Chris Benoit kills wife, 7 year old son and then self.

[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I didn't know a Diving Headbutt off the living room sofa has the impact needed to kill someone....[/QUOTE]

He could have gotten up on the entertainment center. No worries about him hitting his head either.

Some people deal with tragedy using comedy. That's how I'm trying to get through this.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I didn't know a Diving Headbutt off the living room sofa has the impact needed to kill someone....[/quote]

You're a classless individual.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Yup, that's me.[/QUOTE]
I thought you had a caterpillar mustache like Weird Al...
[quote name='Graystone']I agree that we know nothing right now. But its being reported as a double murder suicide at I know its hard to understand why your hero might have done something horrible or his wife might have done something horrible. Hell his son could have done it. Trying to help mom make dinner, and trying to help season the food threw in a little cleaning chemicals or poison. Yes its far fetched but anything is possible.[/QUOTE]

And you think the mutherfuckers over at aren't above whoring this think out for some hits? And even so, it's not like someone couldn't have set him up. If he was set up, we might never know it. This isn't CSI or some bullshit detective story.
[quote name='Zen Davis']Was Benoit on the road when he ran home?[/QUOTE]

Probably not. He was scheduled for Vengeance, but ECW taped on Tuesday. My guess is he would have a house show on Friday or Saturday, but it sounds like he canceled that appearance.

[quote name='-Never4ever-']And you think the mutherfuckers over at aren't above whoring this think out for some hits? And even so, it's not like someone couldn't have set him up. If he was set up, we might never know it. This isn't CSI or some bullshit detective story.[/QUOTE]

I doubt the WWE is whoring this out. They usually give it two weeks or so before pissing on someone's grave.... like Eddie's. One of the many things bothering me is the whole "murder weapon" issue. That almost gives me hope that Benoit is innocent (also that Nancy was a Satanist at one time and was super loopy).
Sources in the Fayette County Police Department are now working under the theory that Chris Benoit killed Nancy on Saturday, son Daniel on Sunday, and then killed himself earlier today.

Benoit was found dead in his weight room. Nancy was found dead in the lving room. Daniel was found dead in his bedroom, accordig t an unnamed source in the department.

Lt. Tommy Pope told ABC News "the instruments of death were located on the scene," but didn't specify what those were or where they were found. Pope said the department was not actively searching for any suspects outside the house.

[quote name='guyver2077']#-o

doesnt benoit have kids from another marriage? wonder what they think[/quote]

Yes, he has 2 other kids. Boys, I think.
[quote name='moonknight25']i just want to say this....

All the matches you bust your ass in, all the people you put over, all the years you performed at a level that no one will prob come close. Thank you...Thank you for giving me a reason to watch nitro and thunder, thank you for helping eddie turn around his life, thank you for being a great person and one who loved his fans. thank you Chris Benoit . I'll see you, your family, and Eddie in heaven one day hopefully

I agree with this statement wholeheartedly ... it is indeed a sad day in the world of wrestling.
Just heard about this and I'm blown away by the news. If his death alone wasn't bad enough, his wife and son are dead, too. He was easily one of my favorite wrestlers still in the WWE today. I guess this was the reason he wasn't at Vengeance last night?

At least Vince was smart enough to change his memorial to dedicating the show to Chris Benoit. It's too bad that there's the horrible irony of having a week of rememberance to a real wrestler like Chris Benoit a week after the horrible week long dedication of Raw, ECW, and Smackdown to himself.

RIP Chris Benoit, his wife, and son.
[quote name='Demolition Man']He could have his posts per page limit set to 50 posts.[/quote]

Seriously, who doesn't at this point/why wouldn't you? Makes browsing so much easier. The only exception I could think of are the 56Kers who can't handle it.

[quote name='Brak']I thought you had a caterpillar mustache like Weird Al...[/quote]

Please tell me you're not so dense as to believe he was the guy in his old avatar...
Now if he supposedly killed his wife in the living room on Saturday then his son on Sunday and then himself today, then how did he get his son to not ask questions of why his mom was in the living room? You know what I mean? And why wait another day to kill yourself? Just doesnt make sense to me.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']And you think the mutherfuckers over at aren't above whoring this think out for some hits? And even so, it's not like someone couldn't have set him up. If he was set up, we might never know it. This isn't CSI or some bullshit detective story.[/QUOTE]

I'm not talking about wwe your making an argument without reading the facts we have at this time. Also this is CSI trust me the dectives are going to look into it. They'll take finger prints off of the "instruments of death" see who's fingers they match. Do an autopsy you know CSI stuff.


