Diablo III / Diablo II Battle.net Thread

After watching that video I want more. They should have done an animated movie and put it with the CE.
[quote name='sendme']After watching that video I want more. They should have done an animated movie and put it with the CE.[/QUOTE]
Only if they had employed Madhouse or other anime studio. I instantly recognized the Aeon Flux style of the short and I'm not a fan of his work TBH. Too. . .Americanized, for lack of a better word.
[quote name='sendme']After watching that video I want more. They should have done an animated movie and put it with the CE.[/QUOTE]
I agree or have sold it separately. I mean Blizzard has enough of a fanbase it can do about anything :lol:.

[quote name='Jodou']Only if they had employed Madhouse or other anime studio. I instantly recognized the Aeon Flux style of the short and I'm not a fan of his work TBH. Too. . .Americanized, for lack of a better word.[/QUOTE]
I agree in a sense. I would of loved the Japanese anime style better. Kinda like what they are doing with that Mass Effect Animated Movie.
What are the concerns regarding Diablo 3 being online accessible only? I've heard some angry fans lately and haven't gotten a clear answer yet. Is it just because being disconnected will be annoying? Do we know the consequences of a DC yet?
[quote name='panzerfaust']What are the concerns regarding Diablo 3 being online accessible only? I've heard some angry fans lately and haven't gotten a clear answer yet. Is it just because being disconnected will be annoying? Do we know the consequences of a DC yet?[/QUOTE]

Most of the people who complain really aren't affected by it. They just don't want this to become standard with other companies and what not. I don't know about you, but if every game that I played by myself required me to be online all the time then I'd be angry if I had a laptop that I gamed with and moved around a lot. Would be nice to be able to play those things by myself when I have no internet connection available to me at that time. (Example: Anno 2070. Has some online interaction, but I don't give a shit about it. It has no real online play with it comes to campaign yet I have to be online for it and their servers have to be up. When I bought Anno 2070, I couldn't play for 2 days and then their servers were down a week later for a day or so when I wanted to play again. Needless to say, I was pretty pissed as it's the only Ubisoft game I've bought in a while that wasn't cheaper than dirt with the exception of Rayman Origins since it was DRM free.)

Other reasons include people who don't have a stable connection and will only play by themselves or have a very slow connection that could cause issues because they're out in the boonies with shitty internet. If they have an unstable connection that drops frequently then they need to talk to their provider about getting it fixed. It sucks talking to them, but it's so much better than dealing with an ongoing issue for a prolonged period.

I want to say that pretty much sums up most of it. Majority of complainers are in the first reason and a select few will be in the latter two.
Yeah I get that. Just came across a board of people who were saying they've been waiting a decade for the game but cancelled the pre-order because of this particular issue -- so I suddenly thought there was more to it that I somehow missed, lol.

Extreme fans being extreme, I guess.
Yup, that's all it is. Personally, its not an issue for me as I game on my desktop and am always connected, but I can see how it would be lame for people that don't have good internet or game on a laptop and are constantly on the move. Still not anything to get the pitchforks out over though. In the end it helps the games economy and whatnot because Blizz can keep everything server-side.
[quote name='SEH']Yup, that's all it is. Personally, its not an issue for me as I game on my desktop and am always connected, but I can see how it would be lame for people that don't have good internet or game on a laptop and are constantly on the move. Still not anything to get the pitchforks out over though. In the end it helps the games economy and whatnot because Blizz can keep everything server-side.[/QUOTE]

I get that but why not include an offline mode where you just can't mess with auctions and the like? It isn't affecting my decision to get the game day one but it just seems lazy from a developer who is generally anything but lazy with their games.
[quote name='SEH']In the end it helps the games economy and whatnot because Blizz can keep everything server-side.[/QUOTE]
This is the last category that people fall into, like me, because too much control is given to the company and doesn't allow for a game to grow naturally. Companies these days are terrified of giving control back to the players because of what we 'could' do. D2 was so unique because the community shaped the game, not Blizzard. If you told a designer back before release that the commonwealth would be ruled by SOJs and endgame would be clearing hell cow runs, they'd be stunned.

