Dragon Quest VI - Out Now

Cograts man! It stinks that us Midwestern folk rarely get promos like this.

Thought about getting this but seeing as DQ IX is still sealed and I'm going through DQ V right now (slowly at that), I'll just jump at a $20 offer when it comes.
fuck I just found out about this. Can't believe how I missed it :( I guess at least I got to meet Ryota Niitsuma during the MvC3 launch party.
I love Yuji Horii but that signature really sucks. That guy should have asked Mr Horii to sign it in Japanese. Hmm... do Japanese even have signatures?
[quote name='laaj']I love Yuji Horii but that signature really sucks. That guy should have asked Mr Horii to sign it in Japanese. Hmm... do Japanese even have signatures?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='metaly']Got back from the DQ6 launch/Yuji Horii signing in Palo Alto. He was supposed to be meeting the first 50 people and I was number 54 or so (I was there 1 1/2 hours early!), but he stayed on for a while. He was really friendly and gracious and spent a lot of time chatting (via his interpreter) with people in line. So awesome.

One of the guys near the front had been there since 2 AM (The event started at 1PM.) and had driven up from L.A. Holy crap.


More photos:

This guy (center) was passing around this big slime for people to sign and eventually gave it to Yuji Horii as a memento from the fans. It makes me grin to think that my signature and slime drawing will end up somewhere in Yuji Horii's office. (Or, more realstically, his storage unit. But whatever. :D)


A King Slime greeted everyone as they finally entered the store.


The line outside after I left, so imagine it with 60+ people. No idea if everyone got to meet Mr. Horii.


Goodies, plus got my DW1 signed! When I took it out of my bag, he was like "whooaa." :lol:

Thanks to Gamestop and the Palo Alto staff for putting this on, all the guys I commiserated with in line, and of course, Yuji Horii!

Now if you'll excuse me, I still have to go play DQ4 and 5 DS. :cold:[/QUOTE]

you need to edit that 3rd picture... little children dont need to know where baby slimes come from (that king slime and that little orange one :)
If I'd known about this sooner I would have booked a plane flight for this shit. I mean look at this, they stole our wedding cake design for that T-shirt:
That's an awesome wedding cake DoK.

Gamestopo, of course!

I even pre-ordered before the slime plush. I hope they have it tomorrow and not Tues.!
[quote name='2DMention']That's an awesome wedding cake DoK.

Gamestopo, of course!

I even pre-ordered before the slime plush. I hope they have it tomorrow and not Tues.![/QUOTE]

sad they said they shipped them from the wherehouse to stores on saturday but wont ship Mail orders till tomorrow ...

B&M stores may have them in store after 2pm monday but could be tuesday... was also told the PLUSH SLIMES ARE VERY LIMITED and not everyone who did a preorder will get one... the one store i called said they only got 3 for over 20 preorders


I wonder why i was told on the phone the orders would ship saturday to meet the monday delivery date.. my order never shipped :(
[quote name='slidecage']sad they said they shipped them from the wherehouse to stores on saturday but wont ship Mail orders till tomorrow ...

B&M stores may have them in store after 2pm monday but could be tuesday... was also told the PLUSH SLIMES ARE VERY LIMITED and not everyone who did a preorder will get one... the one store i called said they only got 3 for over 20 preorders


I wonder why i was told on the phone the orders would ship saturday to meet the monday delivery date.. my order never shipped :([/QUOTE]

I called my store and they said they won't have it until Tues.

The kid didn't really seem sure or not though, so I'm gonna call tomorrow anyway. I haven't received my call from GS either, so...

Edit: Called two other ones and one said Mon. or Tues. and the other one said Mon. so who knows?
[quote name='Cheska19']^^ Holy shit, is that really your wedding cake? It's absolutely beautiful.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, yup it is. Surprised the baker got it right. Those are gum paste slimes.
[quote name='ZForce915']So where is everyone purchasing this?[/QUOTE]

Using a GC at Best Buy. I'm playing DQ V right now though so I'm in no hurry to get it.
18th in line at Goozex. Considering I'm playing DQ9 now, I likely won't request DQ6 from Goozex until later this year or next year. I like to take a break between games set in the same sort of universe.
[quote name='slidecage']i thought they would ship it out by now :([/QUOTE]

So did I. I think Amazon has today as their delivery day. Gamestop said they don't think they'll have it until tomorrow.
Yeah so I canceled my Amazon order because I want this now. Called Gamestop and Target, neither of them got it yet. Gamestop said probably later today, Target said tomorrow. WTF Nintendo. Gonna call Best Buy and then I'm done until calling GS back later. (Note: I would just go to the stores myself but I'm sick. :/)

Edit: Best Buy says they won't have it till tomorrow either. WTF Nintendo.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Yeah so I canceled my Amazon order because I want this now. Called Gamestop and Target, neither of them got it yet. Gamestop said probably later today, Target said tomorrow. WTF Nintendo. Gonna call Best Buy and then I'm done until calling GS back later. (Note: I would just go to the stores myself but I'm sick. :/)

Edit: Best Buy says they won't have it till tomorrow either. WTF Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

Lame. Why release it on Valentine's day if it won't be in stores? They should have done a Sun. release.