Sources in the Fayette County Police Department are now working under the theory that Chris Benoit killed Nancy on Saturday, son Daniel on Sunday, and then killed himself earlier today.

Benoit was found dead in his weight room. Nancy was found dead in the lving room. Daniel was found dead in his bedroom, accordig t an unnamed source in the department.

Lt. Tommy Pope told ABC News "the instruments of death were located on the scene," but didn't specify what those were or where they were found. Pope said the department was not actively searching for any suspects outside the house.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']And you think the mutherfuckers over at aren't above whoring this think out for some hits? And even so, it's not like someone couldn't have set him up. If he was set up, we might never know it. This isn't CSI or some bullshit detective story.[/quote]

Even if investigators say someone set him up, you said this....

[quote name='-Never4ever-']And I don't give a flying fuck what the news, or investigators say, no one knows the truth, and we will probably never know the truth. I KNOW Benoit wouldn't do something heinous as kill his wife & kid, then kill himself. This just doesn't fit at all.[/quote]

That's emotion talking and you want to believe what will keep Benoit's name from being forever tainted. Believe me, I am not picking on you, and I understand where you are coming from, but the next few weeks will clear this up and we will have to just deal with it whether it clears Benoit or implicates him. We all are dumbfounded by this whole thing. We can't just hope for the truth we want.

It would be easier to deal with if it was someone else, but Chris and his family are dead and nothing can change that.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Please tell me you're not so dense as to believe he was the guy in his old avatar...[/QUOTE]
I don't see what's so dense about it. The guy in his avatar looked like your average video game connoisseur. Especially with that hot-ass dragon clubshirt.

Looked kinda like Matt Young.
Not reading every page to see if its been said..

We lose Eddie and Chris while Jake the Snake still wanders the earth.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']]Believe me, I am not picking on you, and I understand where you are coming from, but the next few weeks will clear this up and we will have to just deal with it whether it clears Benoit or implicates him. We all are dumbfounded by this whole thing.[/quote]

Very well put.
[quote name='Brak']I don't see what's so dense about it. The guy in his avatar looked like your average video game connoisseur. Especially with that hot-ass dragon clubshirt.

Looked kinda like Matt Young.[/quote]

what was that pic in his old avatar,,,i think i thought the same thing... some nerdy guy with a mustache or something right,,
[quote name='Graystone']Your late to the party were on page 18 now. [/quote]

You're late to the reading comprehension. You even quoted it. (BTW, Demolition man was right, it's 50.)

Vanilla, Jesus, dude. No length of time is too short, huh?

@ the latest... That's horrid. Hope it's not true, but this is getting uglier by the minute.
[quote name='guyver2077']what was that pic in his old avatar,,,i think i thought the same thing... some nerdy guy with a mustache or something right,,
[quote name='GuilewasNK']
That's emotion talking It would be easier to deal with if it was someone else, but Chris and his family are dead and nothing can change that.[/QUOTE]

QFT this is comparable to when George Reeves shot himself in the 50's. To this day they're not sure if he shot himself or it was a hit.

[quote name='furyk'] That almost gives me hope that Benoit is innocent (also that Nancy was a Satanist at one time and was super loopy).[/QUOTE]

Well if you believe in that type of thing. Its very possible that she has evil energy following her, and possessed her or Benoit and did this. It sounds crazy but I know of and have seen possession first hand.

[quote name='Undertaker4eber']Now if he supposedly killed his wife in the living room on Saturday then his son on Sunday and then himself today, then how did he get his son to not ask questions of why his mom was in the living room? You know what I mean? And why wait another day to kill yourself? Just doesnt make sense to me.[/QUOTE]

I don't know its a lot of good questions that need to be answered. Lets just hope that the local police department isn't to quick to wrap this one up. Things can be made to look like a murder suicide.
[quote name='Iron Clad Burrito']You're late to the reading comprehension. You even quoted it. (BTW, Demolition man was right, it's 50.)


I wasn't being a dick, you however have accomplished that.
[quote name='moonknight25']

NUFF fuckING SAID[/quote]Very nice. Hope you don't mind my using it.

I'll be holding my tongue on what I think about any causes of death, but all I know is that a murder/suicide kinda hits a little too close to home for me.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Even if investigators say someone set him up, you said this....

That's emotion talking and you want to believe what will keep Benoit's name from being forever tainted. Believe me, I am not picking on you, and I understand where you are coming from, but the next few weeks will clear this up and we will have to just deal with it whether it clears Benoit or implicates him. We all are dumbfounded by this whole thing. We can't just hope for the truth we want.

