Chris Benoit kills wife, 7 year old son and then self.

[quote name='Zen Davis']If it was a murder suicide, Benoit had to have done it, especially since he was the one that called to miss Vengeance.[/quote]

i dont even want to start thinking of possibilities..i still find it strange that he went home.. either he had this planned or he was set up

this is turning into some csi type of shit...

edit..ironically.. i left usa on and i think csi is showing now...
I really hope it doesn't turn out that Benoit murdered his wife and child, then took his own life. If that were the case I would lose a lot of respect for Benoit on a personal level, but nothing can be taken away from his great wrestling career. Killer or not, Benoit was one of the best in the business.
I always thought something was fishy when a person has enough money to get almost anything they want in life, but can't get their front tooth fixed.

Seriously though, really hard to believe.... I just don't see what could make someone kill their wife and especially their child. Worst case scenerio, wife says, "Your son isn't really yours, and I'm cheating on you." You get mad, but you don't kill the fucking innocent child.
[quote name='Zen Davis']It all really depends on who called the company...[/quote]Hypothetically, she could've called him and made something up about him needing to come home at which point he told the E he would be missing the events, so not necessarily.
[quote name='guyver2077']this is turning into some csi type of shit...[/QUOTE]

No. You're *turning* it into that. It could be a very cut-and-dry case, but since we have no information, we all get to build wild-eyed theories about who did what when.

I made my speculation about carbon monoxide, and seem to be regretfully wrong. I'll post updates as long as someone else hasn't already, but otherwise will no longer participate in any guesswork. Instead, I'm going to go read a book and try to get my mind off of this.

[quote name='Chris in Cali']Worst case scenerio, wife says, "Your son isn't really yours, and I'm cheating on you."[/QUOTE]

You clearly haven't seen what his son looks like. It's more likely she wasn't the mother than Benoit wasn't the father.

Additionally, there are many more sources of stress in this world than whether or not someone is fucking around on you. Particularly when you're a couple in your 40s.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life'],2933,286673,00.html


Problem with that link is that its fox :D

[quote name='Sporadic']Please please please let this be a Phil Hartman type case and not the other way around.[/QUOTE]


How do we go from waiting on autopsy reports to murder suicide when it was said that no blood, stabbing, or gun wounds were found. So its either poising (a wrestling site said that his wife, and kid was throwing up blood) or choking them out.
damn i really feel bad for thinking this.. but for some reason i pictured benoit putting the crossface on everyone when choking was mentioned above...... gotta entertain my mind with something else
[quote name='loserboy'], I cannot fathom the mindset that drives people to kill people they love...I pray that this isn't the case, but...[/QUOTE]

Your looking at it wrong. It takes one thing for someone to kill another person. It takes something even more insanity to kill your family. However I'm not passing judgement. I need autopsy reports. I need details lots of details.
HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING, if someone is strangled bruising is very obvious. Toxicology reports would show use of poison and that report can be done very quickly.
The facts are incorruptible. Chris Benoit, his wife and his 7 year old son are dead. On Saturday Chris placed a call saying that his wife and son were ill and throwing up blood and that he needed to take care of them. Two days later they are all found dead.

All this speculation is ridiculous. If you must speculate at least base it on something plausible. The man has bled and sweat for his family all his life. It's a known fact that his life was his family. Why now would he suddenly kill them and then himself as some have retardedly claimed?

When the autopsy results come in tomorrow we will now the truth. For now, innocent until proven guilty, and have some goddamned respect.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']I have to believe his wife was insane, made him come back home for some emergency, and poisioned them all.[/QUOTE]

I could see that being the way it was. However how would they determine who poisoned who? How do we know its a double murder suicide when autopsy haven't been done.
The 8th image gathered by putting "Chris Benoit" into brings up this photo:

Which is, I believe (with 79% certainty) Benoit putting the crossface on CAG's own Grave_Addiction.
[quote name='Legendaryhedgehog06']The facts are incorruptible. Chris Benoit, his wife and his 7 year old son are dead. On Saturday Chris placed a call saying that his wife and son were ill and throwing up blood and that he needed to take care of them. Two days later they are all found dead.

