Diablo III / Diablo II Battle.net Thread

[quote name='xycury']do you know what my biggest fear is.....

the game will come in a fucking dvd case and the manual will be a PDF file.

I miss old box PC games.[/QUOTE]

As long the disc isn't in a white envelope like Starcraft II was I can live with it. Is a blank jewel case too much to ask for?
Yeah, Blizzard used to have some of the best manuals in the business, now they are 5 pages long tiny POS shoved into the DVD case, and that's if you get the CE. I had no idea the regular version of SC2 didn't even have the DVD case.

EDIT: WTF, Americas includes Australia? I don't want their laggy asses in my games!
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Yeah, Blizzard used to have some of the best manuals in the business, now they are 5 pages long tiny POS shoved into the DVD case, and that's if you get the CE. I had no idea the regular version of SC2 didn't even have the DVD case.

EDIT: WTF, Americas includes Australia? I don't want their laggy asses in my games![/QUOTE]

Get friends, dont play with pubbers. Problem solved.
[quote name='SEH']Strategy guides are pointless in 2012.[/QUOTE]

Not when it comes to pokemon:D Maybe I'll skip out on a Diablo guide
Auction House details (gold and RM) http://us.battle.net/d3/en/services/auction-house/how-to

Auction House Fees
Before you post your auction, you’ll see any fees that apply to your listing displayed in the center section of the Sell tab. These fees will only be charged if your auction successfully sells, and will automatically be deducted from the item’s final selling price.

FOR EQUIPMENT (weapons, armor, accessories, and other unique items)

-Transaction Fee (Gold Auction House): 15% of final sale price

-Transaction Fee (Real-Money Auction House): $1.00 USD per item / $1.00 AUD per item
-Transfer Fee (when sending proceeds to PayPal or other authorized payment-service provider): 15% of amount being transferred

FOR COMMODITIES (gems, materials, dyes, pages, recipes, and other non-unique items)

-Transaction Fee (Gold Auction House): 15% of final sale price

-Transaction Fee (Real-Money Auction House): 15% of final sale price
-Transfer Fee (when sending proceeds to PayPal or other authorized payment-service provider): 15% of amount being transferred

To me this sets up the RMAH to be a premium market. Minimum bid is $1.25, so you won't see people spamming it with nickel/dime junk as much. The less you sell a piece of equipment for the less money you will make off of it due to the flat $1.00 fee. 30% (edit: actually it's 27.75% after some maths) on commodities kinda hurts though. No transfer fee if you add the cash to your Blizzard Bucks balance, but then there's no way to cash that out if you do that.
[quote name='crystalklear64']But how will I PK th-[/QUOTE]

I know, the carebear crap they're forcing on everybody is one of the things I'm most disappointed with in D3.
Ok, dumb question. I'm firing up Diablo 2 on my newish rig with Windows 7 64 bit. I have the wierd color distortion. How do I fix this?

Edit: Never mind. Figured it out
[quote name='TLPRIME']To me this sets up the RMAH to be a premium market. Minimum bid is $1.25, so you won't see people spamming it with nickel/dime junk as much. The less you sell a piece of equipment for the less money you will make off of it due to the flat $1.00 fee. 30% (edit: actually it's 27.75% after some maths) on commodities kinda hurts though. No transfer fee if you add the cash to your Blizzard Bucks balance, but then there's no way to cash that out if you do that.[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately there will be idiots out there who won't realize they're being retarded when selling equipment. So don't be surprised when you see idiots selling shit for $1 or less, helping drive the price down because they don't understand simple economics, read or have common sense. It may not be bad either, who knows.

EDIT: Wrote commodities when I meant equipment.
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[quote name='Draekon']Unfortunately there will be idiots out there who won't realize they're being retarded when selling equipment. So don't be surprised when you see idiots selling shit for $1 or less, helping drive the price down because they don't understand simple economics, read or have common sense. It may not be bad either, who knows.

EDIT: Wrote commodities when I meant equipment.[/QUOTE]

I don't think they can list stuff for less than $1.25, the system won't let them since the minimum bid is $1.25.

