name='PlumeNoir']I don't know how it has been for you guys, but our weather has been so flakey of late that I expect a bug to go around...[/quote]
it's been warm. really warm. today was the first day with a high below 55. tonight it's supposed to frost for the first time. it's almost a month later than normal. the trees aren't even fully turned.
[quote name='Chika']it's been warm. really warm. today was the first day with a high below 55. tonight it's supposed to frost for the first time. it's almost a month later than normal. the trees aren't even fully turned.[/quote]

Yeah, we had a warm spot last week, then it turned cold...it was 37 degrees at 3am when I went to the store last night...

I was hoping for a somewhat warmer halloween...now, I just hope it doesn't rain.
So I'm about to pack my clothes, then I realize that the ones in the dryer have that special "you-left-your-clothes-in-the-washing-machine-for-days-didn't-you" smell.

About to rewash the clothes for the third time. And probably a fourth.
[quote name='red flare graf']I thought it was good. Not fantabulous, but good. I got into the free private screening they had here.[/QUOTE]

I could use a good movie, considering nothing out right now interests me.
[quote name='Moxio']I could use a good movie, considering nothing out right now interests me.[/QUOTE]

I think having read the comic made it better for me.
[quote name='zewone']Oh, and 30 Days of Night sucked cock.

TFN, you must have smoked some fat bowls before seeing it.[/quote] It wasn't amazing, but it wasn't that bad. :/ I go into those kinda movies expecting to see some nice violence and I wasn't let down with..
that guy on the tractor that shoots that one vampire in the stomach and he lands on the big blade ripping him up. Nice. Also when they showed all the people being fucked up on the streets from above..
The acting was bad though, really bad.

We did though. :D
How the fuck you gonna be leaving clothes in the washer? You must still live at home or have never lived in an apartment with community washers/dryers. You pull that "I forgot my stuff in the washer" shit in an apartment complex you'll find that all your panties are missing and your pants and shirts are in a heap on the floor. Behind the machines.
[quote name='red flare graf']And that's after you realize that you've been washing your clothes in the same machine that some fat broad's pussy juice has been swirling around in.[/QUOTE]

God. Ew. Ew.

[quote name='red flare graf']And that's after you realize that you've been washing your clothes in the same machine that some fat broad's pussy juice has been swirling around in.[/quote]
I pissed in the washing machine, on more than one occasion, when some body had taken my clothes out before it was done to put their shit in.
[quote name='JimmieMac']I pissed in the washing machine, on more than one occasion, when some body had taken my clothes out before it was done to put their shit in.[/QUOTE]
Ahahaha, nice.

And TFN, the parts in your spoiler were definitely some of the better stuff in the movie. I just hate how every fucking movie has to have a love story tacked on.
Virtua Tennis 3 for $25? Too tempting.

Especially considering 95% of my time on my 360 is spent playing the demo. :lol:

I swear, I'm freakin' unstoppable with Federer now. Putting that computer in its place in under 1 min 30 sec.
That is the one thing I liked about my old apartment, we were the apartment right across the hall from the laundry room. Only one other tenet used it, so it wasn't bad.

I don't know what the others did...except for the indians in the apartment above us. They washed their clothes in the bathtub. All 16 of them - people, not clothes. In a one bedroom apartment. Their shit always leaked through the floor and, thus, through our ceiling in the bathroom.

Now, I have nothing against indian people (especially since I live in this area), but this family was so loud and up all night and used up all the hit water that I got used to take cold shower before work every morning. I like indian food, but they cooked some of the nastiest shit that the entire building took up the stench that I dubbed WDP*.

You know...I guess I don't really miss my apartment...

Wet Dog Pussy
[quote name='zewone']Guitar Hero isn't worth playing on a regular controller right?[/QUOTE]
God no.

What's this I hear about you having an unwanted Spiderman 3 BR?
[quote name='Ugamer_X']God no.

What's this I hear about you having an unwanted Spiderman 3 BR?[/QUOTE]
Well, I'm buying the 40GB on the 2nd.

I'm going to be selling Spidey 3 to Casey, unless he backs out for some reason.

Why? Were you interested?
[quote name='zewone']Guitar Hero isn't worth playing on a regular controller right?[/quote]

Zew, I tried it for the first time a few nights ago. Pix and I were doing co-op and I wanted to see what the controller was like.

For one, the instructions are wrong about what does what (360 GH2, at least), and secondly, the timing seemed off. By that, I mean I had to hit the trigger a fraction of a second slower than the face buttons, or I'd miss the note.

At least I got the cheesemint from it...
[quote name='PlumeNoir']That is the one thing I liked about my old apartment, we were the apartment right across the hall from the laundry room. Only one other tenet used it, so it wasn't bad.

I don't know what the others did...except for the indians in the apartment above us. They washed their clothes in the bathtub. All 16 of them - people, not clothes. In a one bedroom apartment. Their shit always leaked through the floor and, thus, through our ceiling in the bathroom.

Now, I have nothing against indian people (especially since I live in this area), but this family was so loud and up all night and used up all the hit water that I got used to take cold shower before work every morning. I like indian food, but they cooked some of the nastiest shit that the entire building took up the stench that I dubbed WDP*.

You know...I guess I don't really miss my apartment...

Wet Dog Pussy

Indians are the worst.
I looked up unfunny in the Dictionary, and under Demolition Man and jolly_dwarf, I found this monstrosity:


[quote name='Demolition Man']I liked that video better when it was done by the Angry Video Game Nerd.[/QUOTE]

I take back what I said about you being in the Dictionary.

You brought the noise this time around.
If people are just gonna rip off eachother's shit, I think demoman should make a chad warden style video in which he says nigga and DOES NOT talk about that wii. I would pay to see that.
[quote name='red flare graf']http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/americangangster/[/QUOTE]
That looks fuckin' awesome.

[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']If people are just gonna rip off eachother's shit, I think demoman should make a chad warden style video in which he says nigga and DOES NOT talk about that wii. I would pay to see that.[/QUOTE]Seconded.

Anyways, people have been ripping off Demo Man's Numa Numa schtick for years; it's time he did the same to them.
[quote name='zewone']I don't even get why he would do that?

It's the exact same video.[/QUOTE]
If you're a sado-masochist, check out his other videos.

I like it when he says "What a shit load of fuck!" in one of them.

It's so fucking blatant.

What's disgusting about this guy, is that he's making money off of these videos -- he's making money off of robbing someone else's gimmick and material.

He also has the power to delete videos that scrutinize his "work", citing that they are infringing on his intellectual properties... which he stole from the Angry Video Game Nerd.

The ironing is delicious.
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