Curb your enthusiasm for the OTT...

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''Hey rob, what're you getting for lunch?''
'IDK, probably whataburger or taco bell seeing as its right across the street.'
''Taco Bell gives you gas, don't eat there''
'All greasy food is gonna give you gas.. don't be such a girl.'
''Not really, only Mexican or Chinese foods give you gas.''

I should really work on unpacking.

On the other hand, though, Chu Chu Rocket, Ninja Five-O, and KOTOR combine to make a trio of gaming awesomeness. Playing one of the three (probably KOTOR) is tempting. :whistle2:k
[quote name='tiredfornow']I'm just bitter that if I hadn't found myself a job.. I would be at home smoking the finest herb, eating the finest fresh fruit platters, and be enjoying the awesomeness that is Bioshock. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Apparently.. Strell is a Rammstein fan. He's also in the army.. and has a mohawk.[/quote]Wah wah wah.

Welcome to those of us in the working world. :roll:

I'd prefer to be sitting home right now playing Bioshock, though that's not the way it is.
[quote name='shrike4242']Wah wah wah.

Welcome to those of us in the working world. :roll:

I'd prefer to be sitting home right now playing Bioshock, though that's not the way it is.[/QUOTE]

Man you guys are weird. What kind of freaks would rather go home and play a stoopid game than be at work doing a service to the community/world? Sheesh.

*ignore the fact that I have the DS on and am working my way through Children of Mana*

*throws hands in the air*
so my copy of bioshock is in town and is out for delivery as of 8AM this morning, but the tracking says the delivery date isn't until the 22nd. I'm worried.
[quote name='Strell']Why does everyone want to play Bioshock? DON'T YOU KNOW THE WIDESCREEN IS SO SUPER FUXXORED THAT THE GAME TOTALLY SUCKS?

*throws hands in the air*[/quote]

What's Widescreen?
[quote name='Strell']Why does everyone want to play Bioshock? DON'T YOU KNOW THE WIDESCREEN IS SO SUPER FUXXORED THAT THE GAME TOTALLY SUCKS?

*throws hands in the air*[/QUOTE]

you're a bitter, bitter old man
[quote name='tiredfornow']Yeah, I'm about ready to hit the guy behind me with an Electric Plasmid.

Shrike, STFU GTFO KTHXBAI.[/quote]STFU working n00b.
hey Strell, one of my buddies up in C.S. invited me up there for a weekend at the beginning of Sept. Double-team the fresa you call a girlfriend in the making. :twisted:
[quote name='tiredfornow']hey Strell, one of my buddies up in C.S. invited me up there for a weekend at the beginning of Sept. Double-team the fresa you call a girlfriend in the making. :twisted:[/QUOTE]

I only like to add to the experience, not take away under the guise of adding.


If you do make it up, I can gladly kick your ass in Smash Bros.
[quote name='mr ryles']welcome to yesterday :roll:

Don't forget to feed your dinosaur either.[/quote]I was busy hanging with girls yesterday, sorry Ryles.

It's still ugly.
[quote name='Strell']I only like to add to the experience, not take away under the guise of adding.


If you do make it up, I can gladly kick your ass in Smash Bros.[/quote]

Ain't difficult, considering how badly he got wiped in SF2. :booty:
[quote name='Strell']I only like to add to the experience, not take away under the guise of adding.


If you do make it up, I can gladly kick your ass in Smash Bros.[/quote]

From what I hear, your smash penis size is tiny.
I thought we agreed to not talk about that anymore, arcade geek. :cry:

Besides, you even took note of my skills when I would whoop up on you, my hands had just been tired from Guitar Hero and fucking your mom prior to us playing. :D!
I will fucking KILL YOU for Eve.
I'm seriously thinking that with ever step I take. Bioshock is sucking me in.
I haven't decided whether or not to kill the Little Girls yet though, because you get 100 gamer points for not killing them, but I NEED ADAM (and being nice doesn't get me as much as being a brutal child/parasite killer).
Ha, didn't realize there was a whole topic about it already.
Glad it's news and I hope 2k does something about it in the future, although I don't see how.
Though that pic is a mock up, it shows perfectly what cropped 4:3 is.
Got tired of that in games last gen. I'm looking at you God of War and RE4ps2.

