Curb your enthusiasm for the OTT...

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Woot. Got my PC Bioshock. $40 - $5 prcegrabbe rebate - $15 in rewardzone coupons equals happy camper.

I'll install it tonight and play it a bit. I hope my PC runs it well.

Back to work.
I can't even figure out my odd attraction to Picross. I don't think I'm that good at it, and yet I probably spend an hour a day solving puzzles and the daily challenges.

It's pretty scary actually.

Know how I copy pasted that greeting to my friend who thought me calling him heterosexual meant he was gay? Well the same thing happened with the asshole behind me.

'What's up guey?'
''nothing my heterosexual co-worker, yourself?''
'eeee... you know Im not gay, dont say that shit'
'I'm only gonna be here for an hour or so, so lets get a lot done.'
''Okay.. hetero.''
'whatever man, I know I ain't gay.'
Oh, and I suck at Picross and Sudoku.

[quote name='tiredfornow']What's up guey?'
''nothing my heterosexual co-worker, yourself?''
'eeee... you know Im not gay, dont say that shit'
'I'm only gonna be here for an hour or so, so lets get a lot done.'
''Okay.. hetero.''
'whatever man, I know I ain't gay.'[/QUOTE]:rofl:
Call him homo and see if he thinks you're saying he's straight :lol:.
I still say TFN should tell the dude he's bi and that he thinks he has a nice ass.

That would shut him up for a while.
I forbid Bioshock talk in the OTT until I get home from work. Then it's all a-go.

I ain't gay Strell, you know I ain't gay... don't say that shit. :grouphug:
[quote name='tiredfornow']I ain't gay for anyone else but Strell, you know I ain't gay for anyone else... don't say that shit. :grouphug:[/quote]Fix'd.
[quote name='wubb']That's like -10 nerd points. Sorry man.[/quote]Wait, I lose 10 points?

It's her that didn't like it!

I have a strange attraction to Picross much like Strell.
I can't help, not solving these puzzles.

I need to stop until I find my rumple pak, I feel like I'm missing out.
[quote name='dallow']Wait, I lose 10 points?

It's her that didn't like it!

I have a strange attraction to Picross much like Strell.
I can't help, not solving these puzzles.

I need to stop until I find my rumple pak, I feel like I'm missing out.[/QUOTE]

Oh okay. I've restored your nerd points.

And wait a minute, did you get a new girlfriend in the past couple days?
[quote name='corrosivefrost']I'm nerdy enough that I don't need 10 points for liking picross... I'd rather do sudoku[/QUOTE]

I'm not nerdy enough to determine how this one would be graded out. I guess you win, sir.
Is it possible to get through a game of Picross or Sudoku using only logic(never having to guess what a block is to advance)?

The rumble pack feature in Picross DS is pretty neat. I've read a lot of complaints about the precision of the touch screen but I use the d-pad exclusively so it hasn't been an issue.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Is it possible to get through a game of Picross or Sudoku using only logic(never having to guess what a block is to advance)?

The rumble pack feature in Picross DS is pretty neat. I've read a lot of complaints about the precision of the touch screen but I use the d-pad exclusively so it hasn't been an issue.[/QUOTE]

Supposedly you never have to guess for any picross puzzle in the game. I've had to use the overlay and take a guess to figure out some of the higher level ones myself.

Same deal with a valid sudoku puzzle.

I switched to using the control pad after getting sick of scrolling every 2 seconds on the 15x15 and 20x20 puzzles and haven't looked back. Only think I use the stylus for is online play, daily picross, and 10x10s as it is faster when you don't need to scroll.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Is it possible to get through a game of Picross or Sudoku using only logic(never having to guess what a block is to advance)?

The rumble pack feature in Picross DS is pretty neat. I've read a lot of complaints about the precision of the touch screen but I use the d-pad exclusively so it hasn't been an issue.[/QUOTE]

I don't know anything about sudoku, but Picross is entirely logic based. There's a lot of little rules you can teach yourself to get an edge, and there's tons of logical conclusions that can be drawn.