The more they wrestle control from us, the less unique and personified the game will be. Instead of telling us how we can play, let nature take its course.
[quote name='Halo05']I get that but why not include an offline mode where you just can't mess with auctions and the like? It isn't affecting my decision to get the game day one but it just seems lazy from a developer who is generally anything but lazy with their games.[/QUOTE]

I think a lot of it has to do with their decision to put a bunch of stuff server side and casuals. On one side you can try to help control hacking and on the other they're trying to make it as seamless as possible for those people who would buy the game, play the offline mode and then be off put on the online aspect because they can't import their character.

Sometimes I like to think people aren't that lazy/dumb, but my cousin who will be playing Diablo 3 (never played D1 or D2) is one of those people who would drop the game if he played single player (which he would do first) and then wanted to import his character online but couldn't. He's that kind of casual that says he doesn't have the time or gets disheartened when he has to do something over again.

Outside of those two things I don't really have an explanation.

On a semi-related note, I'm wondering how much private servers that have been doing the data mining for in-game youtube videos works and how much they can actually do.
[quote name='panzerfaust']What are the concerns regarding Diablo 3 being online accessible only? I've heard some angry fans lately and haven't gotten a clear answer yet. Is it just because being disconnected will be annoying? Do we know the consequences of a DC yet?[/QUOTE]
I am fine with it. Reason being is that while yes it has singleplayer. It's multiplayer is almost in a sense mmo like, and well all mmo games have to be online all the time. I played WoW for enough hours so it's the same principle for me.
Can you imagine being in the following situation?

.... I only have enough money for one thing..... do I pay my internet bill or buy Diablo 3?

[quote name='WormFOODx']Can you imagine being in the following situation?

.... I only have enough money for one thing..... do I pay my internet bill or buy Diablo 3?


Probable outcome:

Idiot: I could buy Diablo 3 and sell shit on the RMAH. fuck my internet bill, I have 10 days to make the payment!

*Buys Diablo 3 & Games the crap out of it. Tries to sell on the RMAH but fails.*
*Internet gets cut for lack of payment*

Idiot: fuck you Diablo 3, you fucking suck donkey dick ass fuck $$$$er$$$$$$.

Could bypass the censor, but meh. You get the point.
Its going to be funny when the morons that are expecting to make bank on the RMAH realize their auction prices are insane. I'm sure you'll be able to make some decent cash selling the really rare stuff, but I already envision 34587902 basic swords on the auction house for sale for $10.
It will work itself out, loot is such a big deal in Diablo games. I'm still not sure how some aspects of gear work yet, though. Are they using the soul binding from WoW for some items? Can I deck out a new character with gear I found on my others? Can we still trade in the town squares and all?
[quote name='panzerfaust']It will work itself out, loot is such a big deal in Diablo games. I'm still not sure how some aspects of gear work yet, though. Are they using the soul binding from WoW for some items? Can I deck out a new character with gear I found on my others? Can we still trade in the town squares and all?[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure there is absolutely zero BOP stuff or anything that is stuck on one specific character. Everything can be worn, sold, traded, melted down, etc...

A "Feat of Strength" achievement for those of us who were selected for closed beta and a unique sigil comes with the achievement. It will not appear on anybody elses achievement list like WoW's Feat of Strength achievements. So anybody who participated in open beta do not get this achievement or sigil.

[quote name='panzerfaust']i assume they will have a mail system? can't be dropping gear in the corner of Lut Golein each time...[/QUOTE]

Besides the auction house, you can only trade items from people within your game that I am aware of. The trade window is pretty much like WoW's trade window.
Also, panzer, your stash is shared between all your characters. So you can just put your stuff in your stash to transfer between your characters.

It makes extremely happy that I got into the beta at the very end, I want that unique sigil!
The having to be always online thing often goes hand in hand with lack of LAN support.

I play LAN games often because:
I have 4 kickass computers setup in a comfy configuration.
I have friends who like to play games face to face.
My internet is ok when one person is using it but awful when 4 people are using it and we often get kicked from servers due to shitty routing and network protocols that are beyond my control.
We don't have to worry about any possibility of anyone, other friends/strangers joining our games.
I download things 24/7 which causes lag.

And the thing is yea, I COULD get faster internet and i COULD do this and that, but a simple solution already exists called fucking add LAN support.

In addition to my "real" job I house/dog sit, and my clients are often older people who do not have internet. Not always, but its pretty common.

