e-rewards: it is trustworthy/worthwhile!

[quote name='juangrande386']Anyone else not getting any surveys this month from E-rewards or Utalkback??? I checked my surveys from March and earned like $19 for E-rewards and 66 points for Utalkback but havent had 1 survey in April. Another month like March and I can haz 2 $25 Gamestop cards or a Target giftcard since those are the only 2 stores I like from those prizes. Ive tried the changing the amount of email trick and updating both profiles btw.[/QUOTE]

Same here. Really pisses me off since I originally signed up with an invite for some other company and couldn't get gamestop giftcards (only reason I signed up in the first place) and was raking in the cash and surveys left and right. I finally got a gamestop invite and canceled my first account signed up for a new one and surveys have been almost non existent. I haven't gotten anything since around March 24th or so. Super annoying.
I have received a $25 GC from game stop in Feb, i ordered on Jan 26th if i remember, but something happened where it got lost in the mail. they canceled the card and sent a reship. took about a week to cancel and another week to get after they reshipped.

i currently have $49.31 in credit (also lost out on a $7 survey) need .69 cents :D
i like the site. it takes me about 3 months for me to get to the 50 dollar level.

i like the site. and it has paid so far, lets see what happens when i get to the $50 level again.
Just took and completed a $12 and a $4 survey!!! I usually blow those and get 10 cents. Almost at $50. Little disappointed that a $25 Gamestop giftcard is the only prize that Im interested in and it cost $50 in surveys. They need to add like Amazon giftcards or some food places.
Had to bump this to tell my story. One of my survey sites sent me a Samsung cellphone and from May 2nd-15th I just use it to keep track of every single beverage I consume then on the 16th I mail it back (they sent a UPS return label and envelope). I get like a $35 giftcard or check, forgot which since I accidentally deleted the email. Ill carry a 2nd cell around for a couple weeks for some stuff anytime, put them extra pockets I have to good use.

Im also takin w.e. Ive earned so far from my sites on Sunday, lookin like I might get $70 from Amazon and maybe that $25 Gamestop card, need like $1.44 still.
I just signed up for "side deal" through one of e-rewards' partners. I have to complete daily diary surveys about what I eat for breakfast and snacks before lunch.

If I complete at least 10 of the 14 days I'm supposed to get a $25 giftcard. I hope it's something generic like Visa that can be used anywhere.
working on GS gift card #3 right now, about $14 away. I'd already have had it but I got lazy for a few months. a shame too, could have used it during the power saver sale...
Finally got that last $1.44 I needed. Gamestop giftcard on the way and I got the $70 of Amazon credit from my other sites. Got a 36 count box of Cherry Cereza Laffy Taffy with some of it, stuff is delicious.....and it was basically FREE
OMFG. I watched the whole damn episode and THEN it says "LOL WE DONT NEED NO MORE RESPONSES, LATER BRAH!"


fuck MY LIFE!
HA I got that one. Its even nicer since I just spent $50 for the giftcard a few days ago and now im back to $22 thanks to it. I actually didnt think the show was that bad, was yours the Hallelujah show??? Im not really "churchy" but I could watch that show.
When I first started with them years ago, I was able to get the 1 GS card a quarter for each quarter. That lasted about a year and a half.
Then I kept getting all of the surveys saying take our 15 min survey for $2.00. I would then start the survey and about 12 or so mins into it it would tell me I did not qualify and here is your $.05 instead (or some of them did not even have a "do not qualify" amount). They couldn't tell me this before I was on, what absolutly felt like, the last question of the survey?
It felt like they were getting all of my survey information and then not "rewarding" me.
Then I started getting the surveys that while you were taking them you would get an error from the survey and it would kick you out. When you went to start them again, it told you you could only do it once. Got 4 of them in 1 week at one point.
It eventually felt like I was waisting my time when last year after going through that all year, I got 1 GS card for the entire year and only had like 15 cents left over.
Pissed to the point that I don't think I have taken any surveys yet this year at all.

Has any of this changed? I would really like to get back to it, but I would also like to feel like I was wasting my time.
My "trick" that works most of the time is I stopped being honest and answered what I thought they wanted me to say. Doesnt work all the time but ive fully qualified for some big dollar surveys just from BS'n.
If you BS the actual survey, they might reject it and not pay you. Once you're in the survey, they want the truth. But you pretty much have to lie to get accepted to the freakin' things. That's why I love e-Rewards, though, because you get something. I had a buck today just from ones I didn't qualify for. Ones on Opinion Outpost you get halfway through and, surprise, you're not accepted.

I didn't hear from them for a long while, and started getting surveys again recently. The first couple I ignored but they started coming more frequently. I had about $20 in my account and just cleared a $20 survey for watching a TV pilot. I only wish they had Amazon gift cards because I'm cleaning up on Swagbucks and Opinion Outpost.
Yeah I have a love-hate relationship with Opinion Outpost. Despite getting halfway like you said and not qualifying numerous times its still like my favorite. I got $30 for Amazon on the first and have over $20 already. They send me alot of surveys. Inbox Bucks SUCKS, have to get $30 to redeem and they didnt sent crap, cancelled that one.
I've had a really good experience with them. I've gotten about 10 Gamestop giftcards and despite getting booted early in about 75% of the surveys I take I still manage to build up at least $50 per quarter even with some of my bucks expiring at the end of the year.

I'm also in the middle of a sort of "side offer" where I have to fill out daily surveys about my breakfast habits. Once I complete at least 10 out of 14 days I'm supposed to receive an extra $25 GC.
What I hate is when I signed up it wasn't through gamestoip so I can't get any gift cards. I basically used it only for blockbuster and borders. Well I stopped going to BB two years ago and my Borders just shut down last month. Now there are no rewards I'm interested in.