I am intrigued by the RMAH. Interested to see how it plays out.
[quote name='TLPRIME']I don't think they can list stuff for less than $1.25, the system won't let them since the minimum bid is $1.25. [/QUOTE]

Didn't quite catch that even though I should have. Regardless, idiocy will likely take precedence and drive many prices down to the lowest possible after a certain amount of time. Best chance to make money will be in the games infancy.
[quote name='Draekon']Didn't quite catch that even though I should have. Regardless, idiocy will likely take precedence and drive many prices down to the lowest possible after a certain amount of time. Best chance to make money will be in the games infancy.[/QUOTE]

Oh there will be idiocy, it is the internets afterall. The thing about equipment auctions is the lower you sell the item for the less your profit margin will be. So undercutting really only accomplishes shooting yourself in the foot. Of course some people won't care and will be fine with their 21 cent profit lol.

*edit* here's a good chart someone made on the Diablo forums showing profit scale for equipment and commodities. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/4768349588?page=1
I'm actually pumped for the auction house. I'm probably only going to run 1 character ... so if it's not good for my class I'll be selling. All gear that won't make money I'll sell for gold then sell the gold for money heh.

Sad the beta is done, now I have to kill 2 weeks with WoW.

Also from my understanding the servers open up 12:01 PST on the 15th. So yes, east and central coasters sounds like you'll have time to install the game from the DVD and still have time to take a nap :D
[quote name='Draekon']Didn't quite catch that even though I should have. Regardless, idiocy will likely take precedence and drive many prices down to the lowest possible after a certain amount of time. Best chance to make money will be in the games infancy.[/QUOTE]
I dunno, I'd expect idiots to overcharge, not undercharge. "Whoa, people will pay money for my stuff? I'll throw up my Wood Sword starting at $20"
[quote name='pete5883']I dunno, I'd expect idiots to overcharge, not undercharge. "Whoa, people will pay money for my stuff? I'll throw up my Wood Sword starting at $20"[/QUOTE]

Yeah there will be a lot of unknowns and experimentation will be present at first. The only thing we know for certain is that prices will be high initially and will for the most part decrease over time.
New interview with Jay Wilson




I'm so fucking geeked for Inferno.
Eh, hardly. For a game like Diablo, boosting enemy stats can change things a lot. Kind of like in Mass Effect 2+3. Certain enemies suddenly have a very different presence on the battlefield.
Uhhh...if you've read anything, or even watched that video, you'd know that the enemies you face gain new abilities for every difficulty you play. It's not just number tweaking. Inferno enemies are faster (YAY no kiting), have various new abilities (such as being able to wall you off should you try to run), and they also have enrage timers, where if you dont defeat them after a certain amount of time, they get even harder.
what i read was:
Normal Attacks- Cleave, Whirlwind, Teleport Attack, Summon Skeletons
Nightmare Attacks- Cleave, Whirlwind, Teleport Attack, Summon Skeletons
Hell Attacks- Cleave, Whirlwind, Teleport Attack, Summon Skeletons
Inferno Attacks- Cleave, Whirlwind, Teleport Attack, Summon Skeletons


i see no gained abilities.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Eh, hardly. For a game like Diablo, boosting enemy stats can change things a lot. Kind of like in Mass Effect 2+3. Certain enemies suddenly have a very different presence on the battlefield.[/QUOTE]
In Diablo all it meant was you had to run back/teleport away while firing for longer. In Diablo 2 all it meant was that you had to cast static field 2 more times. So, no, for a game like Diablo it doesn't change much apart from wasting time that could be spent fighting enemies with more interesting strategies/attack patterns like Gloams that were always a great game of cat and mouse with their mana sapping lightning attacks. They didn't have a ton of life as a single fireball could often kill them but that didn't make them easy to kill. Their invisibility/teleport and long range and pack arrangement meant quite the opposite.
[quote name='crystalklear64']what i read was:
Normal Attacks- Cleave, Whirlwind, Teleport Attack, Summon Skeletons
Nightmare Attacks- Cleave, Whirlwind, Teleport Attack, Summon Skeletons
Hell Attacks- Cleave, Whirlwind, Teleport Attack, Summon Skeletons
Inferno Attacks- Cleave, Whirlwind, Teleport Attack, Summon Skeletons


i see no gained abilities.[/QUOTE]

That's for the Skeleton King, someone that's not even really a boss, but rather a tutorial boss. They've said numerous time, including in that video and the developer diaries that are on the D3 site, monsters gain abilities based on the difficulty being played.