All this speculation is ridiculous. If you must speculate at least base it on something plausible. The man has bled and sweat for his family all his life. It's a known fact that his life was his family. Why now would he suddenly kill them and then himself as some have retardedly claimed?

When the autopsy results come in tomorrow we will now the truth. For now, innocent until proven guilty, and have some goddamned respect.[/QUOTE]

I see you haven't read the "goddamned" thread., you have internet go there. Is saying that its a double murder suicide. We also won't have autopsy reports for two to three weeks. They're doing the autopsy tomorrow.

Who ever killed his family did it because of insanity. A lot goes through a mans mind that he doesn't ever show, or mention to anyone.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I'll say this, for the most part the wrestler interviews on Raw tonight were a LOT more subdued than with Eddie Guerrero. Regal's comments was so blunt and to the point about Benoit the wrestler, specifically leaving everything else out.[/QUOTE]

Benoit was a known loner. He kept to himself and a small group of friends. Hardly anyone really knows Benoit the HUMAN BEING.

And I don't give a flying fuck what the news, or investigators say, no one knows the truth, and we will probably never know the truth. I KNOW Benoit wouldn't do something heinous as kill his wife & kid, then kill himself. This just doesn't fit at all.
[quote name='mykevermin']The 8th image gathered by putting "Chris Benoit" into brings up this photo:

Which is, I believe (with 79% certainty) Benoit putting the crossface on CAG's own Grave_Addiction.[/quote]

[quote name='Legendaryhedgehog06']The facts are incorruptible. Chris Benoit, his wife and his 7 year old son are dead. On Saturday Chris placed a call saying that his wife and son were ill and throwing up blood and that he needed to take care of them. Two days later they are all found dead.

All this speculation is ridiculous. If you must speculate at least base it on something plausible. The man has bled and sweat for his family all his life. It's a known fact that his life was his family. Why now would he suddenly kill them and then himself as some have retardedly claimed?

When the autopsy results come in tomorrow we will now the truth. For now, innocent until proven guilty, and have some goddamned respect.[/quote]

Agreed. Thanks for reiterating a point I've made (and myke as well) a couple of times now.

BTW, autopsy results can take several days and sometimes a couple of weeks to get back.
[quote name='mykevermin']The 8th image gathered by putting "Chris Benoit" into brings up this photo:

Which is, I believe (with 79% certainty) Benoit putting the crossface on CAG's own Grave_Addiction.[/QUOTE]

I am 100 percent sure that is grave. I remember him talking about meeting all the wrestlers and writing a story about it for the paper.
Since Chris didn't call the ambulance/take them to the hospital over the situation it makes matters worst. Granted for all we know Chris could have been set up and foul play could have been provoked from outside. So many things could have happened, and I can hardly sleep till I see the results knowing what really happened.

Still none of this takes away from Chris as one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. Period.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I am 100 percent sure that is grave. I remember him talking about meeting all the wrestlers and writing a story about it for the paper.[/QUOTE]

Lookit that smirk! What a no-good, no-selling son of a...

Sorry, guys. That soldier looks nothing like I remember Grave_Addiction looking.
[quote name='neocisco']Agreed. Thanks for reiterating a point I've made (and myke as well) a couple of times now.

BTW, autopsy results can take several days and sometimes a couple of weeks to get back.[/quote]

Apologies I meant the initial autopsy results, if ABC news is to be believed.
[quote name='neocisco']Agreed. Thanks for reiterating a point I've made (and myke as well) a couple of times now.

BTW, autopsy results can take several days and sometimes a couple of weeks to get back.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Benoit was a known loner. He kept to himself and a small group of friends. Hardly anyone really knows Benoit the HUMAN BEING.

And I don't give a flying fuck what the news, or investigators say, no one knows the truth, and we will probably never know the truth. I KNOW Benoit wouldn't do something heinous as kill his wife & kid, then kill himself. This just doesn't fit at all.[/QUOTE]

I agree that we know nothing right now. But its being reported as a double murder suicide at I know its hard to understand why your hero might have done something horrible or his wife might have done something horrible. Hell his son could have done it. Trying to help mom make dinner, and trying to help season the food threw in a little cleaning chemicals or poison. Yes its far fetched but anything is possible.
[quote name='mykevermin']Lookit that smirk! What a no-good, no-selling son of a...


