Diablo III / Diablo II Battle.net Thread

[quote name='TLPRIME']
I'm iffy on the Auction House as well, but those Chinese kids would be getting a buck an hour to farm D3 whether it was in the game or not.[/QUOTE]

Or 30 cents an hour to work for Apple.
[quote name='slowdive21']Or 30 cents an hour to work for Apple.[/QUOTE]

True that.

@crystalklear64 I dunno. Don't get me wrong. I loved D2 and played it for years. Haven't touched it for about 6 years. Maybe this is old me talking vs the young me when D2 was the big thing, but that stuff just doesn't bother me anymore, and I've enjoyed the beta quite a bit. Seems like there will still be plenty of customization to the characters, just in a different form. Different strokes I guess.
From a non-hardcore player like myself, this system seems much better. When I played D1 and D2, I'd level up and be like "Oh cool, I can afford this new skill!" So I'd buy it, not like it, and never use it again. So there was a wasted skill point that could have been spent on something better. Or the attribute points I'd usually end up with like 2 in str and 1 in each other attribute every time. D3 is nice cause you're not going to try something early that'll screw you later on your build.

CK brought up something last night though that I was also disappointed with... the lack of cut scenes in the demo. I was really hoping for some cool stuff to play out, but we just get to read story elements and listen to some 'ok' voice acting. Gimme some CGI :)
I wasn't one of those people who was upset over the always-online thing but now that I've experienced rubber-banding induced deaths in single-player, Diablo III went from a day one must own to a maybe once pirates have cracked it to pieces.

And that's the really sad part = Pirates will be having a better single-player experience than paying customers and that's the very definition of a fucked up DRM scheme.
Just finished a run through of the beta. It played well on my MacBook Pro which is great since it's hard to find games for this thing. This is my first Diablo game; the only similar game I've played before is Torchlight. Overall I liked what I saw in the beta. I do wish we could pick which stats to invest in, but I like the auto skill system since I don't have to worry about spending points on a skill that ends up being weak/useless. The graphics were good and there was a good amount of stuff to destroy in the environment. I'm glad the CE comes with D2 since I plan to play through that as well (finally).
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Well the good thing with the skills and runes is you can change them anytime, and since stats are all the same you could just max out five characters and be done with it and change your skills/build whenever, as long as you have the means of getting matching equipment for that type of character. Was it really fun making a Poison Nova, Summoner and Bone Mancer PVP necro? Really? Seems like a lot of time wasted... and it was for me.

After more playing I can't put my finger on it either. Everything seems well for a sequel to D2. I guess I'll find out when I get the game on release.[/QUOTE]

I'm all for Diablo 3 but my only gripe is the opposite of what you think. I LOVED having 30 alts. I loved making a new character every week to try different, crazy builds. Having one character that can do everything doesn't appeal to me. I'll probably make multiple characters of each class anyway so I don't have to constantly respec all the time.
Man I really hope the servers are in better shape when this is released. This has been 2 days of trying for 10 minutes to get in, or servers down, or servers coming down while you're playing. Granted, this is exactly the point of them doing these tests, but this seems like they really underestimated the server loads.
I always think it's funny when people complain about server stability when the game is in the stress test phase, the one designed to stress and crash it's servers so they can fix the problems for retail.
I'm actually glad all these issues arose during the free weekend. I imagine this gave them a much better indication of what to expect on the 15th, at least more than the 500K or whatever that received beta keys. According to VGChartz, D3 currently has 615K US pre-orders, add in foreign countries and I would guess they'll hit 1M. I really hope they're ready for that when the clock hits midnight on the 15th.
Very quick edits to the main post ... What do you guys think should be in here?

I'd like to get a list of real IDs going for people looking for groups ... perhaps a trade section in the original post eventually.
[quote name='strikeratt']Very quick edits to the main post ... What do you guys think should be in here?

I'd like to get a list of real IDs going for people looking for groups ... perhaps a trade section in the original post eventually.[/QUOTE]

I changed some stuff with the little amount of time I had before work this morning.
Anyone with the HP Envy 15 (i7-2760QM Processor, 8GB 1333MHz DDR3, 1920 x 1080 display) able to give me some feedback about how their computer handles Diablo III? I'm thinking about buying one but I want to make sure it can run Diablo III at medium to high settings.
HAHA.. Finally, I'm gonna stay all night playing this one. I've already been upgrading my system now for DIABLO 3 and DOTA 2. I hope I could get them unto my PC somehow.

I've read on forums that there would be a free digital version of DIABLO 3 if you will sign up for the WoW: Annual Pass. And not just that, you'll have other epic benefits like 12 month subscription commitment to World of Warcraft and the Tyrael's Charger flying mount. April 30 is the last date for signing up though.

Visit this for more info:

Compacted the opening post a bit more as I sit here in some random City Hall waiting for a change to propagate so I can make a cut over for this cities shit.

EDIT: Huh, Best Buy links don't work for some reason. I'll fix that later tonight I guess.
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[quote name='chesbak001']HAHA.. Finally, I'm gonna stay all night playing this one. I've already been upgrading my system now for DIABLO 3 and DOTA 2. I hope I could get them unto my PC somehow.