It would be easier to deal with if it was someone else, but Chris and his family are dead and nothing can change that.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, you're right. But then again, we'll never know the whole story. The only potential witness is dead and all we have to go on is what comes up. Even if it turns out to be true, we'll never know why.
Man, somebody at a different forum (SA) pointed out something very horrible.

[quote name='Blades1']
If I recall correctly didn't Chavo on Raw mention how he talked to Chris the night before he died? That would have been either Saturday or Sunday. He choked up when he said Benoit's last words to him were "I love you Chavo."

At that point Chris was possibly talking to Chavo while having dead bodies in the house and knowing what he was about to do next.

Think about that. :cry:
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I'll say this, for the most part the wrestler interviews on Raw tonight were a LOT more subdued than with Eddie Guerrero. Regal's comments was so blunt and to the point about Benoit the wrestler, specifically leaving everything else out.[/quote]

As my friend and I watched the show, I noted that as well.

Stephanie was very emotional during previous tribute shows, she even gets crazy choked up talking about Vince on his DVD. She's obviously priviledged to any inside information that the other wrestlers, and of course general public would not have. Now, tonight she didn't even shed a tear, I found that odd.

The whole no matches tribute show, and the lack of all the wrestlers standing out in the entry way like a normal tribute show seemed odd to me as well; however, I was able to dismiss that because of the limo crap, and Vince having to come out and break character for this tribute to be seen as legit.

Right now, this looks really, really bad. Who knows if the phone calls were accurate at all, although, for Benoit to die in his weight room after making said phone calls seems a little too coincidental. To me, it seems like that's where he'd choose to die. I'm not saying he's guilty, but the hearsay so far just suggests if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, well...

I know a lot of people have been quick to defend Benoit, and many have rather morbidly hoped that his wife committed these unfathomable sins. The reality is, that we all respected Chris Benoit so much that we can't imagine he'd betray our respect and execute such a heinous act. Something like that totally blows my mind too, and I'd imagine most of us have been left very confused.

I'll save all final judgment until the official report is given, but I have to say that right now this situation certainly doesn't appear like it will end well.
[quote name='Sporadic']Man, somebody at a different forum (SA) pointed out something very horrible.[/QUOTE]

Thats a good point. The only thing I can think is that slowly he went insane over time but kept it to himself. Then finally he snapped one day.
[quote name='Brak']Looked kinda like Matt Young.[/quote]

D'oh! Old Matt Young or New "roided up*" Matt Young?

*For those new to the topic, I'm obviously joking about the steroids, he did add some size though.

[quote name='Will']Not reading every page to see if its been said..

We lose Eddie and Chris while Jake the Snake still wanders the earth.[/quote]

I thought the same damn thing. Not only Jake, but the freakin' Sheik too!
[quote name='Will']Not reading every page to see if its been said..

We lose Eddie and Chris while Jake the Snake still wanders the earth.[/quote]

This is a real lousy thing to say. Is one man's life more valuable or more deserving than another..... I don't think so. Jake has had an incredibly difficult life dealing with all his demons. He deserves to live as much as anyone else does.
[quote name='mykevermin']Can't sleep yet again tonight. [/quote]

I am having a hard time too, but I can't stay up much longer talking about this. It's just too much to go to sleep to.
[quote name='Graystone']I wasn't being a dick, you however have accomplished that.[/quote]

I thought you were. whatever.

[quote name='furyk'](also that Nancy was a Satanist at one time and was super loopy).[/quote]

Seriously? I know that Kevin Sullivan was doing a "satan-worshipper" character back in the mid-80s (with Mark Lewin), was this "life imitates art?"
[quote name='Iron Clad Burrito']I thought you were. whatever.[/QUOTE]

Can you two take this to private messaging? This thread isn't here for this pointless bickering.


Everyone Else
[quote name='smellhasreturned']I hope Benoit didnt do it.[/QUOTE]

Its possible that someone else did the killing then set up everything to look like a murder suicide.