I shouldn't lag in a single player game.

Blizzard's reason is tremendous bullshit and insults the intelligence of anyone who has played a PC game. (its too confusing for people to play a separate character for single player and multiplayer HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrr except in diablo 2 you had open battle.net so you negate your own argument .)

Actually Diablo 3 looks like it will probably be a fun game if I could dissociate it from all the non-game bullshit. The problem is it represents so many things wrong with the industry that I just can't support it. fuck Activision for tying all this shit into the Diablo series.
lol ill still be throwing "LAN" parties in spirit anyways. blizzard has been a bully but their games do the most of the talking for me.

disliked SC2 a lot, though, so i'm trying to keep my hype domesticated.
Ah, yes, LAN. Completely forgot about that. That's one thing I wish stayed in and didn't require some kind of online presence. Playing in absolutely lag free games with friends in the same room is priceless and nice to have. One of the few things I really disliked about Blizzards changes in the last five years.
[quote name='crystalklear64']The having to be always online thing often goes hand in hand with lack of LAN support.

I play LAN games often because:
I have 4 kickass computers setup in a comfy configuration.
I have friends who like to play games face to face.
My internet is ok when one person is using it but awful when 4 people are using it and we often get kicked from servers due to shitty routing and network protocols that are beyond my control.
We don't have to worry about any possibility of anyone, other friends/strangers joining our games.
I download things 24/7 which causes lag.

And the thing is yea, I COULD get faster internet and i COULD do this and that, but a simple solution already exists called fucking add LAN support.

In addition to my "real" job I house/dog sit, and my clients are often older people who do not have internet. Not always, but its pretty common.

I shouldn't lag in a single player game.

Blizzard's reason is tremendous bullshit and insults the intelligence of anyone who has played a PC game. (its too confusing for people to play a separate character for single player and multiplayer HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrr except in diablo 2 you had open battle.net so you negate your own argument .)

Actually Diablo 3 looks like it will probably be a fun game if I could dissociate it from all the non-game bullshit. The problem is it represents so many things wrong with the industry that I just can't support it. fuck Activision for tying all this shit into the Diablo series.[/QUOTE]

I guess the simple solution for you is to buy Torchlight 2 and skip D3.
Personally, I have no problem with the required internet connection. I played alot of D1 and D2 and saw how easily those games were violated by dupers and hackers because not all of the the character and game information was stored server side (more so in D1 than D2). I commend Blizzard for taking these measures to prevent D3 from the same fate. However, it is odd that they couldn't put in an offline single player / LAN campaign and just not allow those characters carry over to battle.net.
wasn't a fan of the first torchlight and the second one looks very similar. i think it looks a lot like diablo 3 actually.

i don't really have an alternate game to champion in the same genre. been playing path of exile which does a lot of things right but once again its always online. i did kickstart grim dawn and they made their goal so theres hope for that whenever it comes out.

i'm secretly hoping that blizz ends up adding some sort of singleplayer since it is in sc2. pretty much given up on LAN but theres always a chance some scene group will hack together something.
[quote name='aheineken']Personally, I have no problem with the required internet connection. I played alot of D1 and D2 and saw how easily those games were violated by dupers and hackers because not all of the the character and game information was stored server side (more so in D1 than D2). I commend Blizzard for taking these measures to prevent D3 from the same fate. However, it is odd that they couldn't put in an offline single player / LAN campaign and just not allow those characters carry over to battle.net.[/QUOTE]
they literally said that their audience was too stupid understand that one character was for offline and one was for online.

i'm sure thats not the "real" reason but its the one they've thrown out.
a lot more casuals in the market these days, i wouldn't be surprised. not that they're stupid, but you'd be impressed on how inept people are with handling software in this day ad age.
Another obligatory "I'm on a boat" parody:

All in-game footage is from the beta, however there is one small part of a CG clip in there that is from the Blizzard released intro (I think; However no audio from it and it's just a small CG clip). Otherwise you're safe to watch.

EDIT: Heh, no matter how I post this youtube video, it breaks this page. Oh well.

Another obligatory "I'm on a boat" parody:


All in-game footage is from the beta, however there is one small part of a CG clip in there that is from the Blizzard released intro (I think; However no audio from it and it's just a small CG clip). Otherwise you're safe to watch.

