Chris Benoit kills wife, 7 year old son and then self.

[quote name='neocisco']Was there an explanation as to why the show was canceled? I'm curious what the reasoning was since at other times the show wasn't canceled.[/quote]Officially, no, but with the terrible Vince angle having a Benoit tribute show just wouldn't have cut it. This was really the only classy option for them and I'm glad they took it. There was also speculation that everything happened so fast that no one was in the mindset to wrestle, especially with the immense level of respect everyone had for Benoit.

I hope that whoever all was using the Benoit and Eddie pic doesn't mind I shamelessly stole it for my sig as well.

Edit: A bit disappointing that we didn't get any thoughts from MVP, although he may have been a complete mess.


Wrestling star Chris Benoit, his wife, Nancy, and their 7-year-old son Daniel were found dead in their suburban Atlanta home Monday. The deaths are being investigated as a possible suicide and double homicide, authorities told ABC News.
Lt. Tommy Pope of the Fayette County Sheriff's Department told ABC News that Benoit had missed several appointments over the weekend, leading concerned parties to ask police to do a "welfare check." When sheriffs arrived at the Benoits' home, they found the wrestler, his wife, and their son dead.

There were no signs of gunshot wounds or stabbing, according to Pope. Authorities are not ruling out other causes, such as poisoning, suffocation, or strangulation. Pope told ABC News that his department is looking at this situation as a "possible double murder, suicide."
Pope said "the instruments of death were located on scene," but would not specify what those instruments are or where in the house the bodies were found. Pope added the department is "not actively searching for any suspects outside of the house."
An autopsy has been scheduled for Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. However, it could be weeks before there is a result.
Benoit, 40, was scheduled to spar against C.M. Punk in a pay-per-view event Sunday night in Houston for the Extreme Champion Wrestling title. But Benoit canceled before the event, citing personal reasons.
A native of Edmonton, Alberta, Benoit was known in the ring as the "Canadian Crippler."
Following the announcement of the deaths, World Wrestling Entertainment issued a statement: "Chris was beloved among his fellow superstars, and was a favorite among WWE fans for his unbelievable athleticism and wrestling ability. He always took great pride in his performance, and always showed respect for the business he loved, for his peers and towards his fans. This is a terrible tragedy and an unbearable loss. WWE extends its sincere condolences and prayers to the Benoit family and loved ones in this time of tragedy."
WWE announced that it would drop its planned Monday night line-up on the USA Network to air a three-hour tribute to Benoit.
In a sport known for bravado and bullying, Benoit was very much beloved and respected by his peers. He was passionate about his profession and served as a mentor to many younger, up-and-coming performers. As an indication of how much the fans enjoyed him, when the crowd in Houston's Toyota Center learned Sunday night that he wouldn't be there, they chanted, "We want Benoit!"

Benoit's wife was also in the wrestling business as a valet and manager. She was known as "Woman." The two met while they both worked for the now-defunct World Championship Wrestling, which was owned by Ted Turner until Vince McMahon's WWE bought it out.
[quote name='Demolition Man']I haven't seen anything yet. If I hear anything I'll post it.[/QUOTE]

Timing? They didn't find out until this afternoon, whereas with other deaths (Owen and Eddie), they died the day before Raw. You could argue that the wrestlers wouldn't be prepared to wrestle and cope at the same time.

Another, better reason would be context. Keep in mind this was supposed to be "McMahon appreciation night." It was scheduled to be a "tribute" show all along, and reality made it a far more unfortunate retrospective. WWE, finding out 5 and a half hours before airtime, had to scrap the *entire* show, and also the ongoing Vince McMahon storyline. Now, a tribute show has no story, but the poor timing of Benoit's death with the storyline, and the poor timing between finding out (the bodies were found at 2:30PM, so feasibly, nobody in the WWE knew until after that - giving them roughly 5 or less hours from the news to the show) and the show going to air, made it damn near impossible to do.

WWE just ate hundreds of thousands of dollars on that, and also dropped the McMahon storyline (they'd be fools to resurrect it in light of Benoit, and they broke kayfabe by having him start off the show). They do deserve a lot of respect for tonight, IMO.