I'll call at noon and then again at 2 and then give up.
I would try back around 5pm for a final call. That's what happened when I got Ghost Trick at GS: I called at like 3, they didn't check their shipment, called at 5 and they said they got it in.

I'll probably call back at 2 myself.
You guys know there is an MvC3 midnight event tonight, right? Maybe you could get DQVI then if they had them already.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I would try back around 5pm for a final call. That's what happened when I got Ghost Trick at GS: I called at like 3, they didn't check their shipment, called at 5 and they said they got it in.

I'll probably call back at 2 myself.[/QUOTE]

Nahhh.. This place is Johnny on the spot, and that'll be the only game they'll get in today.

They usually get things in at noon. At our work, our fedex truck usually comes between 8:30-10:30am.

You guys know there is an MvC3 midnight event tonight, right? Maybe you could get DQVI then if they had them already.

My area isn't doing a midnight sale for that, and I have to work at 7am the next day.

Grrrr... I have today off and really wanted to play this today.
sigh. why does amazon say it'll ship in 2-4 weeks now? i preordered from there cause i had a gift card. if it really wont be for another 2-4 weeks maybe ill just go out and pick it up tomorrow
I've gotta laugh at all the people that are buying this now to play later thinking it'll be rare, underprinted, and $60-70 later like V was. No way, people. With as much as IX sold and the fact that Nintendo is distributing this one, they'll be copies to be had everywhere.
[quote name='2DMention']I've gotta laugh at all the people that are buying this now to play later [/QUOTE]

I'm buying now to play later, but I get all DQ games on release day. (and I want the slime)
So there was no street date for this game, but the clerk kept telling me they were expecting it in on Friday. Still not there when I called this morning, hoping its there tonight since I finished Ghost Trick and am itching to play this game. I love DQ.
[quote name='KingBroly']You guys know there is an MvC3 midnight event tonight, right?[/QUOTE]

You guys know that the fanbase for MvC and DQ don't exactly overlap, right?

Just called a different GS. They were much more helpful. It wasn't in their shipping log for today but it's not in their preorder system either. Which means tomorrow. Jesus christ Nintendo.
Called and they said today is the ship date. Lame. As. Hell.

I thought Sunday and Monday Nintendo releases were the day they were in the store.

I'll bug 'em again at 2.
[quote name='Supreme0ne']sigh. why does amazon say it'll ship in 2-4 weeks now? i preordered from there cause i had a gift card. if it really wont be for another 2-4 weeks maybe ill just go out and pick it up tomorrow[/QUOTE]

Mine says it'll arrive the 17th. Are you checking your order or are you checking the items page because the items page will change based on their stock, allotment or they're guessing when they'll get the next shipment in. If it's the item page, then they often overestimate so people don't complain about not receiving it within their estimated arrival date.
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[quote name='2DMention']I've gotta laugh at all the people that are buying this now to play later thinking it'll be rare, underprinted, and $60-70 later like V was. No way, people. With as much as IX sold and the fact that Nintendo is distributing this one, they'll be copies to be had everywhere.[/QUOTE]

That's possible, but other than your gut instinct what are you basing that on? V and VI share a similar trait in that the are old famicom ports so it seems reasonable that they wouldn't catch on to anyone but the hardcore fan.
[quote name='ZForce915']That's possible, but other than your gut instinct what are you basing that on? V and VI share a similar trait in that the are old famicom ports so it seems reasonable that they wouldn't catch on to anyone but the hardcore fan.[/QUOTE]

The fact that Nintendo is distributing it means they'll be tons of them. Can you think of a Nintendo game (outside of Mario All Stars or MP Trilogy) that doesn't get a huge print run?
Considering the size of the print run of those "LE games" I don't think this game will even reach that level. Remember Elite Beat Agents? It's now $5 used at Gamestop.

I'm getting anxious at the fact that I have to wait a little longer for a good deal.
#$#$#$#$# gamestop.. i order this SOB 2 months back and now it says


Called them up and the #$#$#$ lady goes

O it looks like your order somehow got skipped... we dont have anymore copies today please allow 3 to 5 weeks

FU gamestop

[quote name='Squarehard']image[/QUOTE]
So you got the preorder bonus but not the game, is that right?

Because if anyplace other than those isolated incidents in Canada and Orlando, FL got this game in already, please let me know. I just called a different Gamestop and they didn't get it in either. Nintendo has forsaken us all.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']So you got the preorder bonus but not the game, is that right?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, pretty much this. Still waiting for tomorrow to grab the game.

[quote name='metaly']What is that Tactics Ogre box? Is that what the tarot cards come in?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the cards come in the box in the picture. Nice box :D
[quote name='jinjo39']Will gamestop let you pick up the slime before you get the game?[/QUOTE]

Some may.

Ok after calling 5 local gamestops, no one got it in today. So tomorrow it is.
bread's done