EDIT: Heh, do not post https youtube videos. It breaks shit apparently. Forced me to delete my reply and re-post without https to fix.
[quote name='Draekon']http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/4888689240#1

A "Feat of Strength" achievement for those of us who were selected for closed beta and a unique sigil comes with the achievement. It will not appear on anybody elses achievement list like WoW's Feat of Strength achievements. So anybody who participated in open beta do not get this achievement or sigil.[/QUOTE]
Yes, because being randomly selected or buying your way in is a feat of strength. What kind of stupid shit is that?
[quote name='Jodou']Yes, because being randomly selected or buying your way in is a feat of strength. What kind of stupid shit is that?[/QUOTE]

Their Feat of Strength achievements in WoW have always been things you need to get lucky with, physically go to some place (Blizzcon) or purchase something (CE). It's not like it's exactly new and it won't stop anybody from achieving 100% on achievements as it wouldn't show up on someones achievement list at all unless they have it and doesn't count towards total completion for those who feel the need to get them all. I don't know if SC2 has "Feat of Strength" achievements though. I would assume so, but I never really paid it much attention.

The only thing that kind of bothers me about it is that it unlocks a sigil since their choices for beta were based mostly on hardware which is more or less luck. Even if I didn't get it, I really wouldn't care all that much as it's not really a big deal.
[quote name='Jodou']Yes, because being randomly selected or buying your way in is a feat of strength. What kind of stupid shit is that?[/QUOTE]

I would argue that nothing you do in Diablo 3 is a feat a strength since you're just clicking a mouse and pushing buttons.
[quote name='tcrash247']Starcraft does have Feats of Strength but they're just for finishing a season in a certain league, such as "Top 8 1v1 Gold" and the like.[/QUOTE]

Looked up some info and they have the "Buy the SC2 CE", "Buy WoW: Cataclysm CE", "Buy Blizzcon 20XX tickets" and such. Not as many as WoW, but they have those insignificant ones there too. Which come with useless visual things.
[quote name='Draekon']Their Feat of Strength achievements in WoW have always been things you need to get lucky with, physically go to some place (Blizzcon) or purchase something (CE). [/QUOTE]

In WoW, Feats of Strength also include achievements that are no longer possible to perform, such as completing certain older raids, or things like getting legendaries, like Sulfuras

That being said, the beta feat of strength, and the other ones for that matter, don't actually confer any in-game advantage. Feats have no "achievement points", so it's not like you can get every achievement in the game and some asshole is still higher than you because they got lucky and got into beta.


I have a general Diablo 3 question. I was wondering what languages other then english the game will have. From the Blizzard website I see:

Which languages will be available for Diablo III?
In addition to the English version, Diablo III will be fully localized into Latin American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, European Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Korean, and Traditional Chinese.

^ Does that mean the U.S. retail version will have those languages includes as options? Or does that mean they will be making a retail version for all those other languages?
[quote name='GBAstar']Guys,

I have a general Diablo 3 question. I was wondering what languages other then english the game will have. From the Blizzard website I see:

Which languages will be available for Diablo III?
In addition to the English version, Diablo III will be fully localized into Latin American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, European Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Korean, and Traditional Chinese.

^ Does that mean the U.S. retail version will have those languages includes as options? Or does that mean they will be making a retail version for all those other languages?[/QUOTE]

If you buy a full language version of Diablo 3 (Pretty sure the US version falls under that distinction), you can play in any of those languages. You just need to download the correct client for that language from Battle.net. Some editions are language limited, which seem to be centrally located in piracy rich areas of the world such as China and Russia, and the Korean version is limited because it doesn't have the RMT Auction house.

If you wanna be absolutely sure, you should prolly contact Blizzard customer service.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']If you buy a full language version of Diablo 3 (Pretty sure the US version falls under that distinction), you can play in any of those languages. You just need to download the correct client for that language from Battle.net. Some editions are language limited, which seem to be centrally located in piracy rich areas of the world such as China and Russia, and the Korean version is limited because it doesn't have the RMT Auction house.

If you wanna be absolutely sure, you should prolly contact Blizzard customer service.[/QUOTE]

Okay thank you!
bread's done