[quote name='Genocidal']Edit: A bit disappointing that we didn't get any thoughts from MVP, although he may have been a complete mess.[/QUOTE]

He wouldn't be at Raw. I'm sure he'll have something to say on Friday.
Here's the newest Observer site update on Benoit's passing -
There is very little conclusive regarding the death of Chris Benoit, wife Nancy and son Daniel.

The three were found dead by the sheriff's department in Peachtree City, GA, at about 2:30 p.m. this afternoon after a WWE official had called because they had been unable to reach Chris after numerous attempts.

Lt. Tommy Pope told the Associated Press that it was being investigated as a homicide pending results of a preliminary autopsy report that will come out tomorrow. No gunshot or stab wounds were found, but they couldn't rule out poisoning, suffocation or strangulation. Pope said he was not confirming any of these potential causes, just not ruling them out.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported it is being investigated as a murder/suicide.

WWE canceled its sold out live show in Corpus Christi, TX, and instead produced a three-hour show of clips from Benoit matches, the DVD on his career with comments by many of the top stars.
[quote name='mykevermin']I stole it from CaseyRyback, but if you used it first, then thanks. I'm going to hate that my favorite WrestleMania will now be my favorite for all the wrong reasons. I won't be able to watch Benoit and Guerrero hugging amidst the ticker-tape parade without immense sadness.[/QUOTE]

It's fine, I stole it from anyhow. It just dredged up memories of three years ago (those three years seeming more like a couple weeks ago).

It might not seem it, since I don't post in this thread a lot and I generally don't discuss it (here), but I was and still am a Huge Pro Wrestling fan. Since 1998, since I was 11, I was a fanatic. From 99-01 there was no wrestling mark bigger than me, even when ECW & WCW folded and WWE started the invasion superstar I was a huge fan, even when the draft happened and HHH dominated 02-03 I would still watching wrestling intently. Two of those reasons were Benoit & Guerraro.

When Guerraro passed on in 2005, I was so depressed I almost quit watching pro wrestling altogether (and I shelved my plans to become a pro wrestler). I started slowly getting back into the groove of things as TNA got the spike TV slot and ECW started back up. Now Benoit is gone too, and he was easily my favorite wrestler. Back when I was 14-15 and I was going through the hell that is High School, I had this absurd notion that I'd make it as a wrestler, that I'd even one day wrestle Benoit himself.
That is why I am reserving any definitive comments about this situation until they say what really happened. If this was a murder/suicide then I don't know what I would say.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Instruments of death? Suicide with double homicide? This is not bolding well.[/quote]

But now it is bolding well.

:lol:. Boding. ;)
[quote name='Rocko']But now it is bolding well.

:lol:. Boding. ;)[/QUOTE]

Heh. Guess It's time to play the wonderful game of waiting now
Very true myke. Actually Eddie's death happened the day they were taping RAW (along with Smackdown) here in Minneapolis. Regardless the tribute they have done tonight has been excellent, in great taste, and very fitting for Benoit as I said earlier.

Now... only if the WWE keeps it at this and doesn't exploit it like the way they did with Eddie.
[quote name='mykevermin']He wouldn't be at Raw. I'm sure he'll have something to say on Friday.[/quote]Everyone was supposed to be at Raw tonight for the big McMahon Memorial, from the sound of things last week on Raw. Edge was there, at the very least.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Now... only if the WWE keeps it at this and doesn't exploit it like the way they did with Eddie.[/quote]

Well, if it turns out as murder/suicide I seriously doubt it. We gotta find out what really happened first. I hate speculation, but this isn't like finding Eddie dead by himself or Owen falling from the ceiling. This is a whole other level, especially since it involoved his family and not just him.
I hadn't heard about this and just tuned in to see the end of RAW...

Benoit has always been one of my favorites, this is so unfortunate.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Man, this news must have shut down Wikipedia and LordsofPain because I can't get into either right now.[/QUOTE]

Heh, I browse LoP as well, use it as my main wrestling site, despite all the damn pop ups. The fact that I couldn't get into it brought back chilling flashbacks of the Guerraro incident. It was what led to a brief second where I thought he might have died, but I just shrugged it off.

One things for certain: you never know what could happen. One day I was watching Benoit winning his way into Vengence, thinking it might be time to start watching ECW again with Benoit as champ, then two days later he's gone.