I've always been big into serial murders, and just murders in general. I should say I've always been big into psychology, and sociology more then murders. Lots of things could have cause this. I can't remember the killers name it eludes me at the moment. But he was a serial killer in the 50's. He killed 20 people or so, and when he was about to be put to death he asked that they examined his brain. So they did turns out he had a tumor pushing on his brain that caused his moods to switch into killing mode. A simple surgery could have removed the tumor and he would have been normal.
[quote name='BustaUppa']I'm sure I'm not the only one who keeps refreshing every few minutes... hoping to see that headline change. :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

That's precisely what is hoping for.
[quote name='Iron Clad Burrito']Seriously? I know that Kevin Sullivan was doing a "satan-worshipper" character back in the mid-80s (with Mark Lewin), was this "life imitates art?"[/quote]
Many people claim that Sullivan was a practitioner outside of wrestling as well; that could be, however, the same kind of hardcore kayfabe you only see in people like Bob Backlund these days. Of course, when you're protecting kayfabe 24/7, that identity becomes who you are - rendering the notion of kayfabe entirely useless.

I don't think Kevin Sullivan's name needs to be brought up in this scenario until news reports implicate someone outside of the Benoit household; even then, he doesn't need to be involved.

[quote name='Graystone']Its possible that someone else did the killing then set up everything to look like a murder suicide.

I've always been big into serial murders, and just murders in general. I should say I've always been big into psychology, and sociology more then murders.[/quote]

Seems to me you're more into CSI and Law and Order than how murders work in the real world.
wow, I just found out and I'm totally in shock. Even my wife, who's not much of wrestling fan is stunned. Given what little details are out, I really don't know what to say, besides RIP.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']As my friend and I watched the show, I noted that as well.

Stephanie was very emotional during previous tribute shows, she even gets crazy choked up talking about Vince on his DVD. She's obviously priviledged to any inside information that the other wrestlers, and of course general public would not have. Now, tonight she didn't even shed a tear, I found that odd.

The whole no matches tribute show, and the lack of all the wrestlers standing out in the entry way like a normal tribute show seemed odd to me as well; however, I was able to dismiss that because of the limo crap, and Vince having to come out and break character for this tribute to be seen as legit.[/QUOTE]To be fair, the circumstances are very unique here. Everyone had a day to process things when Owen and Eddie passed. This time, the workers were finding things out literally hours before showtime. In fact I think it's safe to say that a lot of us actually found out before the WWE wrestlers did. They probably filmed some of those interviews during the first hour of the show. So we are seeing much more "fresh" reactions compared to tribute shows of the past.

Also don't forget that there were three deaths here. Two "civilians," so to speak - "the show must go on" line doesn't even apply here. Due to the timing and the truly bizarre circumstances (not to mention the awkward context of the McMahon angle) we got a very different type of tribute show this time. (I know that's pretty much what you're saying, but I just used that as a springboard to share my own speculation here.)
[quote name='mykevermin']Many people claim that Sullivan was a practitioner outside of wrestling as well; that could be, however, the same kind of hardcore kayfabe you only see in people like Bob Backlund these days. Of course, when you're protecting kayfabe 24/7, that identity becomes who you are - rendering the notion of kayfabe entirely useless.

I don't think Kevin Sullivan's name needs to be brought up in this scenario until news reports implicate someone outside of the Benoit household; even then, he doesn't need to be involved.
Seems to me you're more into CSI and Law and Order than how murders work in the real world.[/QUOTE]

Never watched either show. I've study psychology, and sociology I threw one random statement out there that doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. However, I'm not starting a convo with you as you like to argue with folk. so...

I also was editing my post as you were quoting me here is the new edited one.

[quote name='smellhasreturned']I hope Benoit didnt do it.[/QUOTE]

Its possible that someone else did the killing then set up everything to look like a murder suicide.

I've always been big into serial murders, and just murders in general. I should say I've always been big into psychology, and sociology more then murders. Lots of things could have cause this. I can't remember the killers name it eludes me at the moment. But he was a serial killer in the 50's. He killed 20 people or so, and when he was about to be put to death he asked that they examined his brain. They do the examine he had a tumor pushing on his brain that caused his moods to switch into "killing mode." A simple surgery could have removed the tumor and he would have been normal.
[quote name='mykevermin']Many people claim that Sullivan was a practitioner outside of wrestling as well; that could be, however, the same kind of hardcore kayfabe you only see in people like Bob Backlund these days. Of course, when you're protecting kayfabe 24/7, that identity becomes who you are - rendering the notion of kayfabe entirely useless.

I don't think Kevin Sullivan's name needs to be brought up in this scenario until news reports implicate someone outside of the Benoit household; even then, he doesn't need to be involved.[/quote]

It's hardly implication; just interesting when noting what furyk mentioned about Nancy's beliefs, and a former schtick of her then-husband. Unless Kevin's name shows up on the news, it's just coincidence (and nowhere close to what the authorities seem to think happened in any case).
bread's done