Currently Playing / General Gaming Talk Thread #5

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[quote name='Ziv_Zulander']Its only 10 years too late but i'm playing Breath of Fire 3 right now. I regularly play 1 and 2 but never really gave 3 or 4 a chance.[/quote]
I loved Breath of Fire 3, never play any of the other ones though.

Currently playing Okami, been trying to catch up on all the game I bought during college.
Just started in on the first Metroid Prime again... had only clocked 34 minutes initially. Put in another 45 minutes and got my missile launcher and morph ball. I hate FPS-induced motion sickness, though. :whistle2:( I'm gonna have to try some Dramamine or something.
I can't wait for that FFT remake. I always liked the game and the new translation should help me not be so confused/bored with the story. Hope it's under $40.
I'm wondering if I should get rid of my DS Lite for a PSP. A whole bunch of games interest me, I have a PS3 so remote play would be cool, and I haven't played the DSL in a while.
Depends what types of games you like really. Honestly, I'd keep both. But if you had to pick one, just get the one that fits your tastes more.

They both have amazing games, so I'd just check out Gamerankings and see what you think of the top rated titles.
I already have a 360 and PS3. My brother has a PS2 and Wii downstairs. And my sister has a DS Lite and I have a DS Lite. So having both would be overkill. I can keep my favorite games probably and just use my sister's DS Lite when I have an itch for some DS. I think thats what I'll do. That Tekken Dark Ressurection at for $8 is tempting as hell.
bought a DS just for the new Ninja Gaiden game (which I think is out 10/17.)


it's a craigs list deal, so hopefully he actually emails me a time to meet up like he said he would!
This $2000 of summer job money is very nice for a 16 year old with all these games coming out soon enough. :)

edit: For you PSP owners, I'm not asking for what the best games on the system are. I did that with the DS and bought games that I ended up not playing. I'm asking what games you find yourself playing the most?
Haha. I already dropped $500 on the PS3. Thats it I have $1500 left though and its all in the bank. I'll probably tell my parents to give me a few $100 for games I want coming out on 360/PS3. The rest will be saved, I promise!
I had a pretty good summer too. Between a PS3, a new tattoo, lcd tv and about 10 games, I did pretty damn good for myself. I think I'll throw about 650-700 in my savings account.
After finding out that Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War will have online battles, I need a PSP.

Those new ones need to come out so all the suckers buy them and dump the old ones for cheap.
I'm probably going to dump my DS Lite with a whole bunch of games for around $180-200 then buy the PSP slim and trade for/buy...

Tekken DR ($12 on, played it and its very good)

Fifa (Fifa is Fifa and thats a good thing)

The Bigs (fun arcadey baseball game, doesn't show much difference from console versions which is a plus because I can't stop playing the 360 demo)

Mega Man PU (cheap awesome game with custom levels and such)

Final Fantasy Tactics (I'm starting to like SRPG's and this was one of the best apparently, add in new stuff and online battles= very nice)
[quote name='Calamityuponthee']You should have waited for the PSP remake to come out to play through it again.

New translation (hell yeah), online vs mode, new cut scenes.

I've played FFT probably 10 times by now. Stealing that armor is insanely difficult. The only thing harder imo:

Beating Wiegraph the last time. Sometimes autopotion wouldn't trigger and then you're fucked. God I hated that fight every time I played.

I'm still not really sure if I want to get a PSP just for FFT, but i am AWFULLY tempted to do so. I just really wanted to play through FFT on my PS3, which I got about a month ago. FFT upconverted to 1080i is pretty cool. :eek:

Sometimes it helps to just use HP Restore in that fight instead. It requires some tweaking with the HP to make sure you get to critical state in a Lightning Stab or two, but it's actually a very easy (yet tedious) fight by being cheap and repeatedly casting Accumulate and Yell. What I find the hardest, or maybe just most time-consuming, is getting all the treasures I want in the Deep Dungeon. I'm not really looking forward to that.
lets see i earned around 3500 in summer money, bought a ps3 and some other stuff and now i'm down to around 2500 for the start of the new semester. Time to save some money from the new job at school and buy a new tv. God i can't wait an lcd.
How could you get rid of your DS before Phantom Hourglass and Ninja Gaiden??

Gotta have both, they're both awesome.

I play OutRun 2006, Tekken DR, MGS:pO, and PowerStone Collection the most frequently.

I'm REALLY enjoying Tomb Raider Anniversary on PSP right now, though. That game shouldn't be a handheld title.. SO impressive. Also playing the two FF remakes from time to time.

It's nice to have the two FF remakes, Brave Story, PowerStone, and plenty of SNES/Gen/NES games on the memory stick, and still be able to put the bigger games like Tekken, Tomb Raider, or MGPO in the drive. I've always got plenty of gaming on there without having to cart around extra UMDs.
Like I said I'm going to just use my sister's DS for the heavy hitters like Mario Kart, NSMB and Phantom Hourglass, Ninja Gaiden, etc. when they come out. She never plays it ever.