[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life'],2933,286673,00.html


fuck NO! I won't believe it till it's true!
Well now I feel like an ass when I told my friend "Benoit better be dead if he missed this PPV" after I heard Benoit wouldn't be fighting that night.
Again, lets avoid speculation. Let's just enjoy the tribute because if this is a worst case scenario this wil be the last time we can enjoy our memories of Benoit. I know this may come across as pessimistic but none of us knows the circumstances behind this.
Regardless, that was a perfect ending. Just a great image with Benoit and Guerrero together. Loved it. Such a tragedy that they're both gone.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Exactly. If true, and that is a big IF, then this tribute is really inappropriate IMO.[/QUOTE]

Anything at this point we should take with a pinch of salt. Especially since we know how the media likes to spin things around in the name of controversy, webpage hits, TV ratings, and money.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Exactly. If true, and that is a big IF, then this tribute is really inappropriate IMO.[/quote]And if they didn't have the tribute, we'd all be bitching about that. There's no way for them to know what happened, so even if it is true they went forward in the best way possible.
WAGA reported that investigators believe Benoit killed his wife and son over the weekend, and then himself sometime Monday.

If the above is true, it'll just be another blow for every man out there...with all of these men killing their wives, children and pregnant girlfriends in one week; what can I even's pathetic. As a husband and father of two, I cannot fathom the mindset that drives people to kill people they love...I pray that this isn't the case, but...
From Yahoo's front page.

WWE wrestler Chris Benoit, his wife, and son were found dead Monday and police said they were investigating the deaths as a murder-suicide. Detective Bo Turner told television station WAGA that the case was being treated as a murder-suicide, but said that couldn't be confirmed until evidence was examined by a crime lab.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Anything at this point we should take with a pinch of salt. Especially since we know how the media likes to spin things around in the name of controversy, webpage hits, TV ratings, and money.[/quote]

That is why I highlighted IF.

WWE is in a total Catch-22 regardless.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life'],2933,286673,00.html


They say they werent shot to death, but never mention any other kind of markings, lacerations, etc. Its really hard to tell what it is when they wont give us all the info.

I cant imagine Benoit doing that kind of thing. We probably would've read something on a site about him having some kind of personal problems, not having a 'family emergency' and then just deciding to kill his family.
yea wwe took the safe and professional route by airing this "best of" tribute show.. while his passing did not have me any where near as emotional as i felt for eddie, you cant take anything away from benoit..
fuck!!!!! WWE.COM

Double murder-suicide

It has been ruled that the deaths of Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and their son Daniel earlier today were the result of a double murder-suicide from within the home. will have more as soon as it becomes
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Exactly. If true, and that is a big IF, then this tribute is really inappropriate IMO.[/QUOTE]

What was WWE supposed to do? Even if Benoit killed them both, they wouldn't have known before the show. I don't find any fault in what they did even if our worst case scenario turns out to be true.
I'll say this, for the most part the wrestler interviews on Raw tonight were a LOT more subdued than with Eddie Guerrero. Regal's comments was so blunt and to the point about Benoit the wrestler, specifically leaving everything else out.
[quote name='furyk']What was WWE supposed to do? Even if Benoit killed them both, they wouldn't have known before the show. I don't find any fault in what they did even if our worst case scenario turns out to be true.[/quote]

That is why I also said they were in a catch-22.
Benoit doesn't need weapons though seriously. The guy is built. I don't know whether to feel more for Chris right now or his son. He was so young. I pray things will be different with the results though.
Raw was done very well tonight. Vince breaking character was the right thing to do. However, this Benoit... double-murder suicide. If that's true... wow I just don't know what to think about Benoit if that's the case.
[quote name='guyver2077']look up.. wwe confirmed its a murder-suicide[/quote]

Rather odd they confirm that right after the show goes off. Could be an odd coincidence I guess.
If it was a murder suicide, Benoit had to have done it, especially since he was the one that called to miss Vengeance. Unless of course it was Nancy who called the company to let them know that Chris couldn't make it. It all really depends on who called the company...
The news didn't break on Fox News until right around Raw went off the air, so I don't think they were holding back, just a matter of bad timing.

Myke beat me to it.
bread's done