I mean jeeze.
Just got back from picking up my copy of Bioshock.

I don't plan on playing it though, until I beat Persona 3. Should be a couple more days.
[quote name='tiredfornow']I thought we agreed to not talk about that anymore, arcade geek. :cry:[/quote]

Yeah, should be practicing anyways.

Too bad they don't have handicap settings like they did on the SNES, etc. That might make things a bit more interesting. ;)
[quote name='dallow']Ha, didn't realize there was a whole topic about it already.
Glad it's news and I hope 2k does something about it in the future, although I don't see how.
Though that pic is a mock up, it shows perfectly what cropped 4:3 is.
Got tired of that in games last gen. I'm looking at you God of War and RE4ps2.

I mean jeeze.[/QUOTE]
The messed up WS is annoying, but I'm sure they can patch it.
[quote name='zewone']Just got back from picking up my copy of Bioshock.

I don't plan on playing it though, until I beat Persona 3. Should be a couple more days.[/quote]

Pretty much the same plan here as well.

I put a solid 9 hours into Persona 3 yesterday. Sadly, one of those was lost due to coming across a giant lion head on a bigass wheel while all three members were tired.

That hurt....a lot.
[quote name='marten']Yeah, should be practicing anyways.

Too bad they don't have handicap settings like they did on the SNES, etc. That might make things a bit more interesting. ;)[/quote]

I do practice! You noticed my combo skills are getting more 1337.
[quote name='Liquid 2']I will fucking KILL YOU for Eve.
I'm seriously thinking that with ever step I take. Bioshock is sucking me in.
I haven't decided whether or not to kill the Little Girls yet though, because you get 100 gamer points for not killing them, but I NEED ADAM (and being nice doesn't get me as much as being a brutal child/parasite killer).

I'm having the exact same problem. I want to harvest, but I want those 100 GP. Plus I rented the game, so I can only beat it once.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Is that WS BS on 360, too?[/QUOTE]Yeah, it's not a huge deal though.
You can't see your sleeve and the last digit of the number of dollars you've got.
Minor stuff that I'm sure is fixable.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']I should really work on unpacking.

On the other hand, though, Chu Chu Rocket, Ninja Five-O, and KOTOR combine to make a trio of gaming awesomeness. Playing one of the three (probably KOTOR) is tempting. :whistle2:k[/QUOTE]

I'm stumped on Malek, right at the end. I don't have destroy droid. :cry:
[quote name='Liquid 2']The messed up WS is annoying, but I'm sure they can patch it.[/QUOTE]

it wouldn't be annoying if you didn't know about it.
[quote name='mr ryles']it wouldn't be annoying if you didn't know about it.[/QUOTE]
Exactly, I don't even know why it's garnering so much attention.
[quote name='mr ryles']it wouldn't be annoying if you didn't know about it.[/QUOTE]I would've noticed it when playing because you can't see the last digit of the amount of monies that you've got. But all it is is annoying, it's not a huge inconvenience.

[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']
I'm having the exact same problem. I want to harvest, but I want those 100 GP. Plus I rented the game, so I can only beat it once.
[/QUOTE]I've decided that I'm gonna play through for enjoyment (read: killing them ALL) the first time through, and for points the second time through.
[quote name='Liquid 2']I've decided that I'm gonna play through for enjoyment (read: killing them ALL) the first time through, and for points the second time through.[/quote]

I think I'm going to do the opposite.
I'm too nice a guy.
[quote name='Liquid 2']I've decided that I'm gonna play through for enjoyment (read: killing them ALL) the first time through, and for points the second time through.[/quote]In reading over the achivement lists, that's how I was going to play through it as well. Especially since they've said that doing it with all the increases in Adam from the Little Sisters' being harvested, it makes it a bit easier.
Bite me, frosty.
[quote name='mr ryles']skate is off the chain[/quote] Is it really? Is the combo system as crazy as TH? I'm hoping for a lot more realism.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']I hope hollywood or blockbuster will have bioshock.[/quote]
The Hollywood I went to had TONS of copies.
I'm sure yours will have some.
There was only me and some other dude at the open of the store. We both got Bioshock.
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