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[quote name='Liquid 2']The single because I played it to death. I'm not sure what happened with the multi. It's just not the same as it was with Halo 2, which I spent more time than I can fathom playing.[/quote]
Really? That's strange because i've always thought that Halo 2 wasn't all that great, and I think I played a total of 12 online games. I love the Halo universe, and i've got all the books and games (strange, since as i've stated before, i'm not into space and aliens stuff), so I really got into Halo 3. Still, I could see where if you were a huge fan of Halo 2, you were coming off of a Halo high when 3 came out, whereas I was coming off of a low.

But yes, the playback feature should be a given in games now. This is next gen after all. :D

Moji, hit me up if you wanna do up some Halo 3 or COD 4. Though, I won't have COD 4 until Christmas.
[quote name='Mojimbo']It's hard to feel sympathy when he's such a cunt in the game forums.

Liquid, you're done with H3? I was hoping to go on some more Team Slayer runs with you guys once I get my box back in between CoD4 sessions. :cry:[/QUOTE]
Not 100% done, but I won't be playing it (or any other game, for that matter) for the next few weeks.

It's a lot better when playing with people I know, so if you see me online, just shoot me an invite and I might join in.

[quote name='Temporaryscars']But yes, the playback feature should be a given in games now. This is next gen after all.:D[/QUOTE]The truth.
I think I liked Halo 2's multiplayer better, as it was more minimalistic.

I want to tear some Halo 3 up, though. :bomb:
[quote name='TFN']:rofl: Who is FoxyGamerGirl.

I wanna sleep with her.[/quote]

Sleep with her, take her virginity. Make her pregnant, in TMK's bed while he's in the other room, crying. Because you and I both know he can't do a damned thing about it. Call her a bitch and a slut during, and smack her up afterward.
[quote name='Brak']I think I liked Halo 2's multiplayer better, as it was more minimalistic.

I want to tear some Halo 3 up, though. :bomb:[/QUOTE]
Plus, Halo 2 had Headlong and Lockout. Not a single one of the new maps is nearly as good.
[quote name='Brak']I think I liked Halo 2's multiplayer better, as it was more minimalistic.

I want to tear some Halo 3 up, though. :bomb:[/QUOTE]We can be H3 buddies once we get our boxes back. :bouncy:

I always see that Teef ninja on H3 but he's never in an open party. Perhaps he'll join us.

Mojimbo, Brak and I?

....We're like Tango and Cash.
As far as big, dumb action flicks go, Tango & Cash is the bon.

And I'm ready for some Hay-Lo Triple action.

Now, if that were on That Triple... I'd be able to play it right now.
[quote name='TFN']Brak = FoxyGamerGirl.[/QUOTE]
I think it's Chacrana.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']My boyfriend is ignoring me maybe I should find some guy and sit in his lap.[/quote]

Yeah, and when he says something about it say he's too controlling and that you are just friends with the guy ( who you don't know ).
[quote name='Brak']I think it's Chacrana.[/QUOTE]I don't think Chacrana would be able to keep the act up for too long before he started talking about dicks or something (that was him who plastered them all over Papsiworld, right?).
[quote name='Liquid 2']Veedubkid is a fuckin' retard.[/quote]
I've never heard of him before today but he's already on my ignore list.
[quote name='Rocko']Hmm. Threw another photo to Threadless.[/quote]

I need to buy some stuff from Threadless, what times do they usually have sales at?
[quote name='dcfox']The Pats game is getting a little ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

\Well, the Pats had to stop scoring. They have to be worried that if they reach 100 the score will turn over to 00 and the Redskins would take the lead.
[quote name='darthbudge']I need to buy some stuff from Threadless, what times do they usually have sales at?[/quote]
I'unno. They just recently had a hoodie sale.

If they accept my photo I'll have $7.50 in credit, so that's nice. Once I take pictures with the rest of my shirts and Brak pays me back, I'll have just enough for a shirt, shipped, for free. :D
[quote name='Rocko']I'unno. They just recently had a hoodie sale.

If they accept my photo I'll have $7.50 in credit, so that's nice. Once I take pictures with the rest of my shirts and Brak pays me back, I'll have just enough for a shirt, shipped, for free. :D[/quote]

Cool, I wanna try making a design. I doubt it would get taken though.
Should I be creeped out right now?

- (7:28:22 PM): i used to have the biggest cruxh on you in school
Brak (7:28:47 PM): Really?
- (7:29:07 PM): yeah
- (7:29:26 PM): if i would have known you w ere a gemini back then
- (7:29:32 PM): lol
Brak (7:29:25 PM): I don't think I remember you from high school.
- (7:29:49 PM): it was a crsh from a distance
[quote name='Brak']Should I be creeped out right now?

- (7:28:22 PM): i used to have the biggest cruxh on you in school
Brak (7:28:47 PM): Really?
- (7:29:07 PM): yeah
- (7:29:26 PM): if i would have known you w ere a gemini back then
- (7:29:32 PM): lol
Brak (7:29:25 PM): I don't think I remember you from high school.
- (7:29:49 PM): it was a crsh from a distance[/quote]
fuck. I can't play Guitar Hero 3 because I can't migrate my account back to my xbox.
It takes for fucking ever and I've tried like 5 times.
I'm tired and don't have alot of time so fuck you Xbox live.
fuck you.
Someone tried to tell me something
Don’t let the world bring you down
Nothing can do me in before I do myself
So save it for your own and the ones you can help...
[quote name='Brak']Should I be creeped out right now?

- (7:28:22 PM): i used to have the biggest cruxh on you in school
Brak (7:28:47 PM): Really?
- (7:29:07 PM): yeah
- (7:29:26 PM): if i would have known you w ere a gemini back then
- (7:29:32 PM): lol
Brak (7:29:25 PM): I don't think I remember you from high school.
- (7:29:49 PM): it was a crsh from a distance[/QUOTE]:lol:

Those two lines are especially hilarious.
[quote name='Liquid 2']:lol:

Those two lines are especially hilarious.[/QUOTE]
Especially the first line.

*cold chills*
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