Did the bosses in any diablo ever gain new powers? And crystal you just explained any of the diablos as you stated. Which were huge with the way the monsters behaved. So why the hate about that unless you didn't like those ones either
[quote name='strikeratt']Did the bosses in any diablo ever gain new powers? And crystal you just explained any of the diablos as you stated. Which were huge with the way the monsters behaved. So why the hate about that unless you didn't like those ones either[/QUOTE]
I can't recall anything specific but I feel that some monsters did. I know it influenced their behavior though like surrounding Diablo would trigger his flamewave and bone prison more often. Nothing new with difficulties though.

I wasn't saying anything other than that increasing difficulty by numbers is a bad thing when there are ways to make things harder in more creative and entertaining ways.

Specific to Diablo 3, its a new game. They SHOULD be able to add new behaviors and such. Diablo 1 and 2 aren't going to get updates. The did the number bullshit too but it was also 12+ years ago. If D3 has it, then good. It should. The chart seems to indicate the exact opposite though.
Like I said, watch the damn videos dude. It's not an "if" situation, they DO have new abilities. The lead on the game has stated it in multiple videos, two of which I linked.
k watched one about waller and pvp. waller sounds interesting but they also make it sound like theres no way to get around the wall when i thought teleport was still in the game? higher end skill so i didn't get to use it in beta but wtf?

"People love PvP so we want to support them."
Lets put in shitty arena-based combat! That will show people that we support them!

I can't take the good with the bad.
I can understand the frustration, some changes like the pvp is a bit lame though I do understand not being able to pk ppl.

I for one am pissed there's no ladder
[quote name='strikeratt']I can understand the frustration, some changes like the pvp is a bit lame though I do understand not being able to pk ppl.

I for one am pissed there's no ladder[/QUOTE]
whaaaaaaat? no ladder? first i heard of that. god damn.

problem with no open pk means no ironman tourneys which is a big thing for me.
Yep from what I keep hearing is no ladder, it was only in D2 to get rid of duped items. Or should I say make them worthless.

Never thought about the ironmans ... That does blow
After playing the beta I am a little skeptical about some of the changes. I hope this isn't a watered down Diablo experience. But I put 1000s of hours into D1 and D2, and have been waiting for this game for the better part of the decade. Even my skepticism isn't going to prevent me from preordering. May 15th cant get here soon enough.
[quote name='Zarkon']Does anyone know if Amazon is going to be shipping early at all (like they did with Star Wars)?[/QUOTE]

I'd like to think so, but I doubt it. There isn't an early access period for people to worry about getting cut off from.
It doesn't matter if they ship it early. Servers will not unlock until 3AM EST, so even if you were to get your copy early, you wouldn't be able to do anything with it.
The point is, if I have it on the 14th, I can have it installed on the 15th at Midnight PDT. OTherwise I have to wait on the mail on the 15th :)
[quote name='Zarkon']The point is, if I have it on the 14th, I can have it installed on the 15th at Midnight PDT. OTherwise I have to wait on the mail on the 15th :)[/QUOTE]

True. You can pre-download it now though, regardless of whether you actually ordered through BNet or not. Granted, you wouldn't be able to play until you receive your copy, but at least you'll still be ready to go right when you get your copy on the 15th (assuming Amazon doesn't ship early).


I went ahead and edited the OP with all the pre-download links.
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by the way, according to the walkthrough the dungeon layouts are randomized

so the dungeons you see in some of the gameplay videos that were posted in this thread might look different when you are playing it yourself
[quote name='koalak']by the way, according to the walkthrough the dungeon layouts are randomized

so the dungeons you see in some of the gameplay videos that were posted in this thread might look different when you are playing it yourself[/QUOTE]

That's how Diablo has always been.
Well traded in games at BB and bought a Kindle Card so I could get it off Amazon with some leftover credit and stuff. It's costing me like $10 :D with trade ins.

I am excited for the game.
[quote name='n4styn4t3']Never played D2 but I like Torchlight. Should I buy D3?[/QUOTE]
Well Torchlight is made by ex Diablo devs. Diablo 3 and Torchlight are like Battlefield and CoD games. They are pretty much the same idea, just different in things so I would say you tube videos of the game, look up things and make a decision. I can't just say yes or no but if you like Torchlight, you probably will like D3.
Anyone know of any deals for this game? Im picking up a copy for my friend and would like to get one for myself as well but don't want to drop $120. I did some searching and found it for $30 at ecrater but not sure how legit that site is.
bread's done