Chris Benoit kills wife, 7 year old son and then self.

I'm concerned about how Vince and creative are now going to use this to push all their storylines, just like they did with Eddie's death.

Because you know, they can't be *that* classy all the time.

In a year from now they'll probably be using this event to push some shitty no name superstar.
I don't recall the precise story, but Benoit, during his Japanese days, screwed up a move in a match. He forced himself to do 500 Hindu Squats after the match as punishment.


What a phenomenal wrestler. It's a shame that so few guys will be taught by one of the few guys who could bring the old Hart Dungeon style to the modern era. Frankly, I'm really interested in seeing what MVP had to say about him.
New Japan Pro Wrestling is airing on WWE TV - a surreal moment that I'll remember for a long time. I'm guessing they acquired the rights to at least be able to broadcast it, as it wasn't edited out of any video packages. New Japan is known for charging $10,000 for each minute of footage, so they probably got the rights to it when they did his DVD. Ah, the Dynamite Kid/Benoit video package. Classic stuff.
[quote name='Rocko']Saucy Jack probably enjoyed that one.[/quote]

i wouldnt be suprised if this brings him back for a surprise visit...
Honestly I think I am done with wrestling. Chris Beniot dying I think has really made me realize that. After all the recent deaths in the past five years its hard to be a wrestling fan. Chris Beniot was truely a great and its not because he has passed on but because he was the best wrestler in the united states.
You will be missed Chris Beniot. I pray for you and your family. God Bless
[quote name='neocisco']Fox 5 blurbed it at the top of the broadcast. I'll post any new info when the story airs.[/QUOTE]

Thanks neo. I had a feeling that the bit I mentioned earlier might of been false but we'll see.
The only new info is that the autopsies will be done tomorrow. Results can take a couple of weeks, though. They did a good job, listing him as a former world and intercontinental champion and also holding several tag team championships. Pretty good for a mainstream newscast.

EDIT: No mention of Kevin Sullivan.
Words cannot desribe how how I feel now. It's horrible enough that he died, even worse the way he died, as well as his family. I'm not sure what to think, other than this is one of the most depressing days of my life. Benoit, along with Eddie Guerraro were one of the reasons I toughed it out and watched WWE after it went to shit. They were inspirations as I grew up and now they're both gone.

I had a feeling that this "family emergency" was going to lead to something bad, but never this.

I just noticed mykevermin, that same pic in your sig used to be in mine. Way back when I first joined CAG and he won the belt. I remember thinking that things were going to be diff (with WWE). My two all-time fav wrestlers as top champions? It didn't last long, and by Summerslam things were back to sucking, but for those few moments, the WWE was as awesome as it used to be.
this sucks because i have an essay that is due in 45mins and i have been so distracted since i got home and learned of benoits passing..

my final product is going to be so half assed
Man i just read this on yahoo, it was really really shocking

I mean many wrestlers die because of the toll the sport has on their body or something but to be killed with his wife and kid....very very sad. RIP
I'm not a huge wrestling fan so when I tuned into Raw to see what happened on the PPV I was shocked. At least Eddie got to lead him to the gates of heaven.
It's too bad they're not going to show one of the many epic matches Benoit had with Angle. A true retrospective isn't complete without at least one of them.
WHAT THE fuck?!

Man, I came home from work, turned on wrestling and saw Benoit was... dead.

I can't believe this, I'm literally crying... this is terrible.
[quote name='neocisco']It's too bad they're not going to show one of the many epic matches Benoit had with Angle. A true retrospective isn't complete without at least one of them.[/QUOTE]

Oh come on..... why broadcast a match on TV featuring a guy who is current TNA World Champion? It would be nice of the WWE to put that aside for one night but alas.

Putting that aside (and its an non-issue with me anyways).... the WWE has done a very tasteful tribute to Benoit tonight. I hope they don't fuck this up like they did with Eddie down the road.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Oh come on..... why broadcast a match on TV featuring a guy who is current TNA World Champion? It would be nice of the WWE to put that aside for one night but alas.

Putting that aside (and its an non-issue with me anyways).... the WWE has done a very tasteful tribute to Benoit tonight. I hope they don't fuck this up like they did with Eddie down the road.[/quote]

Well they did show the Rumble which had Angle, Lesnar, Goldberg, RVD, Big Show, and Billy Gunn in it.
I turned on Raw for the hell of it at 9:15 EST not realizing what was going on. I will reserve comment, like Regal, until they find out what happened. I'm so shocked that I really don't know what else to say right now.
I remember when Benoit's contract was up for renewal last year and the obligatory rumors started about him maybe going to TNA. All I could imagine was Benoit and Samoa Joe having a chopfest on each other. What could have been...
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']Well they did show the Rumble which had Angle, Lesnar, Goldberg, RVD, Big Show, and Billy Gunn in it.[/QUOTE]

True. Its a bit easier to show a rumble with Angle in it since they won't need to work up an explanation of why Angle isn't in the WWE anymore. Which would be near free advertisement for TNA. Especially given the BIG match that TNA is having this Thursday (which according to many is the biggest match on Impact to this date).
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']Well they did show the Rumble which had Angle, Lesnar, Goldberg, RVD, Big Show, and Billy Gunn in it.[/quote]

Good point. I still wouldn't put it past Vince to show a Benoit/Angle match--as long as Benoit won.
I was thinking about wrestling man of all sports this is the saddest one to be in. Someone is always dying.

I read on a couple of sites that they're not taking this lightly. Some sites are saying that the police are investigating this as a homicide. They officer said that no gun wounds, stabbing, or blood was found. However they're not ruling out strangulation, or poisoning.

I hope that its gas poisoning from a bad water heater or something. It would sadden me if it was a homicide.
Was there an explanation as to why the show was canceled? I'm curious what the reasoning was since at other times the show wasn't canceled.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']I just noticed mykevermin, that same pic in your sig used to be in mine.[/QUOTE]

I stole it from CaseyRyback, but if you used it first, then thanks. I'm going to hate that my favorite WrestleMania will now be my favorite for all the wrong reasons. I won't be able to watch Benoit and Guerrero hugging amidst the ticker-tape parade without immense sadness.
Benoit your gonna see Eddie again, but I never imagined in this way.

Benoit is/was my favorite wrestler of all time. I am sad to see his passing, even more the passing of his very young child and wife. This is so depressing.

I just learned of this via playing games online and seeing it in a chat room. Someone mentioned Chris Benoit R.I.P and my heart fell to the floor.

Gah I can't type anymore. Rest in peace Benoit.
[quote name='neocisco']Was there an explanation as to why the show was canceled? I'm curious what the reasoning was since at other times the show wasn't canceled.[/QUOTE]

I haven't seen anything yet. If I hear anything I'll post it.
[quote name='guyver2077'][
The Fayette County (Ga.) Sheriff's Department said they are investigating the death of Chris Benoit and his family as a homicide.[/QUOTE]

yea I mentioned that on page 12. They said no blood, stabs, or gun wound were found. But not ruling out poisoning, or strangulation.
bread's done