I heard some loading time problems with PowerStone though, I've always wanted to try it because everyone praises the Dreamcast ones.
yeah the loading is kinda crappy, even from the memory stick. It doesn't make sense either, because the light doesn't flash as if it's accessing the memory stick, it's like the game just sits there and tells you it's loading. Could be just coded in there to delay for a set amount of time between matches for loading. Who knows. It's a really fun game to play in short bursts, though.
[quote name='jer7583']I can't wait for that FFT remake. I always liked the game and the new translation should help me not be so confused/bored with the story. Hope it's under $40.
[/QUOTE]It's Square Enix, they'll charge $40 for it.

[quote name='nyprimus4']I'm wondering if I should get rid of my DS Lite for a PSP. A whole bunch of games interest me, I have a PS3 so remote play would be cool, and I haven't played the DSL in a while.[/QUOTE]I say try to keep the DS Lite, then buy a PSP along with it. They both complement each other nicely. But between the two, I say PSP, but that's because the PSP is definitely my favorite handheld (I own 11 times more PSP games than DS games).

[quote name='jer7583']How could you get rid of your DS before Phantom Hourglass and Ninja Gaiden??[/QUOTE]Meh. I rather get the games Mega Man Starforce and Sonic Rush Adventure.
[quote name='nyprimus4']Haha. I already dropped $500 on the PS3. Thats it I have $1500 left though and its all in the bank. I'll probably tell my parents to give me a few $100 for games I want coming out on 360/PS3. The rest will be saved, I promise![/QUOTE]I made close to around that money selling off games, but I didn't work over the summer. I really couldn't find a job. :( I should have talked to you on AIM about the PSP earlier (oh well).

Anyway, I played MotorStorm online for a while today, That was fun and met a cool guy online. I usually meet cool people on PSN (unlike XBL, where I usually have problems with the random people I meet either getting kicked out or dealing with annoying people). I'll probably play MotorStorm and other PS3 games online more often. Also, I played some Ninja Gaiden Sigma for a bit.

On PSP, I played some Mega Man Maverick Hunter X. It's been a while since I played, but I still love it.

Anyway, as for my most played PSP games, they are:
Brave Story: New Traveler
Capcom Classics Collection Remixed
Gitaroo Man
Gradius Collection
Guilty Gear Judgment
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee
Lumines II
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X
Mega Man Powered Up
PaRappa The Rapper
PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient
Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters
Ridge Racer
SEGA Genesis Collection
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
Tekken: Dark Resurrection
Twisted Metal: Head-On
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
WipEout Pure

and more. Those are just the games I definitely played the most on my PSP

I recommend taking a look at the list SL4IN has in his sig, because it's seriously the best PSP game list put together (which I created in a thread he asked about PSP games. I need to update it though).
since when did square say FFT:LW would have online modes???

also, summer has been so so to me, but the highlight was getting a 60gb PS3 for $250 cheaper than retail.

I'm going to probably finish up God Hand and KoF 2006 finally now.
Downloading the Bioshock demo and chuggin' along at 26%. Uggh I wanna play already, I've been watching videos of this game for what 2 years now.
[quote name='nyprimus4']Downloading the Bioshock demo and chuggin' along at 26%. Uggh I wanna play already, I've been watching videos of this game for what 2 years now.[/quote]Ah, that was the not-so-surprising surprise today?
It was extremely surprising it was available as it came out of the annoucer's mouth. No one expected that. We were expecting a monday tuesday demo date.
[quote name='nyprimus4']It was extremely surprising it was available as it came out of the annoucer's mouth. No one expected that. We were expecting a monday tuesday demo date.[/quote]

they did the same thing with the disney releases on marketplace...once they announced it at e3...boom it was up on marketplace. I'm not sure how i downloaded it so fast, i must have been one of the first or something, becus it only took me like 10 minutes
Talking about the PSP , my interest in getting one has really increased in the last couple months. What with FFT : TLW , and Castlevania Dracula X Complete and all. But I'll currently waiting for the psp lite release / bundle coming in a month or so.

As for games currently playing :
Just started God of War 2 and loving it.
Decided to finally finish Super Princess Peach after misplacing it for about a month.
And wished I could finish playing Crackdown and Armored Core 4 but sadly my 360 just met it's inevitable red blinking eye demise. :cry: :bomb:
just got back from fish camp (I was a counselor) so now I'm back to kingdom hearts on the ps2 and snk vs capcom card fighters ds for now.
I got to play with the newer PSP model a few days ago... just by looking at it, you can't really tell it's different... but when you hold it... it's good stuff...

The buttons/dpad and even shoulder buttons/analog nub have all been improved...

And speaking of Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles... don't hesitate! Get it!

I've been enjoying it for the last 3 months :p

Easy update for me today...

I've been playing.... Tekken 5 DR....
91 percent on Bioshock.