I love these survey sites though because sometimes I get interesting surveys. Ones that show me movie trailers and ones about videogames are fun. I once got to judge a bunch of box arts for some sega jet fighting game. That's my kind of survey.
My $20 for the TV pilot cleared already, unlike Opinion Outpost where it sometimes takes two weeks, but you need $50 to cash out, so they both have their advantages and disadvantages. I told them it needed more of the main character because I thought she was cute.

I had one once that asked if I'd be likely to buy their beer if it came in bottles with built-in openers in the bottom of them.
Hell to the fuck YEAH!
Just qualified for a $25 survey, but I have to sit through a 45 minute tv show to take it. I guess I won't be sleeping tonight. :p
[quote name='Survivalism']I need $3.50. I'm not holding my breath. :([/QUOTE]

Try the email frequency trick that's been mentioned in this thread. It worked for me. Hadn't been getting hardly any surveys, maybe a couple a week. Used the trick and now I get them every day.
[quote name='Chitown021']I just signed up for "side deal" through one of e-rewards' partners. I have to complete daily diary surveys about what I eat for breakfast and snacks before lunch.

If I complete at least 10 of the 14 days I'm supposed to get a $25 giftcard. I hope it's something generic like Visa that can be used anywhere.[/QUOTE]

Hey, did you ever hear back from the company? I was apart of this too, and haven't heard anything from them or Erewards.
[quote name='lydon']Hey, did you ever hear back from the company? I was apart of this too, and haven't heard anything from them or Erewards.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I've been doing the daily surveys for the past couple weeks. I just completed #14 a couple days ago. Now I'm just waiting to see what kind of gc I get.

I've been getting daily e-mails through the erewards site each with a link that takes me directly to that day's survey.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Try the email frequency trick that's been mentioned in this thread. It worked for me. Hadn't been getting hardly any surveys, maybe a couple a week. Used the trick and now I get them every day.[/QUOTE]

Tried it, nothing so far. Stuck at $48.85. Not cool, e-Rewards!

Also waiting up to two weeks for $13 from Opinion Outpost and $10 from Swagbucks. Loooong time between me and Bulletstorm.
Wow, they mail out the gift cards fast. Finally got my first $25 Gamestop gift card. And since I clicked redeem, I've not got a single survey offer at all (in 7 days). My OpinionOutpost has $51 amazon credit redeemed though, too bad I spent it as fast as I got it!
[quote name='Kazaganthi']My OpinionOutpost has $51 amazon credit redeemed though, too bad I spent it as fast as I got it![/QUOTE]

Lifetime? Or did you save up that much and cash out all at once?
I havent even been a member of OO for 2 months and have $61.10 total earned. I redeemed $29 on the first. I might just wait the 4 weeks or so for a check if I keep earning this fast. If it slows down ill stick with Amazon since you can cashout at $5.

Tomorrow I mail back my cellphone ive been recording all my beverages drank on. Hope the $35 giftcard is for somewhere good.
has anyones memebership expired? i thought mine was supposed to expire dec 2010 but i still get emails to fill out survey to get points. kinda wish i didnt redeem mine now >.< i couldve gotten a $50 GC.
I'm at $47 and mine's been dead for days. I cashed out part of my pending credits from Opinion Outpost, though, that I was saving for Bulletstorm and, like a genius, I immediately bought two books with it instead. I'm terrible at money.
[quote name='Survivalism']Lifetime? Or did you save up that much and cash out all at once?[/QUOTE]

Lifetime (if you can call it that, been a member for 50 days). I redeemed a bunch of $5~11 Amazon gift cards as I obtained the points. Tried to save up the credit on Amazon, but I spent it as I obtained it (the $51 total) on FSSS orders. I have another $6 in points pending. It started off slow, but now I get 4~8 surveys a day, and usually qualify for one (8-25 points)
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Shit they're fast. Got my gift card in the mail in less than a week.[/QUOTE]

yeah - it's a great site. I mean you aren't going to get rich or anything but it amounts to at least 2 games for free per year and probably more for CAGs. I'm already up to $37 again and I just got another card not too long ago.
I finally got another survey and finished it so now I'm sitting at $49.85. :bomb:

The good news is I don't have to qualify for the next one I get. Unless it's only worth a dime, which will piss me off but be hilarious.
Just recently ive been getting alot of "New Member Double Points" from MyPoints. Ive been a member since March so im not that new. I like how I get points for taking surveys, using their search toolbar, and clicking links from their site to other sites I was already planning to buy stuff from. Most places give you like 2-5 points for every dollar you spend. I have at the moment 3996 points from pretty much buying stuff I was already planning on ordering and taking some surveys. Even though thats only like a $25 giftcard for spending like $500 its better than nothing.
Just received an e-mail this morning from that partner survey I completed (14 days of logging my breakfast habits). It has a link that takes me to their site where I get to choose what store I want to receive my $25 gc from! Very cool! They have all kinds of major retailers (Amazon, Best Buy, KMart, etc...) and all sorts of other stuff like restaurants and movie theaters.
I like this thread so ill bump it. Todays the first of the month so I decided to take whatever surveys I had then see what I could get. Another $15 Amazon giftcard from MySurvey and I went with the $50 check from Opinon Outpost instead of more Amazon.

Since I started doing these at the end of March ive earned $89 Amazon, $25 Gamestop, $50, and a $35 giftcard to somewhere (still havent heard back from the company that sent the cellphone I recorded all my beverages on and sent back).
bread's done