I've read on forums that there would be a free digital version of DIABLO 3 if you will sign up for the WoW: Annual Pass. And not just that, you'll have other epic benefits like 12 month subscription commitment to World of Warcraft and the Tyrael's Charger flying mount. April 30 is the last date for signing up though.

Visit this for more info:


I wouldn't call a 12 month sub commitment to WoW a benefit.

Anyway, I can't wait for D3. Still not sure what class I want to play first, leaning toward the barb though.
I was dead set on going Witch Doctor first, but after playing the beta, the Demon Hunter was a ton of fun. I've been considering switching, but I'll still probably wind up rolling with the WD as my main and the DH as my alt.
[quote name='pete5883']Is it just me, or does this not work in Chrome? I click Finish, the finish button disappears, and nothing happens.[/QUOTE]

It works in Chrome as I've done it through that. Possibly have some add-ons that are getting in the way or not updated java/flash in a while?
Yeah, I only use Chrome and have been able to do every banner. I'm even using the AdBlock extension and it works fine.
[quote name='SEH']Yeah, I only use Chrome and have been able to do every banner. I'm even using the AdBlock extension and it works fine.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Draekon']It works in Chrome as I've done it through that. Possibly have some add-ons that are getting in the way or not updated java/flash in a while?[/QUOTE]
I later tried it in IE and couldn't get it to work there either. I run all my updates, maybe it's time for a restart.
A short history of my loot game history (I'm hooked):

1. Played Torchlight for $5
2. Tried the Diablo III beta this past weekend (diablo hunter)
3. Purchse Diablo III from battle.net for full price
The open beta was only for last weekend. You cant get in anymore unless you've been invited. That said, that will be shutting down on the 1st.
[quote name='pete5883']I later tried it in IE and couldn't get it to work there either. I run all my updates, maybe it's time for a restart.[/QUOTE]
Tried it again on another machine, same thing. They don't seem to have a tech support option for their website.
[quote name='pete5883']Tried it again on another machine, same thing. They don't seem to have a tech support option for their website.[/QUOTE]

If you really want it, take a screenshot of it and PM it to me and the email you want it tied to.
Thinking about a tip section, maybe one that would simply just link to the post that mentions the tip so the front page doesn't get so crowded.

For example:

While leveling in the beta I noticed that the +5 exp per kill modifiers I had on my character was actually leveling noticably faster than other players. This was with all of us starting at level 1 from the beginning of the story.

Obviously it would just be plain and simple tips and such and more than likely not worded as I just did, but something along those lines. Oh and that's true, by the time I hit level 8 everyone else was just getting a little ways into level 7. So I could see it being great over long periods of time.
Not really the level cap is 60, which are supposed to hit halfway though Hell I think. So even if you were a level or two higher your other stats would be gimp.

IMO of course
[quote name='Draekon']If you really want it, take a screenshot of it and PM it to me and the email you want it tied to.[/QUOTE]
Just got it using my girlfriend's laptop. I might've missed the terms & conditions checkbox on the other PCs, though I don't remember ever seeing it before. I appreciate the offer.
[quote name='pete5883']Just got it using my girlfriend's laptop. I might've missed the terms & conditions checkbox on the other PCs, though I don't remember ever seeing it before. I appreciate the offer.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it should be a huge deal since people will share computers and what not. If it was, I could have loaded up a VM and done it in there. The next and last one will be out soon.

[quote name='SEH']New D3 commercial.[/QUOTE]

It's so pretty... :drool:

I wonder how much CG will be in the game. I guess in between each act and the ending.
Yeah, now that I'm back home I see that I definitely just skipped the T&C checkbox. Kinda dumb, but also kinda dumb that they don't tell you what you've done wrong.
Just completed the beta with the witch doctor, and really looking forward to the full release of the game. This is the first time I've ever played a Diablo game...and I cannot believe I never tried Diablo II, I feel like I missed out on my childhood.
Just in again playing Diablo 2. From what i have seen the most similar class they have to Amazon is Demon Hunter which looks like a mix of Amazon and Assassin.

Did not got into the Beta testing but i will get it for sure.
A lot of you with questions on running it, will probably be ok if your pc isn't too old. My 300 dollar 2008 build was able to run everything on high settings without a hiccup.

Phenom X4 9750, ATI 4830, 4gb ram
You'll be able to run it, however it will probably be on low. Since there was a glitch in the beta last patch when they added in the "Trial" version (which is basically the same thing as the beta), they will likely be adding it around launch (hopefully) that will give people a chance to install it on their machine and find out how it runs.
I am above minimum. My cpu is a E8500 my video is a Evga GT8800 with 1GB. I think i have to get a newer gfx card for my pc. Have to check tomshardware to see whats current.
Still i expect it to run. Even on lower settings it should be still fun to play.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Regardless of how bad the writing will be, Blizzard really knows how to make good trailers.[/QUOTE]

Activision knows how to make trailers. That BLOPS trailer was awesome and from that I have learn never to buy again from based on a trailer.

HYPE for D3. Can't wait to see Hell again.
do you know what my biggest fear is.....

the game will come in a fucking dvd case and the manual will be a PDF file.

I miss old box PC games.
bread's done