Gak. I'm gonna log some more time on Tales of the World until it finishes, then go to bed (it's almost two thirty here)
[quote name='red flare graf']I say you can't beat a Sony.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I really want to get a Sony one and sell my Sharp to my brother. The price is a little high I was looking to pay around $900 or less. If everyone agrees though that this one is worth the price I'll bite and order it. Thanks for your input. :)
[quote name='SL4IN']just got back from fish camp (I was a counselor) so now I'm back to kingdom hearts on the ps2 and snk vs capcom card fighters ds for now.[/QUOTE]Welcome back. :D

Mentioning Kingdom Hearts makes me want to go and play the game right now. ;) I beat both the first and second, but never got around to beating Chain of Memories. :(

[quote name='MarkMan']I got to play with the newer PSP model a few days ago... just by looking at it, you can't really tell it's different... but when you hold it... it's good stuff...

The buttons/dpad and even shoulder buttons/analog nub have all been improved...

And speaking of Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles... don't hesitate! Get it!

I've been enjoying it for the last 3 months :p

Easy update for me today...

I've been playing.... Tekken 5 DR....[/QUOTE]
I believe it. Many tell me they don't see a difference, but I can easily see it, especially with the d-pad. The d-pad being improved is very important to me, which is one of the main reasons I'm buying one. :D

[quote name='Silent Assassin120']What do you guys think of this TV? Looking to upgrade my HDTV to a better one.[/QUOTE]Too awesome. I really want it myself, but don't have the money for it. :( As soon as I graduate college soon and hopefully have a good job afterwards, I'm buying a Sony Bravia LCD HDTV or something (along with a Sony Vaio laptop, since I really want a laptop).

I'm going to download Bioshock after I login to PSN seeing if I got any messages or new friend requests (lol, I average a new one daily, since I'm pretty popular).
I started playing Godhand and it's pretty fun. I can predict sometime in the future my controller will break when I throw it against the wall, but that's ok.
well the bad news is I'm at work, but I work at a video game store that's not gamestop so it isn't too bad. I'm working on snk vs capcom card fighters in my downtime here, but monday is usually a pretty slow day for sales.
[quote name='Blackout542']I started playing Godhand and it's pretty fun. I can predict sometime in the future my controller will break when I throw it against the wall, but that's ok.[/QUOTE]
That game was fun. I ended up giving up on it though due to the camera.
[quote name='whoknows']That game was fun. I ended up giving up on it though due to the camera.[/QUOTE]

the camera isn't that bad. I actually initially hated the game, but am now loving it... better than I originally thought. I just restarted my play through it last night as I plan on finishing it eventually.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Too awesome. I really want it myself, but don't have the money for it. :( As soon as I graduate college soon and hopefully have a good job afterwards, I'm buying a Sony Bravia LCD HDTV or something (along with a Sony Vaio laptop, since I really want a laptop).


I know the money for it is a little steep, that is really the only thing that is holding me back. I just want to make sure it's worth that much before I buy it. What do you think Chacrana you usually know a lot about good TV's.
Guess I need to take a break from Fire Emblem if I don't find a better FAQ for Chapter 26x... played the damn thing at least a dozen times, was doing awesome the last until I got hit by the fucking Berzerk. I love it when a spell with a hit rate that never breaks 75% (and is usually below 50%) hits 6 out of 7 times over two playthroughs.

Think I'll start up TMNT for GBA... should be more mindless.
Tried World of Warcraft, for the first time.

It's alright, I guess... I don't plan on playing it past the ten day trial.
[quote name='Brak']Tried World of Warcraft, for the first time.

It's alright, I guess... I don't plan on playing it past the ten day trial.[/QUOTE]

I got really really into it for about a week or two, but I wouldn't mind not ever seeing it again. I got to one of the first really long dungeons (a couple hours) and realized how mindless and repetitive it really is.
[quote name='Apossum']I got really really into it for about a week or two, but I wouldn't mind not ever seeing it again. I got to one of the first really long dungeons (a couple hours) and realized how mindless and repetitive it really is.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. All of the quests I've done, so far, are the same quest...
The MLB 2k7 demo on PS3 is addicting. Bioshock will be my favorite game ever. For my 360 I've got three games coming I'm buying day one. One RPG, one FPS/RPG and one FPS. Eternal Sonata, Bioshock, Halo 3. I'll probably get NBA 2k8 day one as well but I have to see comparisons between the 360 and PS3 version. I would buy MLB 07 The Show to get my baseball fix but its too close to the end of the season to drop $55 for it at Gamestop. Trying to trade for one on CAG. Ever since that damn Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball on N64 I've loved baseball games. I love The Show series too that studio really puts effort into their baseball game. 2k's baseball is half assed and MVP wasn't overrated.
Finally bit the bullet and downloaded Bomberman Live.

Mostly alternating between that, Tales of the World, and StarForce Leo until the 24 (Bioshock!as well as my Birthday, which = more games).
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