Like longer chains will always have overlap, and anything with a string of ones guarantees that you can X out the tiles next to it, how you can always determine where a chain of, say, four would have to be in order to let the rest of the line work out, etc. Filling out the edges is a good strategy because you can instantly draw a lot of conclusions based on that alone.

I've yet to play through a level that requires guessing of any kind, and that includes the levels where they don't tell you that you've got it right until the very end.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Is it possible to get through a game of Picross or Sudoku using only logic(never having to guess what a block is to advance)?

The rumble pack feature in Picross DS is pretty neat. I've read a lot of complaints about the precision of the touch screen but I use the d-pad exclusively so it hasn't been an issue.[/quote]I've only ever made one bad slide in Picross with the stylus after hours of playing.
I think it's pretty good.
No more Bioshock talk you fucks! When the king (myself) has received his copy, then the chit-chat may continue.

EDIT: I'm going up to Dallas Sept. 14-16 dallow. You shall be smashed, in smash.. while smashed.. while getting more smashed than we had already been smashed. Massive smashing shall occur.
That's good, I've been playing Picross casually for years(started with SNES Picross like 6 years ago) and I've taught myself fairly well(like if the clue is a number 6 on a 10x10 you can shade in the two blocks closest to the divider, if it's an eight you can shade the closest three on each side). I'll frequently come to a standstill though where it seems like I've exhausted all my options so I had to wonder.

While we're on topic, Solitaire is a bullshit game, right?
[quote name='tiredfornow']
EDIT: I'm going up to Dallas Sept. 14-16 dallow. You shall be smashed, in smash.. while smashed.. while getting more smashed than we had already been smashed. Massive smashing shall occur.[/QUOTE]

AWww. This is ACL weekend! I'd rock you bitches otherwise.

Mojimbo: I once heard it is possible to win every Solitaire game, but I think that's nonsense.
[quote name='Strell']AWww. This is ACL weekend! I'd rock you bitches otherwise.

Mojimbo: I once heard it is possible to win every Solitaire game, but I think that's nonsense.[/QUOTE]

You're probably thinking Free Cell.

No way it's possible to win every game of Klondike style solitaire. All you can do is maximize your chances.
[quote name='tiredfornow']No more Bioshock talk you fucks! When the king (myself) has received his copy, then the chit-chat may continue.

EDIT: I'm going up to Dallas Sept. 14-16 dallow. You shall be smashed, in smash.. while smashed.. while getting more smashed than we had already been smashed. Massive smashing shall occur.[/quote]Cool man, you're so dead!

I found Strell on myspace!
This I HAVE to see.
[quote name='tiredfornow']We
or just I
could hang out with some of your friends dallow... hint hint, katherine, hint hint.[/quote]

fuel for the fire that will be your blazing effigy?
I am sorry to dash the hopes of all my fans, but the ish TFN found aint the gold.

Doesn't even shimmer in the pale moonlight.
[quote name='tiredfornow']We
or just I
could hang out with some of your friends dallow... hint hint, katherine, hint hint.[/quote]too bad
she lives in san francisco nucca!

Hmm, now I need to quickly buy more furniture including the kickass a/v rack and tv stand I want.

Gotta impress!

And drapes, oh God, I need drapes!

Mother fucker won't let me install my own god damn game. After 30 fucking minutes it tells me that I need to use a real disc, not a backup, and kicks me out of the install. That's all fine and dandy, except I'M NOT USING A fuckING BACKUP YOU CUNT.
[quote name='shrike4242']What's with all the complaining about people getting Bioshock, TFN?[/quote]

I'm just bitter that if I hadn't found myself a job.. I would be at home smoking the finest herb, eating the finest fresh fruit platters, and be enjoying the awesomeness that is Bioshock. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Apparently.. Strell is a Rammstein fan. He's also in the army.. and has a mohawk.

[quote name='corrosivefrost']fuel for the fire that will be your blazing effigy?[/quote]

Nucca please. TFN can look, but he can't touch.. OR CAN HE?!?
I wish I could say I made that. Part of me wants to photoshop in Batman and add it as the third picture. "Picture taken with Batman."

Thank you work for the free lunch. I made a sandwich that was identical to Subway, but it actually looked like what you'd get in a commercial as opposed to the real thing.
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