*DEAD* X Marks the Spot Scavenger Hunt - Official Xbox 360 contest with daily prizes

yeah. there are Xs without answers all over the place. after the first set of clues i found like 10 Xs on the beaches site.
141. reflexes
142. explosive
143. wingx
144. box
145. fedex
146. exposed
147. exudes
148. extraordinary
149. maximize
150. next
no problem i have to log on to the site at 11:30 so i don't have to wait until 12:30 when it decides to load
well it takes 12 days before people are even notified of winning (snail mail) according to the contest rules. IDK if they even email winners or anything. Watching both mailboxes (email, and home)!!
[quote name='vindikator']How long does it take for you to find all 10 answers on average??[/quote]

legitamately? around 45 minutes to an hour

Doing it the easy way, and looking at this thread? 5 minutes:roll:
[quote name='decimalstinger']legitamately? around 45 minutes to an hour

Doing it the easy way, and looking at this thread? 5 minutes:roll:[/quote]

You're deffinetally spending too much time on that. I can find all the answers legitamately in about 15 minutes.
[quote name='j14rk1n']Pretty sure 164 is expanse, but it's not working for me now.[/quote]

tried it, did not work

edit: it's....

164. luxurious
[quote name='OpTiMaL']167.x[/quote]

where was that?! the only lone 'x' i see on the page is at the very bottom as part of "direct x", but that x sure ain't green. if that's supposed to be the one, that's crap that on a page that big with a bazillion x's, the one that counts ain't green.

perhaps i missed something more obvious. thanks though!
[quote name='peril']where was that?! the only lone 'x' i see on the page is at the very bottom as part of "direct x", but that x sure ain't green. if that's supposed to be the one, that's crap that on a page that big with a bazillion x's, the one that counts ain't green.

perhaps i missed something more obvious. thanks though![/QUOTE]

Below the ad on the right is a window with community blogs. Scroll to the bottom of that, and the "view next 20" has a green x by it.
God, tonight is brutal. I need 168 and 9, and i'm close enough to the limit that I don't want to put in anything other than the answers. This sucks.

170 is Complexity, by the way.
[quote name='OpTiMaL']Below the ad on the right is a window with community blogs. Scroll to the bottom of that, and the "view next 20" has a green x by it.[/quote]

thanks. nice find. i take back my criticism of the page not having a green x.
bread's done