:lol: thanks for the pickmeup.

I just can't believe thsi happening, it's all very surreal. I mean for fucks sake, a few hours ago I was out picking up Darkness for 360, intent on playing it, then I come home to this. What I wouldn't give for this to be a bad dream.
Pope said "the instruments of death were located on scene," but he would not specify what those instruments are or where in the house the bodies were found. Pope added the department is "not actively searching for any suspects outside of the house."
An autopsy has been scheduled for Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. However, it could be weeks before there is a result

do they just keep adding details to the same interview?
Im wondering if WWE will say anything about the murder/suicide at the smackdown tapings. Im sure nearly all of the people who talked about him have got to have a different opinion (assuming they can even believe the who thing; which i honestly cant right now).
It's insane that right next to the "Double Murder-Suicide" headline at is a link to a video tribute to Chris Benoit. I mean, I guess they'd still have it that way if Nancy had done it, but if it looked like Chris was the killer, maybe not.

It's all speculation, I know. I can't believe that this news keeps getting worse.
[quote name='Bezerker']Im wondering if WWE will say anything about the murder/suicide at the smackdown tapings. Im sure nearly all of the people who talked about him have got to have a different opinion (assuming they can even believe the who thing; which i honestly cant right now).[/quote]

they may just cancel and reair the tribute show...
[quote name='Bezerker']Im wondering if WWE will say anything about the murder/suicide at the smackdown tapings. Im sure nearly all of the people who talked about him have got to have a different opinion (assuming they can even believe the who thing; which i honestly cant right now).[/quote]

Talk about an unenviable task.
[quote name='mykevermin']The 8th image gathered by putting "Chris Benoit" into brings up this photo:

Which is, I believe (with 79% certainty) Benoit putting the crossface on CAG's own Grave_Addiction.[/quote]

Yup, that's me.
[quote name='guyver2077']Pope said "the instruments of death were located on scene," ?[/QUOTE]

Can't be blunt force trauma earlier they said no blood was found. Unless he or she cleaned up their mess Sounds like someone went insane. Could be ropes or something to that effect used to strangle.
I pray to God that none of this murder/suicide stuff is true. I keep holding out hope that it was carbon monoxide or something like that. This is incredibly depressing.
This thread was at 3 pages (40 posts per page) when I started reading. Just finished (and it's page 7 now).

WM 20 was one of 2 WWE DVDs I ever ordered (the otehr being Survivor Series 98). I had just gotten Hard Knocks in the mail a few days ago, and watched the Pegasus Kid/Liger match last night.

This is crazy. I am slightly disturbed at the murder-suicide reports. I'm not UPSET at the loss, like I would be if it were someone I've met (and I've met a few wrestlers), but at the same time he's one of my favorites. I hope he wasn't the killer, but I'll wait before passing judgement.

I'm west coast, so the show is on right now. Everyone's been high-class about it so far. I'm not sure how long I'm gonna watch, and I'm not taping it. I may see if PWT has it later on tonight.
[quote name='Iron Clad Burrito']This thread was at 3 pages (40 posts per page) when I started reading. Just finished (and it's page 7 now).

Your late to the party were on page 18 now.

[quote name='Zen Davis']Toxicology reports will reveal everything.[/QUOTE]

Won't need them when the investigator said that "the instruments of death" were found on the scene.

No blood, or gun wounds were found.
[quote name='vrs1650']But can it reveal who poisoned who, if that's the case.[/QUOTE]

Sorta, they estimate your time of death by probing you stomach and getting the temperature of your liver. Being so large it doesn't cool down quickly so they tell by that.

I don't know the exact figure but lets say every hour your liver drops 5 degrees. If it comes out at 75 you've been dead roughly 4 hours. Plus rigormortus (sp?) and how decomposed you are for example if you die laying down on your back all the blood runs to your back etc etc.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I didn't know a Diving Headbutt off the living room sofa has the impact needed to kill someone....[/quote]

that is so wrong on so many